Israel Is Going to Be Killed and Resurrected! (Hebrews 11:39-12:2) | Dr. Gene Kim

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let's start off with uh Hebrews chapter 11 Hebrews chap 11:39 verse 39 let's wrap up our Heroes of Faith here and these all having obtained a good report through faith so meaning that all these Old Testament saints that were listed that were given have obtained a good report they have a good resume a good testimony because of their faith now remember as I uh go through each and every verse I tend to explain each and every word in the verse the reason why is you hear the complaint nowadays from people the Bible is too hard to understand but what you're going to find out when I explain each and every word from the verse it's not as hard as you think so if I'm explaining something and you think that it's wordy or redundant it's because I'm looking at one word from that verse and expounding on it so try to look at the verse as you're hearing my explanation as well okay now now that I said that at verse 39 that the Old Testament Saints they have a good testimony regarding their faith there's a heretical group that you have to avoid and those are called midax midax groups midax they're also known as Hyper dispensationalists uh why they're known as Hyper dispensationalists is because they're extreme IND dispensationalism they're hyper in their dispensationalism so for some of you uh who don't know what hyper dispensationalism is uh let me explain dispensationalism for some of you who don't know dispensationalism is like from the example that I've given to you before that uh certain verses in the Bible you have to apply it to the right time period and the right group of people that's right so not every verse in the Bible is going to apply to you you have to be careful of that that's how you get wrong Doctrine well then the Devil he's going to do it to the Other Extreme as well why because the devil's job is when there is a right Doctrine as a reaction against a wrong Doctrine the devil will take that right Doctrine as a reaction against wrong Doctrine and make it go to The Other Extreme where it will still teach wrong Doctrine so that's where hyper dispensationalists come in and they take dispensationalism extremely what they do is that in their minds they assume that throughout the Old Testament that God never gave uh salvation by grace at all or you cannot find a Christian doctrine anywhere in any book of the Bible they insist only Paul's 12 Epistles is where you're going to find Christian doctrine now that is hogwash otherwise we should chop off all the books out of our Bible and only keep 12 then your Bible will be a booklet it won't be a Bible it'll be a booklet okay so there are other verses in the Old Testament in the book of Hebrews like I mentioned earlier and other places where Christians can find doctrines applying to them and the easy answer why is because some of those verses are going to match the Pauline Epistles so it'll be obviously Christian but then other verses that contradict the Pauline Epistles then it's obviously not then it doesn't apply to us it's that simple so one of the wrong thoughts that hyperd dispensational assume is that Grace without works was never given in the Old Testament but that is totally false now do we admit as actual dispensationalists true dispensationalists that Old Testament salvation was different from Christian salvation yes because Jesus Christ when he died buried and resurrect this is considered to be salvation by faith without works right so how can you believe in Christ without works if Jesus didn't die on the cross to begin with right then you're trusting in nothing so in the Old Testament time that was not available so we admit that salvation by faith not by works was available it started to become available at the the cross for us New Testament Christians and in the Old Testament time what they had was a faith and works system now that was demonstrated at Hebrews 11 we already went through that right when you look at these Heroes of Faith here you're going to notice a lot of these Old Testament Saints because of their faith they did this work because of their faith they did that work etc etc a lot of Christian churches misapply that that's why they will insist that if you're really saved by faith we should see works out of your life then they're teaching wrong Doctrine that's why they do not believe in a Doctrine called once saved always saved or eternal security or truly salvation by faith alone Sol day you know that if you really believe in that Doctrine then only believe in Christ for salvation that's it all right so don't add it's don't add Plus or anything like that don't add works but the reason why they add works is because of Hebrews 11 now our easy answer is that this is Old Testament so those are for Old Testament Jews why because they didn't have the sacrifice of Christ available where it annihilated The Works of the law for them they had to live by the law but so then hyper dispensationalists because they see that truth then they're going to go to the extreme assuming that every Old Testament character God never demonstrated his grace uh without Works involved no that is actually false because if you look at Hebrews 11 again all right they're going to be surprised Hebrews 11 demonstrated you Heroes of Faith correct so excuse me within these Heroes of Faith we see because of their Works they had strong faith Noah was demonstrated building an ark is not an easy salvation all right you have to if you think uh if I told you to build a church building for you to get saved that's a lot of work obviously if I told you to build a ship that's three times as bigger than a football field that's a lot of work okay that's what Noah had to do so Noah we see his Works demonstrated from his faith for salvation uh we see the same thing uh with other Old Testament Saints like Moses who gave the Mosaic law Joshua had to live by the Mosaic law Rahab she had to do works that's why James chapter 2 mentioned that Rahab she had to do works with her faith for salvation so there is no denying to that but what about these other Old Testament Saints you're going to find out their works are not good but God included them in