Benefits Britain The 2 million pound shoplifter

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anyone can apply to be on benefits even with a decidedly shady past i'm a shoplifter who went out there for survival if i had a job in the first place then i probably wouldn't be where i am now i was a bad person you see rob and steele i've done a lot of things that i'm not proud of meet the people who say they've changed their ways but live off the stage all donations welcome the addition all these benefits out to me left right and center i'm gonna take them the infamous shoplifter who stole two million pounds of goods and claims she's given up her bad ways but has always enjoyed the good life i've had bone talks boob jobs i've had my lips done if i could have everything done i would have it all done why not the tearaway who can't help succumbing to temptation regardless whether you're on benefits or you're working my money is my money and i'll do what i want with it and the bloke who thinks that his criminal record means no one will give him work nobody wants to give me a chance because i'm a convict i just need a job they say they want to turn their lives around but are they really able to escape their past it's the government's fault they're basically making me pick the easy way because they're giving me so much money when i can't put any food on the table and things like that there's always a temptation to go back to making easy money and breaking the law they want loads of qualifications and i ain't got nothing can't even talk properly [Music] affluent west london home to the rich the famous the powerful and 54 year old kim for decades kim was one of britain's most prolific shoplifters stealing more than 2 million quids worth by her own reckoning 45 years i've been doing it and it was my business her criminal lifestyle was funded by the taxpayer kim was claiming while she was thieving and she saw shoplifting as a victimless crime i weren't really doing that much bad really i'm not hurting nobody i've done it from an early age to help my mum but kim says that a year ago she gave it all up her only income now is benefits but we're just going to walk up to the cash point machine so i can check my money because it's benefit day to day so i should have it all in there and then i can go and treat myself to get my roots done it's just up here by the chicken shop kim claims she's trying to make a new start but money's a lot tighter my money's in there so it's my good week i get 250 something today but i had 50 pounds saved anyway and yet despite giving up a life of crime kim can't bring herself to give up life's extras she's recently spent a grand of her benefits having hair extensions today she's having her roots done i've had them in about four months now and they should have been done a month ago so i need i need to get them done i need to get them done asap otherwise my hair is going to go all dreadlocks and then it'll be damaged so that's what i'm saving up for at the moment unless anyone wants to treat me all donations welcome a fair chunk of kim's ill-gotten gains went on her hair she says she needed to come up with some different disguises in order to carry on shoplifting dyeing my hair different shades and them wearing wigs putting hats and glasses on when you can't do any more with your hair then i go to the glasses and scarves and hats and then short wigs long wigs whatever as long as i look totally different i didn't care into the point of shaving my head well i didn't care because i'm making my money that's all it was about and nothing's changed now she's on benefits i've had and botox jobs um fingers i've had my lips done so yeah i think it is important like parents if i could have low everything done i would have it all done why not why grow old gracefully that's crackmate who wants to be old i don't want it do you so um yeah i might win the lottery tonight you never know if i do i'll be going out there and looking like i'm your personal hero yeah i'll come and get you winning the lottery would also be a way out for 24 year old daniel paisley in scotland is 400 miles from fulham but it's a world away in other ways it's one of the most deprived areas in britain daniel hasn't worked for nearly two years he claims 16 000 pounds in benefits just filling in my work booklet for the job centre for jobs that that i'm supposed to applied for i've i have applied someone not all of them i've added little extras in there within a two week period i'd say i would have applied for uh roughly about four or five jobs um i've put down that i've applied for about ten the job center they'll look at that and they'll they'll basically just tick my box and go yeah okay you can have his benefit this booklet i've got you might as well just call it a story because it's just the majority of it about i'd say about 75 to 80 of it is just made up daniel claims he has been in trouble with the law more than 20 times he says he now has few opportunities or options the only reason i'm turning up today is because i've got no other choice i need my benefit money i'll go into the job centre and i'll i can guarantee i'll literally be in there for two minutes and i'll be back out sure enough ten minutes later no questions no what have you been doing how have you done it just basically he run his computer up i had to sign and that was me done [Music] 43 year old stephen used to live in scotland but he moved south of the border 15 years ago in an attempt to keep out of trouble coming in crimes fighting and going to prison was just part of part of my life from 16 until i was about 29 i'd probably done it seven years inside things were just out of control basically stephen says his history constantly comes back to haunt him and even the way he looks is an issue people do look at me and they can