Best Way to Eat Moringa is to Drink It - How to Juice Fresh Moringa Oleifera Leaves

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Alright this is John Kohler with Today we have another exciting episode for you. In this episode we’re going to talk about one of my favorite tropical style trees that can grow many places in the USA and how to use it the best way possible and what it simply is is Moringa as you guys can see behind me. There's like three trees in the raised bed and the amazing thing about this tree is that it grows super-fast. If you guys are a gardener you guys want to have food sooner rather than later. And you want to have something that you literally plant once and you never have to play it again and that depends on where you live you want to grow Moringa because actually as of March These two three trees that are here were not here last year in this raised bed they planted a one Moringa tree. It came up. It did great. Once the frost came it lost its life it got cut back a little stump was just shooting up and then come next March once the frost had passed things started warming up it basically the roots stayed alive under the ground and they branched out and they came up with three trees instead of one and The growth you see which there's three trees that are approximately Pushing over ten feet tall at this point and so they're making copious amounts of leaves now The Moringa is one of the best trees you guys grow. If you live in a climate that you can do So year-round, so things places like South Florida places that don't get freezes would be like some places in Southern, California easily, you want to grow Moringa in the ground and it's gonna be there basically all year long if you live in a place that's You know might get a frost here and there and it's a light frost, you know, you might lose it it might you could cut it back to the ground the roots will stay alive provided you mulch it really well and You know It doesn't get too cold because too much cold kill the roots and Then it'll come back the next year like where I am here now if you live in somewhere like, New York Don't grow in the summer and then cut it back and expect it to come back It's gonna be far too cold in the winter time under the ground So in that case if you live in a climate that does snow and all this kind of stuff You will want to grow it in some kind of container whether that's like a wine barrel or big pot or something like that Throw it outside in the summer and bring it inside Even in a space like a garage of the winter. You could cut it back in the winter. Bring it in the garage So it doesn't freeze out and it'll stay alive in the pot and then bring it back out and it should come back You know the next season the other thing I would encourage you guys to do is that Moringa is started by seed and You want to check out Baker Creek heirloom seeds? They're a tree or seeds calm. They have a special dwarf variety of Moringa so they don't tend to get as tall because Moringa could grow really tall really fast and get really lanky and normally to carve is that you basically just chop the whole tree down harvest all the leaves off then basically the the The whole cutting that you took off the trunk you just stick back into the ground It'll actually form new roots and form a new plant for an actually that's how some of the plants we're starting over there Literally just took cuttings of this guy put in a pot and then they basically rooted and now there's basically more plants here So those are some of the basics of this tree. It's an amazing tree. It's known as the Tree of Life It comes from India. And so, you know, it's not necessarily acclimated to the frost here So, you know, that's why there's a caveat of growing it where it does freeze But if you have in a frost free place, it's gonna grow great it grows really fast And the cool thing about the meringue is that virtually the whole tree Has some kind of use right whether it's the roots or the leaves or the pods themselves, they call them drum sticks It's also known as drum structure. You can eat the drum sticks. You can eat the seeds you could use the roots you could also use the bark as a Dies and all this kind of stuff, right? So it's a very useful tree to have around and I encourage you guys to grow it by all means Today we're focusing specifically on the best way to use it which is the leaves and unfortunately, you know many people may be coming across this video because They are looking at Moringa because they have a friend that uses it right and they get it in a powder, right? I would encourage you guys always instead of buying some kind of powder in a package that you don't know if it's been cut with Anything you don't know how it's been processed dried grown all this kind of stuff a good to say organic on there But then maybe it's not really organic I'm you know you no, if you don't do yourself grow yourself that way you can ensure that, you know, you're growing in the richest Soil with micro life that's the bacteria and fungi as well as the trace minerals like we're growing here So you could have the freshest Possible and highest-quality