History of The Mysterious Inca Empire | Intermediate Discipleship #81 | Dr. Gene Kim

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we're returning back to our discipleship course all right so if you open up frederick widowson's book all right it's a bible believer's guide to world history at page 265 265. we're going to cover a lot of exciting stuff apparently south america has a very very interesting history and we're going to cover uh some things of what the explorer saw what did they exactly see and then we're gonna go back to this these mysterious lands in south america where you might recall i told you there were some sons of god activity possibly going on that time and then as centuries passed by the inhabitants just carried on the culture and tradition what they learned from the nephilim or the sons of god and then the explorers they heard so many myths and legends about these so-called magical places and what did they exactly see so we're going to cover one of these uh i guess you can say tribes or groups of people one at a time so let's start off with page 265 at frederick widowson's book and we're going to start off uh the slave trade okay the exploration and conquest so we're coming over here about the explorations further things that they saw and what did they exactly discover the slave trade went hand in hand with the lust for gold which the spanish enjoyed in the americas and the thirst for exploration and conquest everywhere the portuguese fleet appeared at calicut on the indian ocean in 1500 after vasco de gama had rounded the cape of good hope in 1498. between 1500 and 1505 the portuguese established trading posts along the west coast of india francisco de almeida was appointed first viceroy of portuguese india in 1505 also establishing bases along the east coast of africa his son lorenzo established a base at ceylon now called sri lanka alfonso de albuquerque was appointed viceroy of india in 1507. in 150 1508 sultan mahmud begarha of gujarat allied with kansu-al-ghari of egypt to try to halt the portuguese interference with what had been a muslim monopoly and fought the naval battle of dabul against them resulting in lorenzo being killed his father gained revenge in 1509 by burning a number of muslim ports along india's coast including goa and dabul al-maidah destroyed the muslim fleet at the battle of diu in 1509 the portuguese not only built valuable trading posts on the east coast of africa and the west coast of india but they moved on to canton china in 1514 burma by 1519 and portuguese were impacting china by 1520 but were expelled from the capital due to some misbehavior by their ships on the coast of china okay so this whole entire paragraph is talking about again we've seen the exploration of the portuguese and the spanish and where they started out was in port regions of africa and india and then you notice that these europeans they were conquering terrain one by one more and more so then the muslims which had a monopoly as you've heard widowson mentioned in his book they've been they're being conquered one by one whereas the catholics are taking over the territories more and more from there they were interested in trade with china as well but then it reaches out to the americas now when you combine these territories remember the reason why the catholics became so powerful is because of two countries spain and portugal now when you combine these two with all their explorations that they made in these vast lands how much more powerful is their empire now so their empire is pretty much you could say worldwide it's worldwide effect and domination so that's why the catholic empire became extremely powerful and no one could topple it it seemed like and until the lord had other plans for the catholic empire later on and then the christians were actually the one the bible believing fold were the later ones in later times that became the most powerful and the lord blessed it because of how they honored the king james bible but we're going to come to that a little later right now we're covering the time of between sardis and philadelphia so let's cover those church age timelines first let's continue on with the explorations now we come to the americas all right we see how they conquer terrain one by one and then now they're coming to the americas let's read here in the meanwhile the spanish were conquering all of south and central america and much of north america with the explorer coronado in 1540 to 1542 conquering new mexico while he looked for fabled seven cities of gold and is the first european to see the grand canyon so this is coronado right here we've just we've talked about almeida with his uh terrain over this side coronado concerning the americas he was on the search for certain myths and legends that he heard about and these myths and legends were formed as we've discussed in genesis studies excuse me in the beginning of this intermediate discipleship course when we covered the genesis timeline miss legends are formed because you start out with something true you start out with something true and then it exaggerates and turns into missing legends so there might be an element of truth with what coronado was trying to find why because i pointed out to you where did the sons of god retreat to which is very interesting that you've studied in the discipleship classes don't forget the uh i think the city if i recall te odi huakan and also the mayans remember about those two civilizations where it seemed like a lot of