the Heroes of Faith you want me to give you one example verse 21 Jacob you think his Works were Stellar that guy was a conning lying deceiver from birth till the end all right he if you want uh like a backsliding Christian for example that would be Jacob if you want a guy who's worldly who's carnal who's fleshly who's still a conniving deceiver it's Jacob so his works is such a failure when you read the book of Genesis but then how about that he's considered Heroes of Faith oh here's another example what about uh Jacob's sons right like Judah come on remember what he did with his daughter-in-law that mess that he did yeah oh but he's part of The Heroes of Faith isn't that something here's another one let's look at verse uh 32 look who's in there 32 Samson you think Samson had a great testimony as a Bible believing Christian come on we know that he committed fornication constantly all right he always did it till the day he died and he committed suicide and God considered him a saved person hero of the faith how about that that would go against Catholic dogma you to go commit suicide that's the unpardonable sin Etc well this is the clearest example and case where Samson who committed suicide was considered hero of Faith so no doubt anti- works over here this is all Faith there are are demonstrations that we see of people who got saved by faith another one is uh David at verse 32 right so David is a great case to prove two things he proved the case of during the Old Testament time he realized that the law and the Commandments were important for salvation so he said that the book of Psalm many times however David committed what murder and adultery according into the works of the law then he's supposed to be stoned to death he's supposed to be killed but God's grace was greater than David's sin in spite of his failure of the works and made him an exception to the law and spared his life according to Old Testament works of the law according to Old Testament salvation he should have been put to death however God made his life an exception and gave him Grace instead so we see a very clear case here of God's grace where David's Works failed another one is Abraham uh when we go back to Hebrews chap 11 and verse uh let's see here we'll go at we'll go at verse uh 10 we'll go at verse 10 for he that's Abraham look for a city which hath foundations whose build and maker is God through faith also Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed and was delivered of a child so notice that Abraham that he had faith that the Lord will give him children this is a demonstration of believing without works now for those who still deny it I don't know how hyper dispensationalist can go around Romans 4 go to Romans 4 now if hyper dispensationalists believe that our Apostle is the Apostle Paul that's where we should go by and then okay then go by your Apostle Paul notice that Paul argued that there were Old Testament people that were saved by grace and no works the clear case is Romans 4 Romans 4 is there's no way you can go around Romans 4 on that one go to Romans chapter 4 notice he demonstrated Two Old Testament cases the Bible says in verse one what shall we say then that Abraham our father as pertaining to the flesh hath found for If Abraham were justified by works he ha where of to Glory but not before God so notice right here Paul is arguing a case where Abraham then would not be justified by works for salvation he said that plainly verse three for what sayith the scripture Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness now to him that worketh is a reward not reckoned of Grace but of debt but to him that worketh not see that but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness how about that so the author is arguing there's no work involved right here and just believing and that's how Abraham got saved and then he demonstrated David as an example at verse six amen even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered why did David write about that cuz he experienced that he committed a adultery and murder blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin now some mid acts uh people they'll try to go around it by saying well Abraham and David they're just simply typologies but the easy debunking to that is yeah they're a typology of what of what exactly of what they typology of Simply believing in uh Christ simply by faith all right so even though they so I shouldn't say Christ cuz Jesus didn't die on the cross yet but they simply had faith and there was no Works involved and Paul used that as the typology of salvation by faith no Works involved if they weren't saved like that then Paul would not have demonstrated that so the of course the hyper dispensationalist they might use James chapter 2 where Abraham was justified by works when he offered up Isaac the son as a sacrifice they'll point out uh cases which we don't deny where David mentioned in the book of Psalm that you have to obey the law keep the Commandments to have eternal life but the simple answers to those things is that throughout the Old Testament time that is the general rule they had to do faith and works for salvation we don't deny that Hebrews 11 demonstrated it but at the same time Hebrews 11 demonstrated the exceptionable cases within that so throughout the Old Testament time the lord gave exceptions in certain cases and certain people where he overlooked their failure and work and just counted them saved you might say why would God do that cuz he's very gracious amen all right so yeah they didn't receive the death burial and resurrection of Christ that salvation was not operating where they can receive faith alone and no Works involved the Old Testament Saints didn't get that but God was still gracious and merciful that he implemented some form of that throughout the the Old Testament because he's a gracious and merciful god even in everyday life all right that's normal in order for society and for humans to function well you have to have generally rules laws involved but if everybody lives strictly by the law then you're uh you're pretty much a dodo bird they're going to think that you're you're sticking the mud you're you're come on give me a break here so don't businesses in the world place and