Best and Worst Pokémon of Every Category

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this video was made to end several Pokemon debates what is the best and worst Pokemon of each category well with scarlet and violet just around the corner I'm going to answer this question to wrap up Generation 8 with what I think the best and worst Pokemon of each category is but before we get into that this video is sponsored by manscaped so there Comes A Time in a man's life where male grooming becomes important and considering that the majority of my audience are young male adults I figured manscaped would be a great product to help you guys out manscape sent me their performance package 4.0 that's perfect for the job first up is something called the weed whacker now would you rather painfully pull out your nose hair or use a professionally made nose and ear trimmer and feel no pain at all I think I know I'd pick along with the weed whacker is something called the lawnmower 4.0 now if you want to shave anywhere correctly the last thing you want to do is mess up because it's going to ruin your day which is where the lawnmower or 4.0 comes in this thing is perfectly made for grooming above and below the belt it has a guard on it to make your skin protected and comfortable it's waterproof has a 90 minute battery rechargeable so you can take it anywhere and the best part it also has a little LED light so you can see what you're doing down there not only that but the package comes with ball deodorant and toner which are vegan sulfur free and make you smell fresh after everything's done the package even comes low back and pair of boxes so if you want to be as safe as possible when it comes to male grooming please do check out the link in the description where you can get 20 off using the code Aura 20 and with the holidays coming up even if you don't need male grooming but are still searching for a cool gift for someone who may want to invest in male grooming consider manscaped thanks so much for sponsoring this video now let's start best and worst Pokemon of each category the best starter Pokemon is split into three separate answers first we have litten the best first stage starter great solid design near perfect then you have Torah cat the best middle stage starter another great solid design near perfect and then you have the best final form Infernape perfect for the worst starter and before I say who I I'm sorry I had to pick one it's uh the the worst I'm sorry I'm sorry it's Meganium I'm sorry to me it's just really underwhelming bay leaf is way cooler I have to pick one so I'm sorry it's Meganium for best shiny starter it's Greninja very closely followed by Fennekin in my opinion it's by far the best black shiny and what makes it is the red tongue and the Y accents just amazing Fennekin is also really good kind of reminds me of nine tail shiny the worst shiny starter is Blaziken tochik has a pretty good shiny they fix shiny Combusken blue skin shiny still looks ass this Mega kind of sucks as well the best legendary Pokemon is still Mewtwo it's the most iconic I highly doubt it will ever be topped still holds up to this day the worst legendary Pokemon is color X this is mainly due to me not finishing the sword and shield DLC so I have basically no attachment to these Pokemon the horses are cool though the best shiny legendary is Ho-Oh I don't think it could have gotten more perfect color combination the silver on the beacon Tail as well just in a amazing shiny the worst shiny legendary is Tornadus more so than its other Genie counterparts its shiny really doesn't change much in both forms and those are the worst kind of shinies if we're not including shinies that don't change then solgaleo takes the cake yuck the best Legendary Trio is the creation Trio Dialga Palkia and Giratina all great Pokemon great typings they just work great as a trio and represent what they stand for really well the worst Legendary Trio are the reggies some people are probably expecting the Genies and that probably will be the case if they didn't have forms which make them in my opinion way more interesting the Regis are just a lot more bland like I don't dislike this Trio but if I had to pick one that's the worst unfortunately this will be it the best shiny legendary Trail are the legendary beasts Entei shiny is good the other two have great shinies and overall as a trio I'd say these are the best ones the worst shiny Legendary Trio this time are definitely the Genies thunderous shiny is actually pretty decent the other two shinies though really bring this down terrible the best pseudo legendary is dragonbolt this Pokemon is just so cool I love the little dragon turrets on it it's so well designed what a great Pokemon the worst sudo legendary if I had to pick because they're all pretty cool is Salamence I mean again it's cool but of the pseudo legendaries that are Dragon it probably is my least favorite design wise the best shiny pseudo legendary is Metagross it's just overall one of the best shinies in general I don't think there's any arguing with this the worst shiny pseudo legendary is Garchomp but that one's obvious so apart from that it's KOMO just yuck the best mythical Pokemon is my shadow of all the small cute mythicals this is hands down the best one it was also a boss in the ijuju movie marshadow is awesome the worst mythical is fionae is fionaire mythical I don't know either way it's definitely the worst one the mythical with the best shiny is Celebi hands down best Pink shiny Works incredibly well looks awesome the mythical with the worst shiny is not marshadow that shiny is actually pretty cool it's a tie between manafi and Fiona you can see a difference but barely man Paul fionae the best Ultra Beast is Katana I love the idea of a Pokemon based on origami I also love how tiny it is just a really cool man overall the worst Ultra Beast is faramosa it is pretty weird looking