tell straight away some sort of criminal i've done bad things in the past people don't get girls and like this through not through through doing charity work you know i mean you get it through doing bad things i was a bad person used to rob and steal i've done a lot of things that i'm not proud of he claims previous attempts to turn things around simply haven't worked come out of prison and went don't you wonder if if ended up getting the job down there everything was going great and then somebody attempted to muddle me but i nearly couldn't cut my head off i lost my job because my head was done i couldn't find a job so basically turned back to crime then and without work slipping back to dodgy ways is a constant concern when i'm not working and there's no money coming in i can't put any food on the table and things like that there's always a temptation to go back to making easy money and breaking the law coming up the trouble with staying out of trouble daniels dealt a major blow to his bank balance but insists it's not his fault i'd like to come to the food bank because the government have given me my money all in one go which i've gambled away so it's them to blame why i'm here today even when job hunting stephen's criminal past is never far away 45 to 50k a year that would do that's why i was younger when i was a criminal and kim's not happy with her current standard of living it's not that great it's not bad for someone who's on benefits but my other homes were much better [Music] 54 year old shoplifting queen kim has spent most of her adult life claiming benefits and stealing from shops giving that up means she's getting used to getting by on 72 quid a week i've learned how to manage my money a bit more and whereas when i was shoplifting before i didn't care i didn't even think about the benefits they didn't really enter my head because i didn't really use it just pay bills and now i'm having to work out my money properly and make it stretch and so that i can still have the nice foods because obviously i'm not having cutbacks on that you can do it but i couldn't do it at first couldn't do none of that i was just crying all the time so i couldn't make the money stretch but now my head's more together and i go out and i look for the bargains i just wish i'd done that before because i might have saved some money being on benefits affects kim's budget but her closets still round with designer goods beans leaves burberry derby jean jacket i've got the jeans to it as well i've got a thing about jackets as you can see i love these they were 200 pound and these ones were out of john lewis i peed [Laughter] very [ __ ] sharp man there's loads more in my room as well on my bedroom and there's stuff that i've given for car boot because i'm never going to wear them do someone else return so anyone on benefits and you need some new shoes come to the car booth [Laughter] kim's two-bed flat in affluent fulham is paid for by the state but even though she's decked it out with mod cons she says it's a far cry from her previous homes they were out of this world this is light down for me it's not it's not that great it's not bad for someone who's on benefits but my other homes were much better i don't want to be on benefits far from i don't want to be on it that's why i'm trying to change my life so i can get a job because i hate being on it i was just living on benefits and not the shoplifting i probably wouldn't be here i'll be i probably would have topped myself because i wouldn't be able to live i've been to prison five times i've paid paid for what i've done her two million pound shoplifting spree meant she was collared and convicted more than 30 times first time i went into hollywood i was petrified i didn't know what to expect and you hear loads of stories and um it did freak me out a bit you meet people in there that are completely different to you i actually felt too normal because i haven't got any problems apart from just wanting nice things i was a bit nervous when i was first coming out when i done um i got six months to two years and i was in board hall um and i came out it felt a bit strange but i went straight out the same day and to the levi's shop and got myself some clothes so it didn't bother me i knew then that i would never stop but i just made sure i got better at it and didn't get caught in scotland it's the morning after a big night out and 24 year old daniels woken up with a self-inflicted financial hangover i ended up getting a day payment benefit loan and uh a loan from family and i've ended up blowing all in the casino i've lost 410 pound uh 410 quid which was well that was to ask me for a whole fortnight i have had a gambling problem in the past i don't even know why i've done it to be honest after blowing his cash daniels left with just five pounds to last himself for two weeks i am entitled to that money technically there's no there's no rules to say what i have to spend that money on if i wanted to go out and and be an alkene and drink every day then i'm entitled to do that regardless whether you're on benefits or you're working my money is my money and i'll do what i want with it but he is worried that no money will mean no grub hi i'm just ringing up um in regards to is this the food bank at all he's hoping he'll be able to pick up a parcel and he believes he's got every right food banks are there to help people like myself who are on benefits get out of a sticky situation that you find yourself in bye bye now bye bye just been told to go and collect the food parcel and i've got to be there within two and four they're gonna help me out for the next week until i'm getting my next benefit daniel's cupboards aren't bare but he's keen to check what he needs to top up i've got food and that's here in my freezer but most of that is like desserts i've