don't governments and cops uh when they pull you over or then they see you mess up in one of the rules don't they cut you a break cut you some slack they do that don't they why because there's something merciful gracious in there understanding of your unique situation or person that you are see so that is just common sense in everyday life too is that generally There are rules but at times there can be ceptions so generally throughout the Old Testament There Are Rules law works but also there are exceptions because of Grace being gracious all right let's go back let's go back Hebrews chapter 11 Hebrews chapter 11 there is no doubt when you read that book there were many times when God laid out laws and rules he gave Exceptions there are so many times he did that because he's a very gracious and merciful god so you'll notice right here how many people fall into wrong Doctrine if they don't understand right dispensationalism right dispensationalism is the number one doctrine that will solve 90% of wrong doctrines that's right people will think that oh salvation by faith not by works was the same from beginning of Genesis to the end no that's not true then what are you going to do with verses that show that you have to do Works to show your faith or Works to keep your faith what are you going to do with that also there are verses that demonstrate disproving hyper dispensationalists that there are times that God laid out exceptionable cases because he's a gracious merciful god so a lot of people don't understand right dispensationalism that's so important you need to know right dispensationalism that way you can get your doctrines right it will resolve 90% of wrong Doctrine it is a hermeneutical method that is essential to properly interpret the scriptures amen all right let's go to Hebrews 11 and then continue reading verse 39 again verse 39 the next part reads uh receive not the promise God having provided some better thing for us that they without us should not be made perfect meaning that those Old Testament Saints who had a good testimony from their faith they didn't receive the promise yet why because God provided a better thing for us and those Old Testament Saints he reserved a better thing for all of us here so that those people who are not with us they without us right meaning that meaning Those Old Testament Saints or the Believers before us the Saints before us that are no longer with us that are not with us that are dead or deceased they're not made perfect perfect yet so in other words they didn't get their perfected full reward now some people might assume that that's referring to a resurrection they're not perfected yet and they will use the context of verse 35 you see that verse 35 the last wording there says they might uptain a better Resurrection so actually that is true that is true this is referring to a resurrection however there are a few problems here okay the promise if you're going to uh read all those verses it's not going to be limited to a resurrection the resurrection for the Jews here now remember this is Old Testament Saints right Jews demonstrated this is is the book of Hebrews the promises that they were waiting for and if you recall with some of those Old Testament Saints it had to do with the promised land so the promise is the promised land remember the example of Abraham that I mentioned before Abraham didn't receive his reward yet because he believed that he was going to get it one day which is a land grant we read it before at verse 10 right verse 9 and verse 10 so it's not just a resurrection just rising up from the dead another problem with that is that the Old Testament Saints they did experience the resurrection at Matthew 27 you look at Matthew 27 the bodies of the Old Testament Saints resurrected and arose so we have to realize that this Resurrection what it's referring to is sometime now remember Hebrews is to the Hebrews during when the end times tribulation now is there a resurrection in the tribulation and is there a regaining of the promised land yes go to Revelation 20 and Ezekiel 37 Revelation 20 and Ezekiel 37 notice right here that the resurrection for the Jews is referring to their nation of Israel being restored now look at what the United Nations is doing look at those uh Muslim nations what they're doing to the current land of Israel if I were them I'd be scared to death I'd be scared to death because that is something that land grant is what God promised to the Jews and he's not going to go back on his word on that now when you go to uh let's see right here Ezekiel chapter 37 Ezekiel CH 37 notice the resurrection for the nation of Israel one day is a return to their promised land and obviously we know that 1,000 years Christ will reign on the earth and that's going to be within the context of the nation of Israel Ezekiel 37 notice that the Bible says in verse 12 verse 12 a resurrection therefore prophesy and say unto them thus sayeth the Lord God behold oh my people I will open your Graves and cause you to come out of your Graves and bring you into the land of Israel see that and he shall know that I am the Lord when I have opened your Graves oh my people and brought you up out of your Graves and shall put my spirit in you and you shall live and I shall place you in your own land then shall you know that I the Lord have spoken it and performed it sayeth the Lord so notice right here that the Jews when they get their Resurrection it's not just something bodywise this is referring to their land grant as well now look at Revelation 20 Revelation 20 now this is at the end of the tribulation the Antichrist and his kingdom is conquered so then Christ rules over the Earth Christ Reigns his kingdom for a thousand years and notice what happens a red resurrection of saints in the tribulation Revelation 20 verse three and cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up and set a seal upon him that he should deceive the Nations no more till the oh so notice right here Nations right so there's United Nations so I wouldn't want to be on their side all right be careful you know when you're looking at news and both sides Republican Democrat whatever they say I don't care if it's Fox news or CNN amen so be careful of what they say and then whose