Nearly Lost It All and then this Happened High Limit Coin Pusher

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welcome back to the coin pusher today we're doing a $50 million buying they gave us 50 quarter $50 million essentially $1 million per quarter pretty expensive game but if we can get it to go I'm thinking it'll pay out pretty well I got a whole bunch in here got that massive Tower right there there's L four more there in the playing field I ter was the last of the quarters though oh my goodness we didn't get nothing out of it oh my that's some Risky Business there well should we do another Buy in yeah let's do another buying all right I'll be back in just a minute all righty I'm back at it paid another $50 million we got 50 more quarters let's keep it going hopefully this time it'll take off I'm not seeing a whole lot more in here if we was to lose it this time I couldn't imagine paying another 50 million oh sweet thank goodness oh my gosh get I go oh my goodness black to like just came right off of that Pusher shelf and oh my we're out of quars I got to grab some all right let's keep we going a nice open up again got some dice right there getting ready to go to the pay later on we'll roll them Dice and whatever they landay on be multipliers the white ones are for the uh poker chips and the golden ones are for the golden bars wow can't believe how quick that went I had a rough start but look at it go now oh my goodness oh yeah keep it going a sweet that's TI on the rack just went wow this is doing super duper good oh my goodness that little Tower on the left it's getting ready to go as well there it went nice that much is right there on the edge a lot of 510 $25,000 ship gold bars oh sweet that a mystery bag right there see it it's like a goldish collared mystery bag sweet I had to C that oo out again it's gold bars will clog it up overflow little be losing stuff person really well got all those $25,000 chips right there with the mysty bag's about to go it's still hanging on by a thread down there not sure if you can even see it oh there it went it went into the pay we got it we check it out see what's in there let's do it let's see what's in there oh sweet nice we got the uh reset chip we got th000 free quarters and we got the gutter game chip that's amazing so the gutter one will get us everything that fell down in there hole there and not hole over there the uh reset will get us a free reset they'll take everything off the red shelves put it in the plane field and 1,000 free quarters well that's it'll give us 1,000 free quarters when we hand it in I say we go ahead and turn it in now might as well right we could definitely use the quarters and then we'll get right back to [Music] pushing it's nice having a whole bunch of extra quarters now it was a good feeling oh nice that a good [Applause] push yeah throughout the game there's all kinds of items that fall down in them Getters it's those holes that are on the sides and uh anything that falls down there you don't get none of that unless you get that gutter chip and then they'll take it all back out of there and they'll place it in the machine for us to have a chance to win it sometimes they'll build some really fancy Towers other times I just toss it all in there I think it just kind of depends on who's who's doing it and how busy they are sometimes it's really extravagant and other times I said it looks like they just dumped it all in there either way it pays the same pays out the same either way about got the center cleared out oh nice that left corner is moving on up wasn't it oh yeah that was a big push that was a real nice push yeah we'll try to get as much of this as we can and then we'll turn in that green reset tiip having take everything that's on the red shelves and put it to the playing field quite a bit there what what is that six towers and then two more made out of gold eight Towers total on them shelves there's what uh nine dice I think is what I'm seeing eight nine yeah nine dice those are worth more than those towers by sure but by far I would think so anyways but we need the the chips to multiply with though I'm going grab some more quarters and we'll get right back to pushing all let's keep her going oh yeah it's all there on the edge well most of it's on the edge anyways it's in the corners Corners are kind of difficult oh that route corner just starting to budge forward you see that oh nice the left side paid out what 20 grand oh wow super nice push [Applause] [Music] yeah we got to make 100 million just to break even on this game it's going to be rough I think and do the best we can now I thought about letting somebody else go at it first and then we would take after after they did but I was worried but it might go and then we would miss out on it entirely it looks like it it looks like it was going to go I figured 504 probably be enough but in back of my mind I was worried it might not be I think it's going to be okay though either way it'll be all right it went 10 grand it was over 200 million Down in the Hole yesterday be able to climb back out just about God broke even anyways can't win them all that's for sure I kind of feel like we might want to stop here and uh turn in that reset chip oh wow I guess it was a little more further ahead than I thought it was we just got a big push on that right side and I think the left's getting ready to do the same see if we can't get a couple of Le right here going to use up too many quarters although I guess we got the gutter game we did get that chip for the gutter game so that's where where you lose your quarters too as they fall down in the gutter got to be as efficient as possible or you'll just run out of quarters but luckily for us we got the getter chip so think have to we can uh redeem that turn that in and get it all back they don't hand the quarters to us they put them in the machine unless they don't fit sometimes everything won't fit in there and they'll hand us some of the quarters not too often though oh sweet we got that left corner all right I think that's perfect right there let's go turn in the um the green reset chip quite a bit of stuff there goodness gracious it's amazing how small amount it looks over on them shelves and then they set it in there in the plain field area and it's like oh my goodness that is way more than I thought it was guess it's cuz it's so spread out of the red shelves like half on one side half on the other that's probably [Applause] it they built like a John normous golden Tower with another Tower stacked on top of it Tower getting ready to go the left oh my oh I just realized uh Mr bags are not in this game hopefully we're not losing dice to the uh GS well I mean I