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hi guys so today's video is going to be a list of 15 different books for if you are just getting into the fantasy genre even if you are a veteran of the fantasy genre I still think a lot of these books are really enjoyable so they're good either way but before we get started if you are somebody who is very familiar with the genre leave your recommendations down below so that people can use that as a reference as well and then at the end of the video I'll have a little pull and if you ended up recommending something that I also recommended let me know that I'm going to be going in order from Milla grade all the way to adult so if you are interested in a specific age range I will have time stamped in the description bar down below but kicking off the list would be the lioness quartet sometimes known as the song of the lioness by Tamora Pierce this series has what I call the Mulan trope which is a girl that goes in disguised as a boy because she wants to learn a specific thing that normally is only attributed to voice the way our main character Alanna pulls this off is she has a twin brother and he happens to be interested in pursuing the thing that normally is attributed to girls so they kind of pull a Parent Trap and switch places it also has a bit of a school setting which I know is a really big plus for a lot of people and it's a bit of a coming-of-age tale you get to see our main character Alana as she's growing up as she's learning new skills also another great thing about the series is that it is kind of within a world of books so if you end up liking this quartet there are some other books where some characters end up interacting with the characters from this series next on the list would be the bartmess trilogy by jonathan stroud you follow two main characters one is a boy named Nathaniel who is a magician's apprentice and then the other main character is a gin that he summons named Barnabas when we first start the series out Nathaniel summons this gin that he honestly probably shouldn't have he doesn't really have the know-how when it comes to controlling him and the interactions between him as a kid and Bardem is who is this ancient being are hilarious barnabas also has a lot of really amusing quips and thoughts that the author uses third-person and first-person perspectives to show when you're with Barnabas you're in first person and you also get footnotes because the gin has the ability to have multiple at once but when you fall on a Fanueil you're in third person not only is this series very amusing but it's also incredibly high stakes and it still to this day I think has one of the best endings to any series that I've ever read next on the list would be the inheritance cycle by Christopher Paolini I have to be honest and admitting that I've only read the first two and it was quite a long while ago but it was all the rage when I was younger all my friends were eating it I read it I really enjoyed them and I think that if these books get faulted for anything it's that they are too similar to some classic fantasy but you could also flip that and say that Christopher Paolini as young as he was when he wrote these books had a very good understanding and love of the genre and created a story that pulls from all these things that he adores so much so it's a great entry point for that alone but also it's just a fun story it's a boy and his dragon who doesn't like dragons next on the list you guys knew I had to bring in some Brandon Sanderson and that would be the rithmatist I would say it borders on middle grade up to the younger end of young adult and our main character joel is somebody that while he's flawed he is so likable and there are so many amazing themes throughout this story you really see the struggle of someone who wants to be included who has a passion for something that they just can't pursue and you just feel for him you just wish that he could be involved on top of that it's a little bit of a mystery because the premise of the story is that students at the school that Joel is attending suddenly go missing and now they are trying to figure out why this is happening and the fantastical parts of this story the magic system are amazing it's our own world so it makes it a little more accessible it's our own world but it's an alternate history and those little tidbits are really cool and really fascinating and on top of that the magic is somewhat centered in geometry and drawing but then also art as well it's really really different and I had so much fun with it now officially breaking into the young adult books on this list I'm gonna start with a series that I don't usually use the term guilty pleasure read because I don't want to imply that you should feel guilty if you read this but I honestly can't think of a term that applies to another series more and that would be the falling kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes the reason I say that is maybe a hint of a guilty pleasure read is because this series is sell over the top but kind of in the most exciting way you are constantly wanting to turn the page people are dying all the time you never know who's gonna live this person gonna come back from the dead or these people are gonna fall in love or wait do they love that person now the premise is fairly straightforward there is this continent that has three different kingdoms and we have main characters from these various kingdoms who are all intertwined due to politics so it's a multiple point of view story and like I said everybody's falling in love with everybody and hating everybody at some point in the story but it really is very silly fun and if you want to buddy read a series this is a great fun next up is a manga series but also an anime and that would be full metal alchemist it's kind of the opposite of what I was saying about falling kingdoms this is a story that while it is hilarious very often it also has a ton of depth and can be very dark at times but it's not overly dark and it's also not grotesque by any means it has fun moments you're always rooting for the characters but it also has some times that are pretty emotional this set up for the story is that we follow it two brothers whose mother died and they tried to use alchemy to bring her back but the law of equivalent exchange demanded a lot from them more from them than they actually could give and one brother lost an arm to leg and the other lost his entire body and his soul had to be attached to a body of farmer these brothers are now searching for the Philosopher's Stone so try to get their original bodies back and along the way they meet a huge ensemble cast it's not just about these two brothers you follow a lot of really amazing characters and all of them have differing shades of grey' morality next up we have a standalone story and that would be a newer one sorcery of thorns by Margaret Rogerson this particular story is very whimsical it definitely has fairy tale vibes to it we follow our main character Elizabeth who really wants to have a role guarding and protecting this magical library that sometimes the books in this magical library can turn into monsters but her hopes and dreams kind of get flipped on their head when one of these monsters escapes and she gets blamed for it the stakes are very high in this story but for some reason it still just feels you with a warm fuzzy feeling it's something that you could cozy up with on the weekend and probably get through it over the course of that weekend it's a fun story like I said it's whimsical and our main character definitely has her eyes open one of the main themes of the book is that the world is not always as it seems was just a theme that I personally always loved seeing in books next up we have a another standalone and that would be a long may she reign by Rhiannon Thomas the setup is that our main character is way down the line to take the throne but everybody before her is murdered and she has no idea who did it she has no idea if they're after her now and she has no