politics or whose side you pick don't believe a word they say believe what the book says right here when it comes to United Nations what they're telling you in the news what you're watching be careful guard your heart on that that's the devil's territory till the Thousand Years should be fulfilled and after that he must be loosed a little season and I saw Thrones and they sat upon them see rulership and judgment was given unto them and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus those are tribulation Saints who got martyred because of the Antichrist persecution and for the word of God and which had not worshiped the Beast neither his image neither had received his Mark upon their foreheads or in their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ ,000 years so notice right here verse 6 verse six blessed uh verse 5 excuse me verse 5 but the rest of the Dead live not again until the thousand years were finished this is the first resurrection see that so notice right here that the Jews experien a resurrection during the timeline of the tribulation this resurrection that Hebrews 11 is referring to remember it's addressed to Hebrews Hebrews chapter 1 and chapter 2 told you that this is about future and times and remember chapter 11 pointed out a land grant and remember scripture with scripture Revelation 20 Ezekiel 37 showed you this is the right interpretation okay so we know that uh when we go back to Hebrews 11 go back to Hebrews 11 Hebrews chap 11 11 the Apostle basically what he's writing here to the Hebrews who are going to be undergoing the tribulation that think about your Old Testament Hebrew forefathers those before us they because of their faith they endured remember that that was all in Hebrews 11 they endured they had a strong faith they held it out they chose suffering they chose persecution so the author is emphasizing that to Hebrews in Tribulation why because obviously they're going to undergo persecution from the Antichrist so he's trying to encourage them think about our forefathers before us how they endured how they were able to overcome so that they can get their reward in the end and they didn't receive their reward now but they're going to get it later and that reward is what not just a bodily Resurrection but also their land grant their rulership their rulership as well so I forgot to include that one so it includes rulership so now we understand how this applies doctrinally to Hebrews in the tribulation now can Christians claim some of that absolutely the reason why is because I've demonstrated from other verses that Christians we have to when we are saved by faith just because we are saved by faith and we're going to heaven that doesn't mean that's the the end one saved always saved faith alone not by works correct but how you live in your Christian Walk The Works that you do in this life God's going to reward you so just because you go to heaven doesn't mean that you're going to get rewarded so even though you're going to go to heaven because you're saved by faith what about your rewards some of you are going to be empty-handed so that's where Christians they can claim some of the verses right here at Hebrews 11 cuz it matches with Pauline Epistles and we're not going to turn to those verses I'm not going to get into that Doctrine but I demonstrated from Hebrews 11 some of the verses where Christians get rewarded right for enduring we saw some of those verses Christians we do have rulership because of the Judgment seat of Christ 2 Corinthians chapter 5 1 Corinthians chapter 3 de demonstrates Christians who fail in their works and they are still saved by faith they don't get burned by the fire but they lose their works in the fire so that's proof that of once saved always saved but you get no rewards anyways so that's where Christians uh can claim it as well where we endure and we can receive the promise don't you want your rapture your rapture when God raptures us before the tribulation and God launches the tribulation underneath those tribulation Jews don't you want to go up there and gain your reward gain a better Resurrection better rulership Etc amen so God will grant that to you but you've got to hold on all right so we can claim some of the verses right here for us today all right chapter 12 chapter 12 verse one chapter 12 verse one wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses meaning when he says wherefore he's trying to point out what this means is from what I previously discussed to you that's what he's pointing out from his previous dis discussion are all these what he's given Witnesses here all these Saints before us who died who endured who got tortured who got persecuted who endured because of their faith such Witnesses that's why Paul says we are surrounded that's what compass mean it means to be surrounded by and circled and here's that figurative expression so great a cloud of witnesses meaning that when uh in we are going our Christian race in life we are surrounded by so many witnesses who will witness against you who are your evidence who are your testimonies that hey if I can endure it you can endure it too that's the idea here our Old Testament well it won't be accurate to say just Old Testament I know generally it is but in Hebrews 11 it was demonstrated more as Saints so I'll just write it that way Saints before us Saints be for us who endured can you imagine both the tribulation Jew and the Christian Saint when they go before uh God's judgment he can pull up any one of these Witnesses either at Old Testament New Testament or sometime in the future and then use them against us hey they endureed how come you couldn't endure all you try making excuses to God I can't go to church I can't out tracks I can't Soul win I can't stay away from sin I can't get Victory you know because this is such a wicked Bay Area so many liberals God you don't blame me and then God pulls up a 9-year-old girl come on who was tortured during the Dark Ages standing for our faith in Jesus Christ and you try that see that's why we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses now that verse is so great a cloud of witnesses you know what that means that means no matter what great how great your excuse is your the greatness of your excuse