Pastor Benny Hinn Teaching on Angels, Part 1

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hello and hello to all my wonderful partners and friends watching on social media I'm so glad we're together again today and I wanna welcome all of you and today I'm gonna talk about angels it's gonna be very very powerful so please go ahead and tell your friends that we're on and I want to give you time to come on so I can say hi to many of you hello to Ronnie and hello to min I look to Fred from the UK hello to Joel and hello to her jeet from India thank you all for coming on today I look to Yvonne from Canada and Kate god bless you and hello to Nighy from the UK and yonas all right he says he has some chest pains father in the name of Jesus touch him right now Lord and heal yonas for your glory amen and here's Esther and Robert and Jesse from Accra Ghana and nori and Kabbalah hello to Judy in hello to Angelo from Denmark and you nice Eunice from Ireland hello to Angela from Texas you're coming on from everyone I love it hello to Mike watching live from Ghana and Paul V from Nashville and ourself from California beautiful well again go ahead and share it with your friends that we are teaching today I'm teaching on angels and and the reason I am is because I really believe the Lord is going to visit us in a powerful way and I am talking about the church being visited what's happening on earth today the crisis the earth is going through I believe is creating a mighty hunger for the supernatural part of God and you know when when you look at history it's quite interesting light always follows deep darkness and revival and the move of God always comes after a period of great pain and great challenges in life like you you think about the day of Pentecost came after the oppression of Rome think about that the amazing move of God in Israel when they came out of Egypt after 400 years of slavery now God visits them with such power and we see that over and over in history that first you know people have some very troubling times and then God just shows up in a powerful way and that's what I believe is going to happen that's why I've been teaching on dreams and visions and kind of building your faith on that because I think sometimes you can you can preach yourself into a move of God literally and I think it's going to happen I have no doubt in my heart it's gonna happen these are challenging times there's no doubt and but what what is coming to the church and I want to say to the church not the world to the church it's gonna be an amazing move of the Holy Spirit in wood and with every move of the Holy Spirit the angelic the visitations of angels become you know more more and more often more frequent father in the name of Jesus I pray Lord that she will reveal much today to those with me on social media they will be blessed and learn much and be grounded in your word in Jesus mighty name and God's people said amen angels are mentioned almost through a hundred times on the Bible now before I I you know give you some details that I think are important about angels there are five different divisions of angels you have the seraphs the seraphim's of Isaiah six you have the share of beams of Ezekiel chapter one and other portions of Scripture then you have the living creatures of Revelation 4 then you have the ark angels revelation 12 and many more portions of God's Word then you have what I call common angels so the sheriff's their responsibility is declaring the glory of God and these sheriff's as we see in Scripture have six wings they have one face and the Bible says they cover themselves they cover their face and their feet and then they fly it says with with the other two wings now covering your face and your feet speaks of worship in the Bible flying always speaks of service in the Bible so here here we see how important worship is to the sheriff's to the sheriff's is be that the sheriff's understand the importance of worship it it has double the meaning double the force of of service and then you have the sheriff's now these sheriff's protect the glory of God and the sheriff's we see him in the Garden of Eden protecting the Tree of Life from from the first man Adam now unexplained that in just a moment they rained it's getting a little cold in here just a little touch okay these sheriff's amazingly have four wings each four phases each and for little hands under their wings now imagine a being with the face of a man and a lion the rights are off of their body and then you have you have an eagle and an ox on the left side of their body so here is an angel with four faces man lion Eagle ox and you've got this amazing revelation of the Lord and then these angels are covered with eyes and have four wings each and under each wing you have little hands and these angels are such mighty that the Bible declares they protected the Tree of Life and there's much I want to say about that in just a little bit and then we have the living creatures the living creatures of Revelation are a combination of Seraphim cherubim and their responsibilities in Scripture is to call for judgment they are the angels of judgment they are the ones who said to John come and see and the judgments fell on earth and then you have the ark angels of glory these are the warring angels then we have common angels now warring angels do have wings also but common angels do not and that's what combinations have been seen as young men and the Bible says many have seen angels unaware so let's begin by looking in the scripture about the sheriffs now I'm gonna give you a few pieces of information first I think are really really important first of all in Colossians 1:16 in Colossians 1:16 we and I'm gonna read this in fact from my phone so I'm going to go to my Bible on my phone I'm going to read Colossians chapter 1 and verse 16 which declares something very very beautiful I love this it says and by him were all things created that are in heaven that is by the Lord Jesus and that are in earth visible and invisible whether they be Thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him so we do see that angels all the angels all five divisions of angels were created by the Lord and also in Colossians 2 verse 16 here's what it says to us