What a Repair Expert Buys When They Need a New Washing Machine

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Blake with Boulevard home today we're going to talk about me I've always wanted to talk about me and how great I am so today we're going to talk about me I'm kind of a little apprehensive about doing this video I will be honest with you because there's some of you out there that may call me names or call me out because I because of my choice on this but but let me explain I had to buy a new washer my wash machine again it was a Whirlpool it was 20 years old the gear case went KY my wife was washing a blanket and she goes do you hear that knocking noise and I says yes I do so I walked back there and looked at my wash machine and he was making this knocking noise it was agitating but making this knocking noise sounded like somebody was taking a ball pen hammer and hitting that gear case as hard as they possibly could something had broken inside the gear case and it was no longer spinning it says after 20 years peace out and it was done so I decided Well is it worth buying a new wash machine or fixing it and I said well I will take this opportunity to go shopping for a washing machine and so I went and looked at all the different brands and the ones that I recommended I looked at all those now my laundry room is fairly small so I can't really fit a front load if I did you know I'd be shuffling in and out you know doing the side shuffle going in and out when the door doors open and it just didn't work for me so you know unfortunately I had to go with a topload machine I looked and and my wife and looked and we kind of looked at some features and stuff that she liked and stuff that I like she wanted a deep fill washing machine and and I did too but I also wanted to have the flexibility of having an adjustable fill as far as it can do a low fill uh an automatic fill I also wanted because where our laund room was located I also wanted to have Wi-Fi connectability because you can't hear the washer and dryer when it finishes from the other room so I really wanted Wi-Fi connectability so I could get notifications on my phone uh when it was done Wi-Fi on these is it a waste of money it's a little gimmicky I may have said it's a waste of money and it is a waste of money but you know you can spend your money in what you want that's what I want so so it's not a waste of money in this aspect because that's what I want we kind of narrowed down went through a couple we looked through the speed queens and we looked at the LGs and we looked at I won't lie to you that's about all we looked at because that is my number one and my number two pick as far as a washer and dryer so we compared functions we compared features and I don't like shopping I I just rather go in and say yeah give me this and go but you know this is going to be a long-term purchase it's going to be a long-term investment in my house so I want to make sure that I'm going to get something that is great as far as functionality it washes great there's very few problems with it those are all things I have to I had to put into to my consideration for buying this Appliance and also I had to look at price now everybody has to look at price including me you know things that I personally have to take into account that most people don't have to take into account is warranty service now I've mentioned this in other videos before so I'll mention it again that built into that sale of that Appliance is warranty service that's money they set aside for warranty service when I'm looking at Price I'm saying guys if I'm paying this much for it I'm getting this much warranty service out of it but what am I personally getting out of it I'm getting nothing I'm warranty service they're not going to pay me any extra money if it breaks it's not like I'm going to hire one of my guys that work in the shop to come you know to come fix it because well I guess I could but but still I wouldn't do that to him because I would want to fix it because it's my Appliance so I had to take that in consideration so is the cost of this appliance that you're looking at or thinking about buying is it worth the extra money for the warranty some people if you can't afford it it may not some people it absolutely is and and for me being a serer is a important factor for this so we finally narrowed down to the appliance that we wanted I said okay I'll buy this washing machine and then my wife looks at me and says well what about the dryer and I said what about the dryer I said it works just fine it runs just fine it drives just fine she has the audacity to look at me and say didn't you say on one of your videos that you should purchase the matching dryer to the washing machine when I whatever washer you buy buy the matching dryer to make your wife happy and I looked at her and there's nothing I could have said other than yes dear I did so I got the matching dryer to this washer I wasn't expecting but I have them both now so anyhow so after this big long story of what I end up buying I ended up buying an LG topload machine with an agitator a lot of you say well you said speed Queen's the best they are the best I'm still going to stand on that it is the best but if you look at any the videos they're also going to hear me say LG is number two I went with LG for several things cost functionality and reliability they are good appliances and and that's what I did buy for anybody that wants to upgrade and they say you know they want to get something different you know these are all factors that that we all have to face my advice I would first and foremost I would talk to a serviceman and I've said this before talk to a serviceman read reviews make sure it's what you want look for the things that are important to you warranty service if that's important to you color size because in my case size was a factor and I had to take that into consideration too because I wanted a frontload machine and I would have bought an electrox if it would have fit in there but I didn't feel like knocking down walls to make it fit these are all factors that everybody has to face so I hope that my story of how I had to shop and how I had to came to this decision I hope that helps some of you because yeah even the servicemen have to buy new appliances every now and then and I figure you know 20 years I may have to buy one more set till you know until I die you know so anyhow I hope this video was helpful and if you have any questions or you want to berate me for not buying a Speed Queen which I honestly deserve just put it in the comments below we appreciate you watching and we'll see you next time well we have lots of other videos for you to watch so so you know please like And subscribe and you can check out all these other videos and we'll find out lots of interesting stuff you may or may not want to know but at least you'll have that information and information is power so thanks for watching okay
Channel: Boulevard Home
Views: 3,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Home Appliances, washing machine, best washing machine 2023, best washer, lg washing machine, top looaders, front loaders, appliance repair, appliance repair technician, best washing machine 2024, best washer 2024, what washing machine to buy, buy this washing machine, washing machine buying guide, appliance buying guide, washing machine review
Id: CY6aRGzTosA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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