Best Beginner Ham Radios - VHF/UHF/HF - Livestream

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what is up everybody welcome to the ham radio crash course welcome to saturday glad you came out again for another fun show we're going to be talking about best ham radios to buy when starting out or at least look at maybe put on your wish list maybe put on you know your your hopeful dreams of ham radio right what would you what would you want to get what would you get on the list what you're thinking about buying that kind of thing thanks again for coming out anybody watch any uh interesting tv this week i'll be interested to hear your thoughts in the chat let me know [Music] and enjoy the memes while we uh while we roll in here again thanks for coming out [Music] what is up everybody i want to give you something fun to start everything off with new meme new hot meme here we go [Music] anyway uh thanks for joining me on amrita crash course i am josh ki6 naz uh we try to have a little bit of fun at the weekend here for our live show on the ham radio crash course again we're talking about fun ham radio stuff but we have a lot of other little interesting things that happens along the way so thanks for coming out i appreciate it my wife's in the chat says i saw this crazy guy on his conspiracy theory show talking about radio signals and cosmonauts where is that picture there it is there it is cosmonauts absolutely yep that's a lot of fun i hope everybody enjoyed it um in fact i'll go ahead and flip it right over to the wide screen uh leia bought me a little celebratory champagne i don't have a flute because you know we've got the ham radio crash course uh glasses here so if you're interested in a glass check out the link is uh in the description we'll go ahead and open this bad boy thank you leia appreciate it a little bit of a heathen i guess pouring it into a pine glass i'm not gonna fill it up all the way but leia if you'd like a glass come come come bring one in here i'll give you some bubbles you bubbly all right here we go yeah thanks for joining us out here like i said the title of today's show is going to be you know best ham radios to buy if you're starting out or you're interested in ham radio and primarily we're going to be talking about these are these are ham radios right we're not going to dip too much into shortwave and then other fun stuff but yeah i thought uh i thought this would be a fun episode there's lots of questions that people have brought up lots of the things that i i get all the time so this would be a good one to cover we've talked about something like this in the past mainly um from like high price points and and how price points work in ham radio this is going to be more focused towards people starting out kind of my thoughts i'll walk through some of the radios why i think they're good choices for not just their price point and these will these will tend towards the the lower side of price but um also ease of use certain features that i think are important for people starting out all that good stuff so again thanks for thanks for checking it out here so yeah i was on a tv show called phantom signals it's on science channel uh the link is in the description if you want to watch it i understand it's region locked though so if you are outside the united states you likely might not be able to see it so i don't have a nord vpn sponsorship otherwise i tell you go use nordvpn or something so uh yeah make sure to check that out um okay our merch store that actually my wife runs for the channel and she comes up with a lot of the ideas qrp heroes is a good one one of the favorites why is it not come on now there we go low power maximum effort for qrp heroes that sounds about right and still my favorite it's still number one man uh this appliance operator's local fn51 still my favorite shirt and that comes in hoodies now and tumblers and coffee mugs and the whole nine yards so fantastic work on on all of that and thank you and thanks for checking it out and that's where you can get the glasses if you're interested in that okay so i got some big news uh last week we had steve k5ata on to talk about getting youth in a ham radio and you guys were so generous uh with your super chats and and all that other awesome stuff there was some donations that came in after i took all that money and i pulled it into one we got uh the padawans steve's class we got him a hakko fx-888d soldering station got that off of amazon shipped it right to him by the way go check out goodgameham radio here on youtube and subscribe to him and you can follow along as this whole thing progresses but in addition to that we wanted to get a kit and after the uh the show we spent a lot of time on the after chat by the way we got an after chat after the live stream if you want to watch along with the the after chat which i twitch or i stream to twitch and also cover in uh in discord on our text and voice chat you can uh you can watch some little hijinks we get into usually we play a little radio we answer some questions stuff like that but on the after chat that's where we talked about what kit we should get for the kids initially we're all we were kind of all going down the road of a pixie kit because we could buy a lot of them the problem with the pixie kit is they're not a lot of fun to use particularly for somebody starting out so i after talking to some people we decided to go with the cricut 40 from four state qrp group now what makes the qriket a really good kit is that those spirals you see in the middle those are the toroids they're cut onto the board you don't have to wind any toroids so for the kids it's mainly a through-hole soldering project it's very easy to set up i have one of these radios in 30 meters we had some fun building that live many many months ago now but so i'm letting you all know because what likely i'm going to do at the very least me i will build the 40 meter cricket and we'll do a little bit of operating with it and i what i would love to do is if if you are all interested in doing a kit project go buy this kit the 40 meter cricut and what we'll do is we'll build it live and then we'll try and make contacts in the after chat for whatever day we build live and if enough people tell me they're interested i will um i will go ahead and pull you into a zoom we'll do a whole thing i'm i'm assuming some of the creator um some of our youtubers bunch will come on and we'll do a live thing i hope you know i hope steve will k5ata and that would be really cool so if you're interested in that now is the time go buy a um a cricut in 40 meters somebody mentioned beer fridge fund so that's also what i got for our anniversary by the way i'm working on my shack i was a little bummed out that i couldn't participate in the youtubers bunch right here is a is a new fridge that leia got me so i'm in the process of doing something pretty big in the shack at least that's what i'm telling myself i'll probably get to it next month but i'm in a state of disarray right now and yeah it should be pretty interesting i'm pretty excited for that so anyway for states qrp i don't think i put the link in the description but if you look for four states qrp cricket in 40 meters that's what you want okay so very good all right what else we got uh that is what we're going to turn to when we get going with the slide so okay let me check the chat room here make sure i'm not missing anything i see mike's in the chat what's up mike k at mrd 86 dm dennis is there see some other people obviously my wife is talking appreciate you being in the chat as well of course somebody's outing me on what i spent on radios apparently to my wife that's not that's not part of the code that's not part of the ham radio code i just want you all to know that so what we're doing just to remind people i started off a little different than i normally do so i want to go back a step the hamrio crash course is all about creating a space where not just me although i'm obviously making the video right now try to create a community of people that you know have no problem working together answering questions with people in a way that people don't feel like they're asking a dumb question that's really what it comes down to so we kind of say we're moving forward together with ham radio and that's what this is all about so i'll try and stop for questions as we go but i've i've got a i've got roberto ellison says i thought my shack was a mess like i said i'm working on a bunch of projects right now so i do have a lot of stuff going on but yes it's normally not that bad anyway so yeah anyway ask your questions or join us on the discord and the facebook the link is in the description and that's probably the best way to get answers for whatever you're looking for in ham radio so thanks again for coming on out all right let me pull up my slides here all right radios to think about when starting out in ham radio by me because you're likely going to want more than one radio it's generally true no matter what happens you're gonna want more than one radio radios do different things they fit into different niches there's all kinds of different aspects of ham radio that you know you're as you get into it you'll realize that there's parts of it that you're more into than other things and maybe your tastes change a little bit and guess what not all radios work the same they don't do all the same things so that's kind of what this is about all right so the ground rules of tonight i'm going to attempt to make recommendations on the radios i like from having owned or used them well enough for me to have an opinion i'll try to provide thoughts on radios in the current retail environment meaning what you can go buy off the shelf either online you know or in an hro or something like that and use radios where i have thoughts on those used radios i am sure i'm going to miss some great radios my not speaking about them does not mean they are bad it means i don't have enough experience with them so post your favorites in the chat and we can talk about them we can even pull them up and look at some of