Best Appliances Recommended by a Repair Technician of 29 Years

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hey good morning everybody my name is Blake wheeler I am with Boulevard home I have been in the appliance industry for 29 years now repairing appliances so in this video today we're going to be covering a few different appliances actually all the different appliances to be exact we'll be covering laundry we're covering refrigerators dishwashers microwaves and ranges we'll talk about what's the best and what's not the best and what to look for and what not to look for in Appliance and what would be best for your needs so let's quickly talk about microwaves now with microwaves honestly I would look for a microwave that the features you like with any microwave they use a lot of the same components and parts for example in the shop you may find an LG magnetron in it you might find a GE you might find a Samsung magnetron in it the best for microwaves is to go find the look you like the features you like on it and that would probably be the best one for you because they're all basically about the same a very common question that we get on microwaves you know as far as failure rates what fails what doesn't fail the biggest failure rate on the microwave is actually user induced if you really think about that we have high voltages going through the door switches on a microwave the door switch is what determines what the microwave does the doors closed and when it can properly apply power to the right things and to safely operate we do have high voltages going through these switches so a lot of times people make the mistake of grabbing the door and pulling it open because oh I've got five seconds I'm going to check it they grab the door and they pull it open what happens is the door switch is in there they spark when they open just like you've seen the light switch and you flip it on or your drill when you run your drill you see this spark in there well that's what happens to these door switches they spark when they open when that happens it creates burn marks on these switches they fail and they fail pretty quickly because you start getting carbon buildup and so they don't make contact like they should have that's why whenever you want to open the microwave door if it's during the time that the microwave is counting down or being in process of using what you always want to do is you want to press the pause button if you actually look it says start and it says pause on it just press that pause button open the door check your food put it back in press start but again that way you're going to save yourself a lot of hassle with having door switch issues or other issues strictly because you're impatient and want to open it up for all you people that like to sit and watch the microwave and wait for that one second left so you can open that door before it beeps at you because you don't want to wake somebody up in the other room where you just want to beat it don't do it just press the pause button and like I said you'll save yourself a lot of hassle with the microwave and possible failures with it all right so now let's talk about our friendly stoves everybody has in their home now that stove is a stove I mean there are different types of stove you have induction stoves you have radiant types so that's your where you see the glow from underneath you have your gas ranges they're your three most common ones for the most part they are very reliable they work they work well when you start getting into the commercial stuff Vikings wolves thermadors that is where we seem to have more problems with the ranges strictly because they are very large complex they work fantastic and they're great commercial ranges but typically we have more problems with those than we do just a standard range so with your standard range where it goes in most homes I would just pick whatever you know features you like look at how hot the burners get and that's the stove that I'll be purchasing the the best fits your needs for your family certain things have to happen for a say a gas burner for it to fail stuff like boil overs where it gets into the burners and gets into the igniters and they don't want to ignite properly talk about pans but the pans aren't flat sitting on a regular radiant type cooktop pick the appliance that you like the features that is the most important as far as my opinion goes and if you do want the big commercial ranges which are fantastic honestly expect more problems with it strictly because they have more components and it's much larger so it does take a couple guys to come out there to actually slide it out to work on it so you know usually there's a little bit more repair costs involved if you ever run into problems with that down the road now we're going to go to the category of dishwashers now I'm going to be honest with everybody I am pretty biased when it comes to dishwashers I've been doing this for a long time I have seen lots of different manufacturers I have worked on a lot of different manufacturers they all work and they all clean where it comes to is how well they clean and how long they will last and how quiet they are in my opinion Bosch dishwashers are by far the best dishwasher on the market the other ones are good but the bosses have everybody Beach they work well last a long time quiet and they do a fantastic job most of my problems that I have with Bosch dishwashers if I have a problem with boss dishwashers it's usually either use and care issue or it's something outside the dishwasher causing the failure now I'm not saying they're 100 foolproof because they're not and I'm going to tell you that straight up but they are hands down the best dish washers on the market now to everybody if you can't afford a Bosch in the boxes are expensive and I'm not going to say that they're not but they are worth the investment in your home there's a lot of good other manufacturers out there the whirlpools are great unit elections are great units the ge's are great units when you start getting the contractor grade ones then you're going to get into you know we can start picking them apart and saying well this one's better than this one or this one's better than this one but you know most of them are just a good dishwasher and they will you know provide you good service one thing I don't want to be a Miss into saying with this the bsh corporation there are three manufacturers Bosch Thermador and gagging now now Thermador is the higher