leaves in addition, you know if you're buying some kind of green powder in a package You don't know, you know We're the leaves like turning brown Before they harvest them and they dried them and then they just powder them up or did they pick them fresh and then dry them? At a high temperature or a low temperature, you know, there's pros and cons to each I mean avoid all that stuff avoid paying these high prices, you know After $40 a pound of dried Moringa leaf leaf powder and just grow it yourself It grows really fast under the right conditions The other thing I want to warn you guys against is don't water don't give the Moringa too much water It doesn't like it at all It's probably better to go a little bit on the drier side than the wetter side Any case' if you guys are growing it yourself? You can harvest the leaves fresh and use it right then and there so you have a minimal loss of nutrition in the leaves before You get to you know, ingest them into you to get all the health benefits and you know Moringa is touted as you know a superfood and it has you know I don't know ten times more Protein than milk and 17 times more iron than spinach and four times more protein than eggs and all these crazy numbers likely to spout off but basically just know this it's one of the most Nutritious foods on the entire planet that unfortunately, most people are simply not eating anyways What's really important to me is maximizing nutrients in the food that I'm eating So we're gonna go over to the Moringa tree and I'm gonna show you guys how to harvest the best leaves to process into your juice so the first tip I want to share with you guys is actually how to harvest the best leaves on your Moringa tree. So the best leaves are at the top of the tree not the bottom basically as you go up The trunk and you know, basically our trunk splits off here and this is the lowest branch This is basically like the oldest the lowest branch is the oldest So the lowest branch on this up right here is really old as you guys could see some of the leaves are getting yellow And actually that's the beta-carotene. You guys can see through the chlorophyll. That's a basically dissipating out of the leaf after the leaf gets old also if the Tree is under stress. You'll see a lot of yellow leaves and that I'll generally tend to happen on the lower branches So you don't want to harvest these what we're gonna do is we're gonna Britt pull this down all the way So you guys can see that basically the top crown of the tree here and these are fairly flexible Although they won't break if you bend them too much But some of the most nutritious leaves are right here just a little baby leaves that's where I like the the Plant hormones are occurring and all the action is going because the plant is putting energy up to these little baby shoots to get them to grow bigger so that they could start capturing the Sun and photosynthesizing and making energy For the tree here. So while you could harvest these little small ones and if I was making something like a salad, you know I would be doing that because also these one's a lot more tender I don't want the super young ones to harvest for juicing what I'm doing today So, you know, maybe this is like the first first actually there's a few small sets 1 2 3 4 5 6 maybe we're going to come out to the sixth set and the six hit here You guys can see we just snap off the whole branch and just take it off and these are nice young Tender leaves that are nice and dark And we're just gonna come and snap off some of these guys Starting at the top, right? And if you the further you go down the more old they get so I'm gonna do a comparison, you know We're gonna harvest one here near the bottom So in here the bottom this is how big the branch looks and how big the leaves are and at the top This is how it looks. So here's older on this side younger on this side. You guys see the difference Basically, there's a lot more space in between here And there's actually a lot more leaf density just for the fact that all the leaves are much closer together They're also much smaller And so I like to harvest these because generally they're more nutritious than these larger leaves that being said, you know if you only got a bunch of larger leaves to harvest them and Sometimes what I like to do is I like to come around to the bottom of the of the tree and harvest the big Larger leaves for juicing like I'm doing because you know at some point The bottom leaves are going to turn yellow anyways and instead of turning yellow and go into your compost and feeding your Tyrion microbes in your compost pile till then re-enrich your soil for next season Hey, it'd be far better to use those leaves and have the nutrition going in you Of course, if you have you know, your your pick of the litter per say, you know I would encourage you guys to get the smaller leaves and if you have a lot of trees Then you could always harvest a few small leaves off every tree which out without majorly impacting the growth of the tree and I want to always encourage you guys not to over harvest any of your plants Or that can stunt their growth and they'll