SCATTER OBJECTS in Blender! Getting Started with GeoScatter (Ep 1)

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what's up guys Justin here with the CG so in this series we're going to learn how to use geoc scatter in order to scatter objects in blender let's go ahead and just jump into it all right so in this series we're going to talk about how to use geoc scatter in order to scatter objects um if you're here you probably already know what it is but geoc scatter is a tool that's specifically designed to help you scatter objects in blender this is going to be an In-Depth series teaching you how to use this if you don't have geoc scatter and you want to get it you can do that that through my link which is the CG scatter note that that is an affiliate link meaning if you do purchase through that link I will receive a commission but let's go ahead and let's jump over into blender and talk about how we can set up and start using this tool so the first thing that you're going to need to do is you're just going to need to install it right so you're going to want to go to edit preferences and you want to go up to install and you want to install the zip file that comes along with this when you download it and so in this case it's going to look something like this whatever version you have you just want to double click on that zip file in order to install it and you can go ahead and click on this button right here in order to enable this and so what this has done is this has enabled Goos scatter on your computer and so what's really going to be important in here is this tool has a plug-in manager that allows you to manage a bunch of different things like the different packs um that this allows you to scatter other things like that we can talk about that a little bit more in a second but for now let's go ahead and exit out of this and let's start by just tapping the in letter key on your keyboard and so when you do that that's going to pop out a window over here and if you have geoc scatter enabled you should be able to click on this right here and so let's start by doing a simple scatter we're going to talk mostly about that in this video and so the way that this works is this allows you to select an object and set it as an emitter and so what an emitter is going to do it's basically going to be the object that you scatter objects on so what I'm going to do so I'm going to click on this ey dropper right here and I'm going to select an object as an emitter in this case we want to select this plane right and so when we do this notice how this pops up a little window over here with options and so this is perfect because this is telling us that we have no presets installed that means is this uses is a scatter pack file um in order to read the different ways that objects can be scattered now when you download this or when you purchase it it's actually going to come with a DOT Scat Pack do scatter pack file that you can install and so in this case I'm going to click on the option for install preset dosca pack and so you want to go find the presets do scap pack that this comes along with again you just download it from the blender Market when you purch purchase this add-on but if I double click on that it's going to tell me installation was successful we're going to click on okay well now what this is going to do is this is going to show me different scattering options for different things in your scene right so if I click in here notice how there's different kinds of scattering functions right there's scattering functions that has things as like clumps there's scattering fun functions that'll put things in here as rows there's a bunch of different things and these just kind of give you a visual of what um what those options are right and there's a couple more down below you can just Mouse over these arrows in order to do this and so let's say that I wanted to scatter something on this surface let's go ahead and let's pick one of these and in this case I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to pick uh maybe just this red one right here and I'm just going to click on this and so this is going to scatter Things based on a pattern and so in this situation let's jump over into shaded mode and I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to set my colors in here as random just so you can see this so what I'm going to do is I'm going to do a shift a I'm just going to add a cube just a simple Cube might make it a little bit smaller like this apply my rotation and scale like this but what I want to do is remember that I have my plane selected in here and I want to scatter an object on the plane well what I can do is I can just select this Cube click on the option for scatter objects well when I do that notice what that does is exactly what you would think that it would do it would come in here and it would scatter a bunch of these objects on the surface one thing to note about this that you might um be noticing right here is these are not actually sitting on top of the surface right so the reason for that is this is scattering these objects based on the object origin right here well the problem is the object origin is in the middle of this object and so in this case I don't like what this did so I'm going to go down here and I'm going to remove this system right so we can get rid of that scatter by going down into the systems list and removing it and what I want to do is I want to within this object I actually want to click into my options and I want to move the object axis down so I'm go into a front view do a gz I'm going to move the object axis down so that it's actually on the bottom of this object rather than um in the middle of it like this then we can toggle that effecton Origins back off well now if we do the same thing right we're going to run this system we've clicked on this object right here now notice how those are being placed with their Origins on the ground right here rather than placing them halfway through this surface and so one of the cool things about this is you can come in here and adjust this scatter so if I scroll down right and I look at this system there's options down below that I can use to adjust this right so if I scroll down you can see for example that this is giving me kind of a random rotation and so if I wanted to change the rotation in here notice I can adjust the seed of that rotation and that is randomizing this system you can also adjust the seed of the scale as well as the factor right so right now right notice how this randomization is uniform and I can go ahead and I can set the probability of that scatter by dragging or the uh of that randomization by clicking and dragging you could also come in here and adjust things like the X Y and Z of this randomization using these functions right here now there there's a ton of options in here for randomizing these objects I don't want to go too far down that rabbit hole right now just know that you can use this in order to scatter different objects and so say that we didn't like this what we could do instead is we're going to go ahead and get rid of this and I'm going to add another object right I'm going to do a shift a I'm going to add a cylinder so and again I want to take this I'm going to move it up and I want to make sure that my origin is on the bottom of the object right so I'm just going to do a g z and we'll just kind of get it close for right now um but then in this case say that we wanted