not gonna lie literally looks like something that was just stretched out really far the best shiny Ultra Beast is Nagina doll considering that it looks like a giant wasp what a perfect color scheme for it the worst shiny Ultra Beast is buzzwall I understand it's probably going for a main Venom type look but out of the shiny Ultra beasts it still looks the worst in my opinion the best mega evolution is Mega Lucario I made a video about this a while ago and my opinion still hasn't changed the worst Mega Evolution is Agron one of the very few megas that in my opinion looks way worse than its original form the best Shiny Mega is either malwao or God of War I can't pick they're both awesome the color switching on malwa works really well and the black dress and God of War they're both great the worst Shiny Mega is Latias and Latias one the snot green look does not work well on them and two why are they both the same snot green especially when their original forms have different shiny colors like you can barely tell them apart what a letdown the best gigantomax form is orbital it's a giant UFO that is incredible the worst gigantic Max form is koylosyl it's just bigger and fatter not a fan the best shiny gigantomax form is corvenite the yellow accents really stand out here one of the only gigantomax forms that really improves its shiny in my opinion the worst gigantomax form is uh I don't know Pikachu doesn't look that different from its regular shiny the best alolan form is Raichu closely followed by Marowak I love that they took the surfing Pikachu idea and implemented it here works so well the worst alone and form is a London Oak Trio this Pokemon sucked when it came out it still sucks today alolingo Trio sucks the best shiny alolan form is Marowak closely followed by Raichu I love the purple added to it really glad they went this route and stuff the horrible green regular Marowak has the worst shiny London form is Graveler this is a very very unpleasant looking shiny I will not go into more detail than that the bascularian form is a tie between all three legendary birds they're all awesome I can't pick which one I like more so I'm Plumping them together the worst glarion form is Slowpoke just because it doesn't change much don't really dislike it I just had to pick a worst one the best shiny glaring form is Ponyta green and yellow isn't my favorite combination of colors to use but in my opinion it works really well here there was shiny glarion form is wheezing I've talked about how bad the shiny is in this video right here and in my opinion it's still got awful the best her suing form is either zorawak or Goodra closely followed by decidua and Typhlosion I'm sorry I love them all zoroak and Goodra specifically though I love their typings zoroak looks amazing and even though Goodra doesn't change too much I thoroughly enjoyed using it on my team the worst hasuian form is avalog it doesn't really improve on its original design that much it's just pretty underwhelming in my opinion the best shiny Asurion form is Zorua both Zoro honest Evolution have amazing shinies but I think I slightly prefer zorawas the worse in shiny is why dear why on Earth would you carry on the horrible snot green color that stanler had really doesn't work well here either the best Pikachu clone is pacharisu pacharisu won the World Championships it is objectively the best Pikachu clone there is no arguing here the worst Pikachu clone I was tempted to give to mimikyu since again it's not a Pikachu clown but that would imply that I don't like it and I love mimikyu so the worst Pikachu clone I guess is a mulga just not as into it as the others the best Shiny Pikachu clone is Dedenne it did alono Raichu shiny before alonim Raichu being a chocolate Mouse looks great the worst Shiny Pikachu clone is Pichu Fabius reasons again shinies that don't change suck the best unknown form is unknown a because a stands for awesome the worst unknown form is unknown F because as F stands for fail the best spinner pattern is this one the spinner pattern is the most aesthetically pleasing it's really good in my opinion the worst spin the form is this one this one is not aesthetically pleasing and is the worst looking in my opinion the best alternate form overall is Shaman Sky very different looking from its original form and in my opinion looks way better very cool the worst alternative form is pumpkaboo because they literally don't change at all except their size so the best fossil Pokemon is Tyrantrum it's a freaking T-Rex need I say more the worst fossil Pokemon is activish because I spent almost a week or so shiny hunting for one and it took freaking ages went way over odds and even after successfully hunting for it and using it on my team I still don't like it the best shiny fossil is Tyrant and Tyrantrum closely followed by Amora Tyrantrum being the best fossil and the best shiny what a great Pokemon the worst shiny fossil is shieldon and bastiodon again barely changing really doesn't help here the best rodent Pokemon is Bidoof although if I was being serious I'd probably say hello Rattata the worst Road in Pokemon is greedient this Pokemon how to get into unite I don't know either way it sucks the best shiny rodent is aluminum Rattata really glad it doesn't have its irregular form shiny the red looks really good here the worst shiny rodent is bit of again with the shinies that barely changed they don't look good the best Regional bird is staraptor it's been the best Regional bird since Gen 4 probably gonna stay that way for a long time colvinite's pretty close though the worst Regional bird is unpleasant specifically the female form it's just the blandest looking bird by far it also looks like it itself the best shiny Regional bud is two Cannon look at that beak that is amazing the worst shiny Regional bird is tranquil I try not to be too hard on green shinies but this one is just kind of sickening the