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what's going on guys that's you here so today i want to talk about some armor and who better than this fine specimen right here than to do a little bit of a fashion show for us but more specifically in armor i'm talking about the ones that have special or added benefits to them not going to really be going over his armor as a whole if you want to see like an armored video based on what stats you really want to worry about that could be something of a separate video let me know if you want to make that one but as for today i just want to talk about the ones that have special or added benefits to them or hidden perks so we're going to every single one so that's all the helmets which a lot of them are and there are some for the chest and not many for the arms and legs so this is somewhat of a new concept to the soul series where you just have hidden perks and benefits to the armor sets i mean it has been done before but definitely not to this extent so this is a really good thing and a bad thing at the same time so good thing meaning that you can just have perks for free that you otherwise wouldn't have through other means but the bad thing is the most glaring part about this is that if you want to have that added benefit you're forced to wear that armor armor piece and half of them are really ugly so profession not really the greatest but if you don't really care about that and scare me maxing your build then that's what we're going to be going over today uh first things first something i do want to mention is that i have started streaming on twitch so if you haven't already please follow my channel forward slash yui underscore as of time as the time of releasing this video maybe a bit after maybe a couple hours after releasing this video i will be going live on twitch so if you haven't already followed my channel please do i'll just link it down below also but we'll just get right into it so as always i am going to categorize all of these so i'm going to have a separate category for the armored pieces that boost spells so sorcery's incantations gonna have ones that boost your weapons or items um armor pieces that boost your stats as a whole and i'll probably have like a little miscellaneous section towards the end oh yeah that's the way to get right into it okay first we're gonna be going over the spell based armor sets so first up we have here is the old bridge pointed hat so this one boosts your thorn-based sorcery so your thorn-based sorceries are your blood-based sorceries it increases it by about roughly two or three percent per piece you have on so you can have the hat you can also put on the chest piece and the gauntlets unfortunately the legs won't actually give you any any benefit so it's really the only the ones that have those red gems on them so you can probably get a total of roughly about eight or nine percent total boosted damage to your blood type sorceries and it does have an altered version for the hat as well it's like a cool little blindfold but yeah this boosts your blood-based sorceries uh next we have the snow which hat this one will boost your cold-based incantations by ten percent so your cold-based incantations include the ronnie's darkmoon glenstone ice ice crag the zama ice storm and the abdullah's moon blade this is one of the obvious options if you're going to go with a cold build uh next we have the radiant gold mask this one will boost your golden order incantations by 10 so your golden order incantations are the indications that have those rings of light so the rings are light they're radical ring of light the discus light they will all be increased in damage by roughly 10 next up we have the crucible set so this will be the same for the crucible tree as well this will boost your um aspects of the crucible incantations so the aspects of the crucible tail the horn and the breath it will increase that by roughly two percent per item so you can put on the whole set if you want to and then you'll just get a boost so roughly about eight percent in total which is obviously really nice there's no downsides to having it on whatsoever uh next we're going to be going over the incantation scarab so this one will reduce fp cost of your incantations by 15 however it will hurt your damage negation also so as you can see it's not gonna be about that much so if you wanted to use it while patrolling around and you just want to con save your fp it can be fine these will stack with the fp talisman i forget the name of it but it also will cycle things like that so that's a pretty decent option something to keep in mind if you are struggling with your fp consumption uh the glenstone scarab is exactly the same thing except for sorceries so this one's for invitations this one's for sorceries uh next we'll go over the where is she as as there is a glenstone crown so this one will boost your comet sorceries so your comment service series include your comment azure increase that by 15 damage the glenstone comment shot and the regular comet sorcery will be increased by 10 more damage however it does have the downside of increased fp cost of all spells by roughly 15 so if you want to go for just an absolute this dps build if you just want to just melt a boss really quickly or use it for pvp it's perfectly fine as for just using it consistently having it on and just traversing and patrolling throughout the overworld wouldn't really recommend it but putting on for a boss fight or pp is still plenty fine um the luzaz glenstein glenstone crown this one will increase the damage of stars of ruin and by 50 and the damage of star shower and glintstone shards by 10 however it will have the same downside of the azo clinton crown as it will increase the fp cost by 15 so once again it's really good for boss fights and pvp so being that the stars are brawn is like a pretty much a pvp based spell having this on and spamming that can make for a very toxic combination and next we have the godskin noble robe this one will increase the noble presence incantation by about 20 the incarnation is actually really good so having this one will make for just a very nice