Best AREA 51 Raid MEMES! (If we naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets)

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I leave you guys for nine days to go to Spain and I come back I'm ready I feel like a parent who's just discovering memes for the first time I leave and I come back and now we're all just gonna die and that's the way it's gonna be am i late to the party yes but I haven't been in America of the last nine days I've got my American visa so you're stuck with me for another three years so I thought welcome back to America let's see how broken we are today and well you did yourself but don't worry because in light of all this I've made a sacrifice September 20th which is when this rate is going down which we'll find out in a second I am doing a stop of the demonetised tour at area 51 outside area 51 on September 20th I'm not even kidding if you oh my god my son is dead go to link in the description mail out Matt slash uh area 51 go get your ticket if you want to be the Naruto runners are the Karen's I'm gonna go try and revive my son the government looking at all the area 51 memes know if they're hiding the thundergun on the Trix aliens accompany Patty secret formula another base those who don't know how they started it started by this Facebook posts a hosted by poop posting cuz I'm in shambles am i interesting I am interested in this there is 1.5 million people going in 1.2 million people interested suggestive friends I'll just go invite my family to go to area 51 and area 50 wanted for those who don't know is supposedly where the Americans are hiding all the aliens do I believe in aliens I mean there's no way that the galaxy and the universe is that vast and there's nothing else out there okay that's my own view on it do either the area 51 is hosting aliens I mean a baby only one way to find out really what's gonna happen is we're gonna run through we're gonna storm that fire past the guards were you at the Bauer told runners to run fast the bullets themselves the Karen's over there that were asking for the managers the Kyle's are run through they'll we throwing white closet the enemies like grenades we're gonna get through 90% of the biz been knocked out but for the few that remain we get into the boat we crack it open and what's inside here we go this is the strap this is a number one plan on our slack deck means let's have a look at it attack it dawn for a higher risk of survival the Naruto runners are gonna come in from the airport the Kyle's are gonna be flooding from behind with their white claw grenades the furries are gonna attack from the top with the bottom to look like wildlife and there's a distraction the normies are gonna be closely behind people who they're just there to take pictures the redditors at both sides will come in from behind just like the chaos if that turns this [ __ ] is Nick the minecrafters are gonna be in front of the gays and the gays are gonna be in front of the redditors they're gonna take the building from both sections but the Karen's will be there to ask for managers as they storm through others though they've actually got a little story down here now our runners will cover the Kyle wave as defenses the Kyle's attack and their monster themed helicopters minecrafters will build a wall of bedrock defending the attack teams the gays will stay with the redditors allowing for max damages the ultimate attack of Mons gang will deal damage parents will brigade the back while normies covered by furries weaken the opposing enemy via an or me-me-me's if this fails we will send Oh Jurgen and spend this will kill the enemy instantly that's also a thing I leave for like two weeks and now Felix is a minecraft channel fan I'm literally a meme channel at this point I leave for two weeks and I come back in the whole system I have a lot of catching up to do accurate depiction of the area 51 storm let's have a look Jesus and Florida man the Naruto runners the one guy who actually shows up honestly September 20th is actually going to be a lot of people who are going to die that's that's the terrifying thing about this entire thing whole squads out your FBI agent I'm actually kind of scared people are gonna go to this like me come to my chlorine a lab - flash area 51 because that's a hundred percent real because I made it a link storming area 51 and getting shot by the military storming area 51 and releasing a lien or storming area 51 and finding minecraft - which is basically just being a lumberjack at this yup minecraft - just go B go B Swedish a because Lumberjacks and B because Felix is the biggest minecraft channel now I'm just gonna go lie by a bed in Spain again to catch up on a smart man he's training for what he needs this man's a smart man this guy is gonna be the only guy there everyone he is trained for this moment [Laughter] there's a few memes for this when it hits just right everyone shut up just like they promised the guards he thought it was a joke excuse me what the yeah wasn't the hold on let me see let me go was there an article that the US Air Force is actually like taking this legitimately seriously Air Force warns against storming area 51 is Facebook event reaches 1.5 million attendees this post was made three hours ago from what I'm recording this I'm gonna watch a little bit of this clip and I can't wait for ABC News to take all of my money Air Force is now monitoring the situation because more than 1.2 million people have responded as going to the September event they also said in there they can't stop us all bob lazar the guy who used to work area 51 who's gonna be leading the charge area 51 starter pack uno reverse card buy start bad start a kyle to a company of course white claw in hand to muster energies if you're a kyle know it's been updated to white cloth a picture of Keanu Reeves I don't know no I was gonna do with you the part from me maybe just you know you put it away kind of like a wife in your wallet just have key honorees that you can look at and gain courage from wheelies for extra speed a revived marker a coffin mat a Karen wait to fool your enemy and if you shoot me you're gay cuz I feel like that's gonna work even if you're in the military and a bed boy everybody is the nether and an invisibility potion and Florida man is a bad that I'm actually like legitimately concerned about people who are actually going to go do this ever even slightly considering I'm going to this