mysterious activity same thing like the egyptians how they built the pyramids uh but now we're going to cover the group of people who start to take over after uh in latter centuries when we passed the epitome of the mayan civilization and tiodi hakan if i remember the cities correctly or the cultures correctly but let's continue on with the explorers saint augustine florida was founded by the spanish in 1565 after they massacred a french colony on the saint johns river present-day california new mexico arizona and texas would also belong to spain see that's a huge swath of land so this catholic empire is very is getting extremely powerful this is the time that francis uh so we'll skip him we'll go down to let's see over here so much wealth and riches all right so i've skipped a couple sentences so much wealth and riches were being removed from the new world from the americas to spain that the english sea dog captain francis drake and his ship the golden ein snared more than 10 tons of gold from captured spanish ships in just two years from 1577 157 so the americas had that much wealth and gold spain spent their fabulous wealth as soon as they got it that's why the catholic empire became powerful here are some examples how catholic spain became so powerful for instance peter bernstein's the power of gold tells us that charles v in 1516 became holy roman emperor by being voted in by the pope's german electors at a cost to spain of eight hundred fifty thousand floorings a huge fortune it kind of sounds like our election process uh anyway i i'm divi i'm diverting and further bankrupted spain by 27 years of constant warfare with francis the first of france plus trying to claim the netherlands as the property of spain conquest can be quite expensive so that's where they all got it they stole it from all their explorations what helped it was remember the slave trade so remember this you got to remember the patterns here on how they became extremely powerful these two countries you as long as you have the slaves then you get people working for you and then when you conquer more lands you just fill it out with slaves and then what happens then you get their rich natural resources and nobody claims and then you become very powerful you become very powerful that's how you build a church no i'm just kidding okay all right so um you're seeing a pattern here that i'm revealing on how empires rise and fall actually there are two branches that i think is extremely interesting and that's history and psychology if you major in these two things you might become a very powerful successful person actually so it is intensely interesting when you study both history and psychology together but it can become a very demonic thing if you don't study the word of god when you have that word of god it keeps you in the balance because why what men learn from history is that men never learn from history and god already knows human nature long ago before the psychologist all right well anyway i just dropped some things just some tips over there all right now here's something very interesting this one is uh reuters news agency story about the name america now the name america is supposed to be from vespucci so from vespucci we're supposed to get the name america but here are some interesting things about the conflict behind the name of america and how it was founded so it may not be as what you normally hear in history textbooks so let me give you the reading here page 266. and this is from the reuters news agency story it's called map that named america is a puzzle for researchers let me read the only surviving copy of the 500 year old map that first use the name america okay so that's where we get the first mention how historians can dig it up it's from a 500 year old map goes on permanent display this month at the library of congress but even as it prepares for its debut the 1507 waltzee mueller map remains a puzzle for researchers why did the map maker name the territory america and then change his mind later how was he able to draw south america so accurately why did he put a huge ocean west of america years before european explorers discovered the pacific so then there's something going on with this waltzing mueller map that's where we get the name the first mention of america in this wall c mueller map there's some things going on that they were wondering why there were there was such accurate depiction and also if there were changes so let me keep reading i'm going to skip down to the paragraph that starts out with the map was created okay the map was created by the german monk martin walsey mueller 13 years after christopher columbus first landed in the western hemisphere the duke of lorraine brought walsey mueller and a group of scholars together at a monastery and saint died in france to create a new map of the world the result published two years later is stunningly accurate and surprisingly modern so this is amazing when they didn't when they didn't discover much of america's territory even and here are some answers to some of these questions probably to why they were able to figure it out herbert said the actual shape of south america is correct the width of south america as certain key points is correct within 70 miles of accuracy that's pretty impressive given what europeans are believed to have known about the world at the time it should not have been possible for the map makers to produce it he said so how they do it the map gives a reasonably correct depiction of the west