Benny Hinn - The Origin of Angels and Demons - the 5 Divisions of angels

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you know what before we get started just for my benefit and i'm sure everyone else is too let's review for just a moment there are different kinds of angelic beings are they well let me let me give you the let's classify them and then the five divisions yes and then obviously what i want to know is where does my angel fit in you know well paul first of all the scriptures have a lot to say about angels and in this day and age when we have so much about spirits demons angels uh visions and prophecies in fact there's programs on secular television today dealing with this uh ufos uh what are ufos i believe they're demonic frankly uh on and on the the interest is very high people's interest is very high when it comes to the supernatural at one time there was no interest in healings and miracles in these things yet today the world finally believes miracles happen uh programs like oprah winfrey programs on nbc abc all the restaurants yeah i mean all of them are dealing today with such things and i think we god's people need to know what the bible has to say and i'm not going to have of course the time to discuss the entire subject of angels tonight i'll deal with the really the basically the important things or the headlines but i would i would advise every believer to study the word because in this day and age people will be asking questions and now so much about ufos what are ufos ufos are not of god okay and and maybe i'll come back on praise someday and discuss that but not not here not tonight i don't i don't think i really have the time to do it but five divisions of angels here that here they are please write them down and i'll give you the scriptures for them uh the first are the seraphims uh from isaiah six verse one through seven the word seraphim is spelled s-e-r-a-p-h-i-m or seraph the seraphims are the angels that are always associated or connected with god's glory would they be the highest order of angel then or well paul the scripture really does not say that what what the scripture says is that there are there are four divisions that are heavenly and one division that deals with humanity four divisions that deal with with heaven and the things of heaven heavenly uh realms and one only deals with the earthly uh and i'll talk about this but the first are the seraphs or the serpents and the seraphims if let's just quickly go to isaiah uh six please i'm i think i we need to take the time to look at this at least because it's so important and if you are watching um and have a friend that that you think needs to know this call them now while i've just begun to teach and get them to watch praise right now because i want to answer many questions on angels and demons and where demons came from i'm going to show you from god's word that demons are not fallen angels they're not no sir they cannot be fallen angels but there are fallen angels yes where are they we'll find out in a moment yes he wants me to tell you everything now i'm getting ahead of the story no i'm fascinated paul i love your i love the way you are in jail and i just that's why i love being with you uh in verse 106 in the year that king gosia died i saw also the lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and his strain filled the temple above it stood the seraphims notice above what he saw above the glory above the throne or around the throne stood the servants each one had six wings with twain he covered his face with twin he covered his feet between he did fly and one cried unto another and said holy holy holy is the lord of hosts and the moment they began to praise and glorify god it says the whole earth and then he went on to say and the whole earth is full of his glory it says and the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried and the house was filled with smoke or god's presence of god's glory now notice that these angels are talking to each other on how holy god is they are the the angels of revelation they reveal god's glory to the heavens so whenever you see the seraphims they they deal with god's glory and it's revelation but then you have the cherubims now the sherman's allah are are a different type of angels and found in ezekiel chapter one turn to ezekiel and and this is most uh revealing and exciting and here you'll see uh these angels and their function and again i don't have the time to go through the details i'm giving you the headlines and i'm expecting you wonderful people of god to study the scripture by yourself and you can read those portions i'm giving you uh in verse 4 of ezekiel 1 and i'll i looked and behold a whirlwind came out of the north a great cloud and a fire enfolding itself and a brightness was about it and out of the midst thereof as the color of amber out of the midst of the fire now he's he's describing the glory of god as it appeared to him uh in verse 10 as for the likeness of their faces let me just keep going sorry uh verse five then he says the now and out of the mist thereof or the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures this is out of this very bright glory uh came the likeness of four living creatures and this was their appearance they had the likeness of a man everyone had four faces and everyone had four wings notice the difference between them and the surface here it says and their feet were straight feet and the sole of their feet was like the soul of a calf's foot and they sparkled like the color of burnished brass and they had the hands of a man under their wings on the four sides and they forehead their faces and their wings their wings were joined one to another they turned not when they went they went everyone straight forward as for the likeness of the faces and this is again a powerful thing here that speaks again of god and his glory and much more they forehead the face of a man so each one of them had the face of a man the face of a lion on the right side of the of their body they forehead the face of an ox on the left side and the face of an eagle so paul the apostle who saw such things in second corinthians he said look i can't even describe what i saw when when he saw such creatures these these angels paul deal with the work of the holy spirit because in verse 20 it says whatsoever the spirit was to go they went feather was respiratory so wherever the holy spirit or whatever the holy spirit does they respond to his work okay so they'll respond to the work of the holy spirit in heaven and again i would advise all of god's wonderful saints to study the scripture concerning the cherubims now remember that lucifer was a sheriff and in ezekiel 28 it it said the sheriff that covereth they also then deal with protecting the throne in fact in in ezekiel we will go to it in just a little bit it said he walked up and down in the midst of the stones of the stones of fire and in exodus the stones of fire were found right in front of the throne so in ezekiel 20 28 which we're going to look at to do with with lucifer who was a sheriff also himself was a sheriff it said he was he he was allowed to walk on the stones of fire which are before the throne according to exodus is it true that lucifer was also one of the three archangels yes he was the only angel with