won't compare with this great cloud of witnesses amen you will be ashamed for opening your mouth with that excuse at the Judgment amen all right I pray you don't say it on this Earth too because God remember he records every word you said and will judge that against you word so mat don't say embarrassing words like that when the when these cloud of witnesses are going to be surrounding you when God judges you so we have no excuse we can endure we can overcome no matter how great the suffering is now that's easy for me to say it but actually to be real no it's not easy for me to say it let alone live it I'm I'm human like you I'm flesh like you I don't I mean they put me on a rack and torture me I I might be the first one to deny I don't know you might say oh really Pastor I'm flesh I'm human I don't know no I don't trust myself that's why I just try the very best that I can to serve God I'm flesh like you that's hard to believe right but I'll admit I'm flesh like you I'm just doing the best that I can like you if there was anything great that I did I'll be honest it's not because of me I just did the best I could like you amen and then by enduring enduring God brings the fruit God brings the result at the end that's right and that's why I am what I am today because of God not because of me but that's why I'm urging you to do the same thing like I did just keep doing your best just keep enduring if you fail pick yourself back up again you just have to keep suffering enduring it notice the next part the verse says let us lay aside every weight okay so what we're going to get down to this is Hebrews 12 is probably the best passage uh to talk about the Christian race now there are three uh passages that talk about the Christian race very well the three passages that describe the Christian race will be uh 1 Corinthians chapter 9 and we'll go there eventually the other one is Hebrews chapter 12 which we're looking at right now and then uh the other one is first Timothy or second Timothy excuse me second Timothy 4 second Timothy 4 these are the three standard classical passages and there are more you could probably use second Timothy 2 if you want to all right but these are the classical passages that discuss the Christian race we talk about our walk with Jesus Christ correct Christian walk when you walk with the lord it's not all the time walking you're going to eventually run so even though we call it a race a race you must understand is always not like sprinting there are times you're just going to have to walk it off you're going to have to jog it or you're going to have to Sprint it does that make sense uh in marathons or in long runs you have to pace yourself so when we talk about the Christian walk it's not all the time walking then you're just lazy you're just backsliding if you're sprinting then what you're doing is no wonder you're exhausting yourself and you're getting bitter at God when God didn't mean to make it too hard for you so in the Christian Marathon you always have to look at yourself and say am I pacing right when you need to kick yourself and run kick yourself and run when you need to calm down and find a break moment you need to walk with God that's very important so we're going to describe the race here and there are several hindrances that we're going to demolish here first one let us lay aside every weight so the author is pleading to his audience to please put aside anything that will hold you back that's the weight when you run when you do your Christian race are you going to carry baggage with you obviously not if some of you are carrying baggage then that's the reason why you haven't been growing in the Lord okay now the question to you is what is your baggage what is your weight that should not be the case here go to Galatians 5 first question that way you can make sure you're running your race properly do you have weight do you you have any weight what is your weight is it your love life is it your job is it your school is it your pride pride is very big ego is very big people just can't say I'm sorry to the other person why we just have so much pride in us so do you have any weights what's holding you back what's slowing you down from coming to church what's slowing you down from witnessing to souls what's slowing you down from uh reading your Bible praying you have to ask yourself that what's slowing you down from growing in the Lord Galatians chapter 5 a very good verse I preached a sermon out of this before I think two of them it's very good one Galatians 5 and verse 7 ye did run well see that so you're running well but who did hinder you that he should not obey the truth some of you some of you were Soul winners some of you attended church some of you served God and stayed away from sin some of you did what happened right what happened I'll tell you what happened work happened busyness happened stress happened trial happened trauma happened blah blah blah blah blah happened there's always something that happened oh wait go to Luke chapter 9 Luke 9 when you're racing it's not supposed to be easy that's the problem with people they think that Christian race is easy that's not true when you're racing a marathon is something that is rigorous you have to understand it's something that is very hard when you serve the Lord Jesus Christ this is what discipleship is okay basically no turning back nothing to hold you back look at this if you want to follow the lord look at verse 57 and it came to pass that as they went in the way a certain man said unto him Lord I will follow follow thee withs soever thou goest you know what Jesus said and Jesus said unto him foxes of holes and birds of the airs have Nest but the son of man hath not wear to lay his head Lord couldn't you just let him in imagine if uh somebody wanted to attend our church and then I told them this is the requirement for church membership then nobody would be in church even me okay be because Jesus pointed out right here he knew the weakness of this person is hey I'm just I'm just going to be a Wandering everywhere and there's going to be no roof over my head so I know you can't follow me so he knew his weakness his weakness was he wanted to have his settle down life isn't that what we Americans want isn't