Pawn Stars: Houdini's Straitjacket (Season 4) | History

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I have a antique straitjacket so like crazy people kind of straitjacket well this is not just any straitjacket this is an original Harry Houdini straitjacket okay it does look Friday the 13th ish yeah exactly coming down the pawn shop today to try to sell my Harry Houdini straitjacket if I can get enough money I'd like to build a jeep I'm hoping to sell it for $100,000 it's an absolutely priceless piece of Houdini memorabilia so where did you get this thing this jacket was given to my grandfather by Theo Houdini Harry Houdini's brother they became good friends after Houdini passed away okay Houdini started off as a magician and he didn't have a lot of success but then he started doing the whole escape thing to help promote his magic show getting out of straitjackets the water tricks all that next thing you know he was big he was a master of self-promotion yeah what'd you want to do with it I'd like to sell it and how much you want for it uh hundred thousand dollars we might be talking the right neighborhood it would be the most collectible Hootie anything there is out there the problem is theƶ Houdini was notorious for selling things that were supposed to belong to a Houdini that didn't belong to Houdini do you mind if I have someone check it out love to okay I'm a magician I travel the world doing in various magic and magic over 25 years so what are the chances of this actually being Houdini's jacket to prove it it's like one in a million each rivet has a certain space and these rivets are never gonna match another jacket spacing now accompany that he always used Allah was a swan felt tent and awning company and generally that stamp is on a jacket oh well Swan felt tent and awning company I thought for sure there was no way we could prove this was Houdini's and now we have a positive clue this is a great start but to prove it I need to find the photograph which is like a one-in-a-million chance but this is really Houdini's jacket this is like the Holy Grail I mean a few Dini so I'll look at my resources I have a huge file of resources and that'll let me know if I can authenticate this or not I can't wait to hear what Murray digs up I don't know how he's gonna do it but I hope he finds something that proves this is the real deal I found the only photographs of a jacket that's as close as we can get to this jacket this is the exact same style made by the same company this is January 1st 1915 and st. Louis Missouri let's check this thing out you know see if this is the actual jacket unbelievable look at this this rivet here is flattened so is this one this root is raised that's raised you can see it in the photos that clear as day that's actually reflected off the camera which a flat surface would this is a great sign this right here is this I mean that's identical granted they could have for the same amount of rosin Jack it's fair enough but you have one stitch two three four five check this out right there double stitch you know what this is Houdini's jacket from January 1st 1915 others absolutely also congratulations thank you even magic history this is huge all right so tell me what of these things go for this jacket I would estimate would go anywhere between 34 and $42,000 okay thanks man you're the best there you go this is the first time ever I've seen Harry Houdini in a jacket and then having the exact same jacket beside me all right so how much you want for it you know if I could get 40 I think we'd have a deal all right um I'm thinking 15 it's in really rough shape it's had repairs on it they could be years before I sell this thing you know I might I might go a little less than 40 maybe 35 I'll tell you what I'll go 25 grand I mean that is tops if you can come up to 30 then we've got a deal I'll go you know 25 is it well this has been an awesome day you know I think I'll keep it okay always here awesome thank you guys forget the number is the most exciting thing is to actually have the expert come in and find an actual photograph of Harry Houdini wearing my jacket absolutely blew me away blew me away I can't believe this guy wouldn't budge on his price even though we were only 5 grand off on the price 25,000 is the most I could offer damn I really wanted this jacket I almost feel like running after him in the parking lot right now mr. Ben and I got along famously why he settled to a past I got the doll myself he's got a name engraved on how did you end up with this sounds so fun
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 3,957,539
Rating: 4.8405237 out of 5
Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars, Pawn Stars clips, Pawn Stars full episodes, pawn, las vegas, gold & silver pawn shop, gold and silver, pawn shop, rick harrison, corey harrison, chumlee, houdini, harry houdini, magician, straitjacket, straightjacket, straight jacket, PLE6A5F7F558CDD4F2, PLob1mZcVWOaj4i4R7NBLhi8Au8yuHlzp9, Straitjacket, Houdini's, Season 4, Episode 12, The Great Escape, legendary, disappears, Pawn Shop, magic murray
Id: -HtakLbO8f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2018
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