the features okay all right so we'll start at vhf uhfs and that's generally the first stop for most people here's a pile of hts these are actually some of my favorite hts all piled up there relatively inexpensive although the price swings are huge just in that pile you see right there and lots of interesting options and niches just right out of the gate with your technician license you know your freshly minted call sign you're just starting out on ham radio what can you do well obviously you can just talk handy talky to handy talky we call that simplex uh you can work repeaters and what are repeaters i've done a lot of videos on the topic but just to repeat that a little bit it's like a radio that's on a hill or somewhere up high the antenna is up high at their very least and it allows everyone to talk into it and it transmits on a slightly different frequency and everybody can hear the other the transmitting party through the repeater so it's kind of like amplifying and gets a little bit higher up in the air so your propagation space on vhf is a bit wider repeaters are great for that mobile radios right again going back to simplex a little bit everybody loves a handy talky right a handheld radio mobile radios are fantastic because they give you 50 watts of output instead of just 5 watts which allows you to do simplex calls a little bit better satellites hey satellites i'm not an expert on satellites we are going to do a very fun show next weekend on satellite operation i am going to be having an expert on so i'll save the surprise a little bit until we get closer but we're going to talk about portable satellite stations maybe we'll dip into some more serious stations as well because satellites you know you can start out pretty inexpensively and then it can get really expensive and when you get into rotors that you know work the x and y and z and all that fun stuff uh those can get really expensive and the radios get expensive to match too but you don't have to do that to get started with satellites and again satellites you can work with a handy talkie a lot of the time so you can make contacts states away via handy talky through a satellite which is kind of like a repeater in low earth orbit we'll talk about some digital voice because you can do that with your technician license as well so dmr yeast system fusion d-star that whole thing you've probably heard of that before packet aprs you can do that with your technician license weak signal is basically where you use a mode like single side band so something like what you would do in hf radio bring that to the vhf uhf space you can do that you generally need special radios to do that and microwave right on all right so we'll start with the balfang and you have to start with the belfang here's what i'll say about the belfang generally new hams you're probably going to end up with a baofeng or a baofeng derivative is it a good place to start sure right otherwise your entry level would be you know a hundred dollars and up about fang is 25 right makes sense they're all pretty similar though and that's the really big takeaway aside from that big blue box takeaway box all the bell things are pretty similar i get asked i don't even know once a day what are my thoughts of this balfang versus this baofeng and i generally reply they're pretty much the same you know even if they have you know this one is a little bit more water resistant than this one they're they're kind of generally the same as far as their operation the features they have all that stuff where you get major differences is if you you know again the water resistant resistant ones the ones that are tri-banded that is a you know it's got a whole extra band but guess what it still functions the same the menu options are still the same if it's dmr that's also going to be a bit different speaking of dmr the dmr balfangs are not great they can be problematic many have failed they have a pretty high failure rate in which point you either have to send them back or you know do other wild stuff uh to get them going b butler thank you for the super chat i appreciate it what's going on there okay good uh yeah thank you no question but but thank you for the super chat and dubious quality and emissions generally that's the the what you're the the price that you're paying is reducing quality in the components that are used the material of the case that's used and also a lot of them failed to meet the emission standards for the fcc i've done a whole video on that actually i've done two videos on that on spurious emissions so if you're curious just search baofeng spurious emissions and you'll find it balafang's value begins and ends with their price the reason why they're a high value is because of their price they do function as a ham radio for doing vhf work like talking on a repeater simplex is fine if you're in close and that's kind of what they're for kd9 pbq says baofengs are great scanners kind of um the problem with the baofeng as a scanner is the scanning of a baofeng is slow when you put it into scan mode it's kind of slow also it does not do any digital modes it's purely an analog radio traditional fm analog radio balfangs i have those are three baofengs right there your traditional uv 5r on the left a t1 which i've reviewed and a uv 3r which i've reviewed and the uv3r is actually kind of a clone of a yaesu radio that we'll talk about a little bit later balfang replacements so if you're thinking about again you know maybe you you just started out you got a bow thing or maybe somebody gave you about thing that happens a lot particularly if you're active in a club somebody'll like here you go here's belfan kid enjoy your day what would you replace it with well the yaesu ft4x i reviewed that as well this year and there are a series of derivatives of similar yaesu radios that are kind of all in the baofeng space entry-level radio uh they all generally function similar similarly close enough and another big shout out what the the wushing kg uv 8d and 90. those are full duplex radios got a really cool screen really high quality bit more expensive but that is a really good radio that and the full duplex at least i believe the uv 90 is full duplex that will be important for satellites we'll talk about that in a little bit stan ko4 gdc says balfang scanning is painfully slow i didn't know how slow until i got a yaesu mobile yeah and we can we can demonstrate that or maybe we'll save it for the after chat you know bring your questions the after chat so better radios and when i say better radios i'm talking about the upwards of 100 why would someone that that is starting out want a better radio likely same kind of thing i just said you started out with a bowfang you you cut your teeth you're used to programming it you know how to get on repeaters but you're like hey i've got a i've talked on the repeaters now what you know now what do i do other than that well that may be when you want to look outside of that to other radios the radio i have picture there is a very expensive radio but you get the idea you get better user interfaces generally with better radios better quality both in the components the material the case is made of many many more features better warranties and you won't draw as much hate that's kind of an ambiguous one some people get really and again we're talking about your local area some local repeaters if they even hear you know if you say i'm using a bowel thing they get really mad about it so you know i don't know i some people are resistant to that you know they don't want to get caught up in that kind of stuff and i understand oh my gosh what did i just do i just made the earth fly there we go okay i had to move things around a little bit sorry about that and uh super chat yolo swag for jesus 420 notice me senpai notice me thank you for the super chat i appreciate it good timing on the uh the animation there too analog radios all right so this is generally you know most of the newer radios that are coming out particularly as you start getting spending more upwards of like 150 to 200 they generally all have like a digital mode tied into them but there's still a lot of really really good um analog only radios you know good places to start these are going to be like your traditional bread and butter good place to learn rock solid radios still a fantastic rock solid radio is a yaesu ft 60. wow my first ham radio it's still out there it's getting a little old i appreciate that but it's still a really good radio in fact one of the best front ends for a fm receiver for working repeaters working simplex you know working whatever really really good it doesn't get overloaded very easily it's a fantastic radio and i'll throw in a second recommendation i get to play with these one of these recently at an hro the alinko dv dj vx50t it is ip67 rated so it's dust resistant and water resistant up to one meter for 30 minutes and i believe it's just under a hundred dollars they go on sale every once in a while so check that out if you're interested in something that would be fine to take outdoors and maybe get a little wet thomas grins junior says thanks passed past tech 10 p.m last night picked up ft3dr for my first hiker and into space want that aprs and gps we'll be talking about that yes indeed thank you for the super chat i appreciate it juan carlos bedault i think it is i'm sure i'm not pronouncing them correctly juan carlos and i have been exchanging some messages he's got a youtube channel i hope that's his actual uh his if you click on it that's his youtube hopefully so i'll take you over there thank you for the super chat i appreciate it cheers to you cheers to everybody for coming out i appreciate you watching all right so digital radios i'm gonna talk high level and then we'll dive in a little bit i've got five of them here the any tone 878 for dmr ysf that's jsu system fusion and wires x you got the ft70 and the ft3dr the d-star is generally going to be the id 52. why do i say the id52 so the id 51 just recently got discontinued and the id 31 i believe is on the way out or may already be discontinued so we'll