Robert Pattinson on stealing socks from The Batman set

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wonders fear is a tool when that light hits the sky it's not just a call that's a warning wasn't there a leap that you got the gig before you thought you could tell other people you got the gig I hadn't got it and it kind of came out I kind of thought I had it I thought it was sort of in the bag and then everything changed very quickly after that and yeah and I suddenly thought because it wasn't me that leaked but yeah it was very it was there was a hairy couple of days uh before my I hadn't even done the screen test and um yeah and then I did the screen test oh yeah under extreme dress super precious screencast if the rumors say you have it and then you and then you're terrible like that's yeah yeah not so good the hell are you supposed to be I'm Vengeance when you knew it was yours how did you celebrate and how long was the panic I mean I got it it was my first week on Chris Nolan's tenet whoa I just had a Premiere in can that weekend which I was also terrified about I mean I found out like all in the course of like four days and I thought I'd kind of lost the part before I'd even got it and blah blah blah and it was definitely it was slightly overwhelming moment and then uh yeah but unbelievable I mean it kind of it felt extremely surreal who are you under there what are you hiding who's the first person you told up my parents that was that yeah Mom Dad I'm Batman yeah because normally like the parts where she kind of collected even if they're really even if you really care about them it's very very difficult to get other people excited it's one of the only Parts where you're like you're like guess who I am guess I'll give you one guess you tell the story about how you were in the Mal kilma bat suit which is fascinating can I persuade you to take a sandwich with you sir I'll get drive through and your actual bat suit is much more articulate you're pretty good at that you can move much more freely how many of the sun assaults in the movie are your own the somersaults that's a real cool so I'm confused but I thought a somersault was when you go sideways with your hands do you mean jazz hands just like oh it is a cartwheel now I think about it that is not of some sort are you doing a roly-polies that's what I think watch out Batman's about to do a forward roll what it's funny as well because I also and I found I used to find roly pearly is very difficult and on tenet I did she went a crash course how to do rolly pollies pretty well [Music] haven't I pretended to the Batman stunt team that I that I didn't know how to do them even though I'd spent about two months learning how to do very action-packed roly-polies and so I did my first one I was like it's the first roly poly I'd ever done didn't even know what it was called and uh and uh they're very impressed so I actually did did a significant amount that was my main stunt so it was a really pretty situation we need to bring plants in it step back everybody he's got this he's going to do a pants and poly and you've also got um this the back flap I'm calling it I gather when Ben Affleck was walking around a costume store once Christian Bale happened to be in there and the first thing Christian Bale said was make sure you have somewhere to take a leak wait that happened to him too in that suit he was very generous and kind he's a wonderful guy and he said you know make sure they put a zipper in that suit I did three movies with no zipper in my outfit so he gave me some very practical advice that's crazy and didn't happen to you out of your rhino Christians like saying that to people you gotta seriously Christian obviously had a lot of access yes he's very concerned about it a lot of the intensity and the gruffness is actually him just really bursting [Music] you're going to love me the number one priority trust me what have been your favorite Batman moments in the other Batman films what are the standout iconic moments for you oh maybe let's get nuts yeah I love the bit in Batman Returns when uh Michelle Pfeiffer whips the uh the heads off the mannequins that's kind of awesome [Music] I mean just so much from the nail in movies I mean I was kind of obsessed with those growing up a little fight now I like that then you're gonna love me and I love Danny DeVito as well but my returns is like I just think it's I I love Batman Returns Masterpiece what do you want ah the direct approach I admire that in a man with a mask we've got this amazing car behind you we need to get you a duck car as well [Music] I remember returns are terrifying you didn't invite me so I crashed and so it's amazing what you could kind of it's like with this it's kind of you know you try and think it's just gonna scare it's scare away the children and uh and there are times I remember watching as a little kid and like even watching it now it's one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen it's freaky for sure it's like a little risque as well yeah yeah a lot of stuff that I only got as an adult later yeah then think of you guys I like to fill her void you've talked before about mask acting and tenet driving basically blind backwards trying not to knock people over I mean literally completely blind like 100 100 degrees there's so much sweat in your eyes and you can't see out of the windscreen and stuff everything's blowing up around you and it was one of the more terrifying things that I've ever done in my entire life what's the trick to acting when your face is being pulled back it's all your jaw like how do you do it oh and there's no eyebrows yeah the eyebrows are a problem you kind of yeah you always think that acting as your eyes but that's your eyebrows and you find out really quickly when you eliminate your eyebrows it's a strange calibration and it's also such a strange character because you're so still and so controlled you've got to have so much going on in your head and you're just hoping something will come across oh it's a mustache with the broken nose and super long dialogue scenes as Batman he's one of the guys that got into it was the Iceberg Lounge what are you saying Kinsey will nice for the Penguins they're like in the