Bentayga and the Bentley Factory - 'Best Driving Roads Live Here' with Esso Synergy Part 3

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hi guys I'm Cherie and today we continue the best driving roads live here tour celebrating the launch of new SS energy fuels well we've been driving in this car the Bentley Continental GT v8 is the new facelifted car we've had two pretty awesome days driving around Wales the first day around the South Wales and yesterday we even reached the Evo triangle some spectacular roads we really did find what this tour was all about well now what are the reasons we've been driving in the Continental GT is because we're here improve at the home of Bentley Motors this is the factory behind me I've never visited here before so I'm looking forward to taking a look around at some of the historical cars and also the production line we'll also hopefully get a quick glimpse out of this car the new Ben Tiger Bentley's first SUV looks pretty nice in the red there I have to say and also I'm just gonna point out this is gorgeous the GT Speed w12 in and that blue colour that sounds outside at the front let's not waste any time let's head straight on inside and take a look around the first room we're taking a look around is the lineage named as such because all of the cars in here still run so first up is exp - this is the oldest surviving at Bentley where it all began and we have the 8 litre wo Bentley's personal 8 litre r-type Continentals which is where a lot of the design inspiration for the new Continental GT comes from but the sort of flowing lines down the side and the pretty legendary blower a car itself that's run at Mill Amelia will kick off looking around the factory in the all new building PBS we have built fourth event eiga now been taking production literally just started so there's not that many person coming down the line yet it's all being geared up set up wrapped up ready the full production going forward where there are going to be a lot of cars being built now the painted body sauce has the storage system around the back with 320 bodies that arrived here painted they come out and come onto this early part of the line now here this is where some of the basic stuff the wiring looms the air bags the panoramic sunroof and some of the very early parts of the car can go and the stuff that will be hidden away behind the trims in due course so it's all new course with the latest technology and new equipment new machinery to make it all smooth literally just started when the conflict the end of the line here they head over to the other side we'll go now and take a look there as well because then come over to the main Factory in through this shutter where they join the been tagger line which was formerly the Mulsanne line so it's been converted for the new been take a production now as I mentioned this sort of ramping up the production at the moment these are production spec cars but before customer cars are being built so you only have a car every couple of workstations and what everything's being tried and tested and all sort of development methods being learnt and experimented with so the cars come here this is where the fuel lines are put in some of us sort of first stages of the production line starts and there processes in here the cars from the other side with this panel slightly so the fenders were removed we've got the first lights being installed here these will then sort of track with their cars as the line goes round in the back you have the continental line which is actually not running right at the second and it's a Friday and slightly earlier on the Friday so we'll have a quick glance at that hopefully in a second but the bent a car line is what we're going to be looking down at now so just head a little bit further around and see what we can catch a glimpse off the first end was a chassis one as you get to the corner it becomes chassis two and this is where the engines are brought in so of course been tagged as a starting production up with the famous w12 engines Bentley are the largest w12 engine production manufacturer in the world the engines are sort of assembled here onto the chassis rig so we can have a quick glance at that four-wheel drive systems of course so they're assembled together on to this lower rig which then comes through with this dedicated platform and it takes the engine away and it's married into the line that came around the corner with the body shell so you have the engine and that then taking bodies here mounted together the marriage moment as it's called in this production a couple more stages here as you enter chassis to next stage of the production line is this where everything starts to come together and all the extra sort of pode components are installed interior trims fitted and it's funny seeing this without the cars being on the line which is a pretty unusual glance to get in a production facility it's certainly a very very exciting one you can hear that the sight the stages are just moving on they sound the beats to let you know what's happening it's seventeen point six minutes per production stage get the cars through those series of stages as you can see car every three steps as we get here the fenders start coming back to the car these will be placed back on to the next car that cars just had them installed it has the front radiator assembly going in and everything up front under the hood they're put together a headlights and all of that so you come a little bit further up next couple of stages will soon have the seats preparing to arrive and join the cars but this is sort of it was a 20 million pound refit to this line to get it all set up and ready for Ben tiger with Mulsanne moving to a new area so here you've got the wheels the wheels and tires coming out to join the car all the way along the line they're sort of checking and just making sure that everything's working absolutely perfectly and meets Bentley's sort of very very high production quality levels it's a big learning process for everyone involved here still you have this red court at each stage which anybody can pull at any time which gives as a request for extra help and to come in work and join those staff on that part of the line then we get up towards the sort of final stages so we've got the