coast of south america but according to history vasco nunes de balboa did not reach the pacific by land until 1513. and ferdinand magellan did not round the southern tip of the continent until 1520. so this is a rather compelling map to say how did they come to that conclusion herbert said the map makers say they based it so this is a clue they based it on what the thirteen hundred year old works of go back to egypt isn't that interesting because remember the egyptians they were pretty accurate with the alignment of the stars with the pyramids and stuff like that and then bible believers have taught you that it's because of nephilim or sons of god activity there so they were basing it on the wisdom of perhaps demonic offspring then to explore the lands but uh 1300 year old works of the egyptian geographer ptolemy as well as letters florentine navigator amerigo vespucci wrote describing his voyages to the new world but herbert said there must have been something more but he's not quite sure from the writings of vespucci you couldn't have prepared the map herbert said there had to be something cartographic with it so then the scientists they try to find natural explanations to it but obviously for our end we know that if there are some mysteries behind it it wouldn't be too far-fetched to say that what about the wisdom of the demonic offspring that carried on through noah's timeline and they had a lot of wisdom about the world that time and they just passed it on to their ancestors but no no no scientists can't go that far why because we must have been much smarter today compared to those primitive people back then so that's why they have a hard time swallowing it so they keep trying to find natural explanations to it wall c mueller made it clear he was naming the new land after vespucci describing how he came up with the name america based on the navigator's first name but he soon had misgivings about what he had done why what's going on here an atlas waltzee mueller produced six years later shows only part of the east coast of the americas and refers to it as terra incognita unknown land huh well what's going on here there might have been political powers at play we skip down to the paragraph where it says he speculated okay he speculated that power politics played a role spain and portugal divided the globe between them in 1494 two years after columbus with territory to the east going to portugal and land to the west to spain that demarcation line is oddly absent from the 1507 walt c mueller map and flags marking territorial claims in south america suggest portugal controls the region's southernmost land even though it is in spain's area of influence on the latest map on the later map the southernmost flag is spanish herbert said it is possible one could say that the 1507 map is influenced strongly by the portuguese sources and conceivably the 1516 map may be influenced more by spanish sources he said so that might be the explanation i just want to make sure that the archive video did catch the audio on the recording okay then but the archive caught everything right okay that's fine see if you can keep trying to fix it all right uh contact uh our tech guys all right contact them okay all right then so let's go back here and onliners obviously you don't want the message to be disrupted so please pray for the tech all right please pray for the tech all right don't be so hard and critical toward our tech team because once you get in here you realize it plus we keep going as you notice to all kinds of different places okay all right so let's see here we skip down now to uh the paragraph where it says in in 1513 ponce de leon all right so we're that now over there so you've heard about the interesting uh debate about america's origin its name and how politics played into it and why the map may be so accurate so it might be what i think is it's knowledge from anti-deluvian people from noah's days and it could be just the knowledge that they had that carried from the sons of god which is not too far-fetched because every culture and civilization has survived and continued through just word of mouth from their previous generations that's inevitable in history all right let's go down to here in 1513 ponce de leon explores florida vasco nunez de balboa travels through panama in 1513 and becomes the first european to see the pacific ocean from the americas in 1517 francisco uh fernandez de carden cordoba explores the mayan ruins of the yucatan peninsula in mexico skip down in 1519 ferdinand magellan a portuguese working for spain leaves on an attempt to circumnavigate the globe he dies fighting the natives in 1521 in what was later to be called the philippines in 1524 italian navigator giovanni da verrezzano working for france enters what we now call new york arbor in 1541 hernando de soto leads the first europeans to see the mississippi river in 1607 luis valles de torres sails around new guinea alright so you see all these big shot names on the explorations that they make so basically the cat is out of the bag once uh one territory to another new territory in america so now they're conquering lands they're claiming lands for themselves that's how the spanish portuguese empire the catholic empire became extremely powerful all right so now that you've heard the stories of the exploration let's go deep now okay let's go a little bit more specific so let's go more specifically to what they actually uh discovered the details not just a generalized idea of so and so