The BEST Way to repair a DEEP car Paint Chip

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okay guys so we've got a chip on a door uh common thing on cars unfortunately and it's really costly to have it resprayed but it also looks really unsightly especially if you keep your car nice so today i'm going to show you a little trick on how to try and hide it and remove it so just give you a quick rundown today we're going to be using a filler spreader or a piece of plastic some paint mixed up the same color as the car drill with a buffing pad on it and some compound and a little bit of sandpaper so nothing expensive probably stuff you've already got um and it's going to save you a lot of money okay the first thing we're going to do we're just going to key up the area and just rough it up a little bit so that the paint sits in it and it also takes off any sharp or jagged edges so i've just got a little bit of 2000 sandpaper i'm just going to give that a little rub down nothing too heavy just to take off the edges and key it up next thing we're going to do we're going to get some paint on a brush i'm just going to blob it in quite big blobs and we're going to get our spreader or piece of plastic i'm just going to wipe off any excess around it now you can either leave that for 10 minutes or you can speed the process up with a hot air gun or a hair dryer we're not baking the paint so don't get it too hot we're just literally blowing some hot air across it okay so we've let that dry we've let that dry and cool down so i think i'm going to put a bit more on and blob it in this is solvent paint this won't work with water waste and it's unfinned so it's not been thinned down with reducer or thinners perhaps go the other way like that just wipe the excess off helps when you wear gloves for the heat okay so we've let that cool down um it's dried fully cured uh so we're just gonna knock it down with a bit of sandpaper on a block can be a rubber block like this as long as it's quite rigid or it could be a bit of wood don't really matter we're just going to get a bit of a flat there flick a bit of water on it so use a bit of tissue or microfiber to check progress that's looking pretty good so that's the base coat or colour coat in the chip we've put a couple of layers on filled it up flattered it back with 1500 now we're going to put some lacquer on it some clear coat same way on a spreader spread it across and let it dry just make sure all the polish all the sand sanding residues out of the chips and we're ready to go if you can see that on there that's the clear coat lacquer exactly the same process okay so we've let that dry now um with clear coat and lacquer always let it dry longer than a base coat it just takes longer you know once you've applied it just go away for a couple of hours or an hour or whatever going back a drink or do something else let it dry on its own don't try and rush it and she'll be fine okay so we're just gonna flat that down with some 1500 paper now it's cooled off and dried exactly the same as before checking the progress just wipe it off with a bit of paper towel i think it just needs a bit more flattening around here [Music] you can see here where the clear coat is what we've applied with the spreader so we obviously want to remove that and leave the remainder inside the chips okay it's 1500 done i'm just going to finish it off with some 2000 with each grade you just want to make it slightly bigger just so you're making sure that you're getting rid of all the deeper scratches what you've made with the the higher grit uh lower grip more coarse sandpaper sometimes you can leave around the edges a little bit and it uh that's where it leaves the lines so just make sure you widen it up a bit to level it all out okay so once we've flattened it dried it and we're happy with how it looks it's all nice and level we're going to buff it with either a buffing machine or a in this case it's on a drill with a buffing pad we're going to use some compound polish i'm just going to dab it around like that that is that guys um i've left this circle what i've drawn on it just so you can see there's no trickery um it's it's the real deal uh it's 95 removed it which is more than acceptable um i'm dead happy with it to be fair but i know it'd come out nice i think it's a great method it's something you guys can do at home so let's have another look so you
Channel: CVR POV
Views: 657,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: detailing, chip, scratch, detail, paint, car, damage, diy
Id: N_QgnzT-mQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2022
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