talk a little bit about d-star but there is a brand new d-star radio coming out i will be taking a look at it when it comes out it looks similar in in user interface user controls to the 51 but once i get my hands on it we'll know for sure nick makato new to the hobby community with a balfang and the hate towards them is really off-putting yeah man so i'll i'll go back and let me go back a couple of slides here won't draw the hate you know what i always tell people when when they're on a repeater and they ask what radio they're using just say yaesu ft16 that's just yay sue ft60 that's what you do that's what you say that's it no big deal you don't have to go any deeper than that because there's no like forensics on the audio they're going to be like that's a definite balfang tone i can i can know that tone anywhere they won't do that to you so don't worry about it paul garber with the super chat passed my tech with your help hey thank you i'm glad it helped that means a lot to me it's working the the information i'm putting out there is working i'm glad to hear it and uh yesterday no i take it back this morning leia and i released a podcast ham radio handheld cold war kind of a catchy title you might want to hear it it talks a little bit about digital handhelds and the interesting world of handhelds today particularly since the introduction of the baofeng and what it did to the market so my dmr of choice the any tone 878 i've also reviewed that so you can definitely check that out on my videos the pros are it has a great battery really really good battery it will uh last you know you can take it off the charger when it starts let it sit for weeks and it's it's good to go it's loud probably the loudest ht i own i can't think of anything that's louder front panel programmable in a dmr radio kind of rare and that's going into the dmr a little bit which not we're not getting into too much detail but i have uh dmr programming videos that you can go check out a lot of people do there's a lot of videos on the topic and that's good front panel programmable and dmr is kind of rare in the space and the 878 has it now i appreciate the what i just showed you the anti-tone 878 is not cheap there are cheaper dmr radios on the market i am not a big fan of any of them so if you want to go less expensive that's fine this is one of the rare options where i don't really have a cheaper thing to recommend for you so digital radio is kind of like that in a lot of ways digital handheld radios cons it's it's still dmr eg programming them can be difficult there is a learning curve to newcomers so if you're starting out and maybe you bought a balfang and you want to take a big jump forward dmr can be difficult for a first radio let alone even a second radio but you know if you don't mind a little bit of a learning curve ahead of you and you don't mind the challenge there it's a great radio all right so ysf wires x is also kind of an expensive one i apologize but there's two here the ft3dr is my daily driver for radio i appreciate it's not an entry level radio but if you're talking wires x yay system fusion it is very very easy to use you get digital wideband receive gps aprs all those things in the ft3 however if you just want to get on yaesu system fusion or wires x the ft-70 which is also a yaesu radio is a fantastic place to go now i will mention this once we get to the end of these slides on the the digital slides and used you could look for an ft2 dr which is the predecessor to the ft-3dr that is going to be not that much cheaper but those prices will start coming down very quickly and so d-star i mentioned the the kind of weirdness with the id-31s and id51s are really not available in the market or in the retail space but that means you can buy them used you can still find them they're still available there's even some retail establishments that are like liquidating them so you may be able to find them at a steal i believe i got my yeah i got my id31 for 150 bucks i think that's what i got and that's really good for uh for a d-star radio and yeah we're expecting the id52 to come out you know what i don't know when we're expecting for it to come out mr roman says i feel like a fool now i bought four paufeng uv-5rs plus and added real nagoya na771 antennas for shtf now i hear they are no no no no mr roman you you're taking that the wrong way the bow things are fine they operate as radials you'll be able to talk to each other with the the five bow things you bought you know if you if you're all hams hopefully you're all hams and you're handing them out and you're talking they'll be fine it's that they don't have the features that these other radios have that's just the reality of it it is a very entry-level radio you just have to keep that in mind there's nothing wrong with them and particularly if you're planning if these are purely for preparedness it's not that big a deal you didn't do a bad thing don't worry about it crispy critters yes you buy as much nope not at all uh christiana uh sends a super chat thank you i have an anytone 878 ft3dr ft65 an ic t90a and a uv5 uh x3 oh very good yeah no i don't have any bias i just i just like the ft 3dr that's the one i carry all right so uh let's see oh no you know what i forgot to mention one thing all right so d star options in for the non so again id 5131 you can buy them used if you can still find them 52 is coming out so if you still want to do d star like right now and you're kind of in this weird situation there's a ton of radios that actually support dstar but they're like way on the more expensive side because they're gonna do a lot more the kenwood d74 does d-star that is a really good handheld also probably the most expensive handheld so maybe if you're starting out you're not gonna just jump right into that the icom ic 7100 is a mobile all band all mode hf radio it also includes vhf uhf and does d-star you can technically do d-star with that the ic 9700 will do d-star but that's also a base station vhf uhf radio and then of course the ic 705 that just came out which is again an hf plus vhf plus uhf radio that is a lot of radio it's very expensive not really a place for an a newcomer but i'm putting it here for completeness that they all do d-star all right so maybe you you got started you got your balfang maybe you went outside one night and you you tilted the radio over and you know you had the antenna perpendicular to a satellite that was coming overhead and you got to hear you know the satellite tried to make a contact maybe it did make a contact it's awesome but you're like hey what's the next step if you want to do satellite if you want to operate satellites the kenwood d72 is full duplex meaning you can have headphones in your ears you can listen to the downlink which will be like on 70 centimeters and you uplink on two meters so you hear the downlink of the satellite in your ears while you transmit at the same time that is very important for doing satellite operations or you can just simply use two handhelds you can buy two balfings you can get yourself a balfang for listening and a baofeng for transmitting one would be on 70 centimeters the other would be on two meters or vice versa and that's how you listen now ideally you'd you'd be good if you had like a yagi to go along with it a yagi is a direction antenna a beam arrow antenna makes those elk antenna make some hand waveable um yagi antennas one's a log periodic and the other is a yagi but you would just connect the two radios directly into that antenna and then that's how you run it and then of course i already mentioned the wushan kguv9d and if you're really really serious about satellites the icom 9700 which we already mentioned and the kenwood 2000 will do what you need to do for satellites as well but that usually requires a really expensive antenna setup we'll likely be talking about that a bit next week so if you're interested come watch again next week red pill says best for shtf or emp pulse wow i made a whole video on that it's called the emp trash can or what's in my tactical trash can and i cover all the radios that i packed in it that i would depend on if it was an shtf situation you should check that out one of my pretty popular videos in the last couple of months all right so we talked about handy talkies what if you wanted to step things up a bit and put a radio in your car what we call a mobile radio or maybe you just want that at home you put an antenna outside on the roof i've done a whole series of videos on mobile radios specifically you know one antennas to run how to set them up you know which ones to pick from but here is a couple of of inexpensive starter mobile radios that i would recommend you take a look at the icom 2730 i own one works great the kenwood tm v7 1 a which is on the far right side of the screen those you can sometimes get used those are fantastic radios those are very well loved people actually use those for satellites too and uh used oh sorry the tyt 9700 which is a clone of the yaesu 8900 i have that in my truck still working i think i've had it in there for over five years now no nothing's older than ben i think wow i'm getting old i've had that for a very long time and it's still kicking just fine so good radio and then it used if you can find one because they're sometimes hard to find and they're pretty expensive people like them a lot the yaesu ftm 100 gabriel s says what about the yaesu 8 um 8900 well so what i was trying to do there is all everything on the top is going to be still available in the retail space yeah if you can find a yaesu 8900 go for it they're kind of more expensive though so my mobile choice this is just me in my car i'm not necessarily saying go do this because this is an expensive radio too but again these guys are all inexpensive so you know write these down take a look and i'm going to show you a handy list at the end of this show in in a little while here that you can easily go to and find a lot of these radios very easily my car this is actually a picture of my car that radio on the bottom there that is an ftm 400 the reason i have that so if