Canning & Curing Alaska Coho Salmon

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well we're in seward alaska guys and we just caught our limit of silver salmon we're snagging for these we got 12 huge fish right here i'm gonna see if they fit in this ice chest and we're gonna get home [Music] so so [Music] oh yeah oh same time that's not that big how's the pink i would put it back unless you want to see your limit i got a snag hold on dude there you go i like to cut him or to bleed him watch your eyes man let's see doesn't seem that big no it's a small one but i'm gonna keep it because i don't have many lures yeah all right whatever snacks uh yeah i'll get it oh what a beautiful color yeah you think um look at that babe that last one i caught was reminding me it's like when you catch a huge shotgun no i didn't even have any control it just was like look at all those silver salmon it's actually our first time catching silver salmon we've never eaten it so we're definitely gonna do a taste test on these i think we got like a three and a half a four hour drive home maybe so we're gonna get these on ice we're gonna head home and once we get home we're gonna talk a little bit more about how we're fishing for these things and we're also going to decide what we're going to do with them probably should have brought a bigger ice chest but we didn't know we were going to limit so catcher that's really exciting they barely fit in here we took some small ones but we also have some really nice big ones so very excited to get these home and get them processed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys we made it back to the cabin with our fish and i had already put the smoker away for the winter and pulled it back out and we are gonna smoke some of this fish today we're gonna get the fish out of the ice chest on the table and we're gonna start filleting them before we get started on processing our fish eric and i were gonna talk a little bit about what kind of fishing we were doing we decided to take a trip to seward or silvers yeah and the type of fishing we're doing is called snagging and it is basically throwing this huge treble hook that has a weight molded on it into the water jerking it as fast as you can in hopes that this hook will snag a salmon and you can snag the fish wherever you want it does not have to be in the mouth so that type of fishing is obviously not allowed everywhere and it's definitely not allowed everywhere in alaska there's only certain spots that you are allowed to do that and you do have to be a resident as far as the rod and the reel we are using we both have i think these are like seven foot or seven and a half foot really heavy rods and then we use we just have cheap reels and we use 20 pound test line i think we could have went a little bigger on the line we did snap off a few of the fish these fish are really big and aggressive out there we hadn't fished for these before and it was a blast they did range from you know smaller to bigger fish depending upon the age but they were definitely some of the the biggest fish that we fish for yeah when you hook into these things if you have a big one it just they take off on you it feels like a rock with a motor in it so these things are super fun to catch there was a lot of people out there so you have to keep that in mind if you're doing this type of fishing some places you go to alaska it's called combat fishing when the fish are there the people are definitely there too you've probably heard us talk about different salmon that we have in alaska and there's five different kinds there's chinook or the king salmon that's something that eric and i have not fished for and then you have the sockeyes or the reds pink salmon chum salmon and then lastly the silvers and the silvers come in late so we were really excited that we had time this year you know just getting the moose done early to to go there and do it and steward is absolutely beautiful of course uh yeah seward is an awesome town it's probably one of the most beautiful places we've been in alaska and you may think that just throwing a huge hook out there in the water and just catching these fish wherever you can is like really easy but i assure you it's not we actually got there the night before we fished for i don't know three three and a half hours and i hooked one that got off but that was it we didn't catch anything else and we were constantly just throwing that weight out there as far as we could and jerking it in jerking in both of us fishing pretty hard for those three hours the next morning we woke up we're the only ones out there we got there super early in the morning and first cast i got one i think my second cast i got one the fish were just right there so it's a really quick morning and we're definitely glad that we fished our second day we were both allowed to catch six fish and that's what we did so we got a total of 12 fish we only have about 70 jars of salmon which is not as many as we had the year before but since we have the mousse i'm not overly concerned about that but this is this is awesome for us so we're going to be jarring most of it because it will preserve for us that just works for preserving it it'll last the longest that way and eric's gonna be smoking that we have some plans to cook up some tonight since we've never tried it fresh and we also have plans to make some gravlax and sushi since those are recipes we both wanted to try so let's get started first thing we're going to do is we're going to get our fish on the table and we got two knives out here we're going to start getting them filled and they're going on the smoker for a couple hours [Applause] a girl finishing up on our last fish here beautiful red meat this looks a lot like the sockeye or the red salmon and we got a nice big bowl of the stuff that ariel's kind of been scraping off the carcasses we love that stuff we chop it up real fine and we make burgers out of it and then we got some set aside that we're gonna make the gravel axe out of and then the rest is gonna go on the smoker he's gonna fill the whole thing up huh okay there we go full load huh boom before i fire up the smoker we are actually gonna season these fish this time we usually just do these things as is we smoke them in cannon but i have a little bit of this uh seasoning that we used to make our mousse sausage i have a little bit left over so i'm gonna put this on the fish and we'll see how it turns out so we're gonna get this started we're gonna get some coals going in there some regular firewood and then we are gonna be using seasoned alder to smoke this [Applause] so i figured i'd take the opportunity to clean our garlic we harvested a few weeks ago and we need some of this for our jars of salmon i'm really excited to have this