movie not as Bruce Wayne for most of the film my mom that's just a car 155 day shoot was it like 14 hours a day and then you had to work out before and afterwards yeah is this the toughest gig you've ever had oh like by Miles the soup is so well designed and you feel really good in it the first couple of days and then just anything when you're being restricted I mean anyone who's been in like a neck brace kind of can kind of relate if you kind of put 60 pounds on a neck brace with your entire center of gravity is basically in your clavicle like now act yeah that's kind of after a while your body just starts rejecting it but it was fun though I mean there's very few parts where you're like I can feel the importance in the end you know every day right up until the last day like you can't that's it's never a day when you're like oh I'm just going to phone it into it no you know it's an easy one yeah it's always you know people are gonna be on you what would you say defines your interpretation of of the Batman because to me he's that kind of reclusive rocker you know we see Nirvana here nirvana in the film but he he's not okay hun like he's not a happy guy no I mean I just think the traditional telling of the Batman story he's it's always been he's got really really control it's like a lot of control over his personas and there's there's Playboy Persona and then there's Batman and then there's Bruce at home and I just thought that in the script it was the first thing I noticed because you he's not a playboy at all and so it kind of opens up a million different opportunities where he hasn't he doesn't really know who he is as Batman or as Bruce and there's this kind of crossover between the whole Bank this continues it won't be long before you nothing less don't care what happens to me the defining factor of Batman a lot of times is his control over himself and and he's mastered himself and in this he hasn't mastered it at all but he thinks he has in a lot of ways I've been trying to treat you and so he keeps going to these incredibly dangerous situations and and you know he doesn't he doesn't really know what he's doing it doesn't go perfectly this is going to be the big scoop that when we ordered but how comfortable are you with the phrase slash word are bats and I literally get away from one of them a minute because it's immediately another one is born I mean look it's better than Pac-Man it is that's what I was calling School especially cow Pat we'll take a look at me now because I'm the Batman it's quite a popular name as well it's literally like you know not everyone is called Patterson's called something always associated with poo my surname is plum rhyming is fun so thanks childhood friends I know you don't have the suit at home you wouldn't be allowed to have it at home and you wouldn't be able to do those kids birthday parties everybody wants you to but what Batman bat paraphernalia have you managed to get home this is like it's impossible to take anything home from it I think the only thing I really got was I I did get a lot of um socks I got all of my all of my socks are all from these These are bat socks oh nice no they're not they're actually penguins which isn't an intentional joke oh yeah oh well same thing but you genuinely have bat socks at home yeah that's yeah that was always and I kept getting from one person like you know it's fine to have a few but you take them every day like how many songs do you need because we've been shooting for a year you have two feet come on what do fans typically say to you when they see you on the streets because you aware after this movie a lot of it's going to be Iron Vengeance I am oh I said I Am Legend but wait that's a really nice you win the Will Smith right you're the dog yeah I'm so curious what's going to happen afterwards like because uh I mean up until now when I was shooting it in London people were all very nice and sort of super excited and enthusiastic about it and it's kind of it's funny it's like with the bat would be on them it's a totally different fan reaction because everybody wants to just know what it's like because it's kind of they want to experience it themselves and it's kind of lovely like everybody wants to know the Batmobile drives and everybody wants to know like you know what it feels like in a suit and stuff and from little kids to like kind of old people yeah I've never done a movie like that before and actually whilst I remember I should bring up the fact that you know you are in this suit you are being shot at at one point you're in a corridor right what's happening when you're being shocked a bit it's like little squibs and things like yeah yeah that shot took such an enormous amount of time to see there wasn't any lighting set up and so you'd come in and no one really thoughts we kind of have everyone's using their phones to see anything and you can't see anything in the best of times when you're in the bathroom I mean to try and do a uh a fight scene in absolute Darkness I mean it's astonishing and that is a testament to the stunt team who had just like unreal and I don't understand how that scene was completed and then you've got to sneak in a roly-poly yeah definitely I was like wait can I just suggest something roly-poly down the whole Corridor they'd never be able to shoot you squibs yeah Rob thank you appreciate it thank you thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe and click the Bell icon to keep up to date you can listen to my radio 1 movies and TV podcast screen time on BBC sounds and you can find these interviews in full on BBC iPlayer by searching movies with Ali plum
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 868,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robert pattinson, rpatz, rpats, rbats, rbatz, the batman, batman, caped crusader, dceu, dc comics, dc extended universe, batmobile, batsuit, robert patinson, radio 1, radio one, bbc, iplayer, ali plumb, robert pattinson interview, ali plumb interview, interview, twilight, tenet, christopher nolan, chris nolan, ben affleck, batman returns, the dark knight, christian bale
Id: yZt3JWVLsYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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