Easy Beginner Woodworking projects that sell for High Profit

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hello fellow Woodworkers welcome to Jasco Goods if you stick around I will show you how I made $115,000 yeah $115,000 that's a lot of cheeseburgers off of these this triangle right here not this one triangle but making these whenever I make YouTube videos showing products that you can sell to make a profit I get comments like this $15 and a 30k workshop what is $15 but 10,000 in shop to so I wanted to make this video to show if you're interested in Woodworking and you want to build stuff build your own stuff build stuff to sell if you just generally enjoy it this is how I started to make money off of Woodworking and then use that money to buy tools not only did I buy tools I bought a pickup truck so I could go and pick up wood and I didn't have to stuff it into my little SUV anymore these triangles are just one example of a product I I made that took barely any tools and I sold and made a profit a big profit enough to buy the tools that I needed to keep expanding uh so it's possible with very minimal tools not $10,000 worth you could set up a whole workshop for less than $1,000 but you could do minimum you could spend a couple hundred bucks you could buy Ed tools they have Harbor Freight Walmart Facebook Marketplace you can find good Ed tools off of there you don't have to have top-of-the-line tools to get started so I started by cutting a 1 by four and 3 and 1/2 in triangles I cut the whole thing up so the angle I did was a 31.6 but I only picked that angle because that's where my saw stopped the angle's really not that important this miter saw is one of the tools I was able to upgrade with the money I made from these triangles when I first started making them I was using this old Ryobi back when the Ryobi colors were dark blue and I had to wear an apron I stole from a fifth grader cuz that's all I could afford then I had to hand sand each triangle sweat shop style until I was able to afford a belt sander and this thing was a game Cher I was able to batch out these triangles much more quickly and that meant much more money faster sorry that was supposed to be me rolling in cash but all I had was two Amazon gift cards and 36 anyways next thing I did was stain the triangles and now this is the crucial part where I turn them from just a stained triangle to something spectacular I put some masking tape on and now can you guys see where this is going I put some white paint on the top in a certain shape then you peel the tape off and and it's magically transformed into a mountain okay not really but you get the point so then I put the mountains into a set of three two of them were the same size one was a little bit bigger and when those started doing good I started making bigger sizes this these are uh 1X sixes and this is a 1x8 and then at first this was the actual first set I made you can see the Grain on this one runs up and down because I took the 1x4 and I cut it like that it's kind kind of iffy to do it like that on the miter saw but uh So eventually I switched this one to a 1x5 and I just cut it in this shape like this one so you can see the grain is different and I was like hey what else can I sell like this bam candy corns same shape it was the same exact thing I just painted it like a candy corn I'm a fart smeller I mean a a smart fell I also made some little ladders I made this Solo cup holder for parties you put a little Sharpie marker in here with on a string and then you can uh Mark your cups when people come over sold that then I up got some bigger stuff started doing these big towel ladders it holds a a a towel on it Halloween I started making some pumpkins I made these wood Hearts did he just fought am I bugging that he just fought but my biggest selling items were my Christmas trees only at Christmas time though and the mountains these sold all year round I also sold coasters all this stuff I made was very simple very cheap to make one stick of 1x4 was less than $5 I sold a set of three for $18 so for these smaller sets that equals out to about 30 to 50 cents a piece in material so now that I had all my mountains stained and Peaks on them and clear coated I set them up and I took some pictures of them and before anybody says well I don't have a fancy camera I used my cell phone then I took those pictures and I listed them on my Etsy page and yeah it started off slow but I eventually got a sale within a few days and then they just started going from there and then when I figured the mountains were the favorites I just started adding more colors I also started adding different sizes to the mix I bought boxes in bulk from Amazon but I used these little bubble envelopes to mail them in it cost about 2 $3 a mail a set of the little mountains and then I put a thank you sticker on them so the way I found those mountains was I came on to ET Y and I put in Wood decor and then I look through at what came up just for ideas you don't want to copy people cuz that's a big problem on Etsy and I'll show you that later but you see mountains seem to be a big theme it was then when I looked him up and I and this was four years ago that I started doing these I believe it was 2019 so you look through and you get ideas and then you notice this right here it says best seller these are both best sellers but if you click on the best seller you can see this is already an eight card and they're selling it for $28 so you wouldn't want to copy this exactly cuz that's that's wrong you don't want to copy what somebody else is doing but you it gives you an idea what could you do what could you do to improve this are there improvements you can do and if you come down you can see these are the same thing from other sellers so other sellers are doing them the biggest thing you can do to sell on Etsy is like this personalized personalized stuff I believe is the best selling stuff on Etsy because you can't really go into Walmart you can't really go on Amazon hand well maybe on handmade you can but you can't find this stuff they can sell one of these BookHolders but it's not going to be personalized Etsy is is more where people go for personalization so if you can find a way to personalize the stuff you make then you got to leg up on the competition so as you can see this one's also in nine cards they're selling this for $42.29 49 ooh sorry uh wrong Tab and