you compare and contrast it to the the radios i just talked about on the last slide this that radio has gps aprs it does yes system fusion wires x it's easy to use it's a touch screen and i and i like it's not just easy to use because it's a touch screen it's easy to use because i like the menus some people don't but that's me again these are my recommendations you don't have to agree but yeah i think they make sense i try to be objective here eric bolling says hey man appreciate all the info you give can't turn on notifications for your channel turned off content made for kids my content's not made for kids well thank you i will go look what's up with that anyway thank you for the super chat i i i appreciate it but i'll go look into that oh oh is it because of last week with steve and the youth oh man packet radio you know i i've done a couple of videos now on packet radio i've been loving packet radio i happen to live in an area where packet radio is so much fun packet radio is basically the predecessor of aprs it's where you use a radio just like the one you see there or there there like that there and a small device called a tnc that's the traditional way people use raspberry pi's now to mimic that and the computer the tnc connects to your radio and they exchange the audio signals back and forth and the radio either transmits or receives them and it allows you to communicate via text or via your computer so you've got a bulletin board system in your little packet radio setup that allows you to receive messages send messages fantastic like i said i did a i did a live stream on packet radio and i've done multiple other videos talking about packet radio very inexpensive radio that you could use for both packet and just for simplex as a mobile radio doesn't have a detachable screen but still good is the alinko dr 135 mark iii i believe it's about 135 dollars now the the linko is is monoband it only does two meters but if you're doing packet you're mainly going to do two meters anyway so that's not that big a deal you can throw a raspberry pi on that thing and instead of a tnc raspberry pi's are like 40 bucks less than that if you get an older one uh but i like the kantronics tncs they're not inexpensive though so keep that in mind used oh man there's tons of packet radio stuff everywhere uh for ham radio so check that out that gets great and there's a ton of videos online at packet radio it's very old school very hipster i'm a little bit of a hipster myself so i love i love uh packing radio for that reason all right so how about a bass station vhf uhf radio now we're talking you're getting started but you're already like getting real serious about the game and i'm doing this for completeness okay these are not cheap radios right uh i i covered these later in the video with a bit of prices i actually believe i left some off i apologize for that but if you search any of these you'll find the prices everything i just showed was aside from the ones that i use the ones that are my recommendations are all sub 300 particularly for the mobiles and and sub 100 sub 150 for the hts okay so general all mode vhf uhf stations which are called you know if you're going to work weak signal we mentioned single sideband single sideband is a voice mode of operation for again just point to point communications it's not fm it's single sideband it does a little bit better it's a little bit more efficient with sending out that voice information over rf there are only a few radios in the retail space that do vhf uhf base station type work right now most of them are all band radios meaning they also do hf the only one that's really focused on vhf uhf and actually 1.2 gigahertz is the icom 9700 that is a 1400 radio though so probably not entry level but interestingly enough the icom 70 100 all banned that is about 700 and that's a pretty good radio and that'll also do weak signal work single sideband again and i already mentioned earlier that'll do d-star as well so maybe a christmas gift maybe a couple christmas gifts maybe put your uh put your chinese new year money together save your money up a bit and you can get a 7100 and then i put this here for completeness the yaesu 991 is hf all band and does vhf uhf well as well and does yesus system fusion so expensive though 1200 keep that in mind used though so the icom ic 7000 is all banned the ic 746 mark 2g is all banned and i don't know why i put yesu there there is a yaesu that i dropped off i apologize hmm anyway that is what i recommend sorry about that i'll have to think about it or somebody drop in chat what is a used yaesu vhf uhf radio that will do weak signal i'll challenge the chat room challenging the chat room right now anybody have an answer i'm watching the chat room all right i'll come back to you chatroom you failed me it's taking too long it's actually hard there's there's not a ton of uh base stations particularly base stations that specialize in ft ft847 ah the ft-857d will do it as well those are both used that's true we do mention the 957 later all right very good all right so let's talk about hf you're interested you're hooked you're down with ham radio you're starting out but you want to do it on the maybe the cheaper side to get started i'm showing off a little bit here a little flex sorry it was just a good picture and i grabbed it so do you want to make some long contacts into other countries you know then hf radio is likely where you want to be to get good access to hf you're likely going to want to get your general license that's pretty much going to open the doors for hf before that with your technician you really only get 10 meters and then every other low band in hf you really only get and i say every other it's only four off the top my head that you only get morse code cw space on so really get your general i i think everybody should get their general anyway if you're studying for your technician please please consider studying for your general because they're going to ask you when you pass your general and you will you will and when you pass your general it pass your technician they'll ask you if you want to take the general please do it maybe maybe crack a book maybe do the practice test for general and think about taking the test there are lots of great portable opportunities with hf radios even the 7300 is is decently portable you can carry it in a waterproof box you can do all kinds of fun stuff there are fun events like parks on the air summits on the air there's contests there's a contest today i'm not sure states what states cuso party it was was it al it wasn't alabama it was missouri it might have been missouri today anyway d expeditions people go on these very elaborate expeditions to remote locations and we all try to work them when they get there it's all on hf we're trying to make these really long distance contacts contacts and lots of hobbyist kits that are available for both radios and for antennas hf is kind of really where it's at in a lot of things that you can do within ham radio and it's it's primarily my favorite ham radio to play all right but before we go any further i gotta make a comment on you know it's been said by people smarter than me and i even did a typo so you know they are smarter because i my grammar's horrible start with a 100 watt base station you'll have an easier time making contacts and have a lot of fun because qrp radios are five to ten dollars or five to ten watts and you're um they're difficult to make contacts with 5 to 10 watts 100 watts a lot easier that's multiple levels of s units above the 5 to 10 watt output you're putting out more power it's going to go further you're going to make more contact just the statistics the laws the odds of the whole thing a lot easier to use james met mataris mataris maybe 7 300 worth it if i'm only ever going to use it portable either that or the 891 good question we're going to talk about that hang on i appreciate the super chat and if i don't answer your question send me a message somewhere join the uh if i'm not answered exactly how you want in the slides because i do talk about that join the after chat and ping me send me a dm the good news is there are many options in the retail space at entry level prices the bad news entry level for hf radios is more than vhf uhf by a decent chunk and so this is where we start talking levi got me and it was uh five to ten dollars that's it man that's all it is to get started it can get expensive all right so my my pick i'll just throw it out there 100 watt base station again we're talking base station first we'll talk about qrp but it's towards the end is going to be the 7300 the radio has all the features you need to get started and you can often purchase them for about one thousand dollars new and 800 dollars used it's actually goes down sub 1 000 but you got to really be mindful of that it is a buy once cry once type radio it's the radio that will continue to be of value to you as you become more experienced and will likely be your go-to radio for years to come this is one of the instances where i'll say you know you can get a much cheaper ht you can get a much cheaper mobile radio you can go a lot cheaper with a lot of the radios you're thinking about purchasing by all means go nuts but when you're thinking about hf like you're thinking about really doing hf and and really being successful with hf i really really recommend a 7300 it is easy to use it's easy to learn it's very simple to interface with your computer because all the kids are doing digital these days they're getting all cranked up on that digital uh it's 7300 really really good for that it's it's really easy but they're cheaper options and we're going to talk about them again this is just my opinion see that leia buy one's cry runs that's right jeeper creeper you nailed it all right so there are 100 watt base station alternatives the yasu991 mentioned that earlier i'm adding it for completeness it's all banned so the 7300 is only hf bands 6 meters through was it 160 160. doesn't do 2 meters and 70 centimeters so it's not a shack in the box as they call it eight nine the 