Best Cities Skylines 2 Graphic Settings that won’t destroy your PC

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the best graphic settings for City skylines 2 let's get started the very first thing you need to look at is the virtual texturing if you do not let your game completely load before you load your save the graphics will not look great and will look very grainy now let's get into our graphic so once your city loads you immediately want to go to the top right and go into settings and click on options the very first thing we're going to look at is the per performance preference while we're testing City skylines 2 Beta we realized that we have frame rate balance and simulation speed we notice that balance worked out the best out of all the settings next is autosave now early on when testing City skylines 2 Beta autosave enabled would crash our city skylines to cities so I know this function is working again but I just chose not to use it so use this setting autosave at your own discretion next is our screen green resolution obviously I'm playing at 1440p and 165 HZ but CD skylines 2 gives you some really amazing options where you're just not stuck with four or five options now next I do want to show you you have to disable these functions as of right now the very first thing is depth of field mode and then next what we want to go into is the dynamic resolution scale quality make sure that is disabled the reason why we're disabling these function is because while we were testing City skylines we wanted to have the best performing game possible obviously when you are recording a city skylines you don't want everything to look jittery blurry and you don't want the FPS rate to actually take a dump on you so obviously we wanted the best performance possible so next is the fog quality settings this is actually optional I just prefer not to have fog in my city skylines game especially when I'm recording so that's definitely optional it doesn't really hurt your game at at all next is volume metrics quality settings make sure you please disable this function the reason behind that is because colossal order when we are testing out this game mentioned that if you're playing with volume metrics quality settings and depth of field quality settings if you're both if you both have those enabled it will severely hinder your game and make your GPU actually kind of overwork itself at 97% and we don't want to destroy your GPU when playing City skylines too so that's just something to keep in mind next and lastly is motion blur so when you're moving you're going to you know sometimes you notice that there's a blur well anyways in City skylines 2 when you disable motion blur you get rid of that you get rid of that like intoxicating feeling anyways all of my other settings are on high as you could see here like the antialising and everything else the qual the cloud quality the ambient inclusion and everything else is high quality so it's just pretty easy if you need to make sure you pause the screen but you're going to see here everything is high now the animation quality which is like cars driving around and stuff like that I did bump it down to medium um if you want you can make it hot you can put that to High I don't think it really will make too much of a difference but there you go guys there are the city Sky lines 2 graphic settings that you need to follow before you start your city skylines game like I said here's me Ro moving around just the city and whatnot and you can see here the screen is very smooth it's honestly not doing too bad all look at that I'm shaking it a little bit so everything seemed to work out really really well so thank you guys for watching I appreciate it have a great rest of your day
Channel: Sportsmonkey
Views: 14,301
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Keywords: cities skylines, cities skylines 2, cities skylines 2 crash, cities skylines 2 fps, cities skylines 2 graphic settings, cities skylines 2 graphics, cities skylines 2 graphics settings, cities skylines 2 max settings, cities skylines 2 settings, cities skylines cpu lag fix, cities skylines fps boost, cities skylines how to increase fps, cities skylines increase framerate, city skylines 2 settings, cities skylines ii, city skylines 2, cities skylines 2 performance
Id: S_xrLo7IH30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 48sec (228 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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