Trolling Gulp Minnows With Captain Rick Kennedy!

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hi my name is Rick Kennedy I own tie lines guide service out of address Valley California I spend a lot of time on the Northern California Lakes Bishop for not only trout but landlocked king salmon lake trout a lot of other species one of the baits that I've come to be has come to be my one of my favorites is the Berkley Gulp minnows they come in a lot of different sizes starting a two and a half inch all the way up several different colors as you can see these baits have proven to be very effective on the landlocked Kings the landlocked Cohoes out of our Lake Oroville we use them for trout I use them for lake trout up on Lake Tahoe and Stampede reservoir so I've been getting a lot of questions about how do i rig them for the different species and men and troll with them so I'm going to go over a little video today and show you how I rigged those so I started out with a treble hook a size varies on the size of the bait I'm going to pull the species I'm fishing for but most the time I'm using a treble hook I use a piece of tri lean fluorocarbon most of the time as a leader material your favorite not whatever that happens to be this particular leader here is setup for a larger flasher than fishing for the landlocked Cohoes and kings and Orville this leader here is about 22 inches long which is what I like then with that kind of a Dodger but anyway I'm going to show you how we rigged it up standard knot tying your leader on up at this in nothing more than a loop okay I take my minnow and I take a worm or a bait threader needle like this I'll start right about here I'll run that needle right on up come right out his nose slide this down take my loop put it on this little hook right here being very careful slide that down like so through the needle slide your bait right on down I do a couple different things a lot of times now you can see I kind of messed up here and came out the side and really that's okay because a lot of times what I'll do is I'll just take this one little point and I'll stick it kind of through the tail it kind of helps hold it and there's my bait ready to troll the landlocked Kings and coho is over a lake over will absolutely love that so I showed you this this set up here this is about a 22 inch leader like I was saying this is what I like when I'm using the big Dodger 4 flasher like this one here from pro troll put this right on flip it it's ready to fish well if I would have put it on it would have been ready for the fish start over so I just clip this on the end of the flasher with that loop it's ready to fish ok now this particular setup here a normal Dodger is meant to go with action like this this particular flasher is designed to axial spin we're going to show you that actual work how it works in the water in just a moment but that's my number one setup right there for the landlocked Kings the landlocked co-host on a lot of Northern California lakes I use this exact same setup up at Lake Tahoe for lake trout I'll go up to about a 4-inch bait a little bit better treble hook same set up and that's what we're using a lot of Lake Tahoe fishing for the lake trout ok so we talked about the setup I use for the land log king so let's talk about trout fishing a little bit a lot of these Foothill lakes and high country lakes on fishing for rainbows and browns and that kind of stuff again they love this this gold medal we'll do kind of usually downscale a little bit a little bit smaller Dodger like a four-out Dodger in that case I'll shorten that leader up more to about 18 16 to 18 inches the shorter the leader the more action longer the leader the less action so with a smaller Dodger I'll shorten it up about like so gives that gives that minnow more of a kick pretty deadly combination with this setup here on a lot of these lower and higher elevation Lakes in Northern California okay so one of the other ways that we rigged the gold minnow as you can see this is a small one one of the smaller ones two and a half inch is we we don't use the treble hook it's pretty tough to give that I have a treble hook through there and wring it the way I showed you on the bigger ones so what we'll do with that one is take a regular thin wire hook just like this I'll actually feed it on there just like a night crawler just feed it right on there's a finished product once again a very effective deadly combination especially like this morning we were fishing and saw a bunch of fish busted on the surface Jason minnows you pull that right up through those minnows they don't know the difference that are going to hail it works a great setup okay here's the two and a half inch gulp minnow pulled behind a pro tral eight-inch flasher with a 22 23 inch leader this is the action you get at about one point eight miles an hour which is the speed we like for pullin for the landlocked Kings and go hose that's the setup right there pretty deadly okay here's the same two and a half inch Berkley Gulp minnow a little bit shorter leader this time we're running about a 16 to 18 inch leader behind a for watts EPS Dodger you can see the oxygen that that gives the minnow again this is one of our favorite setups for fishing the lakes for trout works pretty darn good
Channel: Fish Hunt Shoot Productions
Views: 86,126
Rating: 4.8211384 out of 5
Keywords: Trout, King Salmon, Lake Trolling, Gulp Minnows, PowerBait Minnows, Rick Kennedy, Cal Kellogg, Fish Sniffer, FishSniffer.Com, Trolling For Trout, Trolling For Salmon, Reservoir Fishing, Lake Fishing, How To Catch Fish, Berkley PowerBait, Berkley Gulp
Id: tMrKGIAoZdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2015
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