combination however as you can see it is not the most fashion friendly thing to wear so keep that in mind alrighty time for the armor sets that improve your weapons or items so first going over the spell blade pointer head this one increased the damage of your glint blade or glenstern weapon skills they include like your glimp blade filings or your glinstein pebble both of which are really solid uh weapon skills so just do more damage that with each piece you equip will increase it by roughly two percent so the full armor set can be equipped whether it's altered or not so with the whole arm that will end up roughly increasing it by about eight percent which is still really solid being that the ash those ashes are really really good uh next going over the shining horned headband this one will increase the damage of your ancestral infant head so that is an item that pretty much does this aoe attack which is pretty good for crowd control or increased that item by about 20 so if you don't have if you're not expected to any spells and you want something for a decent crowd control having that one is pretty nice and you can put this helmet on to just do more damage with it which is a decent option our next going over the ash of war scarabs are very similar to how the other scarabs work this one will decrease the fp consumption of your skills by 15 but it will increase your damage taken so do take that with a grain of salt so it's going to be not really the greatest thing to be constantly have on but if you have something in mind where you're spamming you're up or not a lot but you don't really have the fp to use it and you're like using it for a boss fight or for evp even i don't know i really wouldn't use much pvp because your fp consumption really isn't that important but it can be stacked with the carry in filigree crest so if you're using an ash of wall they feel like taking up way too much fp this can be an option for you next up we have the omen helm so this one will increase the damage of your omen barn and your regal omen bond by five percent so what that is very similar to the shining horned headband or increase the weapon or the damage of an item that item is kind of like a projectile tracking attack so if you don't really if you're inspected into many sorceries or spells it can be a decent range option it will increase it by five percent per item you can equip or per um armor piece you equip however it only works with the chess piece and helmet so having the gauntlets or leggings won't really improve the damage at all but so you can get a total of 10 increase damage to those items if you have all of that equipped next we have the enboy crown this one will increase the damage of your bubble type skills so for the envoys crown the long envoys horn by the envoy um horn long over horn and the great envoy horn it'll increase the damage of those bubbles by 20 being that the bubbles are 15 excuse me being that the bubbles in this game are really really good makes for a solid option all of these um added effects to their skills we'll stack with the alexander shot as well so if you're worrying about that it will stack together with that uh next up we have the jar this one will increase the damage done by cracked pot and ritual pots by 15 so if you want to use pots for whatever reason which kind of are trash in this game because you have to craft them you can't really just buy an infinite amount if you wanted to you can but even if you don't this wearing it as an absolute fashion statement is perfectly okay because as you can see it is extremely stylish and next we'll be going over the regeneration based armor sets first covering the royal remains home this one will give you health regen once your characters drops below 15 health and it'll be about 2 hp per second per armor piece you have on so they will stack so you can have the entire set fully equipped and then you will get a total of what's that 8 hp per second once you are below 50 health so at lower levels you're not really going to be noticing it because you're going to be just dying by the time you're actually at 15 health and i really wouldn't stay below 15 health anyway so there's not really much of a benefit to having this on but there's no downside so if you just wanted to have a build with health regen which i do have a separate video based on the health regen build so check that one out if you haven't already but yeah just there's not really much downsides to have not having it on unless you want to have something else on uh next we have the crimson tear scarab so this one will increase the benefit of your healing flask so your crimson flask will get about 10 more health when you do drink it however like the other scarabs they are going to be is going to be decreasing your damage negation which is not really the greatest so i wouldn't have it on all the time i feel like it's only use is to switch switch to it if you're out of combat and you're low on health so after you've done your fight if you're low on health i'll switch to it drink you get free 10 boost to your flask and then to switch off the crimson tear scarab um as for the cerulean tears guy but work exactly the same way but just for your cerulean flask so same thing if you're out of combat and you're low on fp i'll switch onto it drink and then switch off i just feel like having it on at all times really isn't the greatest thing uh next we'll be going over the deathbed dress so this one will give you health regen as well very similar to the royal remains set except this will give about four hp per second to you and your nearby allies so anyone that's around you will also get that added benefit as well which is kind of neat it's not really the greatest thing in the world but it's more health-written currently say no to that so if you do want to spec into a complete health regen build this one can be a very solid option it's not going to be when you blow 50 health like the royal remain set obvious and only downside is that it's a much lighter set so the physical damage negation is extremely low so you're really not going to be benefiting much of that however some magic negation is actually