discovered so and so now let's go a little bit deep more specific with some of the explorers what they exactly saw and what they found and now they're coming across territory of interesting people where myths and legends were formed let's go to page 185 185 now let's discuss the famous inca empire i believe to my knowledge it's around uh peru and chile some somewhere around there but the inca empire when the when the catholics came across their territory and we're conquering some parts of their lands and made exploration it is very fascinating what they saw in the inca empire but uh we failed to mention about uh don't forget those mayans and then the other group of people which is intensely interesting i'll cover later on but let's first cover the incas here okay so let's start off with their story all right i'm going to butcher a lot of names here we go all right page 185 the inca empire pachakuti's brother k-pop yupunki led the inca army in 1450 to besiege the city-state of kj ma kajamarka in the foothills east of chimor kajamarka's leader was allied with minsha kaman who then came to his aid so then pachacuti he's a very important name uh basically one of the original people where the inca empire start to form all right his brother kaipakupanki has been uh has been conquering lands for pachakuti and helping him out and basically yupanki he was fighting against minshakaman and what happened is this after an ambush set by upon key minsha kamon was forced to retreat from kj marca yupanki was so successful that his brother pachakuti was afraid he might want the throne so they were conquering tribes and then just like we've studied in history uh little tribes uh conquer more tribes and then you become an empire a little bit more right so that's what was going on being because we're growing through pachacuti's brother conquering lands so now that they're conquering some tribes here and groups here pachacuti's been afraid of his brother so like a good brother what did he do like a good brother he executed him on his return home at the head of his victorious army to cusco their capital all right so cusco all right or cusco all right or costco i don't know all right so all right so uh cusco is their capital all right that's the starting capital for the empire now let's see the power grow ten years later according to spanish chronicles pachacuti sent out another army under his own son the person he had designated as his successor tupa inca yupunki all right so uh now it said uh it's just it's a same last name you ponky but it's not k-pop this time it's tupa inca so tupa inca hassan became the became the guy that's been helping out his dad in conquering territories the incas were now taken very seriously because they're growing in power slowly by threatening its water supply the inca paralyzed chimor's defenses and took me on back to cusco along with his artisans determined to make their capital greater than chanchon when the spanish conqueror pizarro held his victory celebration in cusco 17 years later it was a city more opulent and beautiful than anything he had ever seen in europe pachacuti's successful 25-year effort to build an empire was done often in a surprisingly peaceful manner with foreign aid and an ever-growing influence in the soon-to-be-conquered cities and regions until there was no question of inca primacy supremacy he spent a great deal of his time building his lavish capital to reflect his own glory as emperors often do okay so when pizarro came to conquer the incas we'll come to him much later on pachacuti he was growing his empire and what you'll notice right here it was more like a socialist authoritarian or more uh it was kind of like china back then you might recall right the basically the people were dependent on their government that's my bottom line the people were dependent on their government and then that's how the empire became very powerful and prosperous which is why a lot of people they get to see by that thinking that this is good for us we need to have more government control that way we can have a prosperous society but as you studied in history uh the the weakness toward that is unexpected situations happen and when unexpected unexpected unprecedented situations happen then how do the people survive when they become dependent on their government look at that look at us right now right fine job on what we're all doing right now so the reason why america became prosperous at the beginning was because of the independent mindset that's the reason why when we come to state versus state and federal when we come to the later days of the civil war that's the beginning of the downfall of america is when uh the federal government start to take more control and autonomous local power independent power became crushed that's why bible believers we don't fall for this federal thing we don't follow one organization like a pope we don't follow like the southern baptist convention we're autonomous we're local and we're independent and that's how we're able to survive and its people survive that's extremely important to understand all right so i've dropped some gold mines there all right let's get back to history all right you can learn a lot from history you notice that right you learn a lot from history okay let's cover the interesting parts about the empire otherwise i'll never finish all right at the heart of cusco was the plaza of al qaeda all right so let's describe some of their architecture here their buildings just like uh if i recall