Best ChatGPT Extension For Visual Studio Code in 2023?

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in this video we will aim to find the best cat GPT extension the vs code in 2023 now chat GPT seems to be the Talk of the Town at the moment now the reason for this is that chat GPT is a new type of AI that can create conversational text to answer anything from simple questions to elaborate essays now obviously developers being developers it didn't take long for people to see how chat GPT could be used to speed up development and after a few days of chat GPT being released the first visual code extension that makes use of chat GPT was released now as a recording there are currently about 25 extensions that make use of chatter GPT for vs code now out of this list about four or five of them seem to have caught the developers world's imagination now the extensions I'm going to mention in this video have all been installed well over 5 000 times a piece so in today's video we will answer the question what do these extensions actually do will they speed up your workflow and more importantly which is the best one foreign extension is one of the most downloaded extensions in today's review the extension has the original name of chat GPT and it was created by a developer called Ali ginsei now as of recording this extension has been downloaded over 28 000 times which is pretty amazing now what this extension does really well is to find you with an easy way to ask GPT API any questions that you might have now in order to get going and installing this extension locally what we're going to do is far open Visual Studio go to the marketplace extension search for chat GPT and it'll be this nice little pink one at the top here now what will happen is that after installing this plugin you're going to get access to basically something in your left hand sidebar here like this checking on it is then going to open up this chat now when you ask your first question you'll be prompted to enter in an SDK key now the nice thing about this extension is it'll also provide you with a link that when you click on it'll take you to the API generation page on chat GPT now all you need to do is click on this link sign in generator key copy it and then paste it into Visual Studio code after successfully adding the key you're then free to ask chat GPT any question that you like foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so that pretty much covers everything that this extension does so the things I like about the extension are that it's free easy to install and authenticate now the things I don't like is it doesn't really provide you with any development specific features all it basically gives you is a nice chat window now I've got a funny story about the most insightful comment that chat GPT made and this was to smash on the Subscribe button right now and click on that like button to help me out with the YouTube algorithm now if this is the first time we've come across this channel then my name is John and I release a video each Sunday that will help you create Enterprise grade websites make you an absolute coding Legend So if that floats your boat don't forget to do it now so let's get back to the content [Music] second extension that we're going to view today is also called chat GPT however this extension was created by someone called Kieran show and the reason why I like this extension is it actually has some developer focused capabilities now in order to install it you can go to your Marketplace Explorer do a search for chat GPT and this one is by Kieran sir now this has been downloaded over 20 000 times the nice thing about chat GPT with Kieran Saha again is it very easy to authenticate with it all we need to do as you can see from the documentation is go to the go in here generate an extension key as you can see here and off we go to the races after successfully authenticating this extension you're going to have access to a few handy new features so let's see these in action I'm going to highlight this code right click and then within the context menu you can see chat to qpt asked to explain code clicking on this is then going to open up the window on the left hand side what chat GPT will do after a few minutes it's actually explain to us what the code is doing this extension also has another context menu option so let's highlight this code this time right click now we can do ask why the code isn't working [Music] now aside from these two context menu shortcuts if we go to the command palette type in chat GPT you can see that we can ask a question asked to explain code ask why code isn't working or change the open API key so overall I'm pretty impressed with extension it was very easy to install and get going and also has some great developer specific functionality so it's definitely worth checking out foreign [Music] X extension is called chat GPT for vs code plugin now created by J Barnes this is probably the most popular download with over 35 000 installs so far now this extension not only has a handy chat GPT window also has some context menu goodness as well now before you can actually start using the app you do need to authenticate things and unfortunately this is where things get a little tricky as this new way of authenticating is such a faff I recommend that you first looking at the documentation and halfway through the project with me you're going to find some instructions on how to generate some API keys in order to generate these tokens you need to go to chats when we're in here on Chrome what we can do is inspect open up our Dev tools from here we can then go to application and within application cookies we need to get the value for CF underscore clearance as well as the value for underscore secure Dash next dash auth dot session Dash token now we don't just need these two values we also need the user agent so this means we also need to go to network we need to refresh our Network tab we need to click on any of these requests then all we need to do is scroll down the bottom where we have this user agent right click on it and then do copy value now that we have these three authentication values we can now add them into the extension now in order to do this we can go to our Command palette from here we could do chat GPT reset token from here you're going to be prompted to add in these three keys so now it's a case of copying those values and painfully adding them into vs code one at a time now after doing this