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guys we are here at Barnes & Noble and look at this there's gotta be five to ten boxes here full of stuff I'm gonna get all these boxes to the car and get him home and we'll go through them again I'll get there [Music] welcome back to Jebus gaming guys and holy crap we hit the jackpot at Barnes & Noble we had so much stuff I filled my trunk the entire backseat and was completely covered in boxes in the passenger seat and we still couldn't get it all right here you can see five boxes three boxes another stack of boxes more boxes on the other side let's start going in this on these boxes I'm not gonna be able to go through all these in one video but if you are new to the channel make sure you hit that subscribe button cuz with you awesome dumpster-dives all the time leave this video a big fat thumbs up let's get into this stuff first I want to go over these they're called perfect baked smart scale or SPI but never heard of them but we have 10 of these that have never been opened and if you can see that retail 50 bucks so even if we get these sell them for 20 25 that's 200 to 250 bucks we found and there's more we're gonna be going back tomorrow to get everything else cuz there's no way we could've got all of it in one night but let's get into this first box let's hope we got some good stuff if you haven't seen our last video at Barger no but we hit a jackpot there too you can check out this link right above and go right to it we hit a lot of stuff let's go into the first box this looks like there's not much but we got a 500 piece Harry Potter puzzle it sounds like it's in there that's cool cool start we got Castlevania who's that what advanced but it's new and the plastic never even been open that's freaking awesome I don't see a price out there it is 35 bucks 35 dollar price tag I've never been open holy crap let's go to the next thing this has never been opened either a guy Roe Mays um $30 price tag I have no any of this stuff is but that's freaking awesome we start off with two $30 games and haven't been opened and a used puzzle alright let's go to the next box man this is a freaking jackpot I cannot wait to go back and get the rest of it tomorrow all right we got oh oh my god they're all full of hops holy crap there's two freakin sets of pops in here they're all in the freakin plastic ugh I'm actually freaking out right now like what the heck one two three four five six seven eight nine two there's 20 pot figures in here what the heck let's see if you guys know any of these guys Rachel Duncan mrs. Featherstone I want to put them back in here so they don't get damaged mr. Darcy Seth Samuel something power is another Featherstone fear Lady Katherine oh my gosh this is ridiculous I did not expect to find an entire thing full of pops why would they throw these away that makes no sense but this is freaking jackpot money right here holy crap oh I just need to sit here take it in for a second what what the heck that is freaking insane entire box of pop figures man what else could be in here let's get to the next box oh man the amount of money we made out there's one dumpster are already then we start up like 10 more boxes what's in this one whoo I like these random ones that are just full of goodies not as much as a full box of Pop but they're still fun alright let's see first we got some type of magic scroll looking book I'm not sure if this is if you know what it is let me know in the comments but it does have a twenty seven dollar price tag on it whoo you smell that money I smell it we got a Star Wars glow light USB charger does it come with a wire actually need a wire no I think this is just a USB port to charge but still pretty cool 15 bucks we got a couple little dolls here I don't know who this is besides squad I have no idea who that is but they have $20 price tags audible oh my goodness so much money we have this little thing I don't know what that is either but that's $8 price tag I'm gonna see if it has another Suicide Squad thing freaking cool we have a purple cup here I'm not really sure what that is Zach not know what it is but $12 price tag awesome we have let's see what this is butters I'm sorry did I roll my eyes out loud Hillary butters I know of is from South Park I'm not sure what this is but $10 price tag can't beat it um era let yeah I have no idea that these are shaker tin maybe for salt and pepper or something that's the only thing I could think of that is awesome this isn't saying this is the greatest freaking night ever I keep saying that all my videos but this is legit Lee the greatest fight ever loved is you little butters again no idea what this is we got hey it's goofy I know who you are goofy has the Easter Bunny still in the package freaking incredible I'm just I don't even know what to say I'm lost for words right now another one of these shakers we got a little Batman series 1 vinyl collectible that's so awesome like I just I really want to know why these are all in the trash I have no idea this is just a puzzle a thousand-piece puzzle boxes a little damaged there's still no reason to throw it out then right here we have 1 2 3 of these puzzles that have never been opened and what is this barnes and noble mystery box oh my goodness they're making it's too fun come on I don't know how to get in here let's see well just a cardboard box right screw it only