two officers ah he was the archangel and the sheriff that covered so he was like the praising angel he was more than that paul he was the most powerful angel in glory he was i've heard he was like the choir director director and the protector of the throne and the worship leader in heaven but and we'll talk about that more in just a little bit then the other two archangels who is what gabriel well gabriel and michael but according to some ancient writings there are other uh arcane archangels but i believe personally there was only three because the scripture only gives us three but we'll find out when we get heaven so gabriel was like what the messenger angel he brought the word to mary i'm getting ahead of you again aren't i if you just see me look at him it means i'm not going to answer yet but he i tell you he gets it out of me i love it then we have the living creatures of revelation 4. so if we go to revelation 4 i'll and i'll answer that question when i get to the organs as i promise you paul okay i'm waiting uh revelation 4 uh verse 2 and immediately i was in the spirit and behold the throne was set in heaven and one sat on the throne and he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sword and a stone edge of course the father or the lord and there was a rainbow ran about the throne inside like unto an emerald and round about the throne were four and twenty seats and upon the seats i saw four and twenty elders sitting clothed in white raiment and they had on their heads crowns of gold and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne which are the seven spirits of god or the seven revelations of who he is by the way that's what this means and before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal in the midst of the throne and round about the throne were four beasts full of eyes before and behind now notice the difference between the seraphims cherubims and the living creatures creature or zoes is what the name is in the greek now the first beast was like a lion the second like a calf the third had the face of a man and the fourth a flying eagle noticed the cherubims each had four faces what these four had a different face each ah and they're still angels they're strangers okay and the four beasts each of them had six wings and now it says later on and they rest not day and night saying holy holy holy lord god almighty which was and which is and is to come now notice the sheriffs in isaiah looked at each other and said holy holy holy is the lord and the house was filled with smoke these angels are worshiping crying holy holy holy and they cry and say lord god almighty which was is and is to come these angels deals deal with what is prophetic and worship because they cry what was is and is to come and notice they are mentioned in the revelation of john he does not mention the seraphim's really not that he mentions the archangels close later but he says hardly anything about the sheriffs or the sheriffs but he mentions the living creatures so they are the worship angels for the cry holy holy holy to the lord and they deal in prophetic revelation the sheriffs the revelation of glory the sheriff the revelations of the spirit the living creatures the revelations of worship and of god himself of course and prophecy and prophecy now you have the fourth division of angels found in what i just keep keep going to revelation 12 and there of course we see the archangels and let me just begin reading uh at verse seven to just save us a little time and there was war in heaven michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels and prevailed not neither was or placed found anymore in heaven and the dragon and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and satan which deceived the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him now the archangels are the the angels connected to warfare and the protection of the saints the archangels but michael is the archangel who deals with protecting the jewish nation i like michael remember in danielle where clearly it states that that that michael was the archangel who protected the jews gabriel another archangel was the one who came to mary so we do see from scripture that the archangels not only deal with warfare but they also deal with revelation they reveal to israel the plan of god it was the angel who led them out of egypt so they deal with revelation in in exodus god stated and i'll show you some some scriptures and in get in in judges where god says if you provoke him he'll slay you talk about an angel yes i know so these are the angels that deal with israel and much more than i'll deal with in just a little bit but also these angels deals deal with with the revelation that for example when gabriel came to mary and reveal to god's plan for her life so they do deal in revelation and again there's much more on this in the scripture that we don't have time to go into right now because otherwise i'll be here for four hours just on this but we do have the archangels and i'll talk a little more about this just in just a little bit because i'll be dealing in fact with lucifer to his office and much more i love michael the warrior angel oh man i need him quite often he's got a statue to him out in front of you yes have you seen the 20 foot tall right here of michael the arch but notice that michael the archangel not only deals with israel's protection but he also deals with as we see from revelation 12 he also deals with warring against that satan and and this is something so powerful and and we and we often miss this because we just don't connect it together but look what it says in verse 10 and i heard a loud voice saying in heaven now this is after the war now it's come salvation and strength and the kingdom of our god and the power of his christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before our god day and night and they they overcame him by the law of the of the lamb hold it who's the day that they couldn't be angels because angels can't apply the blood of the lamb they meaning the church that's us they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony but benny who is israel we've been grafted in we're israel today oh i'm glad they loved not take a lot and they loved not their lives unto the death this can be angels these are humans so angels michael the archangel for victory is dependent upon the prayer and confession of the saints say that again no i not only michael but the angels themselves for victory are my god i tell you you gotta hear this for victory are dependent on our prayer wow do you remember what it says in psalm 103 let me wait a minute turn to psalm 103 in psalm 103 the bible says they excel in strength hearkening to the voice of god's word well where do they hear it from us ah yes sir goodness somebody say hallelujah verse 20 21 bless the lord ye his angels that excel in strength meaning that their strength actually increases increases that excel in strength that do his commandments hearkening unto the voice of his word bless you the lord all his hosts he ministers of his that do his pleasure one translation that says mighty in strength rather than excellent strength but these angels in fact are released to do the impossible when we pray you know what i have another example daniel was praying for 21 days and michael