glass ready to go in the cars the windscreen rear windows here lots and lots of testing so I think there's a car behind that's just being final fit everything going into it it's not hard to see much from here you can see all the the staffs just working and getting everything in I know keep going up we get to the seats ready to go in the doors are reunited with the car and get installed at this point of course the cars are running on their own wheels the final final parts all being put together so it's still a process that's being refined and being fully sort of set in stone before the customer car start delivery and they will be going into production very soon delivery in the early part of next it's in February March as the target for the first frente command they're going to be producing well they set initial demand at a couple of thousand but it looks like they're going to be building even more it's a very highly in demand car here you have all the lighting to check for sort of any paint related concerns just make sure the cars are absolutely spotless and immaculate before they reach the end of the line so that was venting production in a nutshell a whistle-stop tour down the production line of things ramping up a pretty rare insight to be able to look at something this early on we're going to try and have a quick glance at the Continental line and where all the Continental and the Flying Spur models have produced and see what we can see over there we can have a quick glance at the Continental line and this is where it all begins you have a Continental GT they're just ready for everything start the line goes all the way down this side because as I mentioned it's nearly the weekends everything's just stopped taking a break just take a quick look it goes all the way down joins with the Ben tiger line down the bottom and then that brings itself back up and you can see here some of the cars that's a much further through production towards the end here running on their own wheels Continental GT coupes here both obviously all facelifted new model cars on this side of the production we'll head up just a quick look at the fine little areas the cars undergo their final sort of paintwork preparation and perfection just making sure they're absolutely ready for road testing and then going on to customers wherever they may be in the world and I was interested to ask the question earlier actually how many of the cars go house to the UK is still 15 20 % or so barely support by customers in the UK which is fascinating now all different lines here timetable so you have different lines like this one that's still open while the other ones shut down it means we're going to be able to go off and take a look at the two other places the wood wood shop there what's going on over there we've handled it down the production line and I've now been apron up because I'm going to have a go so get a steering wheel so joined by Knoll Thompson which is really pleasing to the pulse width so I'm trying to make everything that go to the car and this is a steering wheel now let me show the steering wheel what we do use two needles so let me first make the holes we actually use it for this this is Bentley technology of these vessels we mark my song and this gives us indentations weathers 50 go full and then we make every hole by hand all the way around okay and then we hunt so it now it takes about 50 days I'm so all alone so the way we do this wait first together the way we do this we take two needles and we cross over like when you lace your shoes you cross over you pull out through hold it pull it tight trust me go back through hold it pull it tight I wasn't too bad we're having a quick look in the woodshop when he just starts off in this introduction room where you can see well all of it is that go into the car starts off kind of like this that's a big lump before they are basically peeled off and you get all these slices which can then be mirror matched because if you take every single sort of slice of wood it matches evenly across to the other side so you get the sort of center line on the final product but it makes for sort of perfect perfect left to right matching throughout the car you can see here on this large piece that's being kept how perfectly the wood is is done and sometimes you even get some rather unusual shapes you might be able to see this of the skull like shape there on the airbag that one was well coincidentally made but taken out of a car just because it wasn't perhaps entirely appropriate when you come over here you can just see how old this is made sort of the parts start off as large lots of wood and then they sort of cut down then you have the different layers that go on the top with julep and glue underneath the Renee a veneer layer before it's finally sort of Preston you end up with the sort of perfect looking object also of course on bad knees you can have any other trim you want different types of carbon fibre all sorts of different pieces they can go into it this is quite a nice room actually for customers to come along and have a look and be able to see all the different options and what they might like in their car into the woodshop itself I'm just gonna quickly show you in you can see all the different is that come from around the world this is the storeroom with all as cats in matters of life or actually that all of those four pieces are going to become parts of the interior of Bentleys then on the right is all preparation services the sort of laser cutters literally trimming hours and components the car then on the left that's all press so using the different machines it's all press together different stages and ultimately just a demonstration of what else is possible some of the projects that we worked on my apprentices here Bentley with different types of woods this is what it looks like before his breasts comes together let's make this lovely final finish we've been having a look at the normal lack of process but this is an all new setup that we have all the components required for the entire car on this machine that we take it in like this so this is where you have the house of Mike you can see the finish just getting started going around choosing pieces like this and take off 400 microns whoa concentrates on just the sort of areas that