guess we got the gutter chip so I guess it's not a huge deal but there I guess there was a mystery bag wasn't there earlier we did get one normally they put all the dice in a mystery bag oh well You' be all right make the best of it it's all we can do oh my goodness golden Towers get ready to go it's me ring gold oh my goodness we lost the dice to the red shelf we did get the insurance in case we need it but we've also got a free reset coming with that Jetter chip everything we did lose to the red shelf will get back doing super duper good oh yeah it's raining in there raining five and $10,000 chips and some gold bars sweet oh nice at Tire on the rack just moved his for moving on up oh yeah it's doing amazing seems to be pushing really good today I mean obviously I had a really rough start other than that it's been a superb game oh there's a there's a dice over there on the r side thinking about going in the gutter I think oh my goodness that's rough business right there it's a good thing we got that gutter tip it hasn't fallen in there yet but it might very well might I'm pushing on the right side only trying to save it I think we're going to be okay actually I think we might have saved it just in time oh maybe not they might be stuck in there well we'll find out here soon unfortunately I ran out of quarters like the worst time let going grab some more quarters ERS and we'll get right back to it come on push it yeah see it it's it's in the hole so we we'll see we'll see what would happen if we was to no I was going to say we was to have him turn in the gutter game now eventually we would get that white dice then but you know what we're going to get it back when it falls if it if it falls in there we'll get it back anyway so let's not worry about it yeah yeah that'd be kind of silly I think to uh try to save that one dice and we could potentially be jeopardizing one two three more right there guess there's another one on top of this as well an out may not fall in the gutter anyhow it's looking kind of promising that it's going to pull on through especially if I would stay over there on that right side huh if that Tower wasn't there it would probably have a way higher chance of uh succeeding that's why I was thinking reset let's get a reset I don't want to lose all these dice trying to save save one that Tower I think on the right is touching the glass just barely I think it's gold bar is it's moving around so I think it's just barely touching it it's doing a lot to side to side motion but I'm not seeing it really going up forward and backwards just rocking side to side the quarters are smashing into things moving everything around a little bit [Applause] that dice is still doing okay yeah last of them is right there obviously there's one over that's half in the gutter and half out on the right and there's one on back here and then there's there's one on top of that Tower it's on top of this gold bar right there I think it's just barely off screen I got my hands full of quarters right now soon as I get rid of these quarters I'll uh move the camera so you can see what I'm talking about it needs mve back anyhow you can barely see that corner over here as well you see that dice move you want it's stuck in together o that Ming for the worst well oh my goodness I think it just fell in there yeah and we're out of quarters now I think we might as well go ahead and uh have him reset the machine we turn in that gutter chip yeah let's do that all right let's keep her going although employee was uh they made sure to tell me that they they picked up all the uh dice that were straggling around in there and uh put placed them all inside that mystery bag not only the ones that were down inside the gutter game but the ones that were inside of the game already I wanted to make sure I knew that way I wouldn't be uh worrying where they went so that's where they're at I can't even remember how many there was on the uh I think there was what one on the Shelf back here wasn't there and then there was one on that Tower over here I think that was it so there's going to be at least two white dice in that oh probably three I guess because uh one of them fell down inside the gutter also remember the one that was right there on the gutter so there's at least three white dice in there I would assume plus whatever anybody else had lost or we might have lost some more throughout the game as well and I just didn't realize it I don't know we're doing pretty good on dice I don't have them uh um lined up in a road so I know how many I got they're just kind of just piled up over there with the rest of the chips I'm not exactly sure how many we got we'll find out here soon everything's moving up really good like we did lose what 20 grand already to the uh red shelves we can pay 10 grand and get all that back um which I think we should do it would be worth it so how the Insurance works is you pay $100,000 up front for the insurance and it's only good for that one game that you're plan and if you decide you need to file an insurance claim Like A Something's like that you know fell on the red shelf you want it back well then you got to hand them a $10,000 chip or two $5,000 chips or uh you know just an equivalent of $10,000 worth of Po chips as your uh deductible you hand that in and then they'll open it up and they'll rearrange that stuff that's needs rearranged and then you get right back to it so if we pay 10 grand to get 20 uh half of it will be sacrificed more or less but um we will have the dice that will multiply the other $10,000 we'll multiply both of those tips but obviously the one that we had to hand them in we don't get nothing for that and one of these or both of them might fall into gutters so that is a risk we're taking we're out of quarters again we're flying through these quarters let's check out this mystery bag see what's in there oh my gosh we got the white truck we got three four five of the white Dice and a golden dice that is incredible oh my gosh uh those that don't know what the white truck is um it's a 20 times multiplier towards the uh White dice they put it in the machine same time they're rolling the dice and if it lands on its four wheeels technically just has to be on its four wheels at the end that'll be a 20 times multiplier but so land on the side or upside down anything other than this four wheel Wills then it's not worth nothing you can also not have them put it in there and it'll be a two times multiplier on its own with automatically but if you want to go for the 20 times multiplier then you're forfeit and your chance of the two times multiplier it's kind of risk it all or nothing kind of thing we uh of course obviously always risk it for the