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everyone my name is Craig Thompson and welcome to today's episode of I'm wearing a beanie because I'm too lazy to do my hair y'all like some pictures look it's literally just our slash pics it's like the fifth biggest summer at the Internet so if that's the case you boys gonna dive in they notice there was a blank wall I'm gonna they decided to make this fake poster themselves it's now been 51 days since they hung it out I mean you're just saving McDonald's budget I mean let's be real when you when you go into McDonald's no one cares how about the artwork here miss Ruffin I've decided to forgive the rent on Jack's trumpet you didn't have to pay me anymore with the trumpet it is yours to play however if Jack drums in a band and stopped playing the trumpet will you return it to me so I can give it to some other deserving students I'm through bad times like you but remember tough times never last tough people do maybe you can help it all our students someday when times are better yours necessarily James W Jones good people in the world it's good people in the world I feel like other YouTube in this YouTube ecosystem but YouTube ecosystem is exactly the point I wanted to make it go system anymore it's just an ego system oh my god I just accidentally created something genius Wow that deserves one subscription in minilab Thank You YouTube ego system get a prayer loan I work at a kitchen you have no idea how many people say you're gonna cook go from ratatouille I mean you do I mean they're not lying to you it'd be weird if you look like interest Elva and then got that comment but you do I don't know what you want from us okay after the beautiful New Year's Eve photos workers who clean up all the mess after the party in Times Square deserve some respect - thank you but it is is the mess wouldn't even be that bad if ninja actually managed to pull the crowd together people just throwing stuff on the ground cause they're angry at Oh pump picker at night looks like a huge concert crowd wait what Oh Shh that's literally just EDC in a nutshell concert goers or a better get hit with some heavy metal yeah yeah you've you've won I'm a I'm gonna hit you with a tugboat there you go yeah you've won that one that that's all it needs to be said thank you thank you for saving my creativity this is exactly the mean with like hey everyone it was boring these asian girls were like dude these really their faces and then just go oh there's nothing you beautiful face theater max you've hit the nail on the head yo these comments are good when you 21.9 photographers you're gonna have some goldmine comments in here oh my god it's twice 70 in Flint Michigan has been with her clean water since April 24 2014 now we're coming back to I'm recording this on the 24th of May 2019 and let's have a look at the progress it's still ongoing it's literally still it's been two years after this and it's still going madness madness you sure my first street photography photo when someone randomly walked before he was sort of projectile vomiting play the blaze his hands like he's controlling his throat through his mind give that the National Geographic and put that in the front cover and see if people think so rosin can't actually got married if you guys have seen Game of Thrones you know that they were kind of like a hanging Game of Thrones for a while I'm not gonna tell any spoilers don't worry but those apart were rows in the show where she was just talking about her you know just sunken valley saying about how warm it is and John couldn't do it because it was against ability believed in her to show you get that valley you got that job no not even John can't you get that valley I've never heard the term sunken Valley in my life I'm different playing a lot of secur oh and there's a place called sunken Valley and it just seemed to work look either that or meet curtain so sunken valuers at this point sure any functioning adult 2020 theme it is getting too political because if you want to be like an aspiring social media person don't talk about politics or don't talk about religion I'm gonna kind of break and I can't half break one real quick it doesn't matter who gets into office people are going to be paid no matter what for example I'm happy reddit content there's a lot of people that aren't happy me uploading reddit content go back to this game you can't please anyone if you're gonna take anything away from this video take away this is the aim of the game is to not please everyone just to try and please as many people as you can and oops sorry quote that time take away this quote apart from the sparkles it cost alike so if you could you repay me that'll be fantastic thank you his adventure is just beginning that is an incredible photo it's not funny it's the end like that it's just a crazy good photo here's 100 percent on crop version oh Christ okay where is your God now that looks delicious I am in team pineapple on pizza I should make a poll pineapple on pizza yes or no again the debate is never gonna finish but I am a pineapple pizza guy okay we need to stand up okay be tempted oh oh my god that hurt way more [ __ ] oh so dumb okay don't like pineapple and pizza that's fine just don't say you don't like pineapple and pizza if you haven't tried it right if you don't like it understandable don't care actually to be fair I really don't care either way if you enjoy it do you think sweetie but you guys ruin your selfie at a Washington DC bakery this looks so photoshopped this is actually just a guy in his bedroom or there's just something else going on tight make something better of this thank you yeah that's better you're the problem with