Best Fantasy Series For Beginners // Fantasy Starter Pack

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hey guys my name is Iasmina and welcome back to my channel in today's video I want to recommend to you guys some awesome fantasy series that are great for beginners to fantasy people who want to get into the genre but are intimidated by really thick epic fantasy books which I totally understand I've been there but at this point I'm well past that I love that's one of my favorite things is the big fat fantasy books but as a beginner I understand that I can be intimidating and so I want to recommend to you guys some of my favorite fantasy series that I think would make a great pic just sort of as an entry point to fantasy with that being said here are my top picks for beginner-friendly fantasy series my first recommendation is The Magicians series by Lev Grossman there are three books in the series so it's also a very quick series to get through and the first one is The Magicians The Magician King and the final one is called The Magician's Land now as you can see these are also pretty short book so I think they are great for beginner fantasy because they're very easy to get through and quite a quick read in fantasy I'll just say so this is an adult fantasy series that has the premise of sort of Harry Potter for grown-ups or what if Harry Potter went to magic University sort of thing so the main character enrolls in what he thinks is a normal University but then it's actually a university for magic and he goes through a lot of magic training and discovering his magical abilities and a lot of shenanigans along the way it's very in-depth very dark and gritty so definitely not like Harry Potter at least not like the beginnings of the Harry Potter series but I think it's awesome and I think it's a great introduction to the fantasy series especially if you liked Harry Potter but you want to read something more grown-up then I think this is a great pick the next series I'm gonna recommend is the Witchlands trilogy by Susan Dennard I think it's a trilogy I might be wrong but the first book is called Truthwitch the second is Windwitch and there's also the third book out that is called Bloodwitch this is a YA fantasy series very well done it has a lot of the epic fantasy tropes just more condensed in shorter books and the magic system in this world is also really cool there are all these different types of witches so a truth which is someone who can see truth from lies and the first book follows two best friends one of them is a truth which and one of them is a thread which thread witches can see the different threads that connects people that connect people together and she can kind of read their emotions and their minds and there's also blood witches who can control people from their blood and and there's different other kinds as well as the magic system is really cool and really well done in my opinion and this series and it was very enjoyable to read very easy to get through but again still has sort of that meat of epic fantasy just in a easier to read format I think next is a series by one of my favorite fantasy authors if not my favorite fantasy author who is Brandon Sanderson and he has so many series but a lot of them are big fantasy books but there are actually two series that I'm gonna recommend from him in this video and the first one might look a bit intimidating if you don't like big fat fantasy books but this is one of these series that I think is a great opener to epic fantasy it is an epic fantasy series but I think it's more easy to get through and it's a bit less complex than a lot of other epic fantasy series the world I feel is a bit more condensed there's less characters to follow as more character focused like single character focused as well so I think this is a great introduction to epic fantasy and especially also if you want to read Brandon Sanderson but you're not sure where to start this is one I always recommend and that is of course the Mistborn series and this is epic fantasy but it's a more digestible epic fantasy in my opinion and a more beginner-friendly series the first book is called the final Empire then we have the well of Ascension and finally the hero of Ages so Brandon Sanderson is known for his incredible magic systems and I agree all of his series are very clever in their magic system and this one is one of his best in my opinion so the magic system in this series focuses around metals so people can ingest different metals and different kind of metals create different abilities there are people who can only control one type of metal and then there are Mistborn who can control all the what was it 11 12 types of metal and if I'm remembering right I've been a while since I read the series so correct me if I'm wrong but Mistborn are able to control all the different kinds of metals and also another cool premise of the series is that the series takes place after the bad guys have won and have put the world into torment so you know usually when we follow a hero's journey it's usually the hero trying to overtake the villain who is trying to destroy the world well this series takes place sort of after that happened but the evil one the villain won and in this world ash falls from the sky that's a part of the world as well and it's just it's it's so vast but it's again it's more condensed than a lot of epic fantasy and I think this is a great place to start with epic fantasy if you want to get kind of that meaty taste of the epic but still in a much more readable format and I love it it's one of my favorite series Brandon Sanderson is amazing so yeah I'll show you another series of his soon next up we have the Riyria Revelations by Michael J Sullivan and the first book is called theft of swords and I also have a second book here called rise empire this is an awesome series that I think is perfect for beginners because it's very easy to get through it's very fun very action-packed think of I like to compare it to playing a video game like a RPG because it's kind of got that feel and the two main characters are super snarky and fun to follow and their banter is a lot of fun and they take down creatures and it's kind of like similar to The Witcher in that sense because they go on missions to take down different creatures and different things that happen I just think the series is so much fun and so enjoyable to read so I think this is a great starting point of fantasy and I'm sure you'll love Royce and Hadrian just as much as everyone else does the next series I'm gonna command is called The Great Coats by Sebastian de Castel and the first book is called Traitor's Blade the series also a lot of fun and very easy to get through and its more sort of grim dark fantasy in my opinion there's a lot of sword fights and less magic the magic it's very low in this so the great coats used to be this band of sword fighters that would do great things but now that the king is dead they kind of disbanded and they're forced to sort of pick up you know small jobs here and there to live by pretty much this sort of has that three musketeers sort of vibe but in a more grim dark fantasy way and I think it's great totally recommend this next up we have one of my favorite fantasy series of all time now these are books that I've read last year and this year and third one is about to come out at the end of this month and I'm very very excited and this is shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa so like I said there's only the first two out right now shadow of the Fox and solo the sword pretty short series it's a trilogy and this is a YA fantasy series based off of Japanese mythology and folklore and it's oh my gosh this is amazing this is so much fun I keep saying that it's like reading an anime and like not a manga but like like reading it's hard to explain it if you like anime you'll love this if you like fun Asian inspired fantasy you'll love this it's so much fun so this series follows two main characters a kitsune who can shape-shift into a fox and then a samurai as they try to hide or retrieve one of them tries to hide it one of them tries to retrieve a part of a great scroll that would unleash all of this evil onto the world pretty much and so you kind of follow them as they go to this journey together and hiding things from each other and it's great I love it totally recommend this so I said I was gonna recommend another series by Brandon Sanderson in this video and that is the reckoners the first book is steel heart then we have fire fight and last the third book is called calamity now this is a kind of blend of fantasy and sci-fi it's it's kind of like a fantasy superhero story so so the series takes place in sort of the modern world where these epics exist and these epics are sort of superheroes that have pretty much destroyed the world so I think the first book takes place in Chicago but a sort of apocalyptic Chicago where everything is destroyed on this epic called Steelheart has destroyed the city and straight to kill everyone and in the first book the main character sees steel heart bleed no one knows how to get rid of these epics and obviously they're destroying the world so the main character sees a weakness for the first time in one of these epics and then he joins a band of these people who try who are trying to stop these epics it's a lot of fun very easy to get through very short books and I would HIGHLY highly recommend the series next up we have the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher so the first book is called storm front and I also have the second book here called full moon but this is a very long urban fantasy series or it kind of combines a lot of tropes of paranormal fantasy as well as obviously urban fantasy and sort of detective story so the main character in this series called Harry Dresden he is a wizard detective and so people come to him when crimes happen that no one can really explain or the you know the sort of cases the normal law enforcers cannot wrap their heads around they come to Harry Dresden to try and solve them so he's kind of like the wizard Sherlock Holmes pretty much but again it's a lot of fun the character is one of these characters is kind of hit or miss with some people and I'm still kind of on the fence about whether I like this character or not because he does some things that I don't agree with but then the series as a whole I think is really fun and again very easy to get through very short books and I think this is a great introduction to fantasy and urban fantasy my next recommendation is actually a duology so this is a very short series in that sense and that is six of crows by Leigh bardugo it's the first book is six of crows and then the finale is called crooked Kingdom so this series follows a group of outcasts that get together to try to do this said to be impossible heist on the ice court where they have to get in retrieve a hostage and then survive long enough to collect their reward so this follows multiple perspectives of the people in this group and they're all very different and they all have different interactions between each other and different kinds of relationships and it's really a lot of fun it's very easy to get through there is a ton of dialog in this it's like mostly character interactions and also I think the world-building in this and the fantasy world is kind of more of a backdrop I would say it focuses a lot more on the characters and their mission which is this heist but it's it's really good it's YA fantasy I would so much recommend this I've talked about this a lot and I think well a lot of people recommend this and I think it's for a very good reason it's very well written and you kind of really get to fall in love with these characters and you just want to read about them more in their banters and their arguments and things so this is a lot of fun alright and finally the last series I'm gonna recommend in this video is the summoner series by Taran Matharu oh and the first book is called the novice I've only read this first one but I'm so excited to read the rest because I really really love this first book I think the series especially this first book is also very reminiscent of the Harry Potter series in the way it's set up and the main character and this is called Fletcher he is an orphaned boy who finds himself with a magical book a book of summoners that he uses to summon a demon so in this world the magic focuses around these demons that these summoners can retrieve from an ether world so an Otherworld and then use them pretty much as weapons but also as companions kind of self it's kind of like a weird Pokemon sort of situation thing but the magic comes from these demons that are bound to these summoners and in this first book Fletcher goes to a school to learn all about demonology and how to harness his abilities and I love this it was a lot of fun the magical school setting was so well done and again it's very reminiscent to the Harry Potter series so if you like that I think you're also going to love this alright so there you have it that was my fantasy starter pack the series that I've read I think make great beginner-friendly fantasy series if you're new to the genre and you just want to get your hands dirty into it but you're really scared of the big big series and the big book I hope you're gonna pick up some of these and I really hope you enjoy them and of course as I said these are all books that I've personally read that I think would make great beginner fantasy series but if any of you watching have more recommendations that I haven't mentioned in this video please leave them down below in the comment section I would love to find some and I'm sure anyone watching this video would love to find more suggestions as well and as always I leave links to all of the books I mentioned down in description so if you're interested in any of them and want to pick them up for yourself you can find links to them there otherwise I will link at the end of this video in different playlists and videos that I've made on similar topics so my favorite fantasy series and things like that if you're interested in hearing more about this topic and otherwise please like and subscribe if you enjoyed this video and I'll see you next time with the new video bye
Channel: Iasmina Edina
Views: 12,808
Rating: 4.964654 out of 5
Keywords: fantasy series for beginners, fantasy books for beginners, short fantasy series, fantasy starter pack, best fantasy series for beginners, fantasy series for newbies, best fantasy books for beginners, fantasy series to start with, fantasy for beginners, epic fantasy for beginners, iasmina edina, best fantasy series books, book recommendations, daniel greene, best fantasy books, best fantasy series, fantasy book recommendations, top fantasy books, Fantasy recommendations
Id: fAipvOeU6cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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