got like apple pies and there's onion rings and garlic mushrooms there's a few bits of chicken so it's not really meal types of food but with with the food bank they give you like some like tomatoes and sauces and that'll enable me to use what i've got in the freezer and to cook for for more meals the food parcel i'm about to get will fill my cupboard up not not much but it'll it'll be enough to live on for a week and so i won't be starving in burnley 43 year old stephen has been inside plenty of times for nearly a year he's been out living on benefits and insists he wants a fresh start he's even hoping his criminal past could help intruder access cctv installation and service engineer you'd be good at that because it takes a trip to catch a crew i couldn't actually go for that because they'll be wanting to forget criminal record as well at one point in his life he did knuckle down and tried his hand at good hard graft when i had money when everything was going good for me not not criminal not criminal wise but even just working working away i had money i had disposable income and things like i could go on holidays and stuff like that but now living handy mouth is just a nightmare there's a laborer water hygiene i don't know if they would be bought that bother for the criminal record because if i could steal war he believes that being honest means he doesn't really stand a chance every application that i've ever had to fill in it always says do you have a thermal record or any criminal convictions any pending or whatever and as soon as as soon as i say yes [Music] my application is going to go to the bottom of the pile because obviously there'll be a lot more applicants in me that won't have a criminal record national account mind your 45 to 50k a year that would do that's what i was when i was a criminal when stephen isn't looking for work he likes to get stuck into one of his favorite pastimes it's another chance to escape i can live my life through my character on this so basically i'm escaping from a real life this would just drive me mad eventually knowing that this guy is here he's doing a lot better than i am his real life is a far cry from his gaming life i'm running out of friends because i've been to prison uh i've no money no car and basically all i've got to to do during the day is either play on this game or watch tv ex-jailbird kim also has dreams after turning her back on crime but for her going shopping is a constant reminder of her criminal past this is where i used to come when i used to do my shopping do most of the shops down there i'll be down here at the crackers on 9 30 um two or five seven days a week what you've got to imagine is that i've been doing this for 45 years i don't know any other trade and it's my living i had it set up as a proper business and where i paid people to go and exchange and get the vouchers and so i was a business woman if you like but just the wrong way and then now i feel like i'm nothing i haven't got any friends around me because even though i was coming out every day doing that i was still meeting people so i feel like i had a bit of a life as well and now that's all gone up on me and i'm just literally me on my own and my family now and again when i speak to him on the phone but today she's meeting up with her teenage daughter paris who's encouraging her mom to go straight i feel a bit um gutted for you really coming back here like just looking around the shops i want to get everything for you yeah i can't so i feel a bit and then but i feel bad of you that you're not doing that anymore because it's better for you but i do miss out on quite yeah [Music] obviously like every day i'd come home from school and have a new outfit like i'd have loads of stuff and i felt like spoiled but i'd rather you here than in prison because it's just way better so i'd rather just have kind of less stuff and you hear them be in prison and have loads of stuff i wouldn't even have anything to you say present yeah it's true that's true but i still get hopefully one day i'll get a job and i'll be able to give you all that again yeah and you're positive about that then i like that you actually think i'm gonna do all right that's good at least you i have a feeling [Music] in paisley unemployed daniel is off to the food bank he blew more than 400 pounds gambling last night but he doesn't blame himself i've had to come to the food bank because the government have given me my money all in one go on the same day which in turn i've spent i've gambled away so it's them to blame why i'm here today i'm hoping to just get enough food that's going to last me the the full week if not i'm just gonna have to make it straight and and budget for that within 10 minutes he's back out with everything he wants i've got quite a lot of um tinned foods i've got like chopped tomatoes potatoes tuna i've got soups fruit slices tomato pasta sauces i've got cereal milk sugar fruit juice and then in this bag i've got to just give like some chocolate sugar and tea bags um they're the best ones out of them all looking at all that all in bags i reckon they must be about 30 or 40 pounds worth there i'm more than happy and it's a lot better than what i expected so that's going to help me survive through the week now and daniel has had some even better news i got a 100 pound loan off my cousin and i could have used that towards buying food um but this service is here to help me so i'm entitled to that so why am i not going to take it [Music] coming up kim sets the record straight about her past crimes i'm not a criminal i'm a shoplifter who went out there for survival is it a way of surviving stephen once again feels like a prisoner in his own home they want 3 600 pound off me i don't answer the door anybody just in case it's bailiffs and things like that and daniel's