best Regional bug is orbital I have never used original bug on my team and sword and shield was the first one and I was not disappointed what an amazing Pokemon the worst Regional bug is wormple simply because you can't control what it evolves into that's done the best shiny Regional bug is either scalloped or Beetle both of them amazing shinies can't really pick which one I like more the worst shiny original bug is Burmy and wormadam Chinese that barely or don't change suck and they always will do game freak you fixed Combusken shiny please consider fixing some others the best hm mule is Smiggle smuggle can learn every hm so it's obviously the best the worst hm mule is cosmog it can't land any hm so it's the worst the best shiny hm mule is Smiggle not only can I learn all the HMS it also has a nice red to go with it the worst shiny hm mule is cosmog not only can I not learn any HMS but it barely changes at all that sucks the best evolution is Leafeon I've explained why Leafeon is my favorite evolution in this video here and is still my favorite today the worst evolution is uh uh I don't dislike any of them uh I'm gonna skip this one the best shiny evolution is Umbreon there's no surprise here the changes are very subtle but it somehow still looks amazing the worst shiny evolution is Leafeon yeah I'm sorry to do this to you but you really do have a bad shiny the best baby Pokemon is Riolu closely followed by Munchlax this one's a no-brainer almost doesn't feel like a baby Pokemon easily the best one in my opinion the worst baby Pokemon is I don't know clever or Smoochum not a fan of either of them the evolutions suck so yeah they both bad the best shiny baby is Tyrogue I said before blue and gray really great combination here big fan of the shiny the worst shiny baby is either a liquid or Pichu they're both terrible just as bad as each other the best Vivion is the red one the worst Vivion is the green one the best fur fro is the red one the worst further Pro is the green one the vas Arceus is the red one the worst Arceus is the green one The Vessel Valley is the red one the worst cell valai is the green one the best style creamy is the red one the worst style creamy is the green one the best minion is the red one the worst minion is the green one the best flabebe is the red one The Whistler baby is the orange one the vasai God is the one that looks like it's from Power Rangers I I like that one that one's cool the worst one is the little cell because who remembers this thing exists the best oricorio is the red one also has the best shiny surprisingly looks good the worst oricorio was the pink one looks significantly worse than the others in my opinion the best liking rock is dusk form the perfect in between of each form the worst like in rock is I don't know the draw between the others because they're all good okay the best necross Mars the giant dragon because not only does it look really cool and have a good shiny it was a hard as hell battle so yeah this Pokemon's cool the best Pokemon from the anime is Ash's Tauros number 17. if you want to know why this is the best Taurus check this video right here the worst Pokemon in the anime is Ashley Tauros this one I don't like this one the best shiny from the anime is Noctowl arguably the most iconic shiny from the anime being one that Ash caught and for the longest time I along with maybe many others thought this was how knocks out was supposed to look the worst journey in the anime is Genesect genesect's actual shiny is really good but the movie with the shiny genesects sucked the best hat Pikachu is the one with the Lucario hat because it's Lucario so that instantly makes it the best the worst hat Pikachu is the world's 2022 of Pikachu because I encountered so many world's 2022 Pikachus and not one was shiny so that automatically makes it the worst the best known Pokemon is Monica for the obvious reasons that and if you look at the art for it here you can see the whole body that's pretty funny the worst non-pokemon is transport what the hell is this teapot looking ass the best non-shiny is the purple cut Cleon from Mystery Dungeon this really should be kecleon's real shiny looks great either way the worst non-shiny is the Red Gyarados from the anime because it's not a real shiny it's just a Magikarp that kept its red color as it evolved that's cheating and finally the best overall Pokemon is still in fun ape probably will always be my favorite Pokemon and if you want to know why you can check this video right here the worst Pokemon is gradient gradient the best Shiny Pokemon is either Greninja or nine tails at this point I can't really choose which one but if you want to know why check out this video right here and the worst Shiny Pokemon is still galerian wheezing why because not only does it look awful wheezing had a perfectly good shiny that it decided to ignore what a disappointment and that's my best and worst Pokemon of every category or at least a lot of them do you disagree with any choices I'm sure you do so be sure to let me know in the comments and if you did enjoy and want to see more Pokemon videos in the future especially for scarlet and violet please do leave a like as it does help the video out subscribe for more videos in the future and until next time thanks so much for watching [Music]
Channel: TheAuraGuardian
Views: 531,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best pokemon of each type, best pokemon of each category, best pokemon of every category, worst pokemon of each type, worst pokemon of every gen, best shiny pokemon of every type, worst shiny pokemon of every category, top pokemon of each type, top pokemon of every category, top pokemon of every type, pokemon, pokemon scarlet and violet, theauraguardian, favorite pokemon, favorite pokemon of each type
Id: -Dsk7b2q4xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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