Benefits of the Moringa plant

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[Music] and welcome back we are getting into a third segment area the final segment it's definitely something you want to stick around with the health benefits of Moringa we've got the Moringa plant right here as well but Inverness is none other than Cornelia Mar field who was a natural food health advocate and none other than Paul Morgan Moringa advocate and also enterpreneur guys good morning and welcome well are you saying that you know if there's there's always some new product that comes around that is supposed to do a whole lot of things for your health and at this time it is the Moringa but Cornelia one of the things I guess you can tell the lesions is this has been around for a long time and then believes as well yes yes when I remember coming back from studies in 2008 and when I reach literally land in Belmopan I bump into my good friend here Paul Morgan he was all excited telling me about this morning a tree you know when I was studying the cyst in my food and nutrition class we knew it as ma long gay okay yeah and we it was a Filipino teacher that taught me about these different super foods but as I began to because oh yes Moringa that's another name for it and he told me there were like ten thousand seeds that they had brought to a project with dr. Bennett and there is this belief Michigan partner program that they are done and I said Wow well I gotta get some seeds when I learned at the 4-h day how'd I do it that was doing this project and they were distributing all is healing so I got ten personally and I grew some right in my backyard is amazing over these past ten years those trees are still generous I got them I use them I cut them I use them it's amazing and you know pause maybe you can talk about that abatement the health benefits were known for so long that the forage in fact where I can remember getting up not from forage from my mom and that we hold on the girl so now when I test when I hear people talking about merengue I said but we didn't yeah yeah yeah it has been a plant that has been burning believed actually the East Indians of Toledo brought that plant here many many many years ago and so in Toledo we have quite a bitter Moringa plant full Moringa trees from I always discovered it again when forage began to promote it yes and I started to use it myself and then I extended it to my family and and then finally I saw that it had a good business potential encourage people in Burma Punto plan Viva we are whole lot of trees and I guess I took it to a different level a business level and we produce products here that you see holder and the tablet yeah which I could discuss a little later well I went through all that background because I think it's important to know people always think we're jumping on on trends and in some cases we are but this is something we were ahead of the game with and it's just becoming more in more demand at this point right have you seen of recently where people are demanding the products more so than any other time oh yes I think people are beginning to appreciate this product a lot more no less we continue on with the Moringa what are the uses for Moringa why why do we use what are the benefits of Moringa okay well there's you want me to tell you what are not the benefiting what are the cure all plant but certainly it has this limitation but one thing I can tell you for me personally leading over the Diabetes Association it has done justice to many of the diabetics in health law in a glycemic index it has that potential it has certain chemicals natural chemicals in it that help to bring down the sugar level so we use it a lot with our diabetics it's good for hypertension um it's it has in antioxidants which are chemicals that help to fight cancer so it has about 46 no.1 antioxidants in well it also has in all the essential amino acids which are the building blocks of protein and let's make this month's outstanding you notice we have the drumstick which looks quite like you most and this is going this this is said this load any protein what they leave it also has in protein which is unique it concern are the species oleifera which is a legume most plant and it's one of the rare species of legume most one that actually has the protein in the leaves and all the nine essential amino acids that our body needs also we find that it has or how amino acid is believed to have about 18 amino acids in it so we know that this plant is fully loaded it has in vitamins it's loaded with vitamin E having more vitamin E grams of lambda you may find in currants Wow more vitamin C grams the grammar is phone in any citrus plant Wow yes and it also is loaded with other things like potassium housing more calcium than you find in milk so the more research the more pharmacologist and the more research are doing doing their research on it the more researchers are doing that is they are finding that this is a superfood it's an amazing time hint they call it the miracle tree miracle treat actually the tree of life we are growing in some tropical areas where things are not too probably well with families this tree is actually one of those that it's actually a gift I know how to say something I wanna ask one question difference between this and this this is the beginning of the class so this is the plan when the plant mature it will flower like our plans and then eventually it begins to drop what we call the drumstick and he struck the pods this one is dried sometimes it remains on the tree and he can get dry like in this