biscuit and try to uh get a 20 times multiplier we've got pretty good at it obviously we we don't get it every single time but seems like we got a pretty good strategy and winning it I do admit I go through phases where I just literally can't get it for multiple tons like game after game after game typically what they'll do it seems like I could be wrong but it seems this way anyways is once it shows up it just keeps on showing up in every game until someone wins it so if we don't get it in this one maybe it'll be in the next one but somebody else could obviously win it before we could get a chance and then it'll be gone for a while we'll see hopefully we win it that's preferably that be my preferable method is just to go ahead and win it on this aim that's we had to do two buy aims we could really use it although we have pull a lot of dice out here it's been a really really good game even with having the uh a rough start having to buy in twice I think we're GNA still do really well that truck will put us way over the edge it's probably time to start thinking about how much we think we might win on this game let me uh let me go see how many dice we got okay I'm going to do that real quick oh sweet Le side just pushed all right I'm don't quote me on it but I'm thinking it's 15 White dice they're about oh 7 ft away from me and it look like about 15 White dice I I don't wear glasses probably should but I don't so I might be off that's a lot of dice if it is 15 of them anyway where was we at oh trying to decide how much we're going to win goodness I don't know how much we got pulled out of the machine um I don't have any of that counted up it don't look like much though honestly it's looking like about $7 million it might be more than that but looking like that's about what it is well shoot tell you what I'll I'll try to come up with a a better uh estimate while I'm waiting on them to to clear the machine out that'll give me time to think put your uh your guesses in if you want to in the comment section how much you think we're going to win wow we got a completely cleared out except for what's on the shelves yeah let me go uh calling back here haven't put that stuff on the shelves I'll pay the uh $10,000 all righty I was incorrect it was 14 white dice like I said I was quite a few ways away and it looked like 15 but maybe one maybe one of them was a gold golden dice or something or I counted one of them twice either way it's 14 white Dice and a rough estimate around $9 million so and we got the white truck that white truck could sway either way though either nothing or 20 I think we'll get about either um 300 million or if the maybe maybe half a billion low end of 300 million and high end of a half a billion so maybe I'll meet in the middle four 400 million that's my guess we're going to is that quadruple quadruple are winnings today that's what I'm hoping for oh sweet we are evading the um them gutters so that's always good it's difficult when you uh pay 10 grand and then it turn sour and they just go right into the Getters if we only lost one we broke even if we lose them both then we lost uh $110,000 times whatever the multipliers are hopefully we'll get them both moving on that pretty well yeah I think we'll be fine I don't think we're losing to the Getters I I've seen things some strange things through the years where they kind of went backwards and went straight into the Getters I think they were always closer to the gutter than what they are right now I think we're going to be all right [Music] all right I'm going grab some more real quick oh yeah it kept on pushing didn't it think got uh $10,000 chip on the right moved on there up a little bit while I was grabbing those quarters she's totally okay with me oh yeah we got it nice [Music] it's starting to go isn't it was getting ready to say it's being a little stubborn isn't it that last chip is always most stubborn chip in the whole machine always has been that way all the years take great pride in uh getting it completely cleared out takes pretty big effort to get that last one normally which makes sense there's less in there the quars they want to go where they can go the easiest path so pushing that heavy old chip is not the probably the preferable path to go I have a guas maybe we need to go across the whole field there's a whole bunch of quarters right here if you can tell I don't know if you can there's a whole bunch of them right there and it's kind [Music] of slown to all down kind of hindering us actually I'm sure that's my fault cuz I was trying to load up that left side to get that get that uh chip moving but I might have been doing more harm than I was good it's starting to go now really really low in quarters have to grab some more here just a moment yeah that's the last of them let me grab some more all right let's keep it going sweet we got it all right I'm going to uh keep pushing a little bit longer try to get some of these extra quarters I'm not going to bore you with that we'll cut that out video and then uh next thing you'll see is us pushing those um Dice and that white truck hopefully it'll all land some some really good numbers so I'll see you back in here just a moment all right all right let's keep her going hopefully this truck will land correctly oh nice look at that 20 times multiplier right there hopefully it'll stay on its Wheels oh we just got a one on the white dice which unfortunately ones don't count it must be two or better but luckily we got a 20 on on that uh white truck so that makes up for a bunch oh we got some good numbers there though wow look at that several sixes threes fours twos fives oh and a six was the last one oh I just flipped over to a three though all right well let me tally it all together multiply it by that right there and we'll be right back I pulled 9,535 th000 out of there and then white dies and that white jerck told it up to 74 turned it into an astounding 75 million 590,000 that is nearly twice what I thought we was going to get that is absolutely incredible we also pulled 149 o of gold out of there and them golden dice told it up to 17 turned it into an astounding 2,533 o of gold all in all that's not too bad for a 100 million and $100,000 buying not bad at all well if yall enjoyed the videos do me a favor hit that like button subscribe if you haven't subscribed and and we'll see you on the next one you all take care
Channel: Coin Pusher
Views: 33,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Coin Pusher, High limit coin pusher, Casino
Id: u5MnA3NFQVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 31sec (2191 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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