pretty decent but yeah that's pretty much it's only downside uh next we have the guardian gob the full-blown version or the full bloom version excuse me so this one will increase the healing rate of your crimson tiss by 1.5 but has negative fire resistance so it was added a little bit of your boost to your crimson to your flask again but obviously that downside of your fire negation being at a negative which is not really great so if you're in fire areas wouldn't really have it on but if you're not in like a fire area just have it on as a little bit of a boost to your i'm a crimson tears flask it will stack with the other with the helmet and it will stack with the talisman as well that does give you that boost to your flask okay now going over the armor sets that just give you more damage through other uses other than your spells and skills items things already covered first going over the white mask this one will increase your damage by 10 for 20 seconds after you inflict blood loss on an enemy so being that inflicting blood loss is just incredibly easy in this game you can do it in like half a second and you just get free damage for 20 seconds 10 damage it's it stacks pretty much almost everything in this game i'd yeah i don't know it's it's an obvious option for any bleed build it just yeah anyway next we have the where is the black dumplings at the top so the black dumpling this one will work the same way kinda but after you get inflicted with madness so for the next 60 seconds you get 10 more damage after you get inflicted with madness which kind of is not the greatest thing because you don't really want to be inflicted with madness um if you do you're pretty much dead they did just change it to where it doesn't last as long as you pretty much gonna survive however only a 10 increase after that is definitely really not worth it it was like somewhere around about 50 i would recommend using it and maybe spec into a madness build and trying to inflict madness on yourself and this you just do more damage that way but for 10 i just really wouldn't risk it uh next we have the mushroom crown so works similar so this one will increase your damage by 10 for the next 20 seconds after you inflict a poison on yourself or nearby people so for any type of poison or scarlet rot as well so any type of poison or scallop rock build you have this one's just an obvious option because there's no really downsides other than the fact that it just looks hideous um you can just use raw meat dumplings on yourself and inflict poison yourself and it still gives you more damage that way as well and 10 free damage i'll take it definitely really good uh next we have the briarhelm this one does damage by rolling into people so if you roll into something or really jump into something also you will do i think it's just rolling so it's kind of like the armor of thorns from dark souls so if you roll into something you just do more damage if you equip the chest pieces will also give you that same benefit whether it's altered or not it'll do like a little bit of tech damage so if someone's weak you can just keep rolling into it as a meme who knows if you want to pop someone's bubble on pvp can use that as well um next we have the raptors black feathers this one will improve jumping attack damage by about roughly twenty percent i want to say or ten percent there's ten percent more damage to your jumping attacks and this will stack with the claw talisman also um it is actually a decent looking chess piece that has decent stats so just using it for any type of build because jumping attacks in this game are absolutely amazing being that our stacks of the core talisman you really can't go wrong is definitely one of the better um armor sets in the game or armor pieces in the game being that it's not a chess piece where most of the boosted effects don't really come from a chess they come from the helmet there's no reason as to why you shouldn't just always have this one at all times pretty much the best chess piece in the game and now i'll be going over the armor pieces that improve your stats one way or another so first going over the carlos or the carlos glenstone crown this one will give you plus three intelligence and slightly reduce your stamina by about roughly nine percent uh next the aluminus glenstone crown this one will give you plus three intelligence and slightly reduce your hp so i'd rather have this one because i definitely don't want to decrease hp in this game uh next we have the lazuli glenstein crown this one will give you plus three intelligence and plus three dexterity but reduce your hp i would rather just not have this on i'd rather have that more hp than plus three dexterity unless you had something particular in mind um the witches glenstone crown this one will give you plus three intelligence plus three arcane but reduced stamina so once again stamina in this game not really that hard to counteract so still pretty decent um as for the twin sage glenstone crown this one will give you plus six intelligence and reduce your stamina and hp by i think roughly 10 which is definitely not what you want unless you really wanted to do more damage with something but i'd just rather have a more hp stamina so if you had like a glass cannon build this is a solid option but other than that i really wouldn't go there moving on we have the silver tear mask this one will give you a plus eight to arcane but decrease your overall damage ao but i think roughly 10 so i just unless you were going for a bleed build where you didn't really care much for your weapon air and just wanted to spec into just doing more bleed damage and you were kind of low on arcane then maybe but even then i still wouldn't really have this on under any circumstance and i believe now yeah see i wouldn't really wouldn't have this on um the albumeric mask so this one will give you a plus four to arcane and reduce the hp recovery effects of your flask your crimson flask so if you're using this on something like pvp where you're not really healing anyway this is perfectly fine but outside of that because i think it decreases the effect by about 10 percent i really wouldn't