apologized to him because he said i was hindered by the prince of persia but his prayers broke him through exactly but paul we if if if we can only see how important prayer is oh my god we'd be praying every day we'd never miss your prayerlessness has literally bound the angels of glory prayerlessness binds them from doing god's bidding for us so how should we pray well just when we pray the promises this is the covenants we have in him if we ask anything according to his will he he will hear us and when he hears us he'll do it but paul how can how can we pray his will unless we know his will number one can we command the angels no no no what the scripture says is as we pray they are released they excel in strength to do god's willing okay okay so to say i release you angel is not in the bible you god releases them when you pray all you have to do is get on your knees and start talking to god yes we can ask the lord to listen to do certain things that well we can ask because the scripture says the angel of the lord in camps round about them that fear in other words he's always there but at times unable to function because we are prayerless he's present yet stands waiting for us to pray till he can move think about an angel standing next to you and here you're in trouble he can't help you because you're lazy i can pray simple i mean i can pray god send my angel to go get him paul all the bible says and we have to pray and call upon the lord that's what daniel did he was calling upon god yes and and the angels were released in answer second mr crouch you are too much but anyways i love it though now let me let me quickly and i'll go back to holy angels let me just give you just a few things about angels that i think you need to know oh oh i'm not done yet excuse me the fifth division of angels is angels hebrews 1 14. they are ministering spirits sent for the heirs of salvation and and these angels are what are known as common angels they have no wings in fact there's no mention of them having wings because you remember whenever they appeared in scripture including at the ascension it says they look like young men right and the bible says some have seen angels unaware well if they have wings you should know that the rainbows yeah yes but the fact that we can't recognize them at times means that they are they look like humans yeah jan's motorcycle angel had no wings and she saw her angel and there are there are multiplied billions of them let me just give you this little fact you love it um one angel one just one in isaiah 37 36 killed 185 000 men if if if if that is i hear this if each one of us has an angel then our angel can slay this many people i don't need that many killed yet but it's coming well they can defend one angel in other words one angel can defend us against that many just one that is awesome thank you if 185 000 people came against you all you need is one oh glory to god hallelujah i feel better now do you do you remember do you remember in matthew 26 verse 50 jesus said he could send for 12 legions yes okay twelve legions is six one legion is six thousand yes okay so he could send for 12 regions that's seventy two thousand he said i can call right now for seventy two thousand angels if seventy two thousand angels showed up they would have killed thirteen billion 320 million men there weren't that many on the earth no now do you know why jesus said well uh uh why he said uh uh that he if he'd called 12 legions no one for each disciple the the 11 and himself which means we don't have one one angel each we have more we have 6 000 a piece wow based upon that based upon that scripture every believer has a legion of angels wow well then i must not be praying enough because well paul think about it god is not a respecter of persons right no so jesus on the cross said i could call now for 12 legions again that's matthew 26 and verse 50. if you want to the scripture so he said i could call for 12 reasons well what 12 the 11 yeah because judas was gone right and himself if that's the case then each one would have one legion that's six thousand angels so god being not a respecter of persons that simply means every believer has that many wow so what are we worrying about exactly here what are we worrying about nothing nothing in addition to all those innumerable numbers of angels in fact jeremiah 33 um i'll give you this later just don't worry about it right now but in in jeremiah 33 it says that they're without number you you can't number the angels innumerables number of numbers of angels but uh let me just give you a few facts about them are really really powerful i got a lot of notes here but i don't think i'm able to go through them all number one they are very very patient numbers 22 22 to 35 patient remember this the story of belem and belak yes patient angels are actually patient more patient than most people mark mark 13 32 they're limited in knowledge they don't know everything because jesus said not even the angels know the day that's right in acts 10 3 they lead sinners to the gospel not to salvation they cannot preach the gospel they lead sinners to gospel preachers they will nudge people into uh when when i say they lead them to the to the gospel they will lead someone into place where they can hear the gospel like you remember the story of cornelius the angel said go get peter so he can hear the gospel oh yes yes so they can't preach the gospel but they can cause sinners to come to a place where they can hear the gospel i see and our prayers could what release them to bring sinners to in fact i would not be surprised if tonight many tuned in because an angel somehow caused them to watch this program because they can lead people to hear the gospel yet they can't preach the gospel i have heard testimonies of people who have said that they weren't even touching their little clicker and that the station just changed to tbn i've i have a number of testimonies angels can push that button can't they well according to billy graham's book did you read billy graham's book on on angels yes yes they they they helped the allies in the second world war in defeating the nazis and much more awesome uh let me give you an another tremendous fact about angels they are taught and this i love this they they are taught who god is by watching the church what yeah god has honored you and i in that he reveals himself to his own angelic hosts hosts by what he does in us and that is found in ephesians 3 10 and first corinthians 4 9. let's let's let's look at those powerful scriptures i got to see them by watching you they learn who god is think about that so in other words they cannot go up and say father or god tell them about yourself they only know him through you and i really yeah you have no let's look at ephesians 3 verse ephesians 3 first and verse verse 10 ephesians 3 10 that says let me read to the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of god my goodness ephesians 3 10 to the intent that now unto all principalities and powers in heavenly places that includes the all the angels might be known by the church how wise god is the manifold was wisdom of god and then first corinthians 4 9 where paul says that angels watch the apostles and learn about the lord and more uh first corinthians 4 9 that says for i think that god hath