case but normally it's in this form green and some like me and father were discussing yesterday I told him a Hindu guy came by our bakery and he he was looking for thus the green he says in India they use this as a delicate today we call it when it's young chop it up and toss it down and it makes like okra yeah are you my son is loaded to both the trial and this is right and then so what we do myself and Paul that are into the harvesting and planting we get the leads and there's a number of thing in this release hub benek oil yeah right and then oil that they can crush and they can use to get the oil from it but it's also I know a World Health Organization had a project for many years in Africa where they use the sea for water purification it has the ability to purify water so it's very very stunning maybe I will have one are you guys have a and you have some water I want you to I'm getting a bit of it I want you to tell me what you kiss a few because it's a bit the white shoe yes yeah chew it first and then we'll drink some water behind and you will see what I'm talking about in terms of potency it has been an amount of energy sweetening it has in potassium color and papaya pollen or some of this snow behind it and certainly what you teach it's just an amazingly even in disease yeah all right there's a sweeter straight on humming on so that's the energy from this CD not serious life and so just to ensure you hope Compaq on how portentous it is enough speed is what goes into this plant and so everything is coming from now see that farms that plan so this came from the seed everything and every conceivable flat part of the plant is good believes the flowers the drumstick I mean you can use it in many form with like myself and follow me do we make tea balls you mix tablet we have powder I even make a Moringa bread of our baked reading and you can do many other things with it I mean what are some amazing and also how easy it is to grow you could just get a paper stamp was very very easy from the stem or from the seed super easy to grow you stick those seeds at this point put it in the soil water it within two weeks you have a plant clothing already four or five inches oh my god hardly any care yeah it does not die actually you could it was very very very blond it does so I work well in our climate and with the rains that we have as well god bless coastal wonderful climate wonderful thing I was amazed by Owens of placencia couple months ago and I saw I'm wearing a Cheetos flourishing a pink eye the huge tree about 10 feet high I'm not exaggerating is huge and the thing is marina the more you cut it the more it grows it just amazing and I'm so out there and have a friend who is from harvesting it to any service out there sodium the tourists and it's a big buyer I know dr. oz anomalies leading TV shows are promoting more anger right now and the tea is a big thing in the Philippines as a to go to mostly supermarket so they are bringing it about some over the eastern part of the world but we are happy that we are probably coming here right here in front of organically grown so that's what I wanted to get into because you guys have been able to put together products from Moringa tablets and TEM brain what goes into the tablet yes Republic is fortified if you if you take a look at the tablet it is fortified it is 95 percent moving the powder okay you see the powder and we're going out yeah you have powder also this is the public and the lesson out of it no I have the powder and cavity and photo on top it's awfully good yeah it starts with the top with the powder 95 percent powder and I have to tell you that I can give you the whole formula because then you and I joke I joke around I say listen if I give you the formula I'll have to kill you so then I fortified with all natural ingredients that you can get right here in the market yeah right right here in the market it's here and we could we could deliver it the tablet but the tablets is very very well fortified along with all the other antioxidants protein vitamins and minerals this thing has in iodine iodine come from seeping from progress so you know that we have to involve this aversion right here near actually see all right through the tablet is made from the powder okay all right I don't have to pee and we have the comparability let me say something about it just there because iodine is the the major constituent for the thyroid right allows metabolism to be enhanced in the body face of wood with last product - oh wow so I need to put that show that in because Moringa by itself is antiseptic and antibiotic which means that you will go and it will kill any foreign foreigner in our body whether it be bacterial viral whatever microbes but it also has the ability to clean the cells which is critical so I will see more like I said the last time it's like a wd-40 I go directly and at work that is why diabetics benefit from it because the major issue with diabetics is at the cellular level where they cannot get the sugar into the cell because it's clogged with all of these toxins and fights so Mourinho goes in and do the dirty job he cleans out the surgeon that enhances that process of getting sugar metabolize at the cellular level so under the enough focus you lose with once your metabolism is high you head your body is working you have a set up here you're going to be making some yeah again like I said the last time ona was an issue I hope you guys I got the bug that I left what's with this we use the lemon grass or like we know that Eva Braga shall mix here right removing that lime