Dino-Sized Brisket in TEXAS!! Best American Food BBQ!!

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what i'm about to do next might cause controversy on your show i want to see what it's like oh no yes [Music] last time in texas calvin and i went to austin to try super affordable barbecue and crazy expensive barbecue this right here could feed a family of eight to ten not people texans now i'm headed to lockhart one of this state's most iconic barbecue destinations i've had portraits i've had beef ribs i've had all different smatterings of delicious barbecue but the one thing that's been missing from my diet is brisket that's why we've come here to the original blacks barbecue here at flex they claim to be the first to sell smoked beef brisket that's a bold claim first of all if you were the original why'd you call yourself the original i didn't call myself the original best ever food review show with decades and generations of experience it's been said they've created the perfectest oh my god juiciest like i'm at a magic shop most delicious brisket on the planet [Music] well i'm here to find out for myself the brisket is a really special cut of meat it's not known as the most expensive most fancy piece of meat on a piece of cattle and it's tough to work with if you're not using it to make a delicious smoked brisket you're probably using it to make ground beef or hamburgers but once blacks gets a hold of a brisket they do something magical and i'm going to see what that is real soon let's go inside why don't i keep talking like this like i'm liam neeson edgar black senior originally founded black's barbecue as a meat market and grocery in 1932. over time it transformed into a must-visit destination for barbecue lovers thanks to their legendary smoked beef brisket that's our main course today but first i want to whet my appetite with a brisket sausage made from the very same top-notch beef brisket one of the primary distinctions of central texas barbecue is simplicity salt pepper and a flour-based binder are just enough to amplify the meat's flavor without overshadowing it then it's time to grind it's more common for barbecue joints to have kind of low quality pork sausage but this is 90 percent finance beef brisket and 10 pork now the sausage stuffer where this meaty mix is shoved in intestinal hog casing oh you scored my face but i'm okay with that not the first time it wasn't a complaint yeah joining me today my good friend calvin and the 69 year old third generation pit master kent black most sausages i've seen are straight this one's kind of a horseshoe why this shape that's because that's the way my grandfather started doing it in 1932 here in lockhart we tried a week to do the straight length same recipe same cooking techniques straight links and you would have thought we shot the pope they hated it they said this doesn't taste the same you know we've got five generations of customers and they expect to see this style of length as the saying goes if it ain't broke don't fix it it's not only the sausage recipe and shape that have withstood the test of time this machine is the very same model that produced black's first sausages back in the 1930s that's when tvs were invented right now josh and anthony make about 7 000 of these a week for our restaurants and we ship all over the country all 50 states in puerto rico and also puerto rico don't forget our neighbors down there from here these hot links are loaded onto a roasting stick and locked inside the smoker for an hour i want to talk about the history of this place in 1932 it didn't go this far back right the building closer to main street was our small footprint when we first started every 10 years or so we would add another five or 100 or 800 square feet and now we go from one city street to another city stream how long has the sausage room been here this has been here since about 1960 so we're going on about 60 years it's one of our newer buildings [Music] and a throwback to their meat market roots most barbecue restaurants in texas cut the food in front of the customers on thick heavy butcher blocks 25 years of use has worn deep grooves into this table-sized cutting board sometimes people just buy a half of it and then if you want to see the inside of it we can show it like that or we can just cut it here some bite-sized pieces for you i feel like i'm at a magic show have you ever done teppanyaki i'm not sure what that is the japanese people cook in front of you well you know we got glass windows here so we're cooking in front of people it's a beautiful outside the way it smokes it becomes this beautiful dark brown mahogany i would call it and you can see it's not like so finely ground that the interior is just all one solid color like a hot dog it's coarse in such a way that you can see the different ingredients in there still you can actually like see the spices with your own eyes try it do you want some no yeah um that spoke really permeate through the palette there's no casing like a real hog casing could you hear me something about casing i was saying that synthetic casing can compare synthetic casing will hold it everything in place but it doesn't have any character to it doesn't have like that plump kind of bite that you can rip through with your teeth is it a different experience if you just do this oh oh it's hot it's juicy it just kind of explodes that might be even better i've never had a sausage made from beef before so having this now the textures and the flavors it's really delicious so much of this place is all the history and about the generations so it started with your grandpa and then it's gone down to your grandchildren what are your kids and your grandchildren doing now with blacks my two sons eric and barrett they're involved in the business i couldn't have grown the business without them the grandkids are a little young for a sharp knife they're aged 4 to 16 but they're starting to do