set for uh for i think that god hath set forth us the apostles last as it were appointed to death for we are made a spectacle or the word is here a theater unto the world and to angels and to men so angels watch us and learn and learn now angels in addition uh desire to know the things of salvation first peter 1 10 through 12. now ladies and gentlemen much much about angels in fact psalm 34 just let me just give you a few scriptures here uh judges 13 8 judges 13 8 says they are terrible in appearance they are awesome in appearance judges 13 8 they are awesome the hebrew word is terrible it doesn't mean terrible in in a in a frightening way it means awesome yes uh in appearance psalm 34 7 says they're with us all the time psalm 103 20 moved by the word of god on our behalf ecclesiastes 5 6 says something very interesting ecclesiastes 5 6 says speaking the wrong words in their presence will bring us destruction speaking what if we speak something wrong in their presence they will harm us okay let's stop right there stop right there ecclesiastes 5 6. oh we gotta look at this one we we don't realize sometimes that our words cause them to move whether positive or negative you see when we pray god's will we release them to do god's bidding but if we become negative we become uh we say the wrong things we murmur against god they will actually well let me just have the bible talk for it for itself ecclesiastes 5 6 that says suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin neither say thou before the angel that it was an error wherefore should god be angry at thy voice and destroy the work of thine hands listen to the living bible listen to this scary in that case your mouth is making you sin don't try to defend yourself by telling the messenger from god that it was all a mistake to make the vow that would make god very angry and he might destroy your prosperity now the bible says hello the bible says our words provoke them we we can provoke them to actually uh not put to not to protect us look if angels don't protect you you're in deep trouble amen and that is found in exodus 23 verse 20 21 right through to verse 23 exodus 23 verse 20 says they must not be provoked don't provoke him god says 23 vote uh exodus 23 20. i still haven't even even gotten on on evil angels and demons and all that well honey let's read the bible and and i'm not about to get in trouble here i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna let the bible tell me uh that's exodus 20 23 verse 20 behold i send an angel before you to keep thee in the way and to bring thee into the place which i've prepared beware of him and obey his voice provoke him not for he will not pardon your transgressions for my name is in him but if thou shalt indeed obey his voice and do and do all that i speak then i will be an enemy unto your enemies and an adversary unto thine adversary for mine angels shall go before thee and bring them into that is the land of the animal rights and so on but but god says clearly here don't provoke him with your unbelief listen listen this is interesting so that's how by by not believing the word frankly no listen to the living listen listen listen see i'm sending an angel before you to lead you safely to the land i've prepared for you reverence him obviously the angel right and obey all his instructions do not rebel against him for he will not pardon your transgression he is my representative he bears my name but if you are careful to obey him following all my instructions then i will be an enemy to your enemies there are three people that i think of right now that provoked the the angels and were punished lot yes in fact four of them lot and his wife they provoked the angels where they said hey you better come out or you'll be destroyed here his wife provoked them when she disobeyed them and looked back look back zacharias provoked them by not believing their word or of the angel's word and it was struck and became a mute dumb and then herod provoked them by promoting himself rather than god and the angel of god slew him yes yes in the in the book of acts so we you know he said well that's old covenant no it's in the book of acts too so it's like you know what i guess it died of maggots and stuff no it's what the the it's the herod that put peter in prison and killed james and later remember he he was you know boasting about how great he is and it says the angel of the lord slewing now you know people say well that's old covenant you know that really stirs me up because it's the word the new testament didn't have the new testament they only had the old covenant so are you better than them this is the word from genesis to revelation it's the word so you don't want to get your angel upset do you we provoke them by not believing god or his word okay yeah okay wow and paul these are mighty mighty mighty mighty angels now let me quickly talk about unholy angels and the difference between them and demons just before that uh we're still on the what you call the common angels now yeah that are assigned to either well i i i'd like to deal a little bit here with uh with the archangels and also some other uh scriptures dealing with good but do you believe that you blew my mind when you said we have 6 000 now you know but is there a particular angel that's assigned to paul crouch absolutely paul yes you have more than one but i believe personally that if there was a need for 6 000 god would send that many he's got 5999 buddies right do you see why tpn is so great well because we can be free and talk well let me just tell you paul i personally believe that there is one angel that is with us 24 hours a day psalm 34 says the angel of the lord encampeth around about them that's her and delivers them so to in camp means to live means to dwell can i get my little testimony right here sir you're the boss no no no no no no i before you came in i i said that i believe i truly believe that i have seen my angel and and it was it'll take me just a minute to tell you we were starting to go down the runway in our little airplane and it was an older airplane that we had then and you had to lift the door up and latch it and then pull another door down over the top and when you're up there you're up maybe six eight feet above the runway well we were in um ohio we were up in ohio somewhere and there was a big air show there that day in the airport there were lots of uniformed servicemen and in their khakis and and ribbons and so forth my angel is some kind of an officer because now all kidding aside this this was unbelievable i had just pulled the door up and the pilot was getting ready to start out and i hadn't latched it properly and i looked over there and here was this a a row of of looked like soldiers in in a uniform and i was probably 50 maybe 75 yards away and one of these guys just started running straight to the door of the airplane i thought boy that's strange did i forget something in the terminal there and he's maybe bringing me something i forgot or and he just ran straight at me boy he must have a message or something so i leaned out and boom the door broke and i fell and he caught me i and i would have fallen eight six eight feet straight with my head on the on the tarmac of the of the airport and i said oh thank you sir thank you i said what is your and he