leaf with lemongrass and Laurita now I'm this so good I love though lemongrass and it gives a nice flavor and this is another good weight loss drink I use this a lot with my clients for we at lost and you do one in the morning one in the evening I just want to say though that lemongrass is what we call see the ruffles Pass is very common let me see a lemongrass that's what we're talking about you know it right we're making it I'll make a fetal grass mowing the tea for you here is my fever was all right say I feel better just smelling that nose here is my Moringa powder all right yeah open that and because there are only four of us I will only use I do are you two so you don't use a lot no no this important yeah I love spoon is there a mediator to serve in sir one cord is okay okay and you don't have to mix it with water you can add it to your food yeah yeah yeah okay with in Turkey I did a whole two weeks of Facebook thing on mooring or what you can do on the screen later yeah we're going to make people make tortilla I mean you can put it in your soup go along your seasoning you can do virtually anything to put in there right hey guys your support it should compose don't get that fixed up for you but so that is essentially what is it must be fast is that what you've made here and yeah what is the color Vincentelli yeah the idea like we said is to drink it you could do it as an iced tea - what melee most people like it nice and warm I have clients I do not even have any kind of sweeteners to it basically they just drink it like that but some people might wanna add maybe a little brown sugar or we have stevia which we'll talk about in a you do behavior is what I recommend for most diabetics yeah before we move into what are some of the other uses for powder that you can you can use them for externally you can also use the powders I have used order and also really cheap okay because again I said its antiseptic we normally can mix it along with flaxseed and I make a poultice I put it in like a piece of paper tissue and I applied externally Rush's it's very good for that but I also use it for boosting the immune system I even use it with each patient because whose's the immune system alter and so it's excellent I use it for cancer patients are usually with diabetics I use it with hypertensive patients the model I hope if you suffer from hypertension which means is how you have a low blood pressure I would be careful not to use a lot of cuz it into bringing everyone quickly uh-huh what am mainly - I use it with athletes for energy ok and even for with lifters because it helps the amino acids that are necessary alanine and valine and tryptophan analogies other necessary amino acid that creates the billing osmosis actually smell the aroma right now with the introduction of the the new plant ok leader Siva actually see there is merely a sweetener natural sweetener without a mechanic energy in other words people with diabetes who would not like to eat sugar honey yeah could use a few leaves of this if I wanted to sweeten this video for the I'll take a few leaves of that and put for the Dylan immunity it's naturally sweet you could taste it I mean you could just pick up piece of the leaf because it's extremely sweet yeah okay no that is more people know this stevia product because this is the plan yes very good plan you could use that leaf and it is extremely seen yeah I have the biggest we to to everybody this is it a green case in the end but the first days you get insurance I like I was saying initially this is what we used to use it or diabetic patient when I was working in this case at the hospital like self-centered a virtually don't take any kind of harm sweetness because oxygen and a number of these other sweeteners like splendors they have their place anytime but they also are chemical eyes and exercise and they would come with their own sided big so this is a natural sweetener number one I would recommend a long maybe with only for diabetes how do you a little sweet story yes actually you could dry just an order it and mix it with any see you can make breads with it like like pour a bun and we grow it anywhere in the lease that's the trick now that plant has been climate eyes in believe many have tried food is fun but only few have been successful my group has been successful in growing this plant acclimatizing it as you notice right now it's about bearing it yeah it's slowing so um we have a we have been able to do it so this is the spigot you can a little bit stevia and this bright green flower the working class the Moringa you could see the difference there's a beautiful mix yeah alright mmm-hmm so you are selling not easily we're selling feelings if and the best way to be able to extract the sweetness from it is to dry it make a powder myth you could make a powder or use it green okay go slow sorry how you do that with the key here with the Moringa I I just because as I kept these people buy them I had a guy come in and buy twenty plant one liqui and we said it's very very reasonable fertilize each footage Moringa they see there's a little bit more twenty dollars another for uniqueness what it was people are buying out more Anasazi kept seeds people come and I would love the see every home have a marina nothing that is what I let's get down to the the trick in terms of how to grow the stevia also we buy the plan when you find a fan what's the best way to cultivate okay by stand at this point in time when it's grown and we hand the plant yield then you could do it by stem and it actually spreads you just keep putting soil