end of the Bosch line their dishwashers are exactly the same for the most part they have a lot of the same working parts but they those have a lot more features a lot more functions so when I say Bosch is the best Thermador is definitely in that category There It Is I've been a little step above what a normal Bosch would be all right now the exciting category of refrigerators everybody loves their refrigerators especially when they're not working actually they really hate it when they're not working because they lose a lot of food and if you've been to the supermarket recently to have you lose that food in there especially that pack of eggs you just bought of 12 eggs you know that's a lot of money really fast when they're not working so we have a couple different types of refrigerators we have we have your basic top freezers French door bottom freezers and we have your side by sides they're kind of all in a different category as far as which one's the best which one's not the best in each category when you break it down to nuts and bolts the less features that's on the refrigerator the less problems it's going to have because there are fewer working parts in it the biggest issue that we have with anybody's refrigerator and this is across the board any category you want to talk to side by side bottom freezers top freezers the ice maker and the water and ice distribution system is the number one problem with anybody's refrigerator doesn't matter who it is that is just the facts now if you look on consumer reports they will list every year from manufacturers when they're talking about the problems that they have so for the dishwasher they have washability issues not draining you know so on so forth and they list each one of them across the categories until you get refrigerators the complaint generally run anywhere between nine to eleven percent across the board as far as problems now when you jump into refrigerators you're in that category until you jump into ice maker not making ice or dispensers not working and then your problems jump into the 25 to 30 percent and this is what I tell all my guests I've been telling them for years and I've been asking looking for an answer if somebody can answer this you know for me it'd be great put in the comment section we'll look at it there's nothing else in the home that I have found that I can think of in an appliance that runs 24 hours a day working in a Sub-Zero climate dealing with water electronics and electricity we have all these factors working against this ice maker so of course you're going to have more failures with it because you're putting it in a harsh environment expecting it to make ice yeah it's great you know but the alternative is what filling up ice cube trays and sticking your freezer well so with ice makers yeah you're going to have more problems is it more convenient for you to have that ice in there and risk a higher repair cost or repair rate because of that to most people the answer is yes they love that ice and they want that ice not having an ice maker is it going to be less expensive for repair or repair over the life of the product absolutely is it going to make the refrigerator quit because your ice maker is not working no all is going to happen is you're not going to have ice you know some people are lucky and they never have ice maker problems and some people around lucky and they have them all the time with that all being said let's talk about the best refrigerators out there in my personal opinion when it comes to a side by side honestly they are all decent I have some reservations with the LG's we've had some problems with the LG's over the years with their compressors and a few other things you know they've changed to a new refrigerant which is r600 the jury's still out because with the last batch of failures we had with a bunch of compressors failing they were the older compressors and they were you know years back and it took years to show up so I can't say 100 for sure that it's gonna be better or worse but I know they've changed them and it's a different refrigerant so that's when I would definitely be leery of Samsungs are very technologically advanced they try to do a lot of cutting edge things with their appliances so in doing that those have a little bit of problems but everybody else honestly I'd go back to what you like as far as it doesn't have the features that I like the ice makers that I like the Shelf being set up the way I like that's what I would look at mostly in the side by side frigidaires are great the ge's are great the only ones that I would probably be a little bit hesitant are like I said are LG and Samsung now bottom freezers again I'm going to put my bias hat on again now when I refer to as a bottom freezer now the the new terminology for a bottom freezer is a French door bottom freezer we have two doors frigidaires are my favorite bottom freezers by far they are my favorites they work they work well and they work well for a long time that is what I would recommend to everybody and that's why I recommend to all my guests if they ask what to buy currently now things can change but right now they've been very solid for a very long time so again ice maker issues yes everybody does but functionality of it it's fantastic it just runs and runs and runs and I have very few problems with with stuff not working or not cooling on it so that is a very good brand another good refrigerator is the GE bottom freezers are actually a very good bottom freezer also very few problems with them probably a Whirlpool unit probably after that everything else in the bottom part of my category LG and Samsung same story as the side by sides they're having some issues we don't know if they're fixed or not we're going to hope they are but again that's something you need to know up front and ask yourself do you want to take those risks because I don't know and I'm not going to say they're going to be fantastic when they're not because they may have issues so let's talk about out washing machines they're two categories of washing machines we have top loads and we have front loads everybody has their personal preferences on what they like as far as a top load or front load they both do a fantastic job they do it differently top load machines are a little more aggressive on your clothes they run a shorter wash period front load machines are actually gentler on your clothes because they can use more of a tumbling action let's talk about top loads as far as the