teotihuacan it's kind of similar to a lot of its splendor 625 feet by 550 feet carpeted with white sand carried in from the pacific and raked daily by the city's army of workers large villas and temples surrounded the square on three sides their walls made from immense blocks of stone cut so precisely and fit so tight that pizarro's younger cousin pedro reported that a pin cannot be inserted into the joints across the front of the buildings were enormous plates of polished gold it's filled with gold that's why spain was area was able to carry tons of gold with them when the sun filled the plaza with its white sand and its sheet sheets of gold it was filled with light and quite impressive the plaza was the center of the empire and to the inca the center of the universe the network of spiritually powerful lines called i'm going to mispronounce this zeke that linked holy sites such as tombs shrines and other landmarks called was so complex and difficult to understand that the inca had according to the spanish a thousand men whose job it was just to remember what went to what so one big white stone outside of the city was believed to be the petrified body of one of the original inca brothers who founded the culture and was often carried with the armies dressed in fine clothes as the sword of talisman so notice it's so pagan here this is an extremely pagan if not demonic culture with what they did it's so amazing that uh with their uh lines their buildings that would link toward each other that's so complex and difficult to understand that the spanish reported a thousand men they had the job to remember everything it's amazing by 1491 the inca ruled the largest empire on the earth so it's you got to realize this the inca empire was greater than the ming dynasty china ivan the greats russia and the songhai empire in africa zimbabwe even the ottoman empire that took over the byzantium empire remember the ottoman turks bigger than that one or any european state at the time you got to realize the inca empire was larger than all of them that's impressive no wonder spain became powerful when they capitalize on that on their power right on their resources that's why catholic spain became extremely powerful all right let's continue on um the empire encompassed every conceivable type of terrain from the rain forest of the amazon to the deserts of the peruvian coast to the snow-capped heights of the andes mountains they covered a lot of terrain they they attempted to unite a large group of different people with different languages and religion into one entity speaking only runasumi the inca language they practiced so you can see a great type of the antichrist right here they practiced in an assyrian type of removal so they practiced the culture of assyria type of removal where entire populations were transported to foreign areas and forced to work on government projects moving them around the largest system of roads on the planet to organize this vast empire they developed a unique system of writing this is impressive they made a unique system of writing based on a series of knots on string that formed a binary code similar to today's computer languages it's extremely impressive the inca homeland is not only high but very steep with slopes of more than 65 degrees in many places it is amazing that so many people lived in such vulnerable circumstances by combining foods and products from many different environments to exchange between the many very people in the empire the incas managed to live a better life than any one ethnic group could have maintained on their own but you know what's interesting this glorious powerful empire it grew fast and was short lot short-lived lit lasting less than a hundred years that's i mean it only lasted less than 100 years it was short-lived as early as 1350 they were a relatively unimportant people but this is uh so then how did they became so powerful and important then if they were so unimportant back then so this is how it was formed the uh the origins of it okay legend has it told by spanish chroniclers that a family of four brothers and four sisters left the region around lake titicaca for some unknown reasons and wandered until they arrived at the site of their future capital of cusco hmm remember that's the capital and the beginning of everything so then four brothers four sisters just happened to travel over here and then what happened archaeologists claim that this migration began around 1200 so 1200 okay this is the birth of where the empire was starting to grow and form they slowly became more powerful until a confrontation with another group the chanca in 1438 led to a war that was won by a leader who refused to run inka kusi yupanki who captured many chanca leaders and skinned them alive in victory celebration this inka yupanki after winning a dispute against his father declared himself guess who pachakuti right there all right so then we see about uh a hundred two hundred years later this is the guy that started to build its muscle and civilization of the inca empire so what did pachacuti did that became so powerful he stated that all inca emperors were descended from the sun he then went about conquering everything he saw kind of like egypt right i'm the son of the sun god etc that demonic mindset where they carry all these ideas from right maybe this like i told you perhaps those sons of god when they went from egypt to canaan and then from phoenicia they hit the british isles and then could have went all the way to the