also noting this these are important scriptures to read let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink or in respect of an holiday or of the new moon or of the seven days which are a shadow of things to come but the bodies of Christ let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels so angels are not to be worshiped that is very clear in the Bible and they are organized as we saw in Colossians 1:16 in two principalities and powers and in Hebrews 12:22 it's it declares they are innumerable there are more in number than can be counted and they dwell in heaven and stand before God second Chronicles 18 verse 18 they do were garments by the way John 20 verse 12 and the common angels have the appearance of men that's acts 1:8 now I do want to begin dealing though with their divisions first and then we'll go on tomorrow with much more let's talk about let's talk about the seraphs of the book of Isaiah chapter 6 in the year this is verse 1 in the year that King Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and his train filled the temple above it above it stood the seraphim's each one had six wings with twain he covered his face with twain he covered his feet that means worship with twain he did fly and one cried to another and said holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory and the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried and the house was filled with smoke so here we see that these angels main responsibility is declaring the holiness declaring the glory of God now we don't know how many seraphim's are in heaven but the bible does say innumerable in numbers and I suppose there are innumerable numbers of serifs in glory and I think this is why Paul the Apostle when he went to heaven in 2nd Corinthians 12 he could not describe what he saw and now when we when we look at the sheriffs of glory this is most revealing the cherubims in ezekiel for example I want to read Ezekiel oh there's so much in the Word of God about cherubs oh so powerful but let's look at the Book of Ezekiel and I want to read first Ezekiel chapter 10 then we're gonna go to Ezekiel chapter 1 in Ezekiel chapter 10 it says then I looked and behold in the firmament that was above the head of the share beams there appeared over them as it were a safar stone as the appearance of the likeness of a throne so these amazing angels literally are not only around the throne but it says this behold in the firmament that was above the head of the shara beams that appeared over them as it were a sapphire stone as the appearance of the likeness of a throne they were under the throne of God they're so powerful protecting it and I what I would like to also read verse 21 very quickly and then go back to his equal one because I have a lot to say about these amazing angels and in in verse 21 of the same chapter here's what it says everyone had four faces apiece and everyone four wings and the likeness of the hands of a man was under their wings so powerful now let's go back let's go back to Ezekiel chapter one because as much about these amazing angels that we are going to behold in glory in the Bible now in the scriptures we begin Ezekiel 1 verse 4 and I looked and behold a whirlwind like a tornado came out of the north heaven is always in the north remember that is Mount Zion on the side of the north is the city of the Great King wrote David in the in the Psalms in a great cloud and a fire infolding itself and a brightness was about it and out of the midst thereof as the color of amber out of the midst of the fire imagine a tornado that went many many miles wide many many miles long and in that tornado he saw the glory of the Lord he saw a cloud a fire that was doing this I was going in circles probably at a fast speed and then he saw a brightness the glorious brightness alight inside a tornado and he says and out of the midst thereof was the color of amber golden color out of the midst of the fire also out of the midst thereof think about inside this tornado that was coming towards him out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures and this was their appearance they had the likeness of a man meaning the body of a man their feet were straight feet and the sole of their feet like the soul of a calf's foot and they sparkled like burnished brass he's talking about their feet sparkling like brass and they at the hands of a man under their wings on the four sides and they four had their faces and their wings their wings were joined one to another to think about that the wings of these sheriff's when he sawed him inside that tornado were connected one to another they turned not when they went in others the one to him they were coming straight they went every one straight forward as for the likeness of their faces they four had the face of a man the face of a lion on the right side and they four had the face of an ox and an eagle on the left side thus were their faces and their wings that's a most amazing sight and that wings worse stretched upward two wings of everyone were joined one to another so their wings were joined were upward their upper wings were up like this and they were joined to the other share it on the other side and with two wings they cover their bodies and they went everyone straight forward with where the spirit or whether the spirit washed to go they went and they turned not when they went as for the likeness of the living creatures that appearance now watch this when you looked at them their appearance was like burning coals of fire and like the appearance of lamps it went up and down among the living creatures like lightning almost going up and down inside a tornado and the far was bright and out of the fire went forth lightning can you imagine a most remarkable tornado very wide possibly a few miles long long and white and in said and inside that tornado he saw the glory of God like smoke fire golden colors and out of it he sees these living creatures as he calls them his angels he sees lightning going up and down and flashing out of the tornado incredible beauty and the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of lightning they were moving with high speed now there's something here that many Christians don't understand he says as I beheld