just turned and walked away and of course now i shut the door properly but how would that man know to come running like a beeline right toward the door of the airplane just as my door broke and i would have fallen and probably broken my neck and paul often they appear uh as we need them in other words uh they can appear as young men yeah they can appear as uh as older men they can in fact you know i mean they appear according to our need i had a need then i don't know but i mean yes they they they will show up as we say it to to fill a need or to to answer a need well i before i began preaching i um i knew that by preaching i would have to face demons and satan himself in fact and i did not want to get into this ministry and so i said to the lord i said lord i said there's one thing i'm not happy about and that is that once i preach i know the devil will become real and i would be attacked viciously and so i went to sleep that night and i awakened halfway in the in the night and i looked and there was a a gentleman big uh looked like a man uh six foot at least something maybe even higher than that more than that wearing a hood black dressed in black i couldn't see the face i saw the hands coming out of the this horrible looking robe thick black robe and long fingers with nails and he came at me to choke me and i and i was so frightened this happened i mean i was awake i wasn't sleeping or dreaming this was happening like as i'm just like now and i was just awake and i screamed jesus help me and suddenly something amazing happened only happened to me one time i came out of my body just like that but only half half of me was down half of me was up but the from my waist down i was still in the body waist up i was out of the body and i looked and there i saw myself laying there you say you know people may ask wonder if if i had died i didn't know whether i died or not i didn't really care at that moment because i was alive yes but i i honestly i believe that's how quickly uh we will depart this body it it it happened quicker than i could think so now i'm out of the body and just as i was out of the body i saw the angels come into my room i hadn't seen them till that moment and now i the two angels came in one took this angel excuse me one took this being and pushed him towards the wall now i do believe that was the angel of death so the the this this thing in black was an angel and uh he this angel of the lord just held him back and he was fighting him and he was i must say he was quite strong the the the in this evil angel dressed in black fought real viciously and kept wanting to come near me but he could not he was held back and now this other angel came near me and i must say to you his his uh person his uh appearance was magnificent he was much bigger wider and more glorious than the the other one that was holding this did you see his face yes i saw his speeches also his face i saw a very beautiful white face magnificent hair curly very curly round curls all around blonde the blondiest blonde i was in my life i saw bluish eyes that looked through me and a massive body with this beautiful robe that glistened that looked almost like uh no white no white on earth could describe the white i saw but it was very white almost to the place of being blinding and had a beautiful belt very thick wide oh goodness about the size of my two hands together went down his waist all around him and he just looked at me he didn't say a thing he looked at me and i looked at him and looked at me this you know it didn't go on for too long i don't think and suddenly a third angel comes in but this is all happening while i'm out of my body third angel comes in and called him by name i did not know he was till i heard his name i'm telling god is my witness he called him michael he said michael word for word with my hand on this precious bible god is my witness and he'll judge me if i'm telling anything on truth jesus he said michael michael someone else is in trouble and michael looks and says you take care of him he'll call my name he said him and when he spoke his voice was like niagara falls thick voice he said you take care of him and the second he said you take care of him i was back in my body and the whole thing disappeared out of my sight the only thing i saw is the black thing nailed to the wall but i didn't see the angel holding him yeah knowing he was there i went back in my body hands outstretched hallelujah i began and i fell and i fell asleep i lifted my hands the presence of god was over hallelujah hallelujah and i still could see that the thing nailed to the wall whoa glory and went right to sleep when i woke up in the morning i was scared my my emotions came back when i woke up but that was an awesome experience now during the year when the lord visited me uh after katherine kuhlman's that great experience i had for a whole year nearly every night i'd see angels in my room and they'd just be saying you know sometimes i'd wake up at night and they i never saw them when i was awake i mean i never saw him in the daytime excuse me i would only see him when i'd wake up at night and i'd see him standing in a corner talking i sometimes see three four and a number of times again if you have a problem it's your problem but i'm telling you man i saw what looked like children looked just like little kids and every single temple when i'd wake wake up i'd sit up in bed and look at them and they'd look back at me never said a word to me never one time you've never i never spoke to them then it was conversed with never never and and they would just look at me and and had a very puzzled look on their face almost to the place that it made me very frightened because i got the feeling of believe me every single time i get the feeling of what does god want with him i'm serious it almost was like what why why him it almost gave me the feeling of i was i was uh being studied of why you know they don't know the things of salvation no no no no wow well god hath chosen foolish things to confound the wise and he does not and he does not ask the opinion of angels no who shall we choose nor man thank god yes amen somebody say praise the lord please okay we have about 40 something minutes and i know nine o'clock we gotta go well i have well you cannot you can stay no i am not staying once you're gone paul let me let me quickly finish i'll just be about half an hour and then karen can sing i can minister yes uh go to genesis one just quick we're going to talk about uh something else now altogether the pre-adamic race angels unholy angels for evil angels and demons and i will get back quickly to holy angels before i'm done here uh verse 1 in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth verse 2 and the earth was without void and form and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters now notice please that verse 1 is perfection verse 2 is destruction verse 1 in the beginning god creates the heaven and the earth and isaiah 45 18 says god creates nothing that is in vain or destroyed in fact i want to read this for you real fast isaiah 45 18 you may want to just write it down but it's such an important portion of god's word that says verse 18 for thus saith the lord that created the heavens god himself that formed the earth and made it he hath established it he