a few things cleaning tables stuff like that for the four-year-old the four-year-old the 16-year-old can stuff sausage please ken's first experience with this family business was selling snow cones at the age of six in 2008 he took over the restaurant from his father edgar black jr we used to barbecue all the parts of the cow but in the 40s when my dad came back from world war ii it was his observation and conclusion that the brisket was a great cut of meat and he's the one that converted us to serving briskets only he was one of the first people in the country to do that now everybody sells briskets what started as a small shop is now a seriously large meat processing facility that built its reputation on top quality smoked brisket that's exactly what calvin and i came here for [Music] can you tell us what part is brisket brisket comes off the chest of the cow it's just right here on the chest between the front two legs and there's only two briskets on each animal left brisket and a ripe brisket so briskets are just cow boobs this fatty end of the brisket is also known as the point cut while the leaner end is the flat cut there's good fat and bad fat on a brisket this hard fat is not going to do you much good so we don't want to cut it all off down to the red meat because we got to protect the brisket but we're going to cut maybe two thirds of that hard fat off of there pit masters usually gravitate to the point cut for a juicier slice but when you talk about texas brisket you talk about the full brisket this is actually not tall enough a lot of this is going to burn up in our 14 hour cooking process so what i'm going to do is cut some of this lean in off so i can have a taller brisket on this side we're not going to throw this meat away we're going to make sausage out of that great sausage meat anything that pops up like this i'm going to cut off because it's just going to burn up anyway [Music] now i'm going to take some of our seasoning once happy with the trimming ken seasons it was salt pepper red pepper cayenne and a little something he might call a family secret let's check it out while east and south texas barbecue emphasizes the sauce central texas style is all about the rub we really rub the seasoning into the fibers of the meat otherwise when the meat starts to swell season's just going to roll off of it so we really get it down in those fibers and then we will cook this with the fat side on top so all of those juices soak down into the meat instead of being lost in the cooking process and this is ready to cook for 14 hours of all the beef cuts brisket is the least tender but with a little bit of thyme and the right cooking methods even the toughest piece of meat can be tamed and tenderized black's formula is a multi-step process after trimming and marinating they smoke it for approximately six hours in a wood-fired rotisserie [Music] [Applause] how important is wood when it comes to smoking we think it's about eighty ninety percent of the flavor really yeah we have our wood here it's local wood it's post oak wood you can cook 12 to 14 hours on it and the smoke does not overpower the meat in fact it makes it taste a little sweeter if that's a word you can use with meat do you just chop a tree down and you throw it right into the machine or is there a process behind it we only use trees that have already fallen down and then when they get here we let them age here for six months to a year before we burn them the aging gets a lot of the moisture out of the wood and it's a cleaner pure smoke and the flavor is a little more intense based on the post type of wood it's one of the things we do that makes our brisket and our meat so unique [Music] once out of the rotisserie the meat rests a day or two in the cooler then they hit the brick smoking pit for another six hours i want to talk about the name of this place the original black's barbecue was it always called the original well it's been called black's barbecue and then there's more locations we are in austin by the university of texas we're in san marcos and we're in new braunfels texas so just to differentiate it we are the original the first despite black's new branches across texas the original black's barbecue here in lockhart never lost the spotlight originally you said your dining room ended over there yeah but now it's been extended over to this area what did this used to be this used to be our grocery store we started in 1932 and it ended in 1985. i needed more space so i cut a hole in the wall and double the capacity most of this locations patrons come from outside the city of lockhart folks are willing to drive sometimes for hours just to get a taste it's not unusual for sunday to have people drive from houston which is three hours just for lunch turn around go home so people come from all over one thing remains calvin we must try your brisket now [Music] calvin before we begin grab a spoon grab a spoon spoon some of this mac and cheese when you say something you mean the whole thing don't you the south loves mac and cheese so do i and i get it every place i go it's coagulated a little bit it doesn't coagulate until hearts it stops the bleeding or it could stop your blood from moving completely there's like just cheese sauce that happens to have two noodles in it no gouda this is just cheddar cheese or american cheese the elbow noodles are cooked really soft and you can just chop into it you can get really into the crevices of your mouth yeah that sticks to every little surface of your throat and cheeks and the part on the top the roof wouldn't it be more like a ceiling no it's called the roof of your mouth this is the roof of your mouth that is the roof of your head i disagree let's agree to disagree all right guys let us know in the comments down below is this the ceiling of your mouth or the roof of your mouth brisket time brisket time smell express mouth [Music] that smells like christmas morning the