grow a lot slower So yeah, I'm gonna go ahead in to harvest some of the best leaves off these trees We're gonna get a big bunch of leaves and then we're gonna come back at you and show you guys how we're gonna process these leaves into a delicious edible drink So now I'm gonna share with you guys actually the best way to use your fresh harvested Moringa I know a lot of people might take their Moringa they'll put it into soups or stews and Cook it But you lose some of the nutritional and beneficial qualities of the Moringa when you heat the Moringa up This is especially true. If you basically just put the leaves in whole without first chopping them up, right? inside the leaves of the Moringa much like the leaves of the broccoli cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables that are there are isothiocyanates and basically This should actually be macerated or chopped up before you heat process it so that the enzymes are still active to basically Turn these into even more powerful Nutrients for our bodies so I don't like to cook with the Moringa personally What I prefer to do is instead is maybe just a chop of leaves add them into salads You could actually use this in smoothies But even better than that in my opinion is actually using a juicer now I do want to give you guys a disclaimer that for a living I sell juicers at So if you are looking for a juicer to process Marengo or any other fruit and vegetable, please check me out there also Be sure to check my other YouTube channel slash raw foods where I review all the name-brand Juicers so that you guys could find the exact one you today. I'm actually using the omega Vsj843 and at present time this is my favorite juicer because it juices a wide variety of different produce items that being said the reason why I'm juicing the Moringa and actually not putting it in a smoothie. For example which is another popular use of Moringa and other vegetables is because this juicer runs at a low and slow 43 rpms or revolutions per minute. That means it runs very slow too slowly basically grind squeeze and break open the fibrous cell walls and Give us all the nutritious beneficial loot liquid inside the Moringa You know what Jake or ditch the juice man said was it's the juice of the fiber that feeds you, you know We're not set up like a cow and we can't really digest fiber and get all the nutrients out unless we use our teeth which actually are the best juicers on the planet so you don't really need a juicer you just need to Put them ring it into your mouth and chew it into a mush and then swallow it much like you're a baby that's why we get babies baby food because they don't have teeth and eat everything mushed up so that they can digest it in their digestive system because in a baby's that justice system or our digestive system we can only utilize things or that are in a liquid state So if whole leaves are coming through us going in they're gonna literally come in one end and go out the other end And if you think about it, we are nothing more or less than juice extractors, right? We might eat some food on the you know in our mouths it's gonna go in we're gonna chew it up and Out one side of us literally comes a juice and up The other side of us comes all the fiber that we didn't use and that's literally what the juice juicers doing Its extracting the fiber that would basically go right through us. Anyways not to say that we don't need fiber There's a whole another topic but it already extracts a juice so that our bodies have the easiest time To extract the nutrients out men you guys might have just had a big Thanksgiving dinner You know and after a big Thanksgiving dinner, you might kind of feel tired after Thanksgiving dinner That's because our bodies take a lot of energy to digest and extract the food from the food You guys just ate right you might be but you might feel like taking a nap after you'd a big meal And that's because your body is now having to work and digest all the food, but see juicing Does all the hard work for your body so that you could drink the juice and you'll just have energy to go Because now your body doesn't have to invest all the energy to basically get the energy out of the food you just ate right, so that's why I really like juicing and I think every gardener should own a juicer and it's and it's a special way to Process and condense a lot of the vegetables you guys eat many people are always like amazed like John How do you eat all the food well? Hey, you know, I grow a lot of food, but people don't understand like when you juice it like I harvested like 18 You know of these branches here that have lots of leaves actually 16 And you know that took a bunch out of the trees, but I could go back there You know all the you know several days out of the week and keep doing this and as I'm harvesting them they keep growing unlike if you go to the grocery store and buy some greens to juice, right they're gone, but when you grow them I mean literally the tree the plant the vegetable plant is just giving you free leaves to juice all the time as long as you Don't pick them too fast And for that reason whether you're a gardener