created it not in vain he didn't create it in vain while verse 2 says and the earth was without form and void and darkness upon the face of the deep here's this earth has no form it has no shape it's dark empty and totally this is the picture of a total mess in fact so uh deuteronomy 32 4 says what god does is always perfect isaiah 45 18 says the same thing ezekiel 3 11 same thing isaiah 18 30 says descending so scripture after scripture claims says clearly what god does is perfection now verse 2 is not perfection it says that the earth was now there's uh you know a big controversy on what those the what does the word was mean does the word was mean was or does it mean something else well the hebrew says because in in in the hebrew it says is another translation without form of void i believe not only because of these two verses but be because of uh job 9 jeremiah 4 isaiah 24 and 2nd peter and others that this has to do with a time a period of time unknown to us called the big gap here and i believe in this because for one reason when god created the heavens and the earth in the beginning there was perfection something had to happen to bring destruction because he didn't create it he didn't create it that way because isaiah 45 18 says no way absolutely the earth was not created in vain it says good in isaiah 45 18. so what happened then uh is quite simple this was when lucifer fell from heaven now let's just quickly uh look at verse 3 and on notice that the word let is used continually and god said let there be light uh and and on and on and verse six and god said let there be a firmament and and on and so as you go through verse uh verse by verse in the first chapter we said it would let let let let the word let is not a word of creation it's a word of permission so in fact genesis 1 1 is creation genesis 1 2 destruction genesis 1 3 and on restoration uh-huh okay yes yes genesis 1 1 creation genesis 1 2 destruction genesis 1 3 and on is the work of restoration not creation now as you look at it it says in verse 9 and god said let that let the waters under the heaven be gathered together into one place and let the dry land appear it means it was covered or flooded so the earth was destroyed between verse 1 and 2 of genesis because because lucifer fell in that period and he was kicked out of heaven onto the earth right now do you remember jesus said i saw satan fall as lightning from heaven well he fell to the earth but now he's in the second heaven right he is the atmosphere right he got back out there because adam gave him back that authority that he lost so he's now print to the power of the prince of the part of the of the air but then in revelation 12 michael the archangel will one day throw him from the second heaven to the earth yes yes yes so the picture is clear god through satan isaiah 14 we'll look at it in just a second from heaven to the earth then adam gave him back the dominion so he went back to the second heaven now in revelation 12 he'll be thrown again to the earth and then be of course bound ultimately into the lake of fire exactly yes now uh let's just quickly talk about the the first flood because there was two floods now notice that the the work of of genesis one is or restoration let there be light light comes and there's no sun yet because the sun was restored on day four this is only day one and then god says let there be a firmament or he restores the atmosphere uh and then it says god gathers the water under the heaven into one place verse nine the dry land appears which means the land was flooded a god caused the dry land earth and so on now the scripture says god almighty uh in verse seven let me just go back to verse seven um no no sorry sorry sorry let me just keep keep going i think it's been just just a little easier verse 14 and god said let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide day and night so god restores the sun restores the stars restores the moon verse 16 and god made notice now the word made is used rather than created god made two great lights not created made and the word here is the hebrew assad the word create is bara b-a-r-a in verse one in the beginning god created the hebrew says it means god in the beginning created the heavens and the earth and the word by the way heaven is heavens in hebrew not heaven there's more than one because the the hebrew says shamayim and shamim is heavens it's a plural word uh in verse 16 god made the word in hebrew is asa so any difference it's a different word and the word means to build or to restore it's the same word used in the creation of eve god made the woman he created the man but made made the woman and ladies please don't be offended by by this but god created the man male and female and then he took the woman out of the man and made her see but it was one act of creation and he called them adam he then the name of the woman was naive until after the fall her first name was adam genesis 4 genesis we'll turn to it uh genesis 5 uh verse 2 melon male and female this is 5 2 genesis 5 2 male and female created them and blessed them and called their name adam so all you ladies were called adam but you became eve or the or the first woman became eve excuse me because of a fall now but wait a minute god took the rib out of adam and created eve or made her right made her from right the man right from the the first being correct adam but she wasn't called eve till after the fall in fact paul uh let's look at verse 21 of genesis 2 and the lord god caused a deep sleep to fall upon adam and he slept and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof and the rib which the lord god had taken from man made again here's the word made or built is the hebrew in this case asa is the word he built he a woman and brought her unto the man and adam said this is now born of my bone flesh of my flesh and this was prophetic to do with christ because later in ephesians we find the church is born of his own flesh of his flesh now here's something most revealing the the the bride was born out of his side prophetically speaking of christ because on the cross came out of his side blood and water and the church was born god put the first man to sleep brought forth his bride and god put the second adam to sleep on the cross and brought forth well let's just keep going quickly now paul uh let's just go back to the fact that this was the work of restoration let's just quickly and this is really almost revealing part of god's word uh psalm 104 verse 5 through verse 9 says that the first flood which is the pre-adamic flood was rebuked god rebuked it to restore the heavens and the earth uh psalm 104 verse 7 at thy rebuke they fled at the voice of thy thunder they hasted away remember that the flood of noah was not rebuked the flood of noah it took time for it to and the water day by day would would would evaporate oh listen the way the living says you spoke at the sound of your shout the water collected into its vast ocean beds and mountains rose and valleys sank to the levels you decreed exactly now let me just quickly uh talk about something here that's really really powerful that will answer some questions dinosaurs uh uh the world that we know existed uh museums signs uh scientists have proven time and time again dinosaurs did exist in fact dinosaurs are mentioned