the living creatures behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures with his four faces he saw creatures that looked like winged alike wheels wheels within wheels later we will see more about that I'm not ready to teach on this it's just the most remarkable creature that we know very little about in heaven the appearance of the wheels and that work was like unto the color of a barrel they for had one likeness their appearance that her work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel can you imagine connected to these sheriff's were these wheels of glory that also had faces within them and covered with eyes now that is something so deep in the spirit I just wish turns already to even understand this one and I think that's why when we get to heaven we're gonna understand way more about the angelic than we do today now the the the responsibility of the sheriff's is to protect the glory and that's why God sent sheriff's to protect the Tree of Life and here's why I I hope this is not gonna get too deep for some of you if you want me to go a little deep well I'm ready to I don't know if I really should but should I share okay try to say in there saying yes when God created Adam he made a covenant with him and every Covenant number one in every covenant there are promises in every covenant there are conditions in every covenant there is a token and the blood is shed the token of the Covenant of with with Adam was the Tree of Life had he eaten of the tree of life he would have lived forever now think about this had he eaten of the tree of life before the fall he would have lived forever and sowe're of all his descendants all of humanity but he failed he fell into sin and had he eaten of the tree of life he would have lived for forever as a sinner means no Redemption possible at all to humanity God protected our redemption by sending the Sherriff's to protect the Tree of Life so Adam would not eat of the Tree of Life in a sinful state to protect you and I that we would be saved one day we would be redeemed one day that is staggering that Cheryl involved in protecting the Saints in protecting the work of the gospel in protecting the work of redemption magnificent now these sheriff's also are always there near the throne the only angel that had two offices was Lucifer Lucifer was an archangel initially at the same time that's why he had the highest position at one time in glory that's why his name Lucifer meant light holder can you imagine that and God gave him this planet earth to rule over and he corrupted his position according to the Book of Ezekiel and Isaiah both talked about that see I believe that between verse 1 and verse 2 of Genesis is a mighty gap of billions of years because it says in Genesis 1:1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and according to Isaiah that when God created the heavens and earth it was perfection God doesn't create a mess he look at verse 2 it's chaos and the earth was without form and void and darkness upon the face of the deep so you go from perfection to destruction what happened in between the fall of Lucifer that's what happening between and that's why in in the book of Genesis chapter 1 verse from verse 3 on we see that work of restoration not creation because God says let there be light what the world leatherby is not a an act of creation but permission or restoration so this is very important that you understand that that the sheriff's were very involved in the protection of our salvation and sheriffs are so powerful that they are right there surrounding the glory of God and protecting the glory of God and one time one of them was the one we know today as Satan amazing I'm not going to talk about that today maybe some other time I'll teach on the pre-adamic race now remember something angels are not demons and demons are not angels so one-third of the Angels fell with Lucifer and today these very wicked angels of the principalities and the authorities mentioned in the book of Ephesians we'll talk about that some other time for the Bible makes it very clear we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers in heavenly places demons are disembodied spirits of a pre-adamic time in a pre demek age so when when Eve was tempted the the the enemy was already the devil demons world were already present that's a massive subject will not get into right now but I wanted to know angels are not demons and demons are not angels because angels never looked for barrage to inhabit while demons always do including animals remember the story in the Bible are they said to the Lord that is going to those into that herd of swine so very interesting but sheriff's are angels that protect the glory of God that's why the subject is so vast I have to take my time I can't rush the 3rd division of angels are living creatures and the living creatures are mentioned in Revelation 4 6 to 9 these are familiar to the sheriffs except that they only have one head they're full of eyes before and behind and they're also like the seraphim's in that they have six wings and one living creature has the face of a lion one has the face of a calf one has the face of a man one flying eagle that's the ones that John saw now I don't believe there's only four living creatures in all of heaven I think there's way more than that but he saw four of them around the throne and these are angels of judgment and we see them in Revelation 5 singing and worshipping God with the Saints it's wonderful and they're involved in all judgments revelation 15 7 talks about that now I'm gonna come through that because I want to get to the common angels that we need to know more about because as the common angels that deal with us not the sheriff's not the sheriff's not the living creatures these these these angels have never been on earth from what we know they've they they were seen by visions like Ezekiel's and so on but to our knowledge we don't know that they've ever came and spoke to humanity or to men except when they came to earth be right after the fall to protect the tree of life inside the Garden of Eden now let's talk about the ark angels the ark angels and that by the way I want to read in Thessalonians 4:16 remember the ark angels are the ones who will announce