or not I don't encourage you guys to juice any one food each and every day for the rest of your lives That's asinine and that's insane in my opinion, right? There are a variety of foods put on this planet for us to enjoy and I want you guys to rotate the different foods that you have. So eat seasonally, you know, Moringa is only in season Most of the year except when it freezes here and so that's when I get to enjoy, you know other times of the year, especially the you know, Fall winter I get to enjoy some of the winter vegetables, you know Some of the spinach is and collard greens and other cruciferous vegetables and arugula Things like watercress ma che Tong ho all these different things, you know, and so I always rotate the item. I'm juicing This is very important to ensure that you're getting some of the phytonutrients that are in here But also you're not getting too many of the anti-nutrients that are in here as well, you know the anti-nutrients we think of as anti-nutrients the plant just basically makes Metabolites, right the Sun comes down and hits the tree bugs. Try to eat it you know fungus tries to get on it and the plant makes all these different Plant compounds or metabolites the tomato for example makes up to 300 different Compounds within it right one of them. We call lycopene. Some could be vitamins mineral The plants are making these not for our benefit but for its benefit so it can actually fight off diseases Bugs and pests and other creatures from eating it in nature and so we want to respect the plants and only you know Eat like meringue and maybe like drink it like we're juicing today once or maybe twice a week and the other days You know juice some Okinawan spinners or some some grass, you know, I mean you could juice grass and eat it I mean though many people don't know that right and So yeah rotate your diet very important, right? So anyways, the recipe today is while I have juice Moringa straight and took Moringa shots. This stuff is incredibly strong Everybody is at a different place in their life I'm really used to drinking like strong green juices, and I could handle them straight that being said Especially if you're new into juicing things because it concentrates it literally, you know You could take a pound of leafy greens whether they're Moringa greens or lettuce or kale collards Swiss chard you could juice it and that 1 pound of green stuff. Now only instantly turned into only eight ounces of Concentrated juice which that 8 ounces contains the majority of the nutrients providing and using a good juicer That were in the one pound So really you could you could maximize the amount of nutrition you guys are getting in your body. This can be very important especially you're trying to fight a disease or fight an illness. You know, there's a therapy called the Gerson Therapy right that heals Incurable people. I've met many people that have used the Gerson Therapy to heal themselves from cancer and other illnesses, right and They drink copious amounts of juice to basically Ramp up their their body, right? I mean carrots on the Gerson Therapy They just love carrots and apples, you know and carrots are anti-cancer and you juice enough of a man I've seen people turn their cancers around so I mean all these amazing Plants of the earth make amazing phytochemicals. I mean the the Moringa it's like it's a blood sugar regulator You know, it could also help regulate your blood pressure, you know, it's neuroprotective It's good for your brain gonna keep you healthy young with a good mind, right? I mean, it's just rich in protein and amino acids and beta carotene And provided you're growing in rock dust minerals has a whole host of other trace minerals in there So yeah, well you could do it straight I'm gonna be juicing it with some other things that make it taste good more palatable and also water it down and actually even in Some respects make it better. So what we got 16, basically leaves here or branches of the Moringa We're also going to juice a 1 bunch of organic celery now They were again accelerate put in there because that adds a lot of essential electrolytes That's very good for us, you know instead of drinking Gatorade for your electrolytes I wish that people in athletics and stuff would juice some celery or use something like coconut water very rich in electrolytes Also this acts as a nice source of water. So basically the plants absorb water hopefully it's from the rain and not from the city tap water and They purify it so this is basically a structured living water contained within the celadon when we run it through the juicer We're getting the celery juice or the celery water with additional nutrients And so that's going to help water it down and then for some extra flavor and sweetness because we like it sweet right you're used To drinking cokes and sodas and pop them these overly sugar Li sweet drinks. We're using nature's sugar right here We're using one whole pineapple here and the pineapple is good because it has the enzyme bromelain that can actually help reduce Swelling and all this kind of stuff. Plus it just who doesn't love a sweet pineapple juice And