Best, cheapest, easiest, and safest way to keep mice out of your house

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mice mice baby boom boom boom bada boom boom all right now take a look at this building here did you see if you notice anything out of the ordinary that maybe you Knight might not be on or near other buildings now take a look at this house here do you notice anything out of the ordinary other than the fact that I let the weeds get out of hand in the garden area which is something I tend to do when I get near the end of the you know growing season in the summer and the early fall speaking of summer in the early fall that's the time of year that mice like to move in so you got to figure out how to keep those suckers from getting in your house and on closer inspection here is the thing that's out of the ordinary what do you think that is right there that there is a mouse poison bait station now what would you want out of a mouse poison bait station what things would you want well first thing is you won't want to have it get blown away in the wind you won't Helen I have it noticeable when people are just walking by you want to of course be able to keep the mouse poison dry and you don't want pets like a dog getting into it and eating the poison sole for years and years I wrestled with these items here and if you go and look at any Mouse poisoning station that the exterminator or leave or one that you can buy in the store they tend to be made out of plastic which a weed whacker will destroy in just one time the wind will blow it away and it's very easy for the dog to get in them open them up and take the poison out and eat it and you certainly wouldn't want to have that so how do you solve all those problems you know so often that dogs and these videos and he doesn't serve much of a purpose and I'm but here he kind of does you know you spend a lot of money on aughh nowadays has initial cost and vet bills and stuff last thing you want them to do is get in the mouths poison and either cost you a whole bunch more money or kill the dog so you got to have something somewhere yeah killing the mice but not killing your pets and uh this is what I came up with several years ago this unit here takes care of all those problems it's basically a concrete block a half concrete block with two pieces of green treated plywood on the side a hole for your mice to get in and piece of quarter-inch threaded rod with a wing nut on it to take the two sides apart to refill the with more poison and clean it out occasionally so I'll take this part and show you how I load her up with poison and how easy it is to use all right that's all there is to it sports then I got two pieces of plywood I use green treated plywood sometimes claw but probably needs to be replaced from these days I use green treat so it it holds up quite a bit longer than regular plywood I wouldn't recommend using regular plywood I'd say use green treated and piece of threaded rod that sandwich is the two pieces between this half-smoked block and you just put your poison in there and put the wing nut on the bolt and that's all there is to it so I'm gonna clean out last year's poison there it looks like the mice ate at all and I'll put more all right there's a number of different types of mouths poisons out there and you know the different active ingredients so that's why I use a three different kind so i'll generally put a block of that in there and then a block of this type this one's hawk by brand name this is time that and then i put a bag a deaqon in there and after i clean it out the first thing i do is i take a scraper and i scrape out any old crime poison mud what-have-you spider webs and then after that I just take my pieces of plywood and I just put that threaded rod through that hole and put my wingback nut back on and put the bait station back where it was a time good for another year okay there we go I put it all back together and I'll put it back in place and it's good for another year I suppose he put that wing that I'm tight enough so you need to use pliers to take it off it also prevent kids from getting in that so another added benefit and the nice thing about these like I said when they're sitting next to a house particularly a house with a concrete exposed concrete foundation these are the exact same color so you don't even notice them so there we go it's all set for another year I've usually put one of these on each corner of the house in each corner of an outbuilding and it does a pretty good job you know and then the next year when you go to refill your poison you kind of monitor how much is used I also use them in inside and describe in this case I got him over there in that corner I used to have one in each corner of the garage but I found that there was no activity of mice there but there was activity over here so I just put put both of them in this area same is true over here I used to have one in this corner of the garage but none of the boys never got eat so then I put them on this court in their garage and and they eat it and then boy I tell you one thing it really they really helped cut down on mice getting your house off what you want to do is keep the mice out of the house to begin with and they're outside before they go inside so and they're looking for food all the time you've got that these uh bait stations here those mice to go right in through those holes and they'll eat that poison and they'll be dead before they ever move into your house all right I got a couple of bait stations here that we're in the garage another kind of cool thing about this is when you take these out each year to refill them you can kind of monitor the activity and I got some kind of good news here even though the mice eat all the poison on the ones outside of the garage they haven't really eaten too much on the ones inside the garage shall we we're killing them before they they get in the premises for the most part there is some activity in this one here it looks like they liked the taste of the of them Tomcat bait better than the hawk so ah that's something and doesn't look like actually like the decon at all so that's in perfect shape but the good news there is we don't have a whole lot of activity in the garage and that's a good deal so I'll put these things back in there and I think that place is just fine so I think I can go another year I put them in each corner of my shed here too because when you're working on things all stuff tends to get banged up and stuffing in blue neurons I've heard you're washing the floor but and also the dogs in here so it's just a good way to prevent the dog from getting to the mouse poison it's worth good for me for a number of years and uh you know it didn't cost much to make they won't blow away in the wind they won't get destroyed by a weed whacker it keeps the mouse poisoned dry they're heavy enough where even small children probably aren't going to mess with them I don't know I don't think there's anything more you could want enough mouse bait station and these are work really well for me for years so if you liked what you saw here I'd appreciate it if you liked share subscribe you know do all the things to make this a number one channel on YouTube and we'll see you again here next time on the fix yourself channel
Channel: fixyourself
Views: 225,893
Rating: 4.6917205 out of 5
Keywords: Best way to keep mice out of your house, cheapest way to keep mice out of your house, easiest way to keep mice out of your house, safest way to keep mice out of your house, build your own mouse poison bait stations, indestructible mouse poison bait stations
Id: bMVioAlS65I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2017
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