991 is but it's more expensive twelve hundred dollars screen is not as good as the 7300 either all right so here we go the 891 it's 100 watts portable radio very portable it's 640. very very inexpensive radio for what you're getting for the value i think the price i would consider this a good starting point if the menu system was better and if it was easier to interface with the computer if you just want to do portable work or you just want to run this as a mobile in your car and you're primarily going to be using it for voice morse code cw this is a fantastic value radio really really inexpensive considering right considering all the options really really good radio absolutely big fan i own one it's in my car i use it every day when i'm going to and from work now the downsides of this radio it has a very complex menu system the you're looking at the front end of the radio right there's two dials with the outer collar uh ring and the vfo button and then lots of buttons on the top every button has a click and then a click and hold and it does two different things but if you want to fine-tune parts of the radio you got to long press that f button and it brings up a list that you have to scroll through with the dial and there's like 300 options in that list you don't have to go in there often you don't have to really muck around with it until you want to start flipping things over and doing digital and then flipping back to single sideband and doing some other stuff you can set it up it's it's kind of a set it up once and figure it out and you're good to go so that's not i don't i don't nail it too hard for the menu but the menu is something that i really recommend you try it if you can before you buy it everything else about the radio is phenomenal if you don't think the menu is going to bother you it's a phenomenal radio and it's priced very well for what you get it is a fantastic digital signal processing the dsp functionality in the radio is really really nice if you are in an area where you're getting some rfi but you got a signal that's pretty legible you just want to clean it up a bit the dsp button you just click dsp and and adjust how much dsp you want to add to the signal it really really brings out the the tone the human tone a little bit and clears it up a little bit it robots it a bit but it makes it a lot more understandable dsp is very good um on on the 891 and then of course there's the 7100 we kind of already mentioned it earlier it does a whole lot of things it is it is a mobile radio it's got that cool little alarm clock look to it it does all the hf bands two meter 70 centimeter and it does d-star as well so kind of what you're looking at here two out of these three radios does uh vhf uhf and has a digital mode attached to it the 991 does the ac system fusion wires x and the 7100 does d-star so if you live in an area that has d-star or yasu system fusion or dmr that might change kind of what radios you're going to think about buying if it's one of these all-band all-mode radios well you can pretty much do everything out of the box point of note on the 7100 i didn't put it in here and i apologize for that the 7100 also a good value it's about 700 and so 700 right the 891 is 640 so you pay 60 more dollars and you get vhf uhf and a digital mode out of it and you get a little bit bigger screen much better menu system too note the 991 on this slide here is the only radio that has an internal antenna tuner none of the other radios have internal antenna tuners okay all right so we're going down the list a little bit further the icom iec ic718 is probably the cheapest icon radio that's available retail 600 no tuner uh it's portable as it's a little bit smaller than the 7300 but the 7300 is um also kind of as portable john dries says shots fired here 7300 better than the 891 but not the 991. i beg to differ good sir but you are entitled to your own opinion and then lastly the elinco dxsr-8t i put this here for completeness this is a radio so it's very inexpensive again as hf radios go for for an off-the-shelf radio remote head unit pretty bare bones though in general statement about alinko they make radios that kind of aim towards the entry level market and they're generally a decent value option but they don't offer a lot of frills high-end features all right so going back a second note on antenna tuners a lot of base station radios for hf will have an internal antenna tuner the problem particularly for the 100 watt models they're a three to one antenna tuner meaning the mismatch can be a three to one mismatch to the antenna from your radio and it can match that it can match that kind of mismatch that is generally not a good enough matching network to handle something like a random wire antenna or running a nine to one unknown if you've heard those terms before you need to generally have an external tuner to be able to handle those particularly if you want to crank 100 watts through it so you know case in point this is an example one of my first home antennas was a g5 rv a lot of people pick one up clubs hand out g5 rvs a lot i made it to my 7300 with its three to one atu and the 7300 could just could not match the g5 rv it matched some of the bands which is pretty nice but a lot of bands that just couldn't i had to ultimately get an external antenna tuner to do the matching that i needed to work on those bands and that was just kind of a lessons learned that you know yes it has an internal antenna tuner but three to one is is really more or less to get an antenna that's a little bit out of resonance for the frequency you're on kind of into the space you need it to be it's not about using a non-resonant antenna like a nine to one unknown just keep that in mind if that's what you're thinking about doing justin jose says josh thank you for all your videos i always look forward to your videos before buying any new ham radio gear well thank you we're going to talk about a real new radio here at the end uh thanks again for your contribution to the ham community thank you for watching i appreciate it these videos are a lot of fun to make i always enjoy it i always enjoy everybody coming out there's like 675 people watching right now wow thank you everybody i really appreciate it if you could click that thumbs up and subscribe it's free if you don't like it you can just click it when you're unsubscribed but you shouldn't you should go subscribe right now appreciate it uh christiana if i didn't mention it yes of course and and thank you for pointing it out the 7300 does have an internal tuner pretty much the same tuner as you get in the um yaesu 991 when i say similar it's not the same tuner but it it works the same three to one three to one match oh digital analog ham another youtuber right i believe he's been on the youtubers bunch he's a part of the content creators group please tell people about the difference between the 991 and the 991a is that what he meant to say a better waterfall and better receive quality don't know if that's what he meant i think he said the 991 twice but hmm all right anyway i'll i'll i'll check that we'll keep going so here's an alternative to an alternative base station hey thank you for subscribing i appreciate everybody clicking that subscribe button the shaku g90 i know we've been talking about 100 watt radios we're about to dip in a qrp hang on to your butts here but this is a 20 watt output radio likely you're putting out a little bit less if it's digital it's a it's a good price point too 450 dollars but it's it's 20 watts output it's great for portable it's real small smaller than all the other radios we've been talking about but not 100 watts we're danger danger will robinson we're dipping into qrp which we'll talk about here shortly but the tuner is generally thought to be ten to one um for matching so you could use a random wire you could use an unon this will handle it no problem it'll tune many many things really bad antennas this will tune it tuned this same that radio right there uh tuned that uh string of paper clips when i did the paperclip antenna go watch that if you haven't this uh radio has a fantastic tuner in it people believe it's better than ten to one and i wouldn't be surprised but i didn't wanna go making claims and then people come back to me i tried to tune up the saint louis arch for an inside joke and uh it blew up my radio yeah i don't want you coming at me with that one all right so talk to your friends about qrp let's talk about qrp qrp is less than 10 watts qrp is great it's a lot of fun in our radio world qrp and again this is a q code we call these q codes it generally implies 5 to 10 watts but a lot of people have also this concept that it means portable it's portable radio qrp radios are portable there are a great deal of high-value qrp radios on the market and are worthy of consideration but i do not recommend qrp for your first hf hr radio see i'm a typo machine i crank them out i'm horrible at typing thank you for popping up oh no it didn't cover the hf darn hr radios human resources report this slide to human resources the simple reason why i don't recommend qrp radios over 100 watt radios is frustration you're going to get far far far more frustrated with a qrp radio than a 100 watt radio i've already mentioned this but i really need to drive it home you really need to think about a 100 watt base station when you're starting out qrp is great it's fun but you must appreciate it what it means and have appropriate expectations okay i think you get it i can move on but here are some qrp recommendations and not a bad little base station type of thing too the micro bidex right micro bit x i did a video building this i did a live stream building this i actually gave one away last year it is a 10 watt output radio on 10 watts and dips down when you get down to 80 but it goes up 80 through 10. it's 100 to 200 it's a kit though you got to build a lot of it and that's actually the picture below where that ended up was not 200 because i threw on that screen that really cool looking screen i threw in that little cool case um and then i ended up giving that