around the root it goes right near the hole um and you put unser around the stem it will begin to spread but this field also good it's very difficult to grow it by seed however we need a little bit more research so see if these seems that this that we have acclimatize the plant that we have our climate eyes will readily in believe and actually there is nobody a wrong belief that has ever been successful in growing it again really and also its person congratulations it has been done with other problems before in Belize but it is a process to be able to get a plant that it's not custom for climate or is trial right um so you could get the seedling will die because it's too hot for you wet or whatever um so now you have these seedlings available viewable you um and you're saying that people can be able to grow at home yeah yes yeah without any kind of special technical person okay well look that's actually good news yeah Rinda is available stevia is available how do people contact you guys if they want either one of the time okay we have our on the on the Moringa we have a telephone number on our website on my field house we have our numbers on we we can give our number six point I my number is 625 42:30 I know and my number is 6 or 55 tonight and we leave it at all a health food store so you will find it on cuantos here it was all the health store and the boulevard American deliver I mean we leave all the products along with some mean capsules that I do too and we leave it in them open health food store unconscionable health food store I I have a friend that is doing Moringa off not so we had tried enough to so compete with her and what she's doing there together right but why try to get it he has a lot done so I take it occasionally the placenta and particularly I had it at the joke store there and I probably need to replenish because it do so quickly as people learn it benefiting a pitiful but mainly as a health food store and sell it at all between them open to no speaking and a bakery would you say this is the first for the world in terms of a more ring up bread doing stores it's a it's a this was an experiment and I'm trying to be a very good photo and I will leave that one with you put there damn it did you learn how much to put in there like how do you when you experiment like I say was an experiment because you don't want it to be so green that you turned off people are they have to really acquire it people because it's nice and queasy and people iconic elite core nutrition I am when I finish from here I am going to go into a whole presentation to a group of teacher on eating for nutrition at any moment and so you can only eat 40 yeah sorry it's gross I just want to show the bread I want to do it how great it is so when people are eating something I need to know the nutritional value of it that's our and this is very very very nice a nice green this I have a pretty solid bridge what it just looks like a dark wheat bread bullying of you if they want to fool their kids and giving do it you can toss it and put whatever you want in there I have a friend who likes it with avocado it's outstanding and so are we a week mooring library with marina bridge help right there yes he is reading the lemongrass or what a year but I'm feeling better already maybe two fewer health you know this is actually for this tumor - we haven't spoken and pylori by the way I are always very good minimally and there is a research I've been going on for the last 15 years I think it's um it's John Hopkins University started this research and they're showing that Moringa is one of the best to fight pylori bacteria my little Pacific - right pylori Wow drinking that tea every day you will have a good digestive system I can assure you well I have to inject that they are mighty God puts the plants where he needs it most that's right immunity the Moringa is very specific so clearly it's pylori and its pylori it good in traffic and each Baloo is dominant in each other so that is why they are not a god have each mile order to the Indian agent oh I have someone problems about them and they don't know that they're battling is pylori yeah I think Marlene is waiting for that I told you I love you Greg what I like to do is to show the camera the color of Mesquite okay we're not watching it rule don't worry yeah the color of misty not so nice and lovely oh yeah and you know I'm really happy that you showed us how to do it because people oftentimes get leaves and they don't know how to Charlie and you just use a circulator yeah the one perkily tell you what's your morning here put your fever Greymon grass and you want to watch yeah before your yeah and what I've been trying to do is push this in assets and other people have coffee in the office yeah good is a good substitute here some people even mix it with coffee but I via receiver could go directly in if you want to sweeten it with fever you could put about five leaves or so just pick about five years I'm not going up with sweeten the tea of course you don't have to and if I really like yeah yeah yeah it's enough to soak in there a little bit anybody else okay yeah all right good okay actually we should have been if you guys love sweet really yeah yeah thank you and many yeah and the oh my goodness yeah it takes me back to my days growing up in you know it was always Eva Grubb yeah it was always a lemon lemon breath yeah what a next thing I wanted to see why we are so everything and drinking the tea but you know I consider Moringa to also be a superfood yeah with all the nutrients and I believe it is something