that is I'm I give tide too much power I literally just told him to do whatever whenever this goes up I'll be on a plane so chances are I won't be able to check it before it goes up so we can literally do anything and I can't do anything about it and one day my career is gonna come crashing down and ty is just gonna send me a tax just saying XD and that's it people are starting to accept the challenge I like this challenge this is a this is a wholesome challenge it's the let's pick up the mess the world made challenge that's a challenge I can get behind because now I feel like every challenge is just either something illegal or just making any out of themselves some of them are funny because they're creative or we can make a challenge where we just collect the most stuff I'm just saying let's make this world a little bit better Bill Nye didn't swear on TV for nothing I tell you okay what I'm saying is the planets on fire the Titanic compared to a modern day cruise ship what are you doing you're you're a sack of Shh see that right there that's we trying to pay my mortgage that's dope that's a better comparison for those who don't know I'm half English half Northern Irish they just say I'm British because it's just awkward to explain regardless in Northern Ireland and Belfast is a place called the Titanic Quarter where they celebrates the Titanic and you know the show the memorabilia of it they still have you know the massive framework which they built the Titanic in and the only thing I can think of is yes that's really cool because everyone knows about the Titanic but it's a scissor ship that sunk you built the biggest ship ever sail everywhere and it was fantastic if that was the case celebrate it but now it's we built a ship that sank look at all these people that died come to our Museum globe oh thank god Game of Thrones came around so I can celebrate something a little bit better all right well be he's gone I specifically requested the opposite of this Flint Michigan it's just getting out of hand at this point whatever you do don't use the bidet does your woman's forests have an ecosystem introducing the flavored a Roth I'm friends with Nicolas Cage's face just makes him more look like Ross Oh sweetie no no no no no no see you what is your name mr. spaghetti come go to your room you have sinned it makes him look like he's straight out of a video game like if friends the sitcom game ever became an actual thing that is exactly what it looks like that is terrifying instead of all the names you could have chosen your name is fantastic sir I tried to go over the spaghetti Kingdom yeah YouTube is not watching my every move so I have to be on my best behavior otherwise if others pay for my mortgage this is Jonathan Smith he saved 30 people from the Vegas shooting last night before he was shot in the neck John Smith regardless of your name being the example name it's John Smith and Joe Bloggs forget John Smith heart spam in the comments please one like for jobless without a boy just good people regardless of your example name you're doing great sweetie you're doing great but fringe is my Herald tonight don't let your memes be dreams what a man what a man what a man what a mighty good man career inseam somewhere I didn't want my memes to be dreamed so I based my entire career off it like everything I do at this point is good right now be watching a home or in a car or on a plane you may be downloaded on the YouTube pretty must not sponsor this right now give me a place and give me a like a location like a country and just go to go down the list and see who joins or you can just go to my discord and see who lives around you'll go there and make some friends okay that's all I'm saying that's a photo that is an insane photo again not all these photos are gonna be like funny crazy just you know very real photos there's a lot of tearjerkers out there that I just I'm not going into cuz I don't want to make you sad feel free to go to our slash pics for yourself that is just an unbelievable photo that's madness that I ever get not nothing to add to that just take a look at the picture decipher for yourself we'll move on together as a family Elon Musk prices reaction to a successful Falcon Heavy launch I actually watch the documentary on this and it's really fascinating when you put hundreds of millions of dollars into a project and then in this case you reuse parts of another previous launch to make it up you know a hundred thousand or whatever the time is cheaper that's making space travel actual reality financially I'd have the same face - if I had a hundred million dollars I would be set I would just disappear and no one ever see me again I've been making videos my own private island in Barbados but he's out here having more than a hundred million dollars putting all new rocket and then seeing it go well that's like a minimalist smile find it someone that looks at you the same way Elon looks at his launch his big throbbing launch as his giant shot shoots right into the sky fantastic stuff please host one of my videos thank you we're gonna bail on cancer my four-year-old daughter finished chemotherapy after two and a half years today getting cancer at a year and a half old that is is ridiculous my life but on the realest level hell yeah Kat sucks over a thousand cigarettes picked up off the street to be recycled hashtag trash tag I didn't know this is the thing I'm really happy all of a sudden first thing is that is amazing like I'm really proud of this guy second thing is is he looks like an exact combination between Chris Hemsworth and Rob Lowe Chris Hemsworth Rob Lowe this guy perfect it's actually kind of scary how perfect that is I hope he okay with