then also we're gonna mellow out some of the acid in the pineapple juice With the celery and also the Greens of the Moringa to make an amazing drink so the first step before juicing is to Prepare the produce so I'm using a vertical single auger juicer And this is a kind of juicer if you want to juice a little bit of everything you want to do some fruits you want To do some vegetables and you want to do some leaves This is the machine to do it because it basically juices everything fairly well provided you prepare properly So I'm gonna take a few minutes off-camera or actually on camera. We'll just speed it up so you can Prepare the produce we've got to cut off We got to take the top off the pineapple cut off the sides cut up into pieces Cut up the core in our little bits we got to cut off the top and the bottom of the celery dice it up into little beat pieces and we Cut this marine guff because if you just put cold Moringa stalks and in this machine, it's not gonna be a pretty sight It's gonna Jam if it's gonna clog anything, you're gonna think that juicer is a piece of junk But the whole problem is you're just not using it, right So we're gonna go ahead and I'm gonna start prepping well fast-forward this so you guys can see what I'm doing But we don't have to waste into your guys’ novel time All right So it just got done preparing all the produce as you guys can see I got the celery basically diced up Into eighth inch pieces as my optimal size, but honestly, they're probably out a quarter-inch The pineapple is basically just in long strips, that could actually just a feed right into the juicer And the core the pineapple was chopped into little bits If I remember I'll put a link down below on how to process Pineapple and cut it properly so that it actually works in the juicer without clogging and more importantly the Moringa What I did was I had you know 16 whole like stems off the tree and I I took basically I cut off Just the tops with all the greens, right? We don't want to really juice the stems, especially in this juicer they're gonna clog it up if you have of other kinds of juicers like a single auger horizontal style like omega nc800 or a solo star for UPN juice of stems or if you have a green star pro or green star elite You could totally juice the stems and you wouldn't have to cut all the produce up into this smaller pieces That being said every juicer has its pros and cons. I like this one so it's basically fast easy to use and it juices a wide variety of things. So, yeah, we just basically cut it off the stems and this is this is how they look like now and All the top that smaller stem diameters basically just got put on a pile and I chopped those up into hopefully a quarter inch Pieces or less so now I basically just have a diced up Moringa here that could easily go through the juicer the next step is to simply juice So we're gonna go ahead and turn this juicer on and I do like this machine because it runs at a low and slow 43 of revolutions per minute It is a vertical single auger machine and the omega vsj843 and the slow star juicer Are the best two vertical juicers on the market that I've seen for juicing greens and other things like this? I'll put a link down below where I have a video comparing these two machines And these are a lot different than just the standard juicer You'd go down to the department store to buy, you know, if you go to a department store and buy a juicer You know, there may be a hundred bucks. You could get some for 40 bucks Those are high speeds and triple injection machines I do not encourage you guys to get one of those machines because they tend to run very fast they oxidize some of the nutrients a little air into the juicer making they lower some of the beneficial nutritional qualities in the juice In addition that don't tend to juice the leafy greens very well and the leafy greens are the most important vegetable on earth I believe everybody should be juicing on a consistent and regular basis My goal is to get two pounds of leafy greens in me a day and whether I'm juicing a pound of Moringa like I am today or whether I'm Eating a salad with a pound of vegetables from my garden or even vacuum blending some of my vegetables You know, those are all excellent ways to get them into you So yeah and furthermore the warranty on those inexpensive machines are like 90 days or a year and if it blows up after that time It's a thorough a device and you got to buy new one, you know, the warranty on the vsj843 is 15 full years And so should you be juicing and 10 years from now and the machine breaks, right? The company will cover it and repair it at no cost to you under warranty, which is simply amazing So, you know I want to encourage you guys to invest in good quality Things and products you buy so you'd be using them a long time Instead of all these disposable things in our unfortunately disposable society So let's go ahead and turn this machine on and you could barely hear it running here And the first thing I always like to juice are something very liquid or the softest stuffs are the fruit So I like how we could just literally dump the fruit in there It