other day somebody wrote me on instagram they said hey why do you take such big bites it's disgusting and so to that person who wrote me on instagram this bite's for you [Music] oh my god the salt permeates the beef differently here than in other barbecue joints it really gets down to the nitty-gritty now this may not be the most juicy brisket but flavor-wise to ten out of ten i think it just depends on where you're getting it from because what i learned today is that the brisket is not supposed to be uniform from one side to the other i mean one side is going to be a little bit more dry lean some people like it that way and some sides will be more moist try this because mine's juicy okay it's so juicy right they're fagging so flavorful i'm sorry mmm flavor is really incredible it's smoky but it's not too smoky and after you've taken a bite i mean it's been a couple minutes and i can still taste it feel it the aroma hanging around on the roof of my sorry the ceiling of my mouth you said it let me under brisket there are two types of fat there's the heart fat that's on the top cap of the brisket then there's the marbling that's in between the beef and so what you're getting is you're getting that marbling that's starting to melt into the beef i don't want a bite full of just hard fat maybe hard other things but not hard fat such a bad laugh this is the most balanced brisket i've had thus far in america i agree a lot of people will eat the barbecue straight but it can get oily it's a lot of fat it's a lot of protein all that one time so the other thing you can do is make a sandwich or a bun man but meat is just actually the bread so we've got bread right here while edgar jr puts all this heart into perfecting the smoked brisket his wife norma jean is the mind behind all the side dishes and the signature sauce that bears her name [Music] that's really good yeah sauce has a little sweetness a little vinegar coleslaw is definitely sweet and crunchy and then the same bold brisket all inside a little bit of a bread blanket that is excellent for those who are watching now and they're cringing that we're doing this i'm sorry this is how i want to eat barbecue this is how i want to embrace this piece of meat thank you to the cow well i like it both ways i also like just the meat and the meat in the sandwich i think having the outer bread hold everything in and then getting that one perfect bite is what it's good just is good just finish your sentence it's [Music] up the good last bbq 20 30 40 years from now ideally what do you imagine for this place in the future don't change anything we've been very successful with our recipes and the way we cook things way we treat people we've been here for five generations we have five generations of customers a really good day for us is with when a mom and dad come in with a new baby and a stroller the grandparents are with them and i say hey welcome back what are you all up to well this is baby susie's first trip to black's barbecue right and so i hope we'll continue that in the future i agree please never change i can't wait to come back to see you and to see your barbecue again best ever food review show is a small team of independent creators and everything we do here works because of you guys click the link in our description to join our patreon and receive exclusive benefits of peace it looks like they weren't planning on the nine it doesn't match exactly even behind that they actually had printed 85 i think and they were like why would we replace the whole thing we'll just put a number that would go on your house we'll put that there okay i've had johnson and johnson is it johnson johnson or just johnson johnsonville oh johnson johnson is a baby oil that's right i think they do the vaccine stuff they do oh and so you can't be around forever i mean you can't oh jesus that's not bad you know something i don't know in california we don't really eat much barbecue we grill that's why californians try to roast texans because they don't know how to roast meat when you smell this smoke there's something that affects me down to my dna do you mean the primal side coming out of you right side sunny side calvin sunny side sunny this is something to experience this is to go celebrate you know a good week three a's on your report cards more hair growth on your head is that your ears every year at thanksgiving my neighbor would invite me to his house and say hey come experience america put on his program hat and sing me a song i sound a little bit terrified that's how thanksgiving is in your house isn't it you sing a song and then you lead a game of charades then you wash your dishes for them and then you clean their house isn't that every thanksgiving you had some great thanksgivings growing up that's nice you should see how labor day is [Laughter] well guys that is it for this video a huge thank you to the original blacks bbq and also as always thank you to my good friend calvin you can check out calvin on his youtube channel it's called fkn deliciousness the name is right here go follow him and see his fun food adventures right now i mean like right now right now right now should this show up there's not much left who's gonna watch this no one's watching this right now actually really oh guys that is it for this video thank you so much for watching i will see you next time peace i think a brisket now i'm pregnant with a brisket baby i don't know who the father is though i don't know where the mother is the mother is a cow
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,529,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, usa, american food, texas, food in texas, bbq, cheap vs expensive food, TEXAS BBQ, brisket, classic texas brisket, Pork Ribs, beef rib, sausage, pit master, THE ORIGINAL BLACK’S BARBECUE, HOMEMADE SAUSAGE
Id: r0T-1ns9y9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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