a NEW BAIT that could CHANGE TROUT Fishing FOREVER! you have to try this!!

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welcome back to the channel guys and girls we're here today at believe Springs going to do a little bit of trout fishing cannot wait to get in here it's that time of year where we get these nice foggy mornings fish are feeding like crazy chasing bitin it's going to be a great day but today we're gonna try something new something I've never tried something I've noticed has taken root and has been a craze in the trout fishing industry for a few months now and it's absolutely blowing up guys and that would be many ChatterBait fishing no I've never used these but I could imagine that this will be an epic bait because I love throwing chatter baits or bladed jigs at bass during the summertime so what we've got here guys is a mini ChatterBait by z-man 1/16 ounce a little silver blade here a tiny little silver jig head and some little minnow like grubs so guys I am so excited to try this out let's go ahead and grab this little booger out of here we'll make a few cast we'll see how we do we'll talk about this bank will talk about bladed jigs and we'll catch us to feed fish so stay tuned stick around and let's see how this goes alright guys so here's our little jig this is actually not an elastic this is just a plain poured plastic here kind of surprised they didn't go with the last tech with their body but hey that's okay now when tying on these little bladed jigs you'll see this little clip here and all you want to do is tie into this piece right here so you'll see how that kind of stands up you'll just run your line through there you'll talk your knot you can tie either a Palomar knot a fisherman's knot a clinch knot you know whatever you like all right and there's our bait it's all tied up and as you can see your line this goes straight in here and your little your little blade here all it'll do is it'll wobble as you retrieve and make this thing have just an awesome little action so it's going ahead and make a few casts let's see how we do I would imagine that first thing this morning with these big trout chasing will do you really well so it's going to make a few casts let's see if we can catch this one oh yeah see we buddy that's good anyway good guys there's one on that old ChatterBait fighter yes he is a fighter we got her than that guys hekia papel ChatterBait right on out there it is absolutely beautiful first fish here it's gonna hand let her go alright so with that fish I'll just cast it out slow retreat like acid upstream was bringing it back downstream and that fish come up and just cracked it no issues at all guys the seaweed gets another one I will say that I'm surprised this is not a last tech right here and considering that it's not I would recommend to get a pickup like maybe some gulp alive minnows or something a little bit a little bit better than this pick of the body it's not great but it's not bad it's got a little curly tail grew up tail spins a little bit well I would recommend getting something with some scent and maybe a little bit longer but let's get back after and again we're just making a cast upstream and it's the slow retrieve back down we'll run chase it all the way up right there time to cast one out and bring it along along the current here there's one seeing that fish moving along with the current downstream I casted right to him and I brought the bait in front of his face and he came up and absolutely smashed it guys he came up and smashed it all right there's fish number two on the ChatterBait in the net it's like we've got any right in the bottom jaw pop that thing right on that with that little pair of pliers they're absolutely gorgeous fish number two on the ChatterBait we lost our body but that's okay we're going to actually switch up I've got one more color we're going to switch up colors try it out and see if it's any good and we'll try to get one more and then we'll talk a little bit more about it take off a big girl oh yeah there she goes alright I changed up colors to a little bit of a darker kind of a black and silver profile here we're gonna cast this around we're gonna try to pick us up one more I got I want to go ahead and say that this little bladed jig is an absolutely fish catcher I would say and if you're going to go out and get you some of these go ahead and grab yourself a pack of trailers anything that you really like I feel like you can run night crawlers on this mealworms lob live minnows if you wanted to pinched crawlers trout magnets but go ahead and pair up different bodies and kind of figure out what the fish are wanting the most for that day and then I feel like the action of this way to jig will absolutely slay for you let's get back in here let's see if we can catch this no more there's one guys he liked that old black color not very big still an absolute excellent one fighting super hard heck yeah right there's fish number three on the bladed jig yet again hooked in the bottom jaw a bit of an upside-down hook set that is mainly because of the retrieve with these baits that's totally normal I'm gonna give up a little bit more fight in the net here there we go pop that thing right on out take a little look at this one here absolutely gorgeous fish yet again I'd say about a two and a half pounder maybe just a two let's go ahead and let her go there she goes thank you so guys what do I have to say about this little beauty well I would recommend you go out and get you some once again change up your trailers here switch to all kinds of stuff whatever you like but go out and get you some guys they make them in a gold and a silver both will work just fine but I'll leave me a comment down below let me know if you've got any tricks or tips for this hope you enjoyed this video go ahead and smash that like button but until next time boys and girls tie lines
Channel: NRV Outdoors
Views: 31,651
Rating: 4.7984495 out of 5
Id: Lm1Wa0zYqoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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