Auto feeds without you having to use the pusher and actually that's one of the things you don't want to do with this machine Is use the pusher you guys can see we're instantly getting straight pineapple juice Now we're gonna go ahead and spike it with just a handful of moringa right into the chute there Once we got some of the Moringa in there Then we're gonna go ahead and put some of the celery this is running at a very slow rate To extract the nutrients out and literally grind it up and out This side is basically the the fiber and I want to caution you guys right now You know a lot people think John when you juice you lose all the fiber Well, you know, there's two commonly accepted types of fiber There's also many more but the two commonly accepted types are soluble fiber and insoluble fiber Soluble fiber basically dissolves in water. It's soluble in water so that's what we're getting when we're getting the juice and we're keeping all the soluble fiber. We're Ketan we're again getting rid of all the Insoluble fiber right that does not dissolve and that's coming out at this side over here so yes Juicing will keeps on the fiber. For example on carrots. It's about 48 to 52 percent Soluble to inside of a fiber. So even when you're juicing carrots, you're keeping about half of the fiber and you know I mean if I had to pick one fiber that's more important than the other one I'd say the soluble fiber is actually more important that has a more beneficial effects in our bodies based on my research and from what I've seen That being said we do need fiber in our diet. So I don't encourage you guys to live on a juice diet I like to drink juice once a day and of course other times of the day I'm eating fresh fruits and eating a big salad out of my garden every day. So I'm getting plenty of fiber in my meal People also sometimes like to eat this fiber I find it tasteless and it's only good for worms or your compost pile but you know people dehydrate it and put it in stocks and stews some people feed it to their dogs mixing it with their dog food so they could You know feed their dog some good stuff, but also feed them less food It just depends on you You know if I want to add fiber to my juice I'm gonna take some flax seeds grind them up and then add those Powdered flax into my juice to get some extra fiber not using this stuff because actually powdered flax is actually more beneficial in my opinion Than just the fiber coming out of the juicer because it has things like lignin and I mean flax in itself is a whole amazing Food due to some of the anti-cancer benefits in there Anyways, I mean I could talk your ears guys his ears off all day long So I'm just gonna be sitting here feeding things a one handful at a time in the juicer as I'm rotating the different items I'm putting in but we'll save you guys Some time here and we're just going to go ahead and speed this up for you guys and we're gonna come back at you when I'm done juicing Alright So I've juice probably about maybe roughly half of everything and my collection cup is already full so I'm gonna have to stop now and I'll show you guys what happened and what we got here and I'll Get back to juicing the rest a little bit later. So we're gonna go ahead and turn off this machine we’re gonna go ahead and put down this spout cap. So we don't get any drips here and then what I've made so far is basically 35 ounces of Moringa organic celery pineapple juice. That's a 1,000 milliliters or 1 liter? Right and this is literally concentrated Moringa pineapple and celery we're going to go ahead and pour off a little bit in a cup here And look at that look at that nice clean texture there very little residual pulp actually went into this juice and Now we're gonna go ahead and try this juice here for you guys on the camera Wow That's amazing in my mouth I feel like right now it's like it's like radiating like heat kind of like you ate a hot pepper But you know when you eat a hot pepper it kind of like radiates and it's it's there This I felt like it was hot because the burning this of the Moringa is kind of like spicy You feel it. And but then you feel it slowly dissipate in your mouth into nothing. This has a nice clean flavor you taste mostly. Let's see here I mean you taste mostly sweet but then you get a little bit of a tart and that's I think the meringue is a sweet is a pineapple the tart is The Moringa the celery just kind of adds a little bit of body and extra juice so it's not so strong and concentrated Mmm Definitely one delicious juice and by far the best way you guys can be using the Moringa you guys grow Now, well, I always encourage you guys to harvest and use your produce fresh out of your garden Right, and I want you guys to eat primarily out of your garden. Sometimes that's not always possible. Right? I mean, I'm not currently growing Pineapples and this time of year. I'm not growing celery so I you know got these from the store and hey You know if buying some celery and buying some pineapples at the store allows you now to Eat your Moringa that otherwise it'd just be sitting on the tree because you're not eating it straight because it tastes You