one way in I see another pop figure he's choking yeah if it's another pop figure it's Killer Croc a Barnes & Noble exclusive park pop figure you're not parking excuse me that's freaking awesome there's something else in here to see one of those little mystery figures I actually like these let's see who's in this the hawk what just superheroes I used to get these with their video game characters like from fallout and stuff like that this is incredible like I just don't even know what to say look we stopped by more boxes over here and probably another six or seven over here oh man all right let's get the stuff out the way I'll go through one more box in this video then we'll cut it then you'll have to come back for part two because it's just too much to make one long continuous video we'll go through this box and then we'll cut it and go to part 2 in the next episode let's see it's get through this FBI barn to noble tape first get into it oh my gosh it's just another one fullest oh my goodness look at this look at all ba ba all right I am a dragon well Z phonetic i-it's Dibley recognized her dad is freaking sick this is Maya this will not be solved that's my and I'm put that aside let's get into it I've got a Batman series 1 figure awesome we got a muppet mini matters I don't know what that is but that looks pretty cool Doctor Who little thing a little bit of a damage box but other than that it's freakin perfect $10 price tag on it yes ooh Supreme Kai and Trunks two more little figures like that 15 bucks apiece these are also minor but anything Dragon Ball Z a final putting aside I've got another one ah I forgot his name ah man we Suisse that's wheeze oh heck yes I got like the whole set already got supreme kai trunks wheeze oh man I'm gonna go Klum Vegeta wears Goku Vegeta those are probably the ones that sell here's another one there's some comedo from Dragon Ball Z that's insane like I don't know what to do right now I'm just freaking out inside this book belongs to not sure it's that on the side let's see what's over here pocket games and come not sure what those are Dragonball Z come here it's grandpa go on this isn't seen why am i finding so many Dragon Ball Z figures Oh Doctor Who little box with one of these coins five nights of Freddy for peace token set at is freaking awesome fifteen bucks man I did not expect this I'm honestly debating whether I should just go back tonight and I didn't wait til tomorrow because I don't want this stuff to get lost a Batman series one figure awesome got Snoopy and another Snoopy with clovers all over them lucky dog it's Snoopy don't tell me lucky dog we got a bunch of these little of the World of Warcraft Walking Dead Walking Dead another water war crafts a bunch of these little random figures which is incredible here we got this food it looks like something maybe something you cook with not actual food yeah the cookie sheet okay this is opened most of the stuff see oh this is opened I guess you fill this up and you can make like a cake cookie type thing that is awesome we got a couple more of these pocket game things too Joker figures those look really sick I'm not even really a Batman fan with those look awesome I bet you these have a good price tag on them 30 bucks yeah I bet you these are really cool-looking [Music] all right we got two little 2 rogg on these look like voodoo dolls or something they're just two little keychains we got another a little vinyl figure which is freakin awesome just Barbie yeah we got a Barbie figure that's Sailor Moon and that is the other moon we got Anna what is this sticking rod stick Sailor Venus I'm not sure what it is but I know it's from Sailor Moon and I remember this show used to come on around Dragon Ball Z time when I was younger you got the flash here this box is a little ripped what is this another Barbie figure can't see what it is but it's Barbie we got a Batman series 1 vinyl collectible freaking awesome and right here we have arrow I just like to wear the vine here not to buy the me and came from the arrow and the knee I don't know but that looks cool we have another thousand-piece puzzle 15 dollar price tag awesome and then we got three well - no just kidding we got three little pocket pops I guess there's mini pop figures that is freaking awesome they're brand new I have no idea where these got thrown out either well guys that's gonna conclude this first part of the video you want to see what's in the rest of the boxes make sure you come back to the second part I'll be coming out really soon in the next couple days if you did enjoy make sure you leave this video a big fat thumbs up if you're not already hit that subscribe button for more dumpster-dives all the time and until next time peace out [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 197,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving haul, dumpster diving barnes & noble, dumpster diving jackpot, dumpster diving jackpot finds, best dumpster dive ever, best dumpster dive find ever, Jebus gaming, steberz, dumpster dive jackpot, dumpster diving money, dumpster diving money found, dumpster diving finding money, dumpster diving epic jackpot, dumpster diving best find ever, dumpster diver, barnes and noble dumpster diving, dumpster diving barnes and noble
Id: 1PaQhOd-KFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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