that that's why isn't that why they're all migrating out of California cuz they can't settle down here they want to find a place to settle down why do you think I didn't move out yet cuz my job isn't to settle down it's to fight and keep preaching what God called me to do here all right we look at verse 59 and he said unto another follow me but he said Lord suffer me first to go and bury my father well that's understandable I'd allow him on that but look what Jesus said Jesus said unto him let the dead bury their dead but go thou and preach the kingdom of God that's horrible why would Jesus say that because the question is then with the death of a loved one hold you back from serving God see that's the bottom line when you follow God what's holding you back Jesus wants to make sure every area of your life has been surrendered to him and nothing holds you back when you look at uh verse 61 and another also said Lord I will follow thee but let me first go bid them farewell which are at home at my house and Jesus said unto him no man having put his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God oh my goodness and you wonder why wickedness is growing in our world yeah because it's easy to sin and to become Wicked but to serve God takes a lot of sacrifice and requirement go to Hebrews 12 Hebrews chap 12 so what's holding you back if it's an understandable very sensitive touchy scenario that can hold you back from serving God You Bet Your Life that's going to happen to you one day and you got to be prepared for that all right the next one is and the sin which does so easily beset us so not only we are to cast aside things that can hold us back but also sins that I like how it says easily beset beset means to be set into place sin is so easy to be put in front of you can I get an amen on that one sin is so easy to be put in front of you I mean you live in the Bay Area I mean it's all around you all right there's no way to get out of it all right Billboards and now on your phones all right and you're watching a video and then you don't mean this advertisement to come out but that advertisement just happened to come out right uh and then uh wherever you walk wherever you go you can't escape it they're everywhere and you're going to hear something that's ungodly and you're going to come across sin that is easily set in front of you how easily set in front of you as if you are reading your Bible and you're praying and then all of a sudden sin is set easily set before you in your mind and you're like where'd that come from here you are daydreaming when you're trying to read that book our brains have become so fried it's been used to daydream and imagine because we live in a world filled with imaginations that's right this is Art right this is culture that kind of garbage that they're trying to do to you so because of that it be it became habitual now it became habitual we don't want to live uh life that way we don't want to live life that way and unfortunately people are now with sin that is easily set in front of you you got to get away from that so go to the Book of Proverbs open your Bibles to the Book of Proverbs and then we'll look at uh chapter I think four chapter four I lost the passage here I don't know if anyone can find that ah yeah it is chapter 4 and then uh verse 15 chapter 4 and verse 15 so when you're running it's not like look at this now when you're running it's not like that you're running into sin okay when you're running it's like sin is Right placed before you yeah in your steps that's good now you know what a runner does if you're running you're not going to go and then like the dog lick the vomit second Peter 2 that's what some of you are doing right you know what you're going to naturally do if you see that I'll tell you what me and the MS does when we walk on a nice hiking trail we walk around it we don't look at it we don't look back either when you walk away obviously it's like you got to not look at it amen that's just common sense but when you're going like this H something wrong with you right something wrong with you go to proverbs 4 proverbs 4 we easily pass by it that's it Proverbs 4:15 proverbs 4 15 the Bible says avoid it pass not by it oh so it's even to the point where you don't even pass by it you got to completely avoid it turn from it and what pass away that's what you do with sin When sin is easily set in front of you you just go away from it all right you just go away from it run away from it but see people don't want to do that they want to dabble with sin they want to go close they want to look back just once now remember I'm not saying that all of you are chasing after sin do you know why you keep messing up as Sin it's not because you're chasing after it it's because it's easily set in front of you remember last Hebrews teaching I wish that somehow in some way we can live like Amish people in our own little island and have only Bible believing Christians and Holiness all around us and we all live happily ever after but that's not how it works all right sin is always around you suffering is always around you and it will stick with you till the day you die you can't separate from that so because of that that's the reason why it's always set in front of you even if you don't want it it will so what you have to do while you're running is to get away from it all the time you got to run away from it all right uh let's look at Hebrews 12 again so the next question is which sin easily easily which sin easily gets put in front of you if you know what it is then why does it keep doing that right why does it keep doing that you all have to think and pray about that you're going to have to change your behavior the places you go all right some of you need a clean house all right Hebrews chapter 12 and let us run with patience the race that is set before us I don't like that I don't like that why because I'm an American like you where I want instant gratification and I need it immediately because when I'm opening something online the browser is just taking too stinking long we want it now now now now that's our problem but this verse says that when we're running let us run with patience we got to pace ourselves we got to wait on the Lord in this race that is