in the book of job uh the name libya then deals with a dinosaur and on and on so god is not has not hidden the subject from humanity it's only those that don't know the bible that talk foolishly do you think the the were the dinosaurs before the destruction of yeah and i'll prove it to you genesis 2 yes sir dinosaurs existed before genesis 1 2. because what happened paul is when the earth was flooded you see and the sun was put out of operation when the earth was flooded it froze no sun no light okay uh job nine i showed you i just always thought maybe the dinosaurs were too big to get on the ark so he just left no it was a sudden destruction of the whole earth watch this uh job nine verse five now look at the difference at the at the at the at the clear-cut description of the first destruction of the earth because the second destruction destroyed man only not the earth the second the first destroyed the whole earth and its inhabitants yes yes which removeth the mountains verse 5 job 9 which removeth the mountains and they know not which overturneth them in his anger which shaketh the earth out of her place and the pillars that have tremble watch verse 7 which commandeth the sun and it riseth not and sealeth up the stars so there was a day when god commanded the sun not to shine and sealed up the stars now the earth is flooded genesis 1 and froze instantly because this was a sudden judgment in job 9 5. now verse 8 is restoration for it says which alone spreads out the heavens and threads upon the waves of the sea that's happened in genesis 1 where it says and the spirit of god comes brooding moving upon the face of the waters so what happened is genesis 1 1 god creates this magnificent earth for billions of years it existed this earth is not 6 thousand years old this earth is billions of years old and proven by science now the earth after billions of years lucifer its lord the angels a third of them uh ruled the earth with him the inhabitants of the earth were today's demons animals did exist known as dinosaurs now god destroys this earth because of lucifer's rebellion the sun the moon starts quit shining the earth gets flooded and freezes instantly killing all animals they found the at the big elephant in siberia with grass in its mouth yes i know right that's what happened now the spirit of god comes billions of years later moving upon the face of the ice okay and it melts and he begins the work of resurrection this pre-creation there were obviously animals but not human beings no there were there was a race let me show it to you turn to jeremiah 4 and isaiah 24 jeremiah 4 is powerful because in jeremiah 4 we find there were cities here yes sir before before adam before genesis 1 1. yes sir now let me just quickly uh you know state some of you may be shocked at this what did god say to adam he didn't say planish the earth he said replenish what did he say to noah replenish the word plenish means fill replenish refill so when god created adam he said replenish the earth read it it's in your bible means refill it well if if if he was to refill then there was a time it was full look at verse 23 jeremiah 4 i beheld the earth so he saw a vision and lo it was without form and void and the heavens and they had no light watch this paul this is a perfect description of genesis 1 2 almost word for word i beheld the mountains and no they they they trembled and all the hills moved lightly now watch this i beheld and there was no man and all the birds of the heavens were fled i beheld and lo the fruitful place which means there was one was a wilderness and all the cities there are were broken down at the presence of the lord and by his first anger for thus hath the lord said the whole land shall be desolate and watch this yet will i not make a full end in other words i'll restore it ah there's the whole answer to the mystery for this shall the earth mourn and the heavens above be black because i have spoken it i have purposed it and will not repent neither will i turn back from it god destroys it and says but this is not the end i'll restore it now look at isaiah 24. another incredible portion of god's word it's that he says fascinating people of god look at isaiah 24 god turns the earth upside down did you write that down now look at isaiah 1 24. behold i got to go fast because paul and jen got to fly out behold the earth be uh sorry behold the lord maketh the earth empty and maketh it waste now this is the same picture isaiah 24 1 same scripture or same description almost of genesis 1 2 right the lord makes the earth empty makes it waste now watch this and turneth it upside down that didn't happen after adam of course god and scattered abroad the what inhabitants thereof wait hold it whoa whoa whoa what inhabitants yes the earth since adam has not been turned upside down because if it would be you and i would be dead yes but the bible says the lord in anger turns it upside down and scatters all its inhabitants who are they today's demons okay the pre-adamic rays on the earth are the demons of today demons are by the there's millions of them out there who are they they're the prayer democracy what do they look like i'm glad you asked revelation have you seen one uh in the bible i have yes yes and i in fact uh have yes and i don't like them i don't want to see him again here we go revelation chapter nine verse seven they they're called locusts here and the shapes these these are demons that came out of the pit remember yes okay because this is one of the worlds they live in there there are five worlds below us paul five worlds underneath us i'll give them to you just a second i promise okay and the shapes of the locusts that came out of the pit because the star called here a star in verse one which was an angel release them this will happen after midway in the tribu in the tribulation and the shapes of the locusts were like onto horses prepared onto battle on their heads or as it were crowns like gold their faces was the faces of men they had hair like women teeth like lines they had breastplates of iron they had wings for it says and the sun of their wings was like the son of chariots and verse 10 and they had tales like scorpions now here's their description ladies and gentlemen they have the body of a horse the face of a man the hair of women teeth of lions breastplates wings and tails like scorpions they're ugly and may i tell you you saw them on star wars yeah yeah yeah hollywood has described them perfectly and their king is the prince of the bottom so satan is their king that's right now uh that's what they look like and that's who who lived on the earth they were not created in god's image or likeness we were but not they now there are five worlds below us write them down world number one that's found in deuteronomy 32 22. we call that hell job 21 13 says the wicked go down into she all in a moment so there's no visiting after death it's not in the bible nobody lingers around the bed job 21 13 for in a moment do they go down into destruction it says you know all this crazy stuff on television people die and they hang around the bedroom yeah it's not in the bible for saint or sinner ghosts are demons job 21 verse 13 the bible says they spend their days in wealth and in a moment go down to the grave the saints to be absent from the bodies