americas i told you that's how the migration could have went but anyway i digress let's read the inca homeland was called tawantinsuyu or the land of the four quarters it was a socialist state where every citizen owed the government forced labor and where everything belonged to the government especially to the inca emperor personally the state fed and clothed all work gangs as they built dams terraces and irrigation canals grew crops on state lands raised herds on state pastures and made pottery in state factories they paved highways and supplied the runners and llamas carrying messages and goods that ran along them the inca emperor was treated as a god he was carried on a golden litter as he did not walk in public did you hear that people left the roads when he passed climbing the hillsides worshiping and adoring him one of the expressions of adoration was to pull out their eyelashes and eyebrows according to one spanish chronicler named gamboa man this guy was treated like he was something else his servants collected and listened to this this is so ridiculous his servants collected and stored every item he touched body waste included to make sure that no lesser human being touched them and profaned their sacredness the ground was not good enough to receive the inca emperor's saliva so he spat in the hand of a special servant who wiped it on a special cloth and stored it for safekeeping some of you guys better start doing that when i preach and i spit at you when i preach some of you got to get those special claws and store it man maybe this guy right maybe maybe this guy that we wiped the white board with all right the tears of our past all right let's keep reading here um once a year everything touched by the inca lead leader included his bedding clothing garbage and saliva was burned in a ceremony man he was treated like something else tupa inca the 10th inca emperor okay so now we come to him all right so pachakuti laid out some and his ancestry of people later after and they had quite a uh deluded fantastical mindset but now we come to tupa inca the tenth inca emperor okay this is where we get down to a little bit more started the practice of the emperor marrying his sister in order to maintain the purity of the royal line where'd he get that idea from you go all the way back to egypt again isn't it very strange a lot of the patterns of egypt is carried on over here by pagan satanic cultures do they worship do they all worship the same father i wonder the inca sister wife would accompany him on military expeditions with up to a thousand concubines or subordinate wives this didn't seem to slow him down as by 1493 tupa inca had sent armies deep into current day ecuador and chile doubling the empire with so many potential heirs around in the many offspring produced it was common for the person who would succeed the emperor to start killing his brothers and then picking his sister to marry and that's a nightmare man i don't want to be born into that kind of family that's quite a nightmare the 11th inca wayna kapok was an organizer rather than a conqueror all right so we come to wayna k-pop now all right so he was a man who organized things rather than conquering so he built up the structure of the empire by organizing everything so he's the next emperor he focused on government works projects even this is ridiculous even making a work crew move a small mountain just to keep them busy spanish conquistadors reported several roads leading from the same small towns each one built by a different inca emperor much information we have about the inca comes from spanish sources who interviewed the vanquished in great detail to understand their history in 1615 the writer felipe guaman pomade ayala presented a massive history of the incas with over 400 drawings to the king of spain that's interesting it is now a fundamental source of information on the empire uncharacteristically wayna kapok went on an expedition to southern ecuador where he was born on one of his father's military expeditions and he liked it so much he had a great palace built at a city not now called cuenca and sent a tawalpa all right so that's one of his that's his general okay on to conquer a few more provinces with his generals this expedition was beaten badly and even when wayna himself returned to lead his armies he was humiliated in defeat by jungle people who refused to be subdued he finally died in his ecuadorian palace a bloody succession battle followed and it seems that on his death bed he passed over atawalpa who had not impressed him in battle so he was not impressed with his general so he would not give the kingdom to him and chose another son but guess what his other son died of the same illness so his son died of the same illness as him but the son died before him so uh k-pop he had to cup hock or k-pop whatever he had to think of a different son now so this is a really messed up uh this is a really messed up lineage trying to find a successor he then picked another son whom the priest said was not favored by the gods but when they tried to report this to wayna they found that he had already died so it's too late so then they have to choose the other son then so what happened the court noble settled on the 19 year old boy the son that he chose whom the priest had rejected atawapa stayed in ecuador supposedly because he knew his life expectancy would be short if he went back to the capitol okay so he didn't want to go back to the capitol he stayed at ecuador remember they were all