know pretty strong honestly And you get it inside you and now you get some of the benefits of that plant inside you I think that is a good thing And you know, here's a trick right besides doing the pineapple celery with Moringa. You could do pineapple celery and Johnny or procumbence or a longevity spinach you could do, you know? Pineapple celery kale you could do pineapple celery charred pineapple celery spinach, right? There's a multitude of different kinds of jerk juice recipes. You can make if you guys own your own juicer you guys are the chef you're in control? It's not like if you go to the store you want to buy a juicer. You've got to buy one of the pre-made juices They made for you, and I don't think yet I found a juice actually that had Moringa or especially Moringa to this Concentration because this is actually quite strong and I've been doing this for a while So if you haven't been doing this for a while and you're kind of a scared because Moringa is pretty powerful stuff could be Detoxifying and people could have reaction to juices Honestly, you know I would tend to do probably a lot the same amount of pineapple in the same amount of celery Those are pretty mild and do like four or leaves of Moringa see how that tastes for you, right? Next time up into eight see how that tastes if that's too strong stop at eight, right? Keep that up for a month once your body's good with you and eight leaves up into ten and twelve and then like I did today sixteen and Maybe at some point you might want to juice like half a pie while half a meta celery and sixteen leaves Moringa But that's totally up to you. I don't you know, I like this recipe. It's a nice mild recipe I don't like things Too strong and I don't need to be the man and I'm gonna drink it straight because you know, I've drinking straight green juices I've thrown it up before too and that's not too fun but uh, the other thing I'd like to say is that you know, What if the only way you guys could get Moringa because you're not yet growing. It is in a powder You know, I think by far by having some kind of powdered Moringa and if you don't normally eat it that's definitely better than not eating it because I want you guys to have an inclusive diet of including all the different plant foods as possible I mean There's so much research that's already been done and new research still have yet to be done on the Moringa and amazing What an amazing plant it is and how it can help you heal different kinds of ailments in your body Or maybe they're not even ailments Maybe the problem is you haven't been eating the Moringa your whole life and you're just not eating healthy Foods healthy plant foods from your garden, right? So start a garden today If you guys haven't already grow Moringa you could start it from seed you could grow it inside your apartment in Brooklyn In New York City in LA, wherever you live it'll grow in a nice pot. Make sure you get that dwarf variety Give it a lots of Sun put it right by the sunny window. Don't water it too much. Have a good rich soil Check my other videos for container gardening and building good soil with healthy nutrients. So your plants get thrive If you guys want to get a juicer, hey, please be sure to support me my work by making your purchase at I'll put links down below in the description So you guys can link to my other videos talking about juicers if you guys like this format Like how I juiced in you learn more about Moringa today Hey Please be sure to give me a thumbs up that I'll encourage me to do more videos like this in the future Also, be sure to click that subscribe button right down below. So don't mean you'll be notified of my new upcoming episodes I've coming out of every three to four days You never know where I'll show up or what you'll be learning on my users Channel and if you are already subscribed Please be sure to click that little Bell button right below my video That means you'll get notified actually when my videos Come out because you can be subscribed and then not get notified because you to change that pretty recently also Be sure to check my past episodes my past episodes are a wealth of knowledge over thirteen or two episodes at this time Teach you guys all aspects on how you guys could grow your own food at home So with that, my name is John Kohler with We'll see you next time and until then remember keep on growing.
Channel: Learn Organic Gardening at GrowingYourGreens
Views: 1,064,672
Rating: 4.7444682 out of 5
Keywords: moringa, moringa powder, moringa juice, juicing moringa, fresh moringa, how to eat moringa, eating moringa, Oleifera, moringa oleifera, juicing moringa oleifera, eating moringa oleiferia, harvesting moringa, how to harvest moringa, harvest moringa, moringa oleifera powder, juice powder, fresh juice, green juice, moringa juice recipe, moringa oleifera juice recipe, growing moringa, moringa tree, moringa tea, moringa leaves, moringa plant, eat, benefits, how to juice moringa
Id: 0biAkGtkCf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 3sec (1983 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2017
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