set before us so God I like how it's said how it's worded here God puts the race in into our lives so don't run away from that if God puts you through a trial or a situation this race that is set before you the thing is is the pro the mistake many people do is run away from it but when it comes to sin they don't run away from it come on so when God puts the race before you what you're supposed to do is accept accept it and no matter how long it takes just be patient and stay there just be patient and stay there I don't care how long the trial or the Affliction or what test God put you in you got to wait learn to wait on the Lord no matter how long it takes that's important if you're going to survive the race uh go to 1 Corinthians 9 this is the hardest Crown to achieve at the Judgment seat of Christ in my opinion why because we're such impa patient people we're very bad in disciplining ourselves especially in this culture this area like I told you before in my Sunday sermon our our problem is we're very very LAX we're very very LAX in 1 Corinthians chapter 9 verse 24 24 knowing not that they which run in a race run all but one receiveth the prize so run that he may obtain remember the author talks about obtaining the reward right in the race so this is matching up with that amen verse 25 and every man that striveth for the Mastery is what temperate in all things you know what that is that's being self-controlled in what in everything if you know in the business place and when you enter into college what they're training you to do is you need to learn to pace yourself you need to be self-disciplined you need to manage things yourself overcome problems yourself Etc notice that verse 27 it follows in line with verse 27 but I keep under my body and bring it into subjection that's the hard thing to do this flesh is going by impulse and when you're studying or working in a project the tendency is to keep working to keep studying but that's not healthy sometimes you got to slow down and stop and then when you're slowing down and stopping it's hard to pick it back up again and start and speeding up in your work why because you're controlling your flesh nobody wants to press the up and down button on the flesh the flesh wants to say leave it alone let it do what I want to do yeah amen I'm preaching at this flesh it's a wicked flesh it's a wicked flesh the flesh wants to go however way it feels but a lot of times you're going to have to push it when you got to push it and you got to hold it back when it got to hold back don't go by whatever your feeling wants to go cuz that feeling is going to kill you one day if you're not careful amen because notice right here the last part of verse 27 lest that by any means when I have preached to others I myself should be a cast away see yeah you're going to cast yourself off you don't want to be a cast away all right go to Hebrews 12 Hebrews chapter 12 now notice that this patience is necessary matching with what oh did you forget Hebrews 11 this uh Christian race that is supposed to have patience you forgot matching with Hebrews chap 11 with enduring right having faith right so the reason why you're not patience patient excuse me is because the question you got to be asking yourself is based off of Romans 5 and Hebrews 11 that I point out before you are you enduring can you endure no you can endure that's why you have no patience do you believe that the trial the race that God set before you is the right place to be and you should stay in there don't run away from it and don't go down any other place and the best place is the place where God put you in do you have faith in that if you don't that's why you don't have patience come on did you choose suffering no of course you didn't choose suffering that's the reason why you're not patient and hence that's the reason why the Romans 5 cycle has no application to you remember the Romans 5 cycle the Romans 5 cycle is tribulation which you chose right the suffering work at patience patience experience experience hope it builds up more faith if you keep running by that Romans 5 cycle you will survive and it becomes bigger the faith becomes bigger the endurance no matter how bigger it is it becomes stronger to bear so you have to look at these areas this was already given out at Romans 5 and Hebrews 11 so if you don't have patience it's because you didn't make a decision on these four things yet that you have to examine yourself question is do you have patience now we're going to look at verse two the classical passage amen amen amen our hero our champion right here verse two looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith well praise the Lord so for you to keep up this marathon and to win at the end you got to look at Jesus Christ why now the problem with a lot of commentators is that they're going to say that Jesus Christ is the Forerunner in other words that he started out the race and he's the one who uh finishes our race so in other words he's our example to follow but this is more than that the author means he's the Creator yeah and finisher means that he's the very end of it now that's Jesus's language right Jesus said I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end amen that matches well with author and finisher now what does that mean that statement I'm beginning and end I'm Alpha Omega uh author finisher that mean from the very beginning to the end he is it so what's my bottom line right here the verse is the author and finisher of our what faith okay why do you have faith in Christ because he is Faith itself everything that Sur rounds begins and ends with faith why is that so important for you to understand because that's the reason why you're having trouble believing your faith is dependent upon Jesus Christ I don't know if you knew that the substance The Entity the very person God himself deity is the one that is contingent for your faith so if you're struggling your faith then it shows that uh the question is this must not be real to you then Jesus Christ so he is author he is finisher so when you are struggling in your faith you got to realize I Jesus Christ is the one that makes up for that so that writer that uh the Apostle Paul says looking unto Jesus so you have to look at Jesus