hopefully you should then be authenticated and you can use the extension why did you copied everything correctly now my main issue with this authentication process is that CF token pretty much expires every two hours this means that while you're using the extension it's going to randomly break at certain times and the only way to fix it is to go through the whole inconvenience generating new token copying and pasting it and I'm really not sure why it's the most popular downloaded extension seeing that it's such a hassle but hey that's life now after you've got the extension working the first capability that you're probably going to notice is the chat window so if you look in the left sidebar here you can see we've got this broken icon and then clicking on this icon you can see we've got this pretty badly styled chat window here so from here we can ask any question just like the ones we've previously seen now aside from this functionality we also have a few hidden tricks from the context menu so far up any bit of code right click on it and you can see we have the option of chat GPT why is it broken chat GPT explain code chat GPT refactor and chat GPT add tests now we can also access these via the command palette from here you can see that we have the ability to add tests explain code focus on GPT view query refactor and find out why a code is broken so lots of options so to sum up even though this extension has some really good development related chat GPT features because the authentication is such a pain for me it's unusable and I give it a massive thumbs down foreign GPT now this is another really nice extension that actually has some useful development capabilities so in order to install it you get the gist by now go over to extension Marketplace search for code GPT now supposedly I would say with code GPT it's only been dialed 25 000 times so it's not the most popular one now the nice thing about this is once we've installed the plugin what we can do is then go over to any of our code right click and as you can see in the context menu we've got ask code GPT explain stuff refactor things document it find problems even create a unit test so let's see there's an action crate unit test now as you can see down the bottom it's thinking and we've now got this nice little unit test now instead I want to actually document things so I want to get this method click on it voila so I'm not too sure if I'll accept this Auto generate documentation if someone sent it to me as PR request however if you're having some writer's block or you're struggling for some inspiration for how to enable your things this might help you move forward moving the recommendations aside that's not all code GPT has to offer it still has a few other tricks up it's sleeves now another really handy benefit from using this is that let's say I'm writing the comments so a function that returns one million whatever this if I do command shift and I boom what will happen is just based on my comments it's going to go off and then we're gonna get this function here that we can add in chat GPT extension for vs code by Tim camo now this extension has been downloaded the least compared to all the options we've covered in the video so far with only 15 000 downloads I mean fifteen thousand still quite a lot so this extension definitely has some really good capabilities trade off you can see on the left hand side here yep you've guessed it we've got a classic chat window so we can ask chat GPT things now if we open up some code we can right click on some code and as you probably guessed we've got some context goodness so you can ask chat GPT explain selection refactor selection find problems optimize selection and even generate some documentation now the gotcha with this extension is when it comes to authentication again yep sadly if we go to preferences here settings go to extensions and look for chat GP you can see that we're going to bump into the session token the clearance token and the user agent so sadly because this uses the same God or for authentication process for me I just can't use it sadly [Music] now there is a warning that I should make about chat GPT and that is I don't think it's ready for production use yet now currently it's having scaling issues now as I'm recording this the connection I'm making to GPT constantly is getting timeouts and errors and this is the same for every single one of the extensions so even after established a connection asking questions via vs code can take minutes to respond so depending on the context of what you're trying to do often you're better off still getting stack Overflow and asking those questions foreign so that wraps up the most popular chat GPT extensions in 2023 and I think you'll agree there's some pretty cool features there now personally I think the winner from today's list has got to be code GTP so code GTP not only makes you so the API token to authenticate which means the extension is very stable it also gives you lots of options in the context menu like Auto generating documentation and unit tests and don't forget it also has that sweet comment code shortcut key capability so I definitely give code GTP by John D Jones thumbs up now if all you're looking for is a simple chat GPT window within visual shaded code pick chat GPT by Ali ginsay however be aware you could get exactly the same capabilities within your browser by just going over to the website anyway what do you think are you finding value from chat GPT let me know from the comments below now we have got to the time of the video where I always say if you haven't already do not forget to smash on the Subscribe button and if you have found value from this video it does take me a lot of time to test record all this stuff help me out by clicking like because it helps with the YouTube algorithm now before we leave if you would like to learn more about some AI powered Visual Studio code extensions that can help you write code then luckily for you I've recorded a video all about it so if you want to learn more and get to that video should it be appearing on screen right now simply click on that otherwise I hope you've got some value from this video hope you're having an amazing time wherever you are in the world right now and until next Sunday happy coding
Channel: jondjones
Views: 9,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PpJAGtvabyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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