the way up at ecuador why because wayne at cape cod he wanted to conquer more lands over there he had a fantastical mindset he wanted to conquer that territory so at the huawei he stayed up toward ecuador he didn't go down to the capital of the incas and then here comes the sun now wayna capox mummified body was dressed in fine clothing and taken back to cusco okay so remember that's their capital on a gold litter covered with feathers of course remember don't forget that golden litter noblemen plotted to kill the new boy emperor and install someone else on the throne realizing his danger with ottawa having stayed behind in ecuador with the majority of the inca army the 19 year old emperor washkar all right that's where it goes now washcar is the sun so what did he do he executed the nobles since wayna kapok had not married washkar's mother this is so messed up it was commanded very disturbing it was commanded that she the mother marry the mummy in an elaborate ceremony in order to make his succession legitimate he then married his sister over the objections of his mother who did not seem to have too much of a problem marrying her dead brother just this is pure pagan culture you can see that there pagan lifestyle pagan thinking that's what happens with society without god you know what's that civil war immediately followed that see-sawed over the andes mountains for three years initially the advantage went to washcar who even went to ecuador so he went up to ecuador and then what he captured atawapa so he got him now he nearly lost one of his ears as it was almost torn off in his capture in stockade atawapa had one of his wives smuggle him in a weapon by which he dug his way out so he escaped atawapa escaped even though washkar conquered him and captured him why how did he escape it seems that his guards had gotten drunk and allowed a conjugal visit to take place during which the wife's sister snuck in the tools necessary for escape he reassembled his army and on a plateau near today's peru ecuador ecuadoran border the forces led by atawapa destroyed washkar's army ten years later the spanish chronicler sieza de leon personally saw the battlefield and estimated the number of the fallen by the remains of the unburied dead to be about sixteen thousand wash cars main general was captured and beheaded so washcar lost i mean watchkara could have won if those stupid guards they didn't let atawapa escape but now atawapawan atawapa what did he do with washkar's main general he actually beheaded him a bowl was mounted to that general skull and a spout between his teeth and atawapa used it as a cup to drink intoxicating cheetah how about that and that's a messed up culture that time scary culture that time that's why pizarro later on and his men they almost wet their pants so to speak so you're going to find that out later on they were a scary group of people the incas washkar and atawapa met in a huge battle at the head of their armies in a final battle that de leon estimated cost the lives of 35 000 soldiers washkar was captured in an ambush and was taken captive in cusco where he was forced to watch his wives children and relatives loyal to him killed in front of his eyes and then what happened while washcar lost everybody precious to him and became the prisoner in october or november of 1532 the victors learned that a pale hairy people who sat on enormous animals had landed on the coast ottawa curious was content to wait for the new visitors to come to him pizarro with only 168 spanish soldiers how in the world did spain conquer the empire through that next time in our discipleship class all right so we'll cover in our next discipleship class and let's not forget the explorers when they conquered more lands they saw more things don't forget the mayan civilization it's becoming more extinct now but there are significant culture and then back to te ori hakan if i got the name of that city right the people left the culture died out that was the height and the epitome if you remember in our intermediate discipleship class of mayan civilization and other people in south and central america trading off the auckland was a very important city and powerful i guess empire you can say at that time the people took this the other people took it over were these people and they found the ruins of the sons of god so to speak and they decided to take it over and continue on their practice and culture let's cover next discipleship class my father i pray that tonight's teachings were a blessing to the hearers and that we understood a lot about mankind's nature and that we don't repeat their patterns that we can improve upon the mistakes that we have learned as bible-believing christians and not through a secular mindset and that the bible-believing christians will be able to live lives that will better please you in jesus name i pray amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 34,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dispensationalism, bible study, end times, revelation, revelation explained, conspiracy theory, biblical prophecy, king james only, bible believer, once saved always saved, rapture, kjv only, how to understand the bible, debunking false pastors, false preachers, right doctrine, inca empire extra history, real bible believers, gene kim, church history gene kim
Id: 7uJFT-zaMQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 22sec (2842 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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