Best Decision I’ve Ever Made || How to: Planer Sled

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what's up everybody today we are going to fix one of the biggest issues in a small shop so let's get to [Music] it now most of us have one of these in our shop because having one of the big ones when you're working inside of a two car garage is just not realistic however when you have one of these little machines although they work great you do run into a couple of issues these have really small infeed and out feed tables and they're quite difficult to adjust with only having a couple of screws underneath this means that when you start to get pieces that are over 3 ft long you start to have to fight with a lot of snipe at the end of your board because you're not getting the proper support on the back end I'm going to show you guys how to fix that issue with these by creating a sled that extends the infeed and the outfeed side of your planer and just maybe it'll buy you a couple more years before you have to upgrade all right we're going to start by removing these two screws on each side here these are difficult to get started because they're kind of in the way but we'll just kind of Wiggle these out of here we're going to get rid of this infeed and outfeed table completely we can store these away for a rainy day but we're not going to need them so we'll just take them out now if you're going to hold on to the table I'm going to throw these in a Ziploc bag so I can shove them in a drawer somewhere that way I have them if I ever need [Music] them okay now this part is optional I'm going to take this off which is just removing these pieces here because these are going to go on the top of my sled um I want these little lips here so that way if the piece if I put it in at an angle for whatever reason I'm not paying attention uh these will act as like a bumper and just kind of realign it so that way it doesn't uh it doesn't go off to the side and then I'm not plating down a whatever big chunk goes this way or it runs into the corner here and then I have a bunch of other problems so going to take these off and these will actually end up on the very top of the sled now be careful doing this part because your blades are just right here so if you have your hand too high you don't want to cut it so be careful okay so now I have my main board cut out and I have all of my strips that I've cut down to size these are for the outf I'm going to increase the outfeed section of my Joiner and I'm not too stressed about the infeed section uh your outfeed is where you end up seeing the most amount of snipe at least that was true in my case so I have 3ft sections for that that should give me about 5T before I have to start having to worry about dealing with the weight of the board going over the edge I don't build things that are much larger than about 6 feet so so that should be fine unfortunately the sheeta for Micah I'm also at the mercy of what I have left over which is just over 5T so I'll have 3 ft for the end I'll have about a foot that goes through the center and that'll give me a foot for my in feed table now I'm typically supporting the weight of my table as I'm pushing it into the Joiner feeding it through the Joiner um or through the planer rather um so I'm not too worried about the infeed length I'm more worried about the outfeed length so I got two two 3 ft section here that I'm going to glue up and I'm going to pin nail together to hold them all stable and that'll just kind of beef up the legs so that way we don't get any wobble side to side once we tack these into place so let's get started on that [Music] okay so now I have my outfeed section glued up and pin nailed in so that way it's holding it structurally until the glue dries um I'm going to add these screws I don't know if this will do anything but the more the area right they're just kind of sitting up taking room taking up room in my shop and I use them for another project I need to get rid of them so hopefully it'll make it a little bit stronger you can omit this part if you'd like if you do do this part make sure that you drive your screws just under the surface so your Lin it isn't bumping into anything all right so we've got our outfeed side completed and we need to add our legs for the in feed now I've got five feet that I have to work with so I have three ft on the back end whatever is in the center and then I'm going to come out to 5et which is going to be right here this will be slightly longer than the original that that came with it that's okay I typically am supporting the weight of it as I'm feeding it through so I'm more worried about the weight distribution on the back end of it and so let's cut ourselves some legs [Music] my all right so the laminate is the last part we uh we're going to apply I'm going to show you guys cutting it down to size and then and we'll apply a coat of glue to our work surface and then to the bottom of our for Mica this is the easiest part of the project so don't be afraid of it don't let it intimidate you um I'll show you that part and then we'll apply [Applause] it [Applause] [Applause] [Music] for [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for all right well that does it super easy um just kind of like a make like easier kind of hack and it uh potentially prolongs the time that I can use this thing for larger projects rather than having to go out and buy something that's a little bit um more difficult to fit into a small shop like this so if you enjoyed that project um like And subscribe to the channel down below I have plenty of more to come and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Arkus Woodworking
Views: 245,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Woodworking, Planer, Bench top planet, Small workshop, Planet sled, DIY, One day project, Woodworking tutorial
Id: bOM4KOq_yuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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