who is the one contingent for your faith if you keep looking at Jesus then you're going to keep your faith intact amen then you're going to keep being strong then you're going to you're going to keep enduring but you're not looking at Jesus Christ why because you keep looking at trou you keep looking at Dow you keep looking at the world you keep looking at higher ed you keep looking at knowledge you keep looking at yourself yourself yourself feeling number one with feeling number two with feeling number three feeling four and it's all about my feelings and that's the reason why you're a feeling wreck and you have no faith okay so look at Jesus verse two keeps explaining who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross what are you looking at Jesus when he endured the cross I mean none of you uh ever got nailed on a cross so you didn't have it rough as Jesus but Jesus Christ when he endured that suffering he kept what putting the joy before him so when that race is set before you our problem is is that our eyes are set on the race and when the poop is set in front of you set before the sin set before you your eyes are set on this but you've got to remember Hebrews 11 you forgot you got to look at that invisible did you forget that the invisible thing is the one that's set before you or you need to set before you sin is easily set before you but joy is not easily set before you is it so that's the reason why you need to set it Jesus set that Joy before for him so his eye is looking at the joy that was set before him the prize the reward in heaven if Jesus is doing that we need to do the same thing as well so we need to keep looking at the joy that's set before us not the race which can discourage us because we don't like this long weary Road and favorite hymn is tempted and tried we're all made to wonder Farther Along we'll know all about it that just happens to be our favorite himym instead of just constantly looking at the race and singing that song you got to look at the joy and you've got to uh instead of looking back at the mock right here you got to look at this why because that's important Moses did that remember that Through The Eyes of Faith he's supposed to do that Jesus did that look at Isaiah 53 notice our example did that Isaiah chapter 53 that's good Isaiah chter 53 now this is the classic passage about Jesus dying on the cross right but as he endured the cross notice what he set before him look at verse 11 Isaiah chapter uh 53 and then verse 11 he shall see of the travail of his soul and shall be what Satisfied by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many for he shall bear their iniquities notice the joy that was set before him notice that at verse 11 see what is he seeing in spite of the travail the satisfaction The Joy look at verse 12 therefore will I divide him a portion with the great and he shall divide the spoil with the strong wow so that was his Joy his Blessing that he received his reward all right the next part of Hebrews 12 notice right here it says despising uh the shame so he despised shame itself go to Isaiah 50 Isaiah 50 some of you might say well I despise shame too that's the reason why I keep running away from shameful things that's the reason why I have a hard time accepting shameful things humbling myself going through the embarrassing mistakes I don't want to shame myself no that's not what the author meant by despising shame in other words he ex uh what he did was he accepted the shame he let shame confront him and he didn't let that bother him that's the despising there but see you let it bother you you let shame cling on to you so what you need to do with shame is when you confront shame you need to despise it you can't let that bother you you got to look down on it and say so what I'm going to go through this do any of you do that no we always let embarrassing mistakes and our shame and our guilt prevent us from coming back to church from picking ourselves back up again against sin and serving God come on you need to despise that you need to say so what I'm getting right with God I want to serve God again I want to live clean do you confront shame like that look at Isaiah 50:6 when Jesus Christ endured the cross he did that you can't Isaiah chapter 50: 6 I gave my back to the smiters and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair I hid not my face from shame and spitting see he despised it yeah but you hide from your shame do you don't you all right go to Hebrews 12 again Hebrews 12 again the last part says and is sat down at the right hand of the Throne of God so Jesus Christ because he looked at the joy set before him he got what he wanted the Lord God the the father put him and set him that joy that was set before him at the right hand of the father now how about you are you looking at the joy set before you is Jesus your author and finisher of your faith now we'll cover three and four three and four is a lot better actually uh it's too bad I couldn't cover that I hope to cover three and four next time lots of good words here that will really help you en rasing and enduring suffering and then despising the shame and bearing it so don't miss out on that one hopefully I'll talk to you next time father God I pray that tonight's teaching has been helpful to us we've grown more in knowledge of the scriptures and that we will run our Christian race the patiently rightly not looking behind us and not looking at the sin but to keep going on because you're our author and finisher you're what uh consists of our faith father so I pray that we'll believe in it trust in it cling on to it and look at that and that way we can keep going on in Jesus name we pray amen am
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 45,800
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Keywords: dispensationalism, bible study, end times, revelation, king james only, bible believer, once saved always saved, rapture, kjv only, how to understand the bible, debunking false pastors, false preachers, right doctrine, satan, antichrist, mark of the beast
Id: SUouhhT3e18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 39sec (3759 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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