best on top load now the very best on top load in my opinion is the Speed Queen top load sets Speed Queen has been around forever they have two different versions they have the newer version and they have what's called a classic version the newer version is a little more gentle on your clothes and you have the classic version that's a lot more aggressive on your clothes they are the best they've been around forever they have fantastic warranties again with those we don't have a lot of problems with them most people have them they just run forever I've been working on these machines literally the whole time was the whole time I've been doing appliance repair they've been around so they are fantastic pop load machines after that we step into other manufacturers now surprising enough is where I dislike LG on refrigerator category they're washing machines top loads are fantastic washing machines I would not have a minutes hesitation buying one for my home the ge's are right on par with them I think they're a fantastic top load machine too after that you know whirlpool's a good manufacturer frigidaires their top load machines are not my favorites on all the new washing machines and I know I'm saying this I'm throwing this in the top load category but the normal cycle is the Eco cycle on every one of these washing machines now so if you use the normal cycle it's going to use the least amount of water it possibly can use and it's going to use the coolest water it can possibly use no matter what you select because it is the Eco cycle if you wanted them to fill with more water and use the Deep fill options or you wanted to actually give you the temperature of water you want you'd want to select something other than the normal cycle because that is the Eco cycle for most of the new washing machines now let's talk about front load washers I like front load washers a lot of people don't like front load washers because they smell and they're stinky and they're hard to clean out have to do maintenance on them they're throwing wash machine cleaners and they don't want to have to bother themselves with these these trivial things about taking care of their stuff just like when you don't take care of your car and then it falls apart well same thing with the washing machine but with front load washing machines you do have to make sure that the door is opened after unless you have one that vents out like the ge's do make sure that you run a cleaning cycle with a cleaner or bleach or whatever the manufacturer recommends about every 50 wash Cycles to help it clean out to get rid of that smells and stuff the smells are basically from the concentration of dirt and everything that's actually in between the drums that basically is not getting cleaned out because it's just sitting down there because there's not much water in them so what's the best well my opinion the best front load machine on the market is the Electrolux front load washers they are fantastic they just work I have so few problems with them do they break yes again I'm not gonna lie to you but the failure rate is very low on these so don't let that scare you when I say yes they're going to break because yours may never break those people broke once it's a terrible machine well that's like saying your car broke once and it's a terrible car or I broke my finger so I'm a terrible person and I mean sometimes I hear this stuff and I just scratch my head and I'm thinking well you've had one problem with it and I understand it's not the end of the world the Machine Works still was taking care of it's fixed you're not you know this was a fluke type thing so don't fall into that trap because if you have one and it breaks that it's a terrible machine it's really not it's a fantastic machine it works great number two Choice again LG surprise price they're a fantastic washer I don't know how they can get the washers you know so right in their refrigerator so wrong it still baffles me my number three choice would be the the ge's after that I would probably go the whirlpool units and everything else after that in my opinion but those are the products that I would definitely be looking for if I'm purchasing a washer today a first choice would be an Electrolux wouldn't even be a second thought in my brain that's what I wouldn't buy so for dryers this is my recommendation for you okay my recommendation is whatever washer you buy buy the matching dryer to make your wife happy because if you have a mismatched washer and dryer man you're in for a lot of trouble because you're going to hear about it until you buy your wife or your spouse the matching set to it so just buy the matching dryer to the washer you pick everything will be good well thank you for watching this video I hope this video has been informative I hope it's been helpful in making some of your decisions on what to buy as far as what you're looking for in a category there are some great units out there what I recommend is strictly my personal recommendation and this comes from my experience of repairing these it has nothing to do with repair rates with this person on this YouTube page said this and this person on the usage you pay says I understand that but I'm basing this strictly on my experience and I want you to be happy with your purchase and I want you to make the best decision so I'm trying to arm you with the best information you can have to make the purchase that you're going to be happy with because if it breaks you have to come see me and if you buy the wrong thing and I say buy this and I have to come see you you know I can be happy with me so I want you to get something that's going to last and it's going to work thank you for watching please like And subscribe if you have any questions please put in the comments below foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Boulevard Home
Views: 1,436,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Home Appliances, home repairs, appliance repair training, home appliance, Best refrigerator, best refrigerator 2023, best appliances, best kitchen appliances, best washer and dryer 2023, best microwaves, best ranges, best induction ranges, best radiant ranges, best gas ranges, appliance technician recommendations, appliance technician, Best front load washer, best top load washer, best french door refrigerator, best sid-by-side refrigerator, best refrigerators to buy
Id: oC9PufP0UtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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