Berkley GULP MINNOW challenge! | Trophy TROUT fishing

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hello everyone welcome to this episode here on in our be outdoors today I'm coming to you guys with an interesting little challenge something that a couple of you guys have asked me to do and that would be some of these golt a lot of minnows these are really common in the trout fishing industry especially for larger trout all across the country they're really effective on Brooks Browns and rainbows of pretty much all sizes in this case I've got the 2.5 inch watermelon pearl I use this color and the smelt color quite often especially while fishing big trout like we're chasing today and for this challenge I want to use this bait with three different techniques explain what I'm doing explaining the techniques and explain how I'm catching the fish on these baits and just have a little bit of fun but I'll stick around guys we're gonna have some fun we're going to catch some fish stay tuned stick around and let's get this thing done alright as you guys know I love to fish a trial magnet and a plate so the first technique we're going to use is we're going to take our little gulp minnow here we're gonna hook him right up his back just like so on our trout magnet one sixty-fourth ounce jig head hook and we're going to cast it out and just float it around with our float and see if we can catch this one using this technique serious vegan Oh fighter he likes just the kind of a small subtle twitch not nothing much mainly just a steady drip alright we got her in the net thank you now this fish here cooking right off of the trial magnet no problems so for technique number one drifting with a slight twitch really quick action got this one done and that was on that watermelon pearl College let's let her go alright guys for the next technique I've got one of these little Zima and mini chatter baits we talked about these in a previous video and they are it is absolutely stellar for catching trout and I mentioned that one of these little minnows will work just phenomenally on this so we're gonna pop it on there just like so we want to make a few castle it and see if we can pick this one up alright just take this old z-man ChatterBait and just launch it all across let it sink for a couple seconds and then it's a slow retrieve back that gulps it is in the water it's leaving a nice trail for the trout to be able to smell it and the chatter big blade is making a nice vibrating presentation for the trout to be able to fill it and then of course the trout can just naturally see it with their eyes making this bait one deadly combination he hit it twice three times dadgum officiate that thing three different times didn't get it none of it they seem to like it on the soil dad gummies thumping it got him are you serious on the ChatterBait right freaking in front of me guys no way this statistics chased it over here and I seen him he just kind of laid down right in front of me I dropped it in front of him gave it a couple twitches let that blade hit that current and he come up and frickin smacked it that is unreal the real oh we got him oh he popped off in the net oh he popped off in the net right there it is unreal that fish has got so much fight still look at him good that's what he wanted right there he got it technique number two an absolute epic right let's let him go holy macaroni alright guys for a very last ring it's just a simple split shot rig here you just got your split shot wait about eight or ten inches and a small little circle hook and all you're gonna do is take your little gold minnow and hooking right through the head just like that and this is essentially the exact same rig you would be using for your fire bait your corn night crawlers minnows and essentially you're just going to take this and you want to cast it out and you're just going to jig it back to you and it's really just a excellent technique for catching fish with this bait I like to grab the string with my hand here and just kind of pop it and give it twitches flip it back out there pop it and give it twitches and it really does tend to work quite well got him on there we go I thought I was on a rock he grabbed that old split shot rig oh and he is leaving my gosh he is freakin leavin man I have got the most aggressive fish on these baits today he's heading right upstream man these fish are so strong in that current I can't turn him here he comes nope nope darn it they're gone that's a big he's got me in that current and I cannot budging yeah go on this thing ain't nothing but muscle all right here he comes over here into the slot current oh there he goes come on back girl come on back all right got it right here close that a good in the net oh she is barely skin hooked we might lose her got her got her heck yeah she liked that old goat man oh yes she did just barely skin hooked but it was skin hooked good enough just popped out all right there we go that is my third and my most favorite technique for using the gold minnows right there guys if you enjoyed this short little video and you enjoyed this little 101 this little challenge for these little gold pimentos make sure you leave a like drop a comment down below let me know how you like to fish them and what species you target with them but until next time boys and girls be safe and tight lines let's let her go there she goes swimming off healthy hekia
Channel: NRV Outdoors
Views: 70,461
Rating: 4.9108911 out of 5
Id: 0raXKhLH8Gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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