being called trash Thor people get it but there is raw blow in there 100% yeah Russia's gonna see this and just take my entire channel down apartments not the FBI it's Thai do that meme again for the correct form better Thank You ty I'm making you work this episode Banksy girls balloon shreds it's out of being sold for a million dollars at the South bees in London South Beach South Beach idaho say it Joe the crazy thing is and again don't cool me if this is real or not but I walked into the face cloud house where we're doing the the mr. B's you know standing circle clip and this is what Cal has been resorted to going on and then you got like the bar entranceway and then you got the living room and then you go through the outside where the Hollywood sign is you if you you know follow any of the faced members you know how the house looks but where the bar is not even like hung up raising just lying on the bar is that photo I honestly not 100% sure if it's real or not because it's the clown house it honestly could be I looked at it and there's red marks up to a certain point and I'm sitting here going if they spent a million pounds on the Banksy painting and it's not even hung up I'm going to commit sudoku like I really want to make a phase 80% TV joke but I do like the phase guys a lot so I'm not going to when you want to talk about drama but you want to keep your friend I'm gonna go keep my friends because the whole thing is just a mess not really much happening this year and that out of left field hey the word T came from the make of community but now it's just it's infected all of us and we can't escape it no matter where we go Crowe Jerrod and James Charles give it a few days it's gonna be another one come up and we're just gonna be sitting here I don't know for me not you indulging it just being like wow what the actual mortgage is going on I should replace Mike swearwords what the market mom I lost my glasses that's a big F that is a large F F L in your direction big f big elfs FL studio' if you have Thailand is suing Facebook to keep photos like this of him and a crop top offline maybe you shouldn't have wore a crop top like that in the beginning there's right a crop top and then there's wearing that I don't even know what you were thinking I do like your tattoos though I do like your country what in the hell is that created character for Saints Row [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] if anything I know about this photo that's a Moltres okay the scale is a good giant chunk it doesn't matter my brain was like yeah creativity to Moltres you got him and then you look at the tagline here is oh mortgage the closed-door button fell off revealing it was never connected to the control panel I mean we all knew that it's all just it's placebo you don't get tap the winners when you don't really know what to do in social scenarios because they'd be standing there you may have to interact with people I don't know but you I'm an int social butterfly I'm just gonna jam that button just so I don't have to talk to anyone it's as simple as that one hundred six year old saying goodbye to her son imagine me so old you see your spawn you know pass away from old age like look at her face we still just suffer what is that woman's skincare routine yet to be fair she looks great she does look great one hundred and six years old let's be honest she looked fly as hell I can't imagine living 206 that's like that is insane to be fair sparking recipes buddy my dog of sixteen passed away in in December it's not that he passed away by a self wait to put him down because like his leg started to give way couldn't control his bowels anymore it was it was really sad I'm gonna do much because Ashley I love that dog we got him a 2002 and he passed away December last year like it's ridiculous but like what an absolute trooper of a pupper Oh matter how old your dog is every dog is a pupper simple as that Sparky at 16 years old was my pupper there's nothing you can do about that my firm was taking a picture in LA when this guy who apparently has his office around the corner happened to walk past and decided to photobomb I think the best thing about this photo is it's cool hi Arnold is posing with himself look at that car that's a truck what you think I've always wanted a car having any other car than that what a hero also did you see him get kicked in the back like last week [Music] is 71 years old guests jumping to flight kick from behind and just takes a step in confusion he tweeted and I'll include the tweet year he thought it was just someone pushing in a crowd he's like yeah push me the crowd happens all the time jostling by him not this flying squirrel of a person I love you are though on an arrow alright let's see one more okay we're gonna leave with this this cast fully shaved except for a space I'm leaving you with this photo you have sinned what is that is nasi terrible terrible pet owner what is this you guys want any more videos isn't videos in here you can subscribe here there's some beautiful fine are up there I wouldn't leave you with that just enjoy everything here yeah I love the sweater over hashtag make batter on Twitter Instagram or my disk or I'm gonna click some other videos over here enjoy yourself don't leave you like cat good day see you tomorrow mwah see you tomorrow I said that really fast bye
Channel: Mini Ladd
Views: 2,408,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mini, Ladd, MiniLadd, subreddit, reddit, #1, First, Best Of, Compilation, Montage, Hilarious, r/, New, fail, funny, r/pics, best pictures, picture reddit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2019
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