it makes a perfectly perfectly smooth finish which can then be polished conditioned away mr. existence picks it up takes it in every boss up in time like this straight from the woodshop we've come over to the trim shop and this is where plates start each car is about 13 or 14 at different at once of these fights for large bowls these come from the south of Germany this one yes quite crazy to see how it starts they've been pre painted before they get here but they get laid out under the lights here so they can find any marks of the heights like this anything that sort of crayon thousand orange is going to be not to be used self quite up to the standard spendy require these then get laid out onto these large machines where the automatic computer photographs the hide and they can sit all out betting bright color going into this family brighter color they're allowed to automatically see where the different marks are and when not to use servers the different sections into place those then get sort of cut out move on to the next stage embroidering a dress 5103 stitches address of every seat take a look at the creation of some of the dimensions of world since it check likely a sort of finish piece here perforated a force meeting translation sort of crisis to major the system as for the seats all come through he can see some straight flew by fingers we make they gets mounted onto the different ponens whistles of soft upshifts you see some differences that have been worked on here as well a new machine process for antagonistic Oh with DeMarcus around 170 ban taggers reduce the week there's a new CNC machine series of machines that were in place and be able to create all the stitching but it was some of the different it's not all of them just a few years the parts we were just seeing you can see it here on at the final ven Tiger seats you've got this top diamond quilted seat section around the shoulders that you have the straight to them straight through down the center and through the bulk of the seat base around this new production line for the Ben take your seats everything's just going to move along get all the stitching done equally while the stitching itself is done down this line Assembly of the seat being on my bed next up today is the production training center where I'm going to learn how to turn a piece like this piece of blue leather into something that looks like these so let's get some instruction and get started the Marquis get rid of all excess material and then I just put it like that there we go that's the miter so in your case now if you want the heat that the heat one touch up one day say how much if you go in I keep a bit more yet cuz it all gets to 10 minutes to going over you don't set future not for minimizer when you put them off to the north normal simple squeeze it tight hold the top take uck we just push it forward the reason being don't let me put off in a minute by the edge yeah so save me you're okay alright once you start to it's when you find all the way in Idaho all done then and we're going to head in now and grab some lunch as well we've had our lunch and that wraps up a brilliant visit to the Bentley Motors Factory in Crewe the first time I've ever been here but we've come outside and this is quite cool 1wo on the Mulsanne of course another plate that is very famous wo Bentley heads one WI also the car that's driven by or chauffeured for mr. dur Homer the boss or Bentley Motors himself so that cars out here just outside the front next to a very nice red Ben Tiger and also on the other side is a sort of dark purple blue been take I'm not sure if you can quite make out the colour with the bright light behind but I really really like the colour of that car looks very nice in fact I can't wait to get behind the wheel of a Ben Tiger and have a go driving it because it's so far they've done it very very well there's obviously a lot of skepticism when the first concept was showed it all the way through to production we've done a good job it's a it's a special car I'm sure they're going to be very very popular as we've been hearing today and these are all sort of the pre-production cars before the first production cars were all out a couple more it's quite a bold colour on the speed there as well very striking kind of blue lots of blue blue works well on Bentley's I think but yes my first ever visits here to the factory someone's in store for a nice Christmas present so then take it in there with a bow on the top it's a little bit chilly out here now so I'll just jump over here to where our car is parked now and then we'll be heading on our way towards our hotel for now but tonight just a short drive stop on the way it's a quick fill up and then we'll be the exciting day tomorrow nearly at our hotel but I'm going to wrap up today's a video they're a lot of fun visiting Bentley and now for the final bit of the drive we've got some sunshine no rain like yesterday so tomorrow will be the final day of the three tours that we've been running to celebrate the launch of the new esos energy field will be hosting a meeting at McLaren Manchester the dealership from where I bought my 12c two 50s and most recently my 675lt which like I mentioned before has been shipped up and is waiting for us there tomorrow so we've been announcing that we're going to be there looking forward to catching up with everybody who's able to make it to say hello and of course seeing the McLaren again but a brilliant day today lovely to drive back all the way from London through Wales around in the bed lead back to its home innit through so thank you very much for watching hope you enjoy today's video and I'll catch up with you again tomorrow Cheers this is where it all gets started we're kicking off with the first tour and it's themed Davalos we're going to be driving in this car my new Porsche Cayman gt4 as part of Aaron have introduced the spider version the 675lt spider
Channel: Shmee150
Views: 76,534
Rating: 4.8990612 out of 5
Keywords: Shmee150, Shmee, Bentley, Continental GT, V8 S, Esso, Synergy, Fuels, Best Driving Roads Live Here, Motors, Factory, Bentayga, Tour, Production, Wood Shop, Trim Shop, Guided, Walkaround, SUV, New
Id: 1z4JF8fU88I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2015
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