we're the love of God don't like please it's actually a suicide mission cuz I don't know if I can say the actual last word because of youtube so I'm gonna say the Pokemon and said suic mission how I'm entering Terry 51 if you shoot to me you're gay the UNA reverse card no you an iron pickaxe I just get dumped why is it what is the internet anymore man I don't even know like what's what's gonna happen right is nowadays when you're in history class you when you got taught about anarchy you hear about the old days where you know everyone's gonna stand up and blow up a blind nowadays what's gonna happen is a definition of anarchy it's gonna meet remember that one time a few millennial started running the area 51 with uno cards and iron pickaxe 300k people area 51 that one guy who shows us thinking it's a joke I will raid area 51 you have my sword you have my bow and my axe the rest of the world got America so 10 we're 20s can be a very very interesting day I should be show on the demonetized tour on September 20th I mean I have a show area 51 on the 20th ah I feel like that's a Francisco shows give me a weird one literally just because of all this it's gonna be a weird one alright so imagine this miles get wiped out the Karen's get wiped down the fioretto runners make a few Minecrafters make it and there's one redditor who's here to post about it all they finally get in contact with the aliens oh the aliens are gonna do they're gonna smoosh them all every single one everyone's like oh yeah aliens are chill they're all just like they're just smoking it's like no like everyone just thinks the aliens are like this yeah aliens are gonna be real-life Thanos they're just gonna look here they go now you're good and everyone's just going to disintegrate and that's it and the story of the world will end they're gonna let them out of their cage and they're gonna be like oh all right the mines every years right all the world's gonna end this year did they predict September 20th where the aliens are gonna let free from their cages just wipe us out for fun no me disguises an alien so I can just walk past security area 51 instead of sneaking in Mark Zuckerberg legitimately terrifies me like I know he's the creator of Facebook he's probably had some very lonely nights as we all have but why is he just so cold like so cold he's just so cold all the time he decided to take part in the area 51 raid my ancestors watching me end of their bloodline ready godson one guys live link at the back recording like yes good Jimmy from Massachusetts godson Grande snuck into area 51 oh my goodness my father oh he's oh [ __ ] of invisibility smart man smart man grande you're a sneaky boy one of the sneakiest you don't need that many doors who spaceship real spaceship you found the ship's you've done it use this in top-secret project use it huh clearance key ah only personal level 51 clearance can proceed what's he gonna find was to get a fine I'm gonna use peckish [Music] magnet if aliens were just ducks all along there's something for you to think about you're gonna take away anything from this video just think about the fact that Ducks might be aliens and they're living among us this entire time grande was killed by magic we're all going to die ha ha ha brace half desert me nine months after clappy alien chicks at na na what's his name he's called Obama Trump Pink Floyd Queen carpet microwave just lost it the aliens when we actually storm area 51 and release them it's just all Pokemon in there that's all it is the aliens will release it'll all just be Pokemon in the world of happily ever after until you have to eat tourists I'm just burning childhood's out here is there cows in Pokemon land in Kanto and Johto and cows and they'll all Pokemon or wandering free and the world is free and everything is there just cows and stuff like Heather just be something normal I say normal if you are planning going to area 51 and you do come in contact with an alien and the alien is a Pokemon buyer talk to the rest of the road cuz I'm alright living in Pokemon world and if you find that the aliens just trying to end this shove it back in the cage or whatever it came from shut that door lock it and then just tell us on your live stream it's gonna be a weird day boys give me a weird there's a good chance of poor making area51 video on September 21st after my San Francisco shelf in between the boulder show who's ready for the end of the world we're all dead we're all gone well I hope you enjoy your content while it lasts is money doesn't matter subscribers don't matter nothing matters when we're all gone anyway unless we all just get teleported to another planet to start again then I'll be your leader let me be your leader this is my odds they're really bad angle for this is this is my announcement to be the president of the world come September 21st when we're teleported to a new planet I have roaring pectoral muscles bad jokes I'm very sweaty at times I'm your perfect candidate choose me because I'll make it I'll make you pretty funny geez be the be the president of the world come September 21st on Planet X we're gonna call it from now on I will be your leader in the darkness because it's not gonna be lights it's just the Sun I probably thought this through have I know but for me no for me it means anime women come to life Pokemon or real everything you want your dreams is yours that's very bold claim but we're gonna go for it anyway alright freely man the video there hope it's a boy or a low point but just just vote for me come to my tour I'm 100 percent legit area 51 and playing a show September 20th so if you're Naruto runner come through I'm just gonna go before I dig myself a deeper hole I feel like I'm now a main target for any alien life-forms if for some reason aliens are watching my videos I'll just go into my analytics and instead of being a USA Canada UK Australia it's just going to be other and I'm screwed Alice nice Wow last you go watch another video and like the video and give my life
Channel: Mini Ladd
Views: 1,542,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mini, Ladd, MiniLadd, Craig, Thompson, kid, friendly, no swearing, child, subreddit, reddit, #1, First, no cursing, Best Of, Compilation, Montage, Hilarious, r/, New, area 51, area 51 meme, area, 51, raid, aliens, ufo
Id: V077wxhJP44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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