the coming of the Lord because it declares in first Thessalonians that we're going to see that very soon I believe that with all of my heart I have no doubt that the coming of the of the Lord not only is imminent but it's very very near and so it declares in this wonderful portion verse 16 take heed let me I'm so sorry I went to force Timothy and I'm supposed to go to 1st Thessalonians thank you very much okay so in 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 16 I'm using my phone today that's why sometimes you punch the wrong button for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first we see here that the Archangels these angels of war will will be involved in the second coming and the resurrection now the word archangel means chief angels so this suggests that they are higher than all the other angels they have amazing positions and authority for the word Ark means chief chief angel and Michael it's called the Great Prince meaning he's the head of all the angelic hosts in glory in Revelation he spoken of as the commander of the angels of God who will fight against the devil and his angels hallelujah and cast them to the earth in Revelation 12 so arc angels these are angels of war now we know of only really three of them there possibly are many more than three but we know of Michael of Gabriel and one time Lucifer who's no longer in position and I can say other things now but it's not the time to talk about what what what happened to him when he tempted man because he stole the position of Adam remember that now I want to talk about very quickly oh this there's so much about this my goodness just one I want to begin talking about angels common angels common angels are called in Daniel 4:13 watchers Watchers in Psalm 89 six sons of the mighty now these are the angels that are involved in the church because it declares in scriptures are they not spirits sent for the heirs of salvation so they are not sent to they're sent for in other words they don't come to minister to us they come to assist us Psalm 82 verse 1 they are called the congregation of the mighty in Psalm 103 21 the hosts of the Lord that are called the Lord's house and here in 1st Timothy 5:21 that called the elect angels now angels are innumerable and I'm just giving you the scriptures now because there's so much information I'm gonna give you tomorrow so these amazing Angels I wanna I want to deal with that a little more tomorrow on what they do for you what their responsibilities are but never forget the sheriffs declare the glory the sheriffs protect the glory the living creatures angels of judgment and then the ark angels angels of war battle hallelujah hallelujah and messenger angels like for example Gabriel but Gabriel - the Bible declares is a warning amazing angel because he was warring with the Prince of Persia and Greece if you remember when he came to Daniel they are victorious one of these days the church will join them in defeating Satan once and for all in Revelation 12:11 they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony do you realize that when that war breaks out in glory or I should say in the heavenlies that we the church would be declaring the power of the blood that will bring about the defeat of those wicked forces in the heavenlies once and for all and they will fall to the earth so there's much to do still much for us as believers to do in in in our responsibilities with the angelic but the Angels the angels of glory the elect angels are mentioned almost 300 times in the and they have an amazing nature I want to close with that today they're an amazing nature do you know that they are very patient according to the Bible and I'm gonna go through that tomorrow so I'm gonna give you just Luke bits and pieces they are very patient they're also very meek angels angels are extremely meat angels are very joyful very happy you'll never find a sad angel never angels never ever have a have a bad day ever they're always rejoicing they are rejoiced when God created the earth they rejoice everyone someone is born again and they are obedient they are limited in knowledge and extremely mighty now I'm gonna go through that tomorrow and I've got so much more to talk to you about and they are able listen now this is the last thing I want to say about them they are able to materialize and look exactly like human beings well you cannot tell that they are angelic forces I want to I want to stop with that because there's so much about angels materializing looking like flesh and blood literally flesh and bone I should say that they come and they they look no different than human beings that is in the scriptures and they can eat food just like you and I because they ate with the Saints in the Old Testament and they can cook too we'll talk about all that are more beginning tomorrow so don't miss it and many of you have seen angels unaware I have I know I have I remember very vividly the one time in Canada we were went to a church to listen to a minister preach the gospel about two and a half hours outside Toronto and this was in the 70s when many angels were appealing to people everywhere and right in the open fields an old man was hitchhiking and we were in a little Volkswagen packed in there us young people have been coming driving back from a church service in the afternoon when a beautiful bright sunny afternoon day nothing around but corn fields everywhere corn fields not a building in sight not a nothing in sight but an old man hitchhiking were the most beautiful appearance not a wrinkle on his face full white hair like silver the countenance of that man I can still see in my when I close my eyes a smile so sweet on his face and we stopped and he said can you give me a ride and the fellow was driving him Bob Cadman said well we can't because the car was full and we went on not knowing what to really suit so do we were all mesmerised and a girl named Michelle said why don't we go back quickly even though right and two of us will gladly stay behind while you Bob give him the ride and come back to pick us up and I was one of the volunteers that said I'll gladly stay too we made the u-turn not even not even goodness gracious not even a minute later we made the u-turn and he was gone the