have it on unless you just wanted to just look absolutely stunning and amazing yeah other than that i wouldn't really have it on uh next we have the mask of confidence this one will give you a plus three two arcane next we have the preceptors big hat this one will give you a plus three to mine and slightly decreased stamina by i think roughly nine percent i want to say uh next up we have the the queen's crescent crown just want to give you a plus three two intelligence what's the government actually okay the mask this one will give you a plus three to dexterity but lower your focus so i'm pretty sure your focus is your things like your sleep and madness i want to say correct me if i'm wrong it's on something look it up if i'm wrong um next the omens work mask this one will give you a plus two to strength uh let's go with rapid fire the rest of them highlight tree night helm this one gives you a plus two to faith i'm asked for all of the imp ones they're pretty all self-explanatory but the oh let's give you a little showcase of them as well so the imp cat will give you a plus two to intelligence the wolf will give you a plus two to endurance the fang will give you a plus due to strength the long tongue will give you a plus to the dexterity the corpse give you a plus two to faith the elder will give you a plus two to arcane if you also want to see that what they look like real quick that's all of them uh next as for the haima glinstein crown this one will give you a plus two to strength plus two in intelligence however it will reduce your fp but i will say i want to say five to ten percent so unless you didn't really care much for your fp at all this can be an okay option only plus two so really benefiting much um the great hood will increase your intelligence and faith by two by reduce your hp there are really not many cases where you wanna increase both of your intelligence and faith so i just really wouldn't recommend having this on unless you just i mean it looks pretty cool i'm not going to lie i vibe with it as for the herodus glinster and ground this will give you plus two intelligence plus two to endurance but slightly decrease your fp so once again if you don't really care much for your fp i think it's about five percent having this on just to have a bit more to your stats is perfectly fine um as for the crimson hood this want to give you a plus one to bigger the neighborhood will give you a plus one to mind the sacred crown helm will give you a plus one to faith the where is do i have it here i don't think i have it here but the consort mask i believe i should have it here here it is consoles mask will give you a plus one to dexterity as for the rulers mask will give you a plus one to faith the matter the marias mask will give you a plus one to arcane the helic tree helm will give you a plus one to faith and as for that's where's all the helmets as for the armour sets the only ones that do will be the commoners gob so whether it's altered simple or not it must give you a plus one to faith in every single one okay time for the miscellaneous section so this is pretty much just the rest of them really so it's pretty sure after this will be every single armor set with a special effect so first going over the pumpkin head this one will take reduced damage to the head so headshots or just any shots to the walls the head will actually be taking less damage which is honestly pretty decent you actually get hit in the head a lot more than you think so not really like arrows to their head in terms like headshots even like upward attacks where like they're swinging down even a lot of those attacks will hit you in the head so you'll notice it might save you more than anything so it could be a various other option to just use throughout and pvp pve pretty decent um the dualist helm and rotten duelist home this one will attract enemy aggro so it is like a downside and pretty much 99 of the time um but if you did want to get something's attention that was far away because if you want to made enemies out one at a time it can be pretty useful i'm don't think it stacks with the talisman i'm not too sure i haven't really noticed much difference it might stack with the talisman that should be very sword talisman um yeah i haven't really noticed much of a difference there um as for the armor set that you get with it it will add i'm pretty sure it does the exact same thing i don't think it adds to the benefit at all i'm not too sure if the altered version of it also works i i don't know there's not really much to it as well so um as for the black knife armor this one will make your footsteps quiet so i'm pretty sure it works the exact same way as that one talisman does so if you want to go for like a stealth build i'm not sure if they stack together so i think they do stack but it works like the exact same way anyway um one thing to keep in mind that the altered version of this does not actually give that added benefit so the regular black knife armor will give you that added benefit of being quieter with your footsteps but the altered version will not but yeah i'm pretty sure that would cover pretty much all of the armor sets that do have a added benefit if you want to just cover armor sets in general as a whole please let me know if you want to know which ones i have like the best stats for like poise or just damage negation what is overall like damage negation to weight ratio if you want to make a video similar to something like that just let me know but yeah that pretty much covers everything that i wanted to cover in this video let me know if i did miss anything i probably did for how long that this video was or how much content there was in this video and yeah hopefully by the time this video is up i will be streaming so if you haven't already once again follow my twitch channel forward slash ue underscore i'll link it down below as well and yeah subscribe and like if you haven't already and see in the next one guys peace
Channel: Youwy
Views: 218,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9ZwknzH7qaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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