old temptations die hard about to pawn in my phone i got another 300 pound for it and half of that went again on gambling [Music] listen beyonce it's the morning after a benefits booze up for 24 year old tearaway daniel and his mates in paisley i oh well i'll help my hangover cure if i have about 10. kirsty what have you got in that bottle [ __ ] lemonade what's that looking happy because i'm actually in the word you know why do you drink so much because if i don't drink then i'm going to get a hangover so i drink milk and preparing the hangover then the hangout was going to be so much faster the conversation turns to daniel's job prospects i used to work in a pub i used to finish my shift at 2am they used to have lock-ins i would work in a pub but you've got all your drunks that you have to deal with i just can't be asked with that anymore daniel claims to have more than 20 criminal convictions his past is never far from his thoughts i've been in trouble from about the age of 11 upwards breach of the peace drinking in public assault criminal damage and i ended up doing a spell in strange ways prison there was people in there that committed murders and whatever else and now there's some more bad news a letter from the courts i got this letter through the other day and it's i was out having a good time a couple of weeks ago and i got charged with two offences uh one of them was for cultural and reckless conduct i'm appealing that one anyway and then next one is drinking in public please find it so easy they just get their little tick in their book and i was the unfortunate one i need to actually find out how serious it is because i've i've done a bit of reading up online and culpable and reckless conduct can carry a maximum of like five years so i'm not too impressed with that even though he's broke and he's in trouble with the law daniel has decided to splash out it's a state-of-the-art phone it's 4g been waiting on eggshells since like eight o'clock this morning it's like christmas and it's here party are you okay sure yeah so i've been waiting for this all day no worries cheers mate see you later oh i'm absolutely made up i've been waiting so long for this this is basically my social life it enables me to apply for jobs um i pay 22 pounds a month for this it is a struggle but i just try and make ends meet as much as i can you've got people out there that spend their money on alcohol i'm spending on something that's worthwhile for myself which is contacting people who i need to get in touch with so i i think it's totally worth it [Music] in london kim's going shopping but she's learned that playing things by the book means sticking to a budget i've got like 20 pounds on me i shouldn't spend any more than that so i normally get like pineapples you normally get four from for a pound up here but that one's shut and that's where i normally get them from kim said she stopped thieving last year and now lives entirely on benefits [Music] she claims she now wants to live honestly and healthily so far i've spent eight pounds and i've got lemons apples ginger avocado garlic ain't bad i've got bolts of it and peppers when i was on benefits and shoplifting i just went to john lewis weight loss and marks and spencers and i did the big food shops i didn't bother going anywhere else and obviously i've wasted a lot of money doing that like that because doing it this way the market stuff's just as good because i'm using the same stuff for juicing and i've saved a lot of money so i feel a bit stupid really i should have done this a long time ago even if i made money now i'd stick to this definitely but kim still likes a little bit of luxury waitrose chicken salmon with presto and then cut that chicken as well like that'd do me six days i don't need to get any more meat i've got stuff in the freezer as well but i won't i know i won't eat it because i don't like frozen food i would rather put my money on to the nice food you know what i mean you can do it cheaply as i've had to find out for myself i couldn't do it at first because because i kept thinking i could shop how i used to so it took me quite a while to get into the swing of it but i still like toiletries i like all the top grounds and i have to look for the cheapest shop where i can get even if it saves me two pound i'll go there and get it from there oh i'm worried about myself i want a job so badly and to be part of the community i don't want to be classed as a criminal because i'm not a criminal i'm a shoplifter who went out there for survival it's a way of surviving if i had a job in the first place someone gave me a chance and i probably wouldn't be where i am now [Music] oh my god that is so banging i know it is so nice i feel happy already [Music] back in burnley stephen's dodgy past is never far away i was growing canvas in the cellar this house here and i i get caught because the whole street could smell the old street could smell it i had all the equipment and everything there's a thing called a filter that takes the cannabis smell out it filters it through the filter and puts out when the street is fresh air so one night there was a storm and then some water going to the cellar and i blew one of my sockets the photo went off and sucked all the kind of smell into the street and the whole street could smell it so the police just followed the nose trapped a door came in and found it and licked me he had been working for 10 years before being busted he believes it was the nail in his working life coffin when you put on a cv and your cv at the end says i've been in prison for growing cannabis that cv is going to get put in the bin so you're never going to get a job never [Music] despite his troubles daniel's taking a break from paisley and is trying his luck in manchester i'm finally getting out hopefully it'll be