they also have these things that are popular now here's another best seller so what you want to do is you want to look through and you want to see what are popular themes pet pet themes are popular here's some butterflies that are best sellers this one doesn't say how many carts it's in but you can always look down and see how many reviews they have now if you sold butterflies that wouldn't be stealing from them butterflies are such a common thing just like mountains are a common thing but you don't want to do is sell the exact same looking butterflies that they're selling you want to put your own twist to it and then if you look down here there's different categories wood Decor handmade wood decor for shelves for walls if you're more interested in building something for walls you can go on here here's some cross bestsellers 20 plus views in the last 24 hours so crosses must be doing pretty well you can put your own spin on this crosses is just another common thing so you get the idea if anybody wants more in-depth tutorial on how to do this just drop it in the comments there's a ton of them on Etsy if you want one that's more specific like for wood like I like I do then leave that in the comments maybe I'll make a more in-depth video video on how to do this here's the one problem I did have with Etsy when I was selling my wood mountains they became best sellers and people come on just like I'm doing and just like I'm telling you to do they look through the best sellers but the difference is they copy you exactly if you look on here a lot of these people they may have changed a little bit of the way they look but like this one right here these people right here she completely copied mine in a set of three she made them a little bit different sizes but she made them the same color I was making them this person right here they even did their main picture like I did sets of three right on top of each other if you look back in my video I show a picture of the my main picture was showing four sets of mountains almost these same colors except instead of a yellow I had a gray and they were stacked like that on a on a 4x4 they just used a 2x4 instead once they were a bestseller a lot of people started selling mountains but one thing is even with all this competition you see and everybody copying you these these people are still a best seller if you go on their page you can see they've had 20 views in the last 24 hours 20 plus views I think it stops at 20 so they could have had a 100 it just stops at 20 but there's still interest in these and I'm not saying you have to sell the same thing but if you look on here and you look at stuff and you're like well there's so many people selling it there's still maybe enough people buying these for you to make some money off of them too one thing you can do is improve if you look at these I don't think they sand their wood and you can and I'm not knocking them I'm I'm just saying what you can improve on you can look at stuff and you can see their paint lines aren't very good I switched to a vinyl instead because it was a nice clean line and it was easier to batch produce them with the vinyl instead of painting each one but as you can see it looks like they have room for improvement in their lines and it looks like they don't really sand them I sanded mine really well I got the grain to pop out better and I think that's why I was more successful but it was a lot of work to sand each Mountain first when I could have just stained it like they did and sell it one more trick I'll show you is you see how they have this listed for $5 that's another mine were listed for1 18 they're showing as if they're these are listed for for $5 but if you actually look at the size a set of three is actually $16 then mine I sold mine for $18 with free shipping there's charging $455 for shipping so there's ways to make them look like they're less expensive when you're scrolling through this whole list of mountains one thing that will stand out to you is the price $24 $5 so one thing you can do $25 for their set of three people are more likely going to click on this one because it says $5 but then when they actually go into the options they're going to see it's really 16 for a set of three plus they're charging for shipping so that's well over $20 you're spending for a set of three okay so now what everybody's been waiting for the receipts I'm bringing the receipts let me zoom in a little at the top okay so as you can see just from the mini mountains at the top that was just my plain mini mountains I sold I made $10,000 and uh 10,000 789 I think that says and then the larger mountains I made $3,000 there's 14,000 right there trees I made 11,000 and then if you look over to the right I had another listing of the mountains that was $400 I made off of that one okay now if you come down to the bottom left you see all those colored mountains right there there's a red a blue purple pink uh those I listed to see how it a different colored thumbnail would do and as you can see I got zero sales off of that one but if you go over right next to that I have a bulk order the bulk order is what makes up the rest of these the sales that that's somebody that ordered more than I have listed on the site so that one bulk order I sold it eight times I did eight sales to the same person for $144 then you go over there uh the other bulk order I did 26 times at $468 then you see that coffee cup I didn't make any money off of that that was an experiment so just don't worry about that okay so here's another page at the top left you see that's where I made all I sold the mountains individually I made a bunch of different sizes sold them all individually so people could buy them whatever combination they wanted I made $2,634 off of that okay so the rest of these are bulk orders I'm not going to go through Reading each one if you want to pause the video and add them up yourselves you can and if you add up just those Mountain numbers that's over 15 that's about $18,000 and this is just the mountains this isn't everything I sold on my site that I showed you earlier and if a motard like me can do it you can do it too
Channel: JASCOgoods
Views: 232,726
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Id: nlsmOoPTjLs
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Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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