that everybody should try to keep in their home in abundance because when we dry this could let be here for two years even a tablet but there are a lot of people concern about food prices in the future and what would happen if we have some serious disaster or you know we have some issues with both and what I think I tell people will keep the food preserve you know in a time of fear and Egypt that all ancient story sure that when a famine was coming the way they survived it they preserve the food and I would like to chew at all to the public the car we have a lot of moring and if we could store the leaves and dried into powder and have it in abundance if everyone would have a bucket of boring or evil Ricky let me get specific yes I see you can make year with you and this one cup of tea can give you energy he'll meet this Wow yeah you will see energy remember energy I'm not talking about the filling become water with it - full belly here then you always mad at each other for energy and if you could and it's a cleanser - it's a detoxifier but if you would be able to drink a cup of morning that the first thing in the morning you boost your energy what is it I'm watching something very cool happen in my cup so when the leaves are in the tea itself against Ike a brighter green yes or yes right I wish I could show them inside my cup so one leaf didn't get completely open so it's that dark and the rest are burnt bright green because I mean the sugars that the sweetness is really so yes my right we should I'll put it in there put it in what is actually getting there yeah actually getting deer high penalty yeah this is good cake yeah like I said most of my clients they do they prefer not to use sweetening was like if you how sweet sweet tooth like oq x devalue pune honey and brown sugar you don't mention though that it's best to have a cup of tea when you wake up in the morning and this would be perfect there are a lot of foods for health reasons it would do the apple cider vinegar along with honey would you say preferably yes what we get with this way yeah yeah yeah it's an alternative and it has proven to help with weight loss and boosts energy and who don't want them yeah absolutely so we talked about your phone number obviously you said that you have some of your products available in stores at this time palm people will definitely be contacting you about that maybe are people in cities are trying their best to maintain their diabetes in blood sugar levels diabetics and that can be a great help to them this is the moring the bread is at your bakery in Belmopan yes okay so all of these things made locally and you can be able to access them we do encourage you to contact the numbers that they mentioned before to find out where you can find the product in terms of the stairs area two two one nine seven six that's a landline or six to five 4-2-3-1 remember and there's a 605 it was three five to nine call any of those numbers final you can get the product and jump on the Moringa bandwagon if you have it and yet your deviousness your Moringa plant your Moringa tablet you meringue the protocol read and my new personal favorite yeah we're in the diva grass bringing my club limbering everybody knows is that all right I'll do you didn't mention though that it would be best for every family to have a plant in there a Moringa plant in your in their yard what up what about the space that it takes up doesn't need a lot of space is it a big tree at all you can control a tree I have one right if you go to my vehicle right now I have a tree right it is amazing I cut up a stem on a dig put it there and I try to manage it so I let the public who might want to ticklish get what I manage it and and I don't you put them icky about five foot squared yeah for more energy maintain in your live it to grow oh it of control you know like you will have a program you will go while in here but if you can keep it in check I cut off it almost every month and everything check and I maintain the Mortimer give this amazing it is an amazing time and something that would be useful for the public though is to know that Moringa powder can be mixed with anything including coffee so if you want to get off coffee over over a period of time just begin to mix we're not going to happen it's no good I appreciate you stopping in and you know we have been saying this long before and I guess I just want people to know that you know not everything is imported the idea of using Moringa as a health food it's not an important idea that we've been doing it and believed for a long time and these products are available to all of us here and they can always call up you guys for some additional advice as to what to do with their maringá right here in Belize oh yeah so much for inviting us and talking about this tree we have not even exhaust the top of this there's more scientific research and what is doing what you know I think people are convinced by the husband and you're right I see imported wearing the tablet that the important wearing the powder and an inherent agent ability I have a guy from Jamaica said Mia I think that the one guy he had ball head and he says going back and he thank you thank you Paul I am take a rate going to come back so we'll have a wrap-up so thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Channel 5 Belize
Views: 173,303
Rating: 4.7744422 out of 5
Id: dX40VXVn5u4
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Length: 33min 9sec (1989 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2017
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