to be present with the lord instantly there there is no hanging around to say bye to your loved ones or hang around them and make them feel your their your presence also it's not that's that's crazy stuff that's not in the bible and the wicked when they die are instantly in destruction and that place is called sheol uh it's also this described in isaiah 38 verse 10. write those down quickly because i'm i'm about to say goodbye uh the second place is called paradise luke 16 19 that's where the saints were before the cross yes uh remember matthew 27 51 jesus went into paradise and released the saints from paradise remember the rich man and lazarus huh lazarus was in paradise and the rich man was across the way with a great goal fixed between them which means she all is across the way from paradise and they could see each other and talk to each other but now there is no paradise hell has taken over isaiah says in fact hell hath enlarged itself which means para which means paradise is no longer there it's a part of hell today uh then there is the pit the pit is revelation nine that's the uh home of or the the dwelling place of demons do you remember in matthew 12 jesus cast out the demons the demons out of the uh demoniac and they say don't send us into the deep send us into those pigs they didn't want to go back there because it's it's it's it's the it's their abode and most demons are not on earth today most are in that pit they are released according to desire human desire pulls them out of the pit but in the day of the trip tribulation when when the saints go when the church is no longer on earth they'll all be released to torment humanity i'm glad i'll be gone by the way hallelujah but but uh you remember what they said to the lord they said they said don't send us there don't send us into the deep to send us into those those pigs here and and the reason is because the lord was about to send him into the pit where they came from so this is their abode still till today only frankly only a few are on earth and there's millions of them but the rest are are in the pit since the destruction of the world paul the prayer damic destruction god bound them the only one loose when adam was on earth was satan so what entity does actually inhabit human beings and we have to examine them yes but let me just say this to you when adam was created no demons were loose on earth only satan was but the moment adam gave up the authority gave it to satan and he became the power and he became the god of this world demons were released but they were only released according to human need for them see now during the day of the great tribulation they'll all be released to torment men and and the united states that had not known demon activity is now beginning to know it and experience it and those uh those uh uh people on television those uh yeah psychics are inviting more of them into the united states and many of these demons are flying from haiti in india and other parts of the world where there's much activity and they fly free on you know jumbo jets they they come with their homes and their homes are these people that that uh well anyways so uh the the fourth world is called tartarus in the bible and that's the prison of the angels who slept with women in genesis 6. that mixed breed of well you remember in in genesis 6 the sons of god slept with the daughters of man the sons of god are angels that's job 38 clearly it says when the sons of god sang and and in the hebrew word is elohim the sons of elohim not the sons of jehovah so whenever you read the word and you see the sons of god look up the hebrew word for god there and you'll know whether it's angels or man it's talking about so they were bad angels well no well first of all they they they are called sons of sons of elohim they are still yes they are still of course evil evil angels that did that they they came and yeah let me let me know how much time i have thank you 15 minutes i'll only go five more whatever as they came slept with women in genesis 6 produced giants god sent the flood of noah to destroy that race because the whole earth became a mixture of a of angelic and human except for noah noah was the only man found with the pure adamic seed still in him god sent the flood to destroy uh to destroy that mixture saved noah the only righteous man alive and of course through him came christ but now the interesting thing paul is the lord comes back when he came to earth it says in second peter he went to preach to the spirits in prison remember that okay now now there's a controversy or on on people thinking well he went to preach to humans and say and and said well i'm here now you can get saved wrong because man only gets one chance not two because after death comes judgment not grace because the scriptures are is clear so second peter 3 verse 5 through 8 says that he preached to the to the spirits and and these spirits are angels not men in fact men in the scriptures are never called spirits right they are called they did what they did to block his coming you see god said to god said to satan in the garden he's he said her seedle will destroy you and the devil came up with with a plane and said ah i'll block her seed from coming so he sent angels to mix the human seed with angelic to block the messiah for coming so he would not be destroyed god saved noah as the only man who carried the messianic seed and now the angels were imprisoned for their sin thinking the whole time they had won they had like the messiah so jesus comes back and says boys i'm here uh verse 4 for if god spared not the angels that sinned but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgment and spare not the old world but save noah the eighth person so here we see again that they are connected and of course this these you know scripture goes on to say and i'm running out of time really fast here that jesus preached to the spirits in prison well he didn't come to give people a second chance he came to proclaim to the angels that they lost the battle and he's here over a cup of coffee i want to talk about this tomorrow this is fascinating there's much more one question one question one question i know there's probably no answer to this but why did god send jesus to redeem and save us but not that first race there's no answer to that is there paul this will need another praise program if i get into this now whoa whoa whoa is there an answer to that yes there is an answer you also invite all i know is i'm glad you came to save us well paul let me i'll i'll i'll say just say one thing quickly they did hear the gospel and didn't believe it yes the gospel was preached before the cross that's a clue because abraham god preached the gospel to abraham when he said in thy seat will all the nations be blessed he preached him the gospel and he believed god but there's much more about this but listen i also have some things to say about angels i'm out of time but i'll be back amen
Channel: kansascitycomputers
Views: 232,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn (Author), Paul Crouch Sr., Jan Crouch, angels, demons, satan, lucifer
Id: boqNzaU3D20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 55sec (4675 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2014
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