away but it's a hobbyist radio not bad though for 100 200 if you're the type of person you know i make these videos for lots of people if you're the type of hobbyist person that really gets into you know tinkering around with a soldering iron having fun having something not work going to sleep frustrated waking up if you get some kind of weird i don't know what's the term i'm looking for uh i have to think about it but it's where you like to hurt yourself that's basically what tinkering around with radios can be sometimes um then then maybe you'd be into it it can be um a finicky radio but 100 200 if you like tinkering with stuff it's a fun it's a fun kit fun radio build for those into the hobbyist aspects of making lots of fun upgrades there's all kinds of plans online for little tweaks people do with their bitx we'll work on digital modes but you're going to have to do some stuff to it to make it do it and this radio you put together so keep that in mind the shegu x5105 500 harder to find now getting harder to find because the g90 is kind of completely eclipsed them g90 is also cheaper but i already talked about the g90 so i just wanted to round it out a little bit the x5105 is that top picture that is mine i was working in a park with some korean pastries and a cafe latte as pictured there uh using an ella craft antenna and the yaesu gotta mention that because it's it's kind of the workhorse masochist bill redman i looked up and saw it masochist you got it man the yaesu 817 and 818. i gotta mention it because it's it's a it's a it's a it's a workhorse it's a workhorse qrp radio it's been out for over 10 years now it's not necessarily my first recommendation but if you find one used by the way all the radios i've mentioned today if you find them used think about buying them there if you can get a good deal go nuts and we'll talk about that in a little bit it's an absolute workhorse of a qrp radio the advantage of the 817 and the 818 is that it is also all hf and vhf uhf and all mode so it's a radio that a lot of people use for satellite work we'll talk about that next week i guarantee you the 817 818 will be mentioned in the live stream next week it's a shack in the box it does all the things but it's qrp okay so if you find one used you might be into that all right so used hf radios let's walk through some radios that are only used you're only going to find them used and and and still but you should keep an eye out for all right i made this right before going live there are many used hf radios out there go to an ahf radio rescue shelter and find a radio to love this is josh das reminding you to help control the radio population have your radio spayed or neutered so please make sure we're doing the right thing by our radios make sure you give your radios a good home dana young thank you for the super chat hrcc inspired mobile gmrs install on atvs cool recent idaho trip uh mx rider injured another out of fuel com saved the day nothing working on tech license wow hey man if if it works it works i don't care if you've got a ham radio license or a gmrs license if you save the day with the radio no problem so hf radios go way back and there are still a lot of high value radios in the used market that will provide hours of enjoyment for you older radios would likely be better suited for morse code cw am and single sideband operations you can find used radios on ebay ha that should be and ham and hifine we'll walk through those pages in a little bit a couple of standout radios to take a look for keep an eye out for are going to be the icon 7200 the icom 7000 the icom ic 706 mark 2g specifically the mark 2g the yaesu 450 which just fell out of the market it's just been discontinued that's the lower left-hand corner and the ftdx 1200 which are all coming down in price and are all still excellent radios to get started with and none of these radios are that old they're not sdrs they're still discrete components traditional um you know surface mount components but they're all really good radios and they're worth you taking a look at particularly if you can find them at a good deal all right so let's talk about the 705 waited all the way at the end we're going to talk about the 705. the 705 is an awesome radio i will uh flip it over here to my overhead really quickly to see my little shrine that i built for my 705 today i got and taking pictures and i was like let's just let's just dump them all in there oh the the tip jar is filling up from all the super chats that's not in the other slot uh the other scene so they're blowing up right now ah so uh john dries said what no kenwood again going back to my rules starting this whole thing out i don't have a lot of experience with the kenwoods as far as in the hf space they're generally more expensive if you can find ken woods at a decent deal in the used market they're probably absolutely good to go i have no problem with kenwoods i just don't have big experience with kenwoods except for the 520 uh the kenwood ts520 that is a good radio i did review that no no i reviewed the four what was the mobile one is that the 450 that's really the only experience i have with kenwood which one was the one that was uh the mobile that either had a tuner or 200 watts somebody will tell me in the chat all right so the 705 is awesome however everything i said about qrp is still true with the 705. it is 10 watts output when fueled by exterior 12 volts otherwise it is 5 watts output however much like the 817 and the 818 it is hf plus 2 meter and 70 centimeter so that's very good it's all mode it's d star capable the radio has a ton of functionality that most other radios simply do not have in the market um not at least all together at one maybe this the 9700 has all those features so it's a tough call it's expensive it's 1200 would that be for a beginner probably not but i get so many questions asking me is this a good beginner radio is this a good mobile radio and by mobile i mean something that you'd like put in your car and leave it in your car no you need to bring this in every day but it's got a tripod mount so i guess you could screw the tripod mount in and have you know fun with it it's a fantastic radio it's portable radio i mean their whole cam campaign is be active get outdoors with the radio take it hiking have fun with it go to a park you know take it along with you that's what it was designed for it's not necessarily a beginner's radio though it can be if you appreciate that it is a qrp radio all right i missed a super chat sean wylan says is the yaesu ft 891 and the ft50 and tenant tuner worth buying at this point for soda and poda i have a lab five five nine discovery oh you got a lab five nine very good and an icon wait wait or have so oh man sean sean um okay let me let me break that down really quickly the man see no so no the answer is no sean you make a really good question you have a really good question the ft891 is 100 watts output the tx 500 the lab 599 discovery tx 500 and the 705 both are 5 watt or 10 watt qrp radios so it doesn't eclipse them other than those qrp radios are more portable than the 891 but not by much if you were okay so if you stumbled onto a person and they had their radios you had all three radios set up and they were all on let's say the same antenna ounce for ounce pound for pound the 891 is gonna probably will make more contacts because it's a 100 watt output capable radio the awesome features in the 705 aren't going to make it necessarily make more contacts it's just going to make it easier to use if that makes sense a lot of the features that are baked into the 705 are for how you the human interfaces with the radio which i love all of them but the 891 is 100 watts at the end of the day so if you're purely concerned about making contacts the 891 is a fantastic radio okay keep that in mind uh i think it's the ts-480 sorry i'm jumping around i know i get comments all the time you jump around too much it's because i got a lot of things going on in my head alright the kenwood ts-480 or is it the 440. that was the mobile i think that's it we're blown past the hour here but anyway um somebody said i don't see any other craft in here where was that i didn't see any ella craft with which is an excellent radio john john shear reel you are 100 right but i'm talking about introductory radios generally aimed at being a little bit cheaper and trying to answer questions i'm getting from a lot of newbies newbies are not asking me about the ella craft and the ella craft that are at the lower price point those are qrp radios you're not picking up aside from used you can get a used k3 in fact we're going to talk about a use k3 here shortly unless it's sold in the hours or so that i have put these slides together let's look at some radio mobile i'm sorry some radio used sites first i want to show universal radio has this really cool page and i just want you to see it so you you're kind of familiar with it i think i might have put the link in the description but if you if you search universal radio used radios you can go to discontinued vhf uhf multi-mode transceivers and you can get a whole big list so for instance let's go to they've got down here it says discontinued hf transceivers let's pull up those kenwoods see if we can answer our question right now 480 i think is what people said and i think that's right no did i screw that up or is it 880. i thought that got um cancel i got that that got discontinued anyway let's let's pull up a kenwood so here you go there's an old kenwood so this is a really good list that you can look at so if you slide down to icom here and you pull up the 7200 there's that 7200 and those are all the accessories that came along with it and i think it looks like they still have some of the accessories like the folded dipole i think we talked about this antenna we talked about this antenna on the ale episode the 7200 with that antenna on ale is a good match so this is a good resource if you're looking for used radios and this is just to tell you what was in the market is it the 430 am i that why can't i not remember that radio no it's the