a different scatter pattern in here we could click on this option right here in order to pick one of these other patterns and so in this case let's go with uh maybe these rows right here that'll be interesting and notice how I can actually do a shift click and I can select multiple objects and then click on scatter objects so when I do that notice what that's doing is that's coming in here and that's scattering these objects with multiple different objects in here like this and so it's pretty cool how you can come in here and you can scatter as many objects as you want in this system now obviously My Bonnie model is um not necessarily set up quite right the direction is facing wrong and all of that but and so that is probably the simplest way that you can scatter objects using geoc scatter and blender now that's the preset scatter there's a bunch of other functions in here right so the preset scatter is going to use kind of a pattern in order to place objects in here there's also options in here to do things like a density scatter so all that's going to do is that's going to allow you to set the den dity of objects on the surface and you just click on the option for scatter objects in order to scatter based on a density and you can actually scroll down and you can adjust that density down below so this is all going to be kind of Live And so what I want in this situation and there's a lot of options in here I'm want to click on the option for distribution right here and again notice how I have this system selected notice how I can adjust this right so I can adjust the D density of objects that are created live inside of the scene and so not only can you do a density scatter of a single object say that we wanted some other objects in here we could do another density scatter right here right and so notice what I've done in the situation is I've actually created two different scattering systems so what that means is that means that these are two different systems that are in here that are going to have their own independent settings right so notice how I can come in here and I can adjust density scatter one I can come in here and I can adjust density scatter 2 as well just like this and so one thing that's kind of cool about this is you can within the system click on the option for limit self collision and so what that's going to do is that's going to try to avoid objects colliding with each other where possible and notice how I can set this radial distance in here that's going to set the minimum distance between different objects in here and notice how that is keep keeping these objects from really colliding with each other I mean it's not perfect but it's pretty close um so there's not a whole lot of overlap where if you uncheck the box right notice how um all over the place these objects can kind of collide with each other so that limit self Collision can be very helpful and so we're going to go ahead and we're going to get rid of these now notice how there's an option here for manual scatter this one's actually really cool what it does is it allows you to select objects in here so I have these two object object selected if I click on scatter objects notice how that's going to take me into a spray brush mode which by the way this is probably one of the better implementations of something like this that I've seen where it just automatically brings you in here but this manual scatter is going to allow me to come in here and just manually scatter objects by painting along the surface which is really cool and then when you're done um and you can do there there's instructions over here you can do like a control left Mouse button in order to erase some of these if you decide that you want to do this but um when you're done you can just click on the exit button right here and again notice how you've got this manual scatter system that's in here and you can adjust things about that and so that manual scatter system is actually really cool there's also an op and notice how you can also toggle these off right so if you don't want to show them in your render or your display you can just toggle them off rather than deleting them um but then there's also options in here for quick scatter right so if I click on quick scatter that's just going to pop up some little Windows right here and you can select any of these in order to quickly do a scatter on your surface so I'm just going to this right here and notice how this is actually going to let me draw on the surface like this so again really easy to use actually a really cool function that's in here and um I'm not sure on that one we can get into this more in a future video um but for right now I think that we're just done with this one we're going to click on enter or we're going to hit enter to confirm um but you can come in here and you can adjust things like the density and the self- Collision in here as well so and again on that self Collision you'd want the radial distance to get a little bit bigger but the um quick scatter is a super cool function all right and then finally we've got the biome scatter function which um we'll talk more about in a future video cuz this one uh getting it all set up can be a little bit comp complex not too bad but um basically the way that this one works is you can click on your open biomes function right here and notice how I have multiple different biomes that are in here right I've got assets for junk and trash for clouds for vegetation you can basically bring in biomes from other asset creators and use them in blender but the way that this works is these are preet up collections of different vegetation and other things like that so say for example that I wanted to add um we'll go with these bushes right here I'm going to click on bushes right here to bring these in but notice what this is going to do is this is going to populate all of these objects in the scene now obviously this is very heavy and geoc Scatter does some things to protect your performance which we can talk about in the future as well but basically the way this works is notice how this brought all these objects in here um and it scattered them based on um kind of an automatic scattering function that's in here so I'm going to let the shaders compile which will take just a second um but this basically allows you to create a very detailed scatter on your surfaces in here without you having to come in here and like come up with it all yourself right so notice how this one for example has different layers of things like dead grass and Dead Leaves which you can toggle on and off but it uses all of these in order to create a really realistic scatter with assets that you already own so in this series I want to get really in depth on the things you can do with scatter because it's just such a huge add-on but leave a comment below let me know if you have any questions about this um as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this and I'll catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The CG Essentials
Views: 14,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.82, blender 2.8, blender modifier tutorials, blender tool tutorial, the blender essentials, the cg essentials,, justin geis, justin geis blender, blender 2.9, blender 2.91, blender scatter, blender geoscatter, blender scatter objects, blender geoscatter biomes
Id: QmtIzrGOsh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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