this year we're also going to be adding some jalapenos and fresh herbs when we get those jarred and we are almost there the meat's almost done smoking this is looking good time to put the salmon in some jars [Music] i didn't even look at that they really even made one jar out of that out of a halfway fillet this is a very big play though wow do you see how red this one is so before we get started on dinner we are going to make gravlax and we have never made this so we're going to see how it turns out we got a nice fillet of that silver salmon here i'm gonna start by cutting it in half we're basically gonna cover these fillets in a little bit of vodka sugar salt pepper dill and parsley we're gonna let it sit for about four days now we're gonna make sushi out of it we're gonna keep this in our cooler for two to four days and we're gonna be turning it maybe like every day to make sure that the brine gets into the fish and we're gonna be trying this like i said we're gonna be making sushi out of it but we're gonna get started on dinner let's make some dinner we are doing a bed of quinoa with a salmon fillet on top with some fried skin and some steamed vegetables let's get started on the salmon we want to keep things really simple because this is the first time we've had silver salmon so we want to do like kind of a taste test on it but we also want it to taste really good so we're going to do a honey garlic kind of rub on this so it's going to be delicious so all right we got the honey and the garlic on there we're gonna do a little bit of cilantro on top this is baby no no no well it was a lot of hard work for this meat we're gonna eat i ate the first piece you got here chicken it's really good it it tastes i mean it's good it does not taste like sockeye no but at all really but it's different it doesn't taste like the pink or chum and i can't compare it to chinook but it's it's go i mean it's good it's really like flaky for and firm tastes like just pure meat no yeah mild just pure firm meat no like oily yeah no fishy flavor i mean this is this is delicious you can taste the lemon or sorry you can taste the garlic you can taste the honey it's really really good both of us really enjoy that this fish was a girthier fish really thick and just had a lot more for the fillets for cooking and for preserving you know just helps us and the fish skin what do you think i don't know if that was how you cooked it but i thought it was the best i'd ever had [Music] fish skin is great love it it was delicious this is great it reminds me of if i was at a restaurant or salmon or just super mild like mild salmon really good just good salmon just well we both can agree that this is awesome we are going to finish up our meal it's 8 15 and the sun is going down so we're gonna head inside make a fire and then we will catch back up with you guys in a few days when our gravel locks is ready our grav box is ready and we will make sushi it is finally time to try our gravlax and before we make sushi out of it i'm gonna try it just as is and see how it tastes it actually put off quite a bit of liquid in those four days so we just drained it out of the pan that was in and we got it sit on the counter we're gonna try it so pretty much smells like vodka and dill kind of hard to say what that tastes like it's a little bit of sweetness not really salty at all definitely taste the dill pretty good i don't know if i just eat that by itself i could probably eat a few bites but not the whole thing i'm gonna get some slices sliced up i'm gonna put it on this we're gonna make some sushi and arrow's gonna come in here we're gonna try it all right that actually looks really good this looks like something you'd straight up get from a sushi restaurant so we're going to try this all i did was i made sushi rice which was like rice with salt vinegar and sugar i put a little piece of seaweed on each one and then we got the fish with green onion on top and to dip those we have soy sauce i have garlic in here and also a little bit of green onions so let's give this a go eric's out in the comics he's trying to see if we have any chopsticks but i just couldn't wait is it good tastes like a lot of sushi restaurant yeah look yeah so all right we have one pair of chopsticks oh yeah that sushi rice is holding together awesome let me try this hmm that one tastes like we just went grocery wow i did try a piece of the salmon just by itself and i pretty much agree with eric i didn't really want to just eat it as is um we have tried a raw before and this is with a light cure but it just tasted really mild and a little bit delish but on the the meal you made is wonderful oh my gosh that's like one of the things we want to treat ourselves and we want to go to out to eat we'll go get sushi we really like going to get sushi i'm just going to make this from now on that's so good it's missing the wasabi but that's that is delicious well i did one cup of rice and that was enough to do almost that one fillet and we have another fillet left that's a little bit bigger so i think i'm gonna have to make more rice and finish that off that's this is good this is this is hands down one of my favorite things we've made this was our first time making it so i'm really not sure how long the frit the the fish would store in this manner probably not much longer would be my guess but tonight heck yeah and i think next time i made that i might not put the vodka in there just because it kind of seemed like you make the seat more it's it's so if there's a lot of moisture in the fish right now and i was expecting something that was a little bit drier maybe had that kind of a crust on the skin so we might have to experiment in the future and just do like a dry rub on it maybe or something but again this stuff is awesome eric and i are pretty much done salmon fishing for the year and we may do a few a little more fishing trips but just not for salmon and that's pretty much gonna do it for this episode i think i'm gonna make some more rice and let it cool and make another thing of sushi we're gonna finish this off and we'll see you next time thank you guys you
Channel: Simple Living Alaska
Views: 443,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: off grid living, living in alaska, cabin life, tiny house alaska, fishing in alaska, cabin living, off grid living alaska, off grid cabin, alaska fishing, garden alaska, homestead alaska, alaska salmon fishing, fishing salmon alaska, salmon sushi, fresh sushi, silver fishing alaka, coho salmon alaska, seward alaska, snagging alaska, snagging fishing, curing salmon, smoking salmon, preserving salmon, canning fish, canning smoked fish, salmon nigiri, smoker for fish
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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