mobile one everybody keeps messing with me in the chat yeah it's not in the it's not on this list well i guess this list is a little needs to be updated let's see if it's on the active current kenwood oh there it is 480. okay so this recently got discontinued but they just haven't moved it over to the discontinued side uh i reviewed this radio highly this is a good radio so i apologize you should also look at this radio if you can find one used this would be a good good radio check out cool thing about this radio is it comes in two options the first option is 100 watts output with a tuner and the second option is no tuner but 200 watts output in a mobile that's pretty awesome mr roman asks newbie question can you place an antenna in your vehicle that can be attached to a handheld baufen also i got cb radios with wilson antennas yes you can put an antenna on your vehicle you can put up a quarter wave 2 meter 70 centimeter antenna and you can feed that with a bnc connector and then all you would need is an adapter that goes from your sma connector to bnc so you get a quick attach de-attach otherwise you have to twist on the sma and twist the sma off it's not worth it not worth it go to bnc adapter excuse me okay so that's that all right let me go back up to the top here first ham and hi-fi this is a ebay channel that you should put in your list ham and hi-fi they both buy radios from you know silent keys families of science keys silent keys who are liquidating and then they sell on ebay and they have a wealth here's a heath kit uh radio amp they have a ton of really eclectic stuff but also some new stuff like for instance this drake 2b vintage receiver is very clean but in the back it says it needs some work that is a really clean radio i know we're not talking about boat anchors today but i saw that i have a a 3b and that is a very cool that is a very clean radio i'm sorry 2b when i saw that i saw the face on that thing i was like man that is really clean anyway those are cool radios they don't always work though because they're getting a little old and those capacitors uh start to leak and you're gonna go in there and replace them let's see if we can find a good value otherwise we'll go to ham radio see it goes it goes on 10 pages of listings you can just hop on there and start looking like uh that's another amplifier okay we'll jump ahead here anyway ham and hi-fi make sure you go check them out i just added to my list night and i check in every once in a while it's a lot of old stuff so if you're into the hobbyist side you're interested in boat anchors you may find some good stuff i feel like what's happened is that people know about ham and hi-fi and they get swooped pretty hard when they update stuff and so that's probably why you don't see it hams are pretty uh hams are pretty active when it comes to used we're always into making a deal so here's ham radio outlet they have a used page as well and you can just go down and see this is where i was like hey it's really good to have that universal radio website so you can figure out what that radio is like this is an icon that's an amplifier amplifier this is an ftd x5000 and it is 2800 probably not entry level here you go so ella craft k3s that's a pretty recent uh radio relatively new selling used for seventeen hundred dollars ella craft isn't cheap they are fantastic radios though for a newcomer i don't know that i would point you at ella craft necessarily but they are very very good seventeen hundred dollars though keep that in mind next used site uh mtc radio they also have a used section and you can see pictures congratulations mtc on having pictures that's fantastic so here you go here's what is that oh there you go nikon 2300 for 150 there you go excellent condition that's not bad that's a that's a relatively okay deal only two pages of deals though but they've got pictures so that's good and all right next on the list so qth. this website has some pretty good deals but it's kind of hard to navigate so let's dive in radio's hf let's see if we can find something 905 listings come on so this is kind of those pictures are not for the radios so here's a 746 an icon 746. um i you can't click on anything they don't have their own page you have to click on the camera and that's the picture okay that's not bad 746 is a discontinued radio pretty good radio so then you got to read it this was uh from a silent key estate sale comes with the original box manual and a desk mic not bad anderson power poles installed to the best of my knowledge it has no mods everything seems to be working comes from a smoke-free and pet-free shack local pickup or will ship for fifty dollars and what is he asking ah contact him for the price so you get a lot of that stuff where it's like oh yeah i'll ship it you know and it's available let me know what you want to pay for it and then it kind of becomes a haggle thing so that's the real trick 62 single cab what are good prices for the used radios you mentioned it's tough to say because we are in a niche hobby and there aren't a lot of like you know generally you could hop on ebay and be like hey i'll just look at the the past past auctions on the same item and see what they ended up as and if i get a sample size of five i can take a you know median average of that and be like oh okay it's you know 500 it's a little bit harder with ham radio in fact it's a lot a bit harder because you got to sample from different sites on what things sold for and sometimes they don't leave the post up so it becomes really difficult to figure out what things sell for the way i generally look at it is you can get a good idea of what it's sold for in retail you can look that up you can figure out what the retail price was and then knowing that retail price you can kind of look at the condition of the radio and just start deducting from that i don't see a problem with starting it twenty percent off of retail depending on how old the radio is if it's you know a year old radio you can't really do twenty percent you maybe get five percent maybe ten percent um if you're lucky so jeeper creeper says smoke free and pet free is super important got a used radio once and had to get rid of it because i couldn't get the smell out of it yeah smoking and ham radio do not mix it it really stinks up the radio pretty bad hey here's the kx2 so going down the ella craft road let's let's take a look at this ella craft kx2 uh this person has a kx2 on a stand and he is asking one thousand dollars let me go back here okay for sale serial number owner's manual nifty manual so nifty manual is a as a secondary manual that that helps you with some of the features a kx82 kx102 mh3 kxpd2 bncbp so he's going through the whole list power kale low pro k so basically it's um so basically it's the shack in the box plus he has two extra knobs extra battery and charger so those batteries are eighty dollars um all in excellent condition also i have a new comet 8060 portable antenna so he's throwing in an antenna was going to use it for moto camping but have other priorities one thousand dollars shipped okay so shaq in the box for this radio is over twelve hundred dollars he's throwing in an antenna that's probably sixty to a hundred dollars i don't know just looking at it he has an extra battery that's an extra eighty dollars so that's fifteen hundred dollars and he's asking one thousand dollars and it looks to be working okay ah but here's the trick fellows do you see his call sign in this picture i don't i don't see his call sign actually the battery's right there and it looks like that little plastic's been ripped through so here's my problem with this so this is listing by n6dlh i would uh brad ward's already nailing it he's saying that's probably a good deal but i would ask him for a picture k8 so this thing sold by the way just everybody's messaging in this guy right now this just happened live there are 685 people watching this guy's getting smashed um ask him to send you a picture of the radio with his call sign next to the picture write your call sign on it and the date and the time date and time is important know your stan your time stamps my dudes and my ladies um do not buy this without without getting the call sign in the picture or something to know that he has it so please please please don't get ripped off all right so that is uh what's the next one so we did qth okay rnl they also have a used section right so again this one though look you don't get a lot of information it's just kind of like i hope you know what all these numbers mean i hope you understand what you're looking for right this one just says bad bad it's just it's it's two kinds of bad it's all bad shawn wyland any kit radios or out of the box radio is capable of frequency hopping spread spectrum to work on the amateur bands woo sean good question i believe spread spectrum is only legal in the higher frequency spaces i could be wrong i have not dipped into that world that is a whole world um spread spectrum is generally not okay on any of the lower uh the lower frequencies keep that in mind let's look through this one again see if we can find something real quick uh so you know no pictures i think yeah no pictures oh wait wait here we go good we got pictures good we are looking at a very expensive radio uh the yaesu ft dx5000 mp is a when it came out very expensive radio it's still expensive it's it's older but it's a very high quality radio look how many buttons this thing has you can't see it on the picture but just on this one quarter panel look how many buttons are on that thing every one of those buttons controls something discreet and they likely have a single click and then a long press click uh this was one of the ones when i went to go look at the ft the new one the new yeesu this was right next to it and we were we were jumping between it having a lot of fun playing around with that that's rnl all right qrz i gotta mention it where you likely have a page on here whether you know you do or not if you got your ham license they have a swap meet page and there's a hot sheet and if you click on that hot sheet oh