idea how to rule so she's not only worried that she's gonna be killed that someone's gonna try to assassinate her but now she's trying to run a kingdom on top of it that she never thought she would have to rule I absolutely love the trope of the character that kind has to step up and take over and they weren't ready I just think it is so fun because who at some point in their life hasn't experienced being completely unprepared for something the next story that I'm gonna recommend is one that I think a lot of people might be surprised to hear on this list because nobody nobody seems to take this story seriously anymore but it really good it's really good for getting it to the fantasy genre because the fandom is super nice it takes place in our own world it just happens to be paranormal so it's got fancy elements but it's very accessible and that would be Twilight I know it's really fun to make fun of Twilight I understand why people do it but it really is really easy to get into it's a very very straightforward writing style it's told from a character that is intentionally kind of meh you know let's just have a ton of personality but that kind of a character allows the reader to kind of insert themselves into the story and it feels like they're experiencing these things and if you really like the angsty drama type stories that's exactly what this is along those same lines as far a story that focuses a lot on the romantic sides of things and has a really big fandom who is generally speaking pretty nice would be throne of glass by Sarah Jake math the series definitely starts off on the easier end of fantasy and then it progresses to being more fantastical as the story goes on I'll admit that I only read the first three but I enjoyed each book more as I read them it just happened to be kind of too focused on the romantic relationships for my personal taste but if that's what you like in a story then throne of glass is a great series for you to start with the first book follows our main character named Selena who is currently in prison she has this mysterious past she has a pretty intense skill set and that skill set gets put to the test when she is entered into this competition to become the Kings champion which is basically his personal assassin next up we have a duology by ve Schwab and that would be the monsters of Verity this is definitely a little bit on the darker end of stories on this list it follows a kind of troubled teen whose father is basically a crime boss and a monster and these two kind of become friends the world happens to be our own world but in a very interesting future where terrible acts end up creating different kinds of monsters and our main male character is one of these monsters who happens to look like a human but there are specific things that can happen to him because he's not actually a human and then the other character she is just somebody who she's never really fit in she's never really belonged she's a troublemaker and they just happened to find friendship in one another last young adult series on this list would be the seven realms series by Cinda Williams Chyna I actually intentionally wanted this to be the last of the young adult books I talked about because not only do I think that this is a good fantasy story to get into fantasy but I also think it's a really good fantasy story to go from young adult all the way up through adult it's not that it feels adult but it has so many bits of amazing world building political happenings that similar to the kinds of things you'll see in adult fantasy our main characters definitely are young adult characters they're very young they're sort of naive when the story starts one of our main characters is a princess named Raisa who is exceptionally naive when the story starts and maybe a little bit selfish and then our other character is named Han Alistar who is a street thief he has a bit of a reputation but he might not be as big and bad as everybody thinks our main characters navigate love death depression recovery betrayal there's just so much going on with these characters throughout this story and there's a school setting at one point which I know a lot of people really love school settings now for the last few books I'm gonna kick it off with the Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher these take place in our own world but we follow a wizard detective who gets called in anytime murders look a little bit mmm not normal our main character Harry Dresden is the narrator for the story and sometimes in first-person point of view weirdly I feel less connected to the character because they're so busy describing everything that I don't always feel like I get to know what they actually think about things that is not the case for this character he's definitely got his own voice and his voice happens to be pretty hilarious a lot of times very dry very silly it's a lot of fun our next series would be the shades of magic by ve Schwab so we got another ve Schwab series on this list and I actually think she's a really fantastic author not only for getting into the fantasy genre but again she's really good at being somebody who's very fluid between young adult and adults the each Wahb always has really unique premises for her stories and shades and magic is no exception to that it is very different and a lot of you probably already heard the description for it but basically if you haven't we follow a main character named Kell who has the ability to go between parallel London's but at one point something from one London goes to another that shouldn't and then the stakes get really high and things go crazy and last on the list is a book that I swear every time I do any recommendations videos I end up recommending this book but I just think it's so accessible and easy to get into so many different reasons you guys some of you already probably know what it is but it's breaker by Brandon Sanderson this series follows two sisters one named Syria one named the Venna Syria is free-spirited and happy and has no care in the world and then Venna is the complete opposite she's poised and perfect because she has been groomed her whole life to fulfill a marriage alliance with a neighboring Kingdom but the father really likes her a lot more than her sister and he's like I can't give you up so he sends the carefree one instead the perfect boys sister decides oh my gosh my sister is kind of dumb there's no way she's gonna be able to navigate the politics and so she decides she's gonna go on a rescue mission meanwhile the clueless sister is clueless but she might not be as dumb as everybody thinks she is and then also there's a bunch of people who are returned who are individuals who died and came back as gods and there's a cool magic system and it's so stupid fun and the magic is fascinating and the characters interactions are all really entertaining and it's basically all political intrigue it's basically a lot of conversations a lot of people being sneaky and scheming it's like if house of cards had magic and was more fun it's really fun that's it for 15 different stories that I think are great for getting into the fantasy genre for those you that are really into the genre and have made your own recommendations I'll be really curious to see if you recommend it any of the same ones as me but anyway thanks so much for watching I hope you have a great rest of your day and I'll see you all later bye [Music]
Channel: Elliot Brooks
Views: 36,818
Rating: 4.9658604 out of 5
Keywords: new to fantasy recs, new to fantasy recommendations, middle grade, middle grade fantasy, ya, young adult, ya fantasy, young adult fantasy, adult fantasy, booktube, booktuber, elliot, brooks, elliot brooks, fantasy for beginners, fantasy recs for beginners, fantasy recommendations for beginners, fantasy books for beginners, just getting into fantasy, elliot brooks fantasy, elliot brooks fantasy recs, elliot brooks new to fantasy, new to fantasy elliot brooks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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