highway was completely empty not a car anywhere not a human being walking anywhere farmlands only and cornfields first of all we were all amazed what is he doing there where did he come from now when we turned he is gone all of us kids got out of the car looking for him with a maybe fell between the corn they had happened to him nowhere to be found and all of us were just stunned and said did you see his face did you look at his eyes and the way he looked at us and the smile on that man's face ah I don't forget that now never forget when I was in Canada when the Lord visited my life in the seventies angels would shop in my bedroom every night I saw tall angels arse I saw some that looked like little children that's what happened I want to pray with you that the Lord and I just wanted to give you the foundation about the five divisions and then tomorrow begin to really deal with the good stuff that you really want to know about angels that most likely have been to your home without you knowing and I think you will be visited by angels soon you will see that happen wonderful Lord I give you praise for your word I pray Lord your bless your people with a mighty move of the Holy Spirit soon Lord in their life may each one of them be greatly blessed by this teaching in Jesus wonderful name and God's people said a man in amen I want to minister to you right now I want to pray that God will touch you and bless you with this blessed healing virtue that the Lord will just minister its grace to your life right now and I am going to go to one of my favorite albums here that's so many beautiful worship music that I have o Fairless Lord Jesus how I love this beautiful here those of you in need of a touch from God just stretch your hands towards me as I'm stretching my hands towards you dear Lord touch of people I crave bring healing and strength restoration recovery in Jesus Martinez yes Lord your strength today your strength our great strength and healing voice I rebuke sickness palliative disease infirmity in Jesus name I give you the plan I see somebody with a growth right here on the right side of your jaw the goddess healings they slaughter heart normal is the high blood pressures in asthma I rebuke it in Jesus name and Lord protects your people from this plague today protect your people from this virus today if there's animal Lord who's watching who's tested positives there's nothing impossible with your Lord heal them I place they call upon your name I rebuke that spirit I rebuke that in the name of Jesus the command that to go now in the name of Jesus the Son of God and I apply the blood of Jesus on everyone watching and listening in Jesus name God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think that virus cannot touch and if it has we rebuke it in the name of Jesus be healed be made whole in Jesus name thank you lord thank you lord now People of God I have no doubt this will soon be over this plague would be a thing of the past very soon I know it in my being we we may see it if from world after that the world may never be the same again I don't think it will be public gatherings may not be allowed as we've known them maybe some limited gatherings maybe gatherings with some new rules that could have happened yes all I can tell you is it's a sign of things to come and Jesus I believe the Lord is sending this as a wake-up call and to show human beings that they're not they are nothing but men there's only one God able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or even think and the church the true church is going to come alive like never before unity is coming to the body of Christ like we've never known it persecution will come absolutely many will fall away absolutely but the true remnant is going to be stronger than ever more unified and united with the glory of God on us and they are the ones who gonna the true church will be the one to declare the gospel with power to the world so this is the time to be strong and this is the time to support the kingdom financially to give to the Lord like never before to protect our future listen I believe this is an amazing divine opportunity to show our love and faith to prove to God that we really believe his world for he said prove me to prove to God that we believe his promises this is the time to sow seed in the kingdom of God this is not the time to hold back from the Lord because see its protection for tomorrow and I'm saying this to you over and over Ecclesiastes 11 verse to increase your seat to protect your future give to protect your future because worse things are coming than this possibly economies will collapse in the future I don't see coming yet but I think in the future yes it will but only givers will survive the future only givers will be blessed with abundance tomorrow not only today but tomorrow for he has promised I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread and miracles are gonna happen in your homes in your very kitchens miracles will happen you watch this I'm telling you it's gonna happen no doubt in my heart never we're coming into an amazing season of amazing power god bless you and thank you by the way many of you responded to my invitation to join round zoom oh I've had hundreds of you say yes you want to do it because I've been thinking about doing a weekly live meeting with you you and ministry you in ministry on soom and a lot of you are sending me an email so if you want to join us let me know so we can let you know and I'm planning I'm planning on doing it next Monday God willing next Monday today is Tuesday next Monday and we'll let you know those of you that have sent when hundreds of you have your emails I don't know if we can do you all at the same time but we'll have to do it in parts all right love you much and have a blessed blessed day and Shalom and tomorrow I'm gonna continue angels bye-bye you
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 67,181
Rating: 4.8905048 out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, bible teaching, bible study, ministry, World Healing Center Church
Id: EfNjweQjP1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 24sec (2964 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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