better on the other side for me manchester is like one of the the main cities and it's close by to other main cities as well so i'm guaranteed to at least find a job in one of them cities even my social life will be greatly improved i haven't got a social life up here at all [Music] his latest idea is to look for a job south of the border and starting a new life down there might come with some extra benefits too his friend jp is making the trip with him i'm happy that's it i'm finally going [Music] stephen's also got big money worries he lives in a two-bedroom house in burnley but he's finding it tough to cover all his outgoings i'm not surviving i'm just existing basically i could find the job i could pay some of my debts off things like things like this here i was trying to uh better my life by joining the course and ended up when i ended up couldn't pay it but now they're chasing me for money they want three thousand six hundred pound off me which i can't pay which you'll have to eventually pay once i do get a job and then i've got the council tax and things bills just bills piling up basically what i do when i get a bow i would just abandon them mostly because if i've kept them if i keep them they'll just drive me mad accumulate a lot of debt when i went to prison basically the the bills still came in so i couldn't pay obviously because i was in prison they're still chasing me i don't answer the door anybody just in case it's bailiffs and things like that so basically i'm just a prisoner and moving home because i know people do want money off me housing benefits pay most of his rent but every month he needs to top it up with a hundred pounds he's in so much debt he hasn't been able to pay this for 17 months the landlord's he's been good days he must know we're good tenants and we're looking after the police so he's letting us stay here but what worry is that they could get a better offer and kick us out any time i'm just basically just hiding just hiding from all at the moment until i can until i'm in a position to pay at the moment i've got a zero zero point zero zero pens in my bank account i had to pay everything out the other day when skye caught me cut me off i didn't pay them when i was supposed to pay them uh now the banker charged me ten pound so i'm going to have to go down and see the bank and see if they will drop that charge coming up it's all about cash every penny counts for stephen i'm happy you know i know it's only 10 pound but it's a lot of money when you've not got it daniel's not sure that working life will ever pay as it stands i'm on more money now than somebody who's working minimum wage in a shop why should i get a job when i'm on more money with the benefit i'm on and kim claims she wants a job but not at any price 18 grand a year i need more money than that double that [Music] 24 year old daniel claims to have more than 20 criminal convictions he's come to manchester to see some old friends in their new state-supplied and funded flat how did you end up getting this did it take you quite a while [Music] daniel wonders whether he could get a similar deal so what is this is this your foot have they put a brand new kitchen over here and how much of this cost me near a month the i don't have to pay no housing benefits i just have to pay you council tax which is 78 a month that's honestly this is it this is what i want i honestly i want this is what i want i'm absolutely jealous of you that you've got this flat because you you just seem to get luck all the time do you not think that she just gets something that makes me homeless for like 16 months i'm from the uk like like all of us in here right i should be entitled to a house the reason why i got my flight is because me and me and my girlfriend got a second core at the time and you've been forced into the post into place i don't think the benefits system is fair at all everything including housing benefits everything i just don't think you're treated fairly and we do get looked upon as if we've scum but the trip to manchester isn't going to plan daniel's dream is falling apart and worse he's been spending about two pounding my phone i got another 300 pound for it and half of that went again on gambling with no money left daniel and john have one last source of income we're gonna have to go and put john's phone in [Music] i put it in and i got 47 pounds to harass me on top of a next week's hopefully when i get my benefit money again 47 quid we're gonna have to just make that stretch and and try and make ends meet with that we need to buy um tobacco and then we need to buy food and whatever is left we'll just see what we can get basically [Music] i'm starting to think this was a bad idea i know because everything's just falling apart it's getting absolutely i don't know i'm just getting absolutely fed up we're probably made a stupid mistake coming down here i don't really think we were prepared enough to come down i think we should uh start and bay let just discuss things before we decided to just buy a ticket and come down [Music] in west london former career shoplifter kim is getting her nails done where i used to have these the extensions and i can't really afford to keep doing it at the moment so i just want to try and grow my nails even my eyebrows need doing at the moment i look like danny ceiling every two weeks i'll get my nails done pedicure get my eyebrows done about every three weeks some beds i buy courses of sun beds so you'll get in sun beds all year round really but you just end up having one a week to keep this handmade hair done colored about every three weeks it's bad you're being that you'll be in the house so i don't know how people don't want to look after themselves i've always done it anyway makes you feel like a woman thank you i'll see you again soon thanks bye [Laughter] kim's keen on keeping up appearances now she says that she's gone straight for a year the next thing on her to-do list is finding a job but she's got high expectations i've applied for a few but i never get nothing back because obviously they want like loads of qualifications and although i ain't got nothing can't even talk properly [Laughter] i'm too common but i still look just to see what's around customer service advisor never um i can't even say that i seen sri lanka that's another country you know my mind working in a gym there was one in here at 18 grand a year but that's not enough money i need more money than that double that i just want to do a job and i need it to pay well because of the money i'm used to i don't want to just go to work lightly on benefits because that's the problem with a lot of the jobs you've got to find a hundred and my rent 165 a week then with your food and your bills you need to earn grand a week i think just so you can say i can now have a few luxuries my dream job would be working with someone like gok you know in the fashion thing a lot of people blanked their way in didn't i so i can't do that because i wouldn't if it was shoplifting i'd black my way anywhere but it's not something i can brag about oh yes i've been a shoplifter for 45 years i'm really good at it can i have a job now [Music] 24 year old ex-con daniel has returned from manchester but he's still determined to make the move south a permanent one i'm moving to manchester for a social life up here in glasgow i just feel stuck i feel lost i feel like i'm just going around in a vicious circle over and over that it's just gonna keep repeating itself if i ever don't do something about it but he'll have to return to scotland for his pending court case i've got a lot of thinking to do i don't know i've i've been in prison once before and i don't want to go back again i really don't want to go back daniel receives up to 1400 pounds benefits a month so when it comes to work there's another dilemma as it stands i'm on more money now than somebody who's working minimum wage in a shop i do want a job but it it makes me think why should i get a job when i'm on more money with the benefit i'm on it's the government's fault they're basically making me pick the easy way because they're giving me so much money it's ridiculous i don't want to be known as lazy benefit scrounger but the addition all these benefits out to me left right and center i'm gonna take them i am gonna take them in burnley stephen's search for a job is still proving fruitless he's broke so he's off to the bank to persuade them to overturn a 10-pound charge it's happened a few times before and they have been good to me and they've cost the charities in the past i think as long as you go in face to face and ask them face to face they will they will cause a charge but if you just leave it obviously i will have to pay did have money i would just be spending it like running water and now i've got to worry about the bank taking 10 pound out my bank account that i've not gotten i really need i was wondering if you could check this i want you to stop a payment coming out of my account because every time it comes out i always end up missing a direct debit and i could charge a 10 pound for it this is the third month in a row stephen has been charged 10 pounds for being unable to pay the direct debit for his sky subscription it went really well they said they're going to refund the 10 pound it's a good old gesture so that's a weight off my mind it means i've got i don't have to pay the 10 pound but obviously i can't do it again because next time they will charge me so thank you bank i'm happy now i know it's only 10 pound but it's a lot of money when you've not got it next step the recruitment agency where he's applied for a job i can do any of them i can drive any trucks and they still haven't contacted me yeah after like two and a half months and i think the reason is is because i think they've got a criminal record but i'll find out shortly if stephen is ever going to pay back the thousands of pounds he owes he needs to land a full-time job and get off benefits basically they said i need to take in a cv which i never told me at the time so the backtracking now i'll bring it down and see what they say but she was very dismissive you know so like it says in the window thoughtless talk day was needed and she's saying there's no fault of driving jobs going does that tell you [Music] two months later daniel followed through on his plan to move south and he's even managed to find himself a full-time job coming down to manchester i've got no choice no it needs to work if it doesn't work then it's just gonna lead me back into a vicious circle again but stephen's still out of work he says his big problem is getting employers to see beyond his dodgy past keep checking emails keep going in job sites uh even without a criminal record and burnley is hard enough to get a job so it's going to be hard but i will get there i'll get there eventually and in fulham kim still says she's retired from shoplifting and is still looking for an honest living i will get my money somehow a job or something i'm going to prove to everybody that i can get a job and i can still work hard at whatever job i'm given to show everyone that i'm not a bad person with dodgy drinks bad food and entertainment the 70s would be ashamed of the all-inclusive has got itself a bit of a bad name in some quarters but is it worth it alexis conrad puts them to the test after the break [Music]
Channel: Galactic Defender
Views: 320,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2iFbptu-VU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 20sec (2660 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2022
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