look there's a 7100 hey we may sell this thing oh it's gone that also happens a lot hey look at that it's gone sdr play rspdx we'll come back to in a second let's see if there's another radio we want to look at motorola motorola guys in the house okay let's look at this 400 450 dx okay so they generally do a pretty good job um at the uh at the qrz giving you the ability to add pictures which is always nice and hey look at this guys this guy has a picture or person he's got his 450 on top of a tuner with the call sign there which is nice i guess that looks legit looks a little funky from the one of the pixels here and there i don't know about that one that's a little that's a little sus hold on let me go back to this for a second uh but what he says selling a very very uh very very clean non-smoker hf six meter system i need to get an hf amp and the xyl told me i have way too much ham gear don't listen leia don't listen to this anyway here is some pics of the system i have original box and i am the original owner asking 850 for all three what what do you mean oh oh i see i'm an idiot uh he's got an ldg yt 1200 a signal link usb so i think this is all of it right here this is it yeah okay so this is the kit uh the the yt 1200 auto tuner auto tuner right i don't know what those go for i'm guessing 300 400 the signal link i believe is uh 150 and that ft 450d when sold originally was 750 with the tuner this has an external tuner and he's asking 700 not a bad deal if it's not sus i don't know yeah i'm getting suss in the chat we're getting some suss i i i'm right am i am i wrong is this sus that's us right a little bit that that picture looks a little i mean it's it's there it's the printing that i don't like it's the it's the text and the whole thing i don't know i think it's okay i think it's okay i'm gonna just get off there i'm gonna leave that guy alone uh and that's it that was the last one i wanted to talk about okay so we're at 6 30. wow okay let's take a couple of questions um i would like to encourage you all we were going to do a zoom we'll do zoom next week when we do the um when we do the live stream with when we talk about satellite portable operations i'll look in the chat here for a little bit but please please take the link in the description to our discord join the discord it's really not that complicated you can join on your phone your ipad your android uh your laptop whatever you want anything is our discord it's a great community of people text chat voice chat you name it we have ham radio groups for almost anything you're doing in ham radio and if we're not doing the thing you're doing in ham radio we could probably make a group for it and there's probably people that want to talk about it anyway please please join us there please join us there and we'll be doing an after chat over there so i'm looking in the chat right now a lot of people are saying fake i yeah i'm kind of with you that was weird that was a little sus there's a lot of sus that happens on qrz by the way so for the sales i won't talk about any other stuff specifically the the sales the tape looked fake um the call sign writing looked fake not good uh you only likely have a page if you got your license in the states oh yeah yeah john john nemeth but most people that get their ham radio license that's the majority of oh haha ethan you know we got to pull that up geez god i'm an i'm an idiot my own my own facebook group we have a buy sell trade page of course we do i'm still looking for questions by the way but duh come on buddy there we go there we go so ham radio crash course buy sell trade we also have a buy sell trade on our discord and we police it by we the moderators keep an eye out but you are on your own don't be sussing it up for everybody uh i will throw out there somebody's got a technician book they must have passed their technician hey there's a d74 how much is this oh how much is he asking tell me the price man 700 oh because he's got like a ton of stuff with it okay hey ray novak oh no he i'll invite him to the group uh okay okay so what are you asking again why am i having so hard of a time finding what the price is oh asking 625 i'm always looking for like the dollar sign in a number 625 with a tuner and an hey that's chris that's what our admins of course it is that's a really good deal go uh go help chris out yeah chris's sus his he's got his glarg he's got his clark id right there i'm calling sus somebody somebody telling admin that's us i still have my hex beam if somebody wants to come pick it up locally i'll give you a sweet deal on it uh a leather holster for their just a plain holster for their ht ooh i actually want to take a look at these the radio oddity or the radio diddy and the radio diddy as the cool people call it gs5b 2 meter 70 centimeter so yeah please join us i need to add that to the links by the way thank you ethan for reminding me please take the links to the buy sell trade page all right let me go back here ron thompson can i set up a shack in my unheated garage it depends on where you live man if it gets like super cold maybe not and nobody pick on chris cause he will he will make you pay [Laughter] california like particularly as you get closer to the beach like very little um insulation good radio for ham and cb they don't exist they don't exist in one well they don't exist legally you can't go buy off the shelf and get a ham radio that also does cb you can get one that was illegally modified or sorry ham modified to be operated by ham radio operator but not to transmit on cb don't don't transmit on cb with your modified ham radio they don't exist off the shelf though have you connected a tablet to a radio yes don hutchcraft any one of my videos that involve raspberry pi's they are built to run headless meaning um meaning that you plug it in connected to the computer and then you connect to it via a tablet over wi-fi in the portable space in the outdoors somebody asked why am i getting rid of my hex beam because i replaced it with a step ir hopefully you've seen the last two videos i put up on the topic yeah i'm not i'm not saying there aren't ham radios that do cb frequencies that can't transmit in there i'm saying it's there's nothing off the shelf that does that and if it does oh boy okay so we're at 6 30 we're an hour and a half we've been running long pretty much since covid started pretty much since the covid hit i've been running live streams really long you know just to give you guys something to do but hey the party doesn't have to end here you just gotta hop over to the discord and join us on the after stream so yes i wanna hop over right here and say a big thank you to my patrons the names you see are my producers we've also got you know the channel supporters and the brew crew the brew cruise a little bit different today not drinking the beer drinking the celebratory champagne thank you very much leia i hope you do go watch phantom signals the link is in the description that is going to be a four episode series and i believe i am in all four and there is some fun videos coming up i um i think this is me talking a little insider baseball i liked the last episode but every next one is going to be more interesting from a radio standpoint from my point of view so thank you to the producers um appreciate you next week we're all screwed up normally the patron picks episode comes out the first saturday of the month this week though hey goodgameham radio there he is he gets two lines because his name is so big next week is the patron picks episode because i wanted to do it right i can talk about um hammering of satellites but i don't have enough contacts i don't feel i have enough experience under my belt i've made contacts with ham radio satellites so i'm bringing in somebody that knows exactly what they're talking about and is a good great source of information in the immaturity of space for ham radio satellites so that should be a lot of fun i have a lot of questions to ask and uh yeah somebody jeeper creeper's asking what channel is phantom signals on it's on the science channel the link is in the description mike n8yo says ah wow i'm looking forward to that the first episode was really good well thank you there's going to be more of that more of me out on that summity area where we were at you probably already got kind of a clue of what it's about if you saw the cb radio and some other antennas and some other things and if you went to their website you definitely saw me doing something with a with a particular rig that you could be like i have an idea what he's doing with that so it's gonna be a lot of fun someone said uh someone said about having a cobra radio that is a good mobile radio for cb carlos you should keep an eye on the phantom signals uh that's all i'll say on that okay i am heading out everybody who's asking questions how much is that step i are you can go on the step by our website and look it up uh bob k6 uda question mark question mark question mark yeah i haven't seen bob in a while in any after chats is he and did i miss him maybe he'll join me over there all right anyway 600 something people still i hope you think about joining us over on the discord i will livestream that to twitch and my twitch channel is ham radio crash course so if you want to look me up there i'll be live again but we're wrapping it up on the youtube side thank you so much for
Channel: Ham Radio Crash Course
Views: 215,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ham radio, Ham radio crash course, what to do with ham radio, having fun with ham radio, hoshnasi, icom ic-7300, introduction to ham radio, ham radio basics, amateur radio, ham radio antenna, hf radio antenna, calling cq on hf, ham radio review, icom ic-705, icom 7300, how to use hf radio, d-star, ic-705 dstar, icom ic-705 programming, icom ic-705 how to, best ham radio for beginners, best ham radio for preppers, best ham radio for beginners 2020
Id: bSF-q_qaqqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 10sec (5590 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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