Benefits Britain Series 1 Episode 21

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last year britain's total benefits payout was over 149 billion pounds i had to give up full-time employment i think it's one of the best things i could have done but even though the employment rate is at an all-time high some people say that working just doesn't pay i'd have to probably earn 500 pounds a week to be on the same sort of money and that being on benefits means living life on their terms just because i'm on benefit doesn't mean that i can't have a nice home i spend a lot of my benefits on alcohol and socializing meet the 33 million pound lottery winner who never was pursuing a celebrity lifestyle funded by the state i'm determined i'm still going to have the things what i really want and the man who's using benefits to pay for his dream life by the sea work and he's on benefit and he's out more after us but while some love the high life others struggle to afford the basics we also meet the single dad who says he needs help just to get by if i went to work i'd still have to pay child care rent and everything whether surviving or thriving they all claim they are better off on benefits if you really put your mind to it and you really want something you can do it even on benefits [Music] worcester in the west midlands home to around 100 000 people one in 10 are on some form of benefits including unemployed 48 year old former cleaner suzanne i'm very house proud as it is i've got to be honest and i get that off my mum and yes i do like if the pillar is not straight say for instance the pillar was like that it would do my head in it would i have to shake it out put it just right and i have to put everything with it just because i'm on benefit doesn't mean that i can't have a nice home because i'm one of those people if i couldn't like have a night i would be so unhappy suzanne lives on 1 600 pounds a month in benefits after being signed off sick eight months ago but suzanne hit the headlines when she was accused of falsely claiming a 33 million pound jackpot from the national lottery [Music] this is only some of the papers me exposure trying to claim apparently the 33 million i just can't get my head around it how people can say that some of it says fraudster when's the police gonna come and get her what for i realize stories have got to have a twist and you know sales papers i realize that but for me it's like do does people really think i would have brought that on myself suzanne did have the winning numbers but the barcode on her ticket was unreadable leading the papers to claim it was a forgery but she claims it got damaged in the wash and with the date missing she couldn't be sure when she bought it i emptied my jeans pocket and in the one pocket was hard to do um and in the other was what i could describe when i had to pull it out of this lottery ticket so really i had no choice but to send pamela this ticket because if i'd not sent the ticket i never would have forgiven myself if it hadn't turned out the winning ticket suzanne's jackpot claim was rejected when the real winners came forward but once the press got wind of the story she quickly became front page news and the prospect of fame beckoned i walked in the kitchen and all i remember seeing is out there were cars there were people stood they had microphones those people then coming towards my house onto the driveway from then it was print after print in the newspapers i was most what they said britain's most hated woman while suzanne claims it was an honest mistake she'd got a taste for fame and now she still wants to live like a lottery winner starting with her car i was so excited like a little kid getting some sweets over the sweet shop and you know every time i get in it it's great and i was given a choice of colors and automatically and white because the light stands out more especially with the 20-inch alloy wheels two months ago suzanne used her benefits to fund a top-of-the-range limited edition sports car worth 28 000 pounds it was important to me obviously to have a car because i can't walk very far without becoming very breathless and obviously i've picked the car i've got i am entitled to the park and i do deserve it the isle of sheppy just off the north kent coast is home to 56 year old carl he moved here eight months ago from the midlands i love living in laysdown you know it's such a beautiful place friendly people people coming down getting meet strangers all the time you know and favorite ice cream parlor to the right which i absolutely adore and i used at least twice a week carl lives in a privately rented one-bedroom flat which is mostly covered by housing benefit he pays an additional 12 pounds a week out of his benefits for his dream seaside home if you look outside of the the views there see the sea lovely trees in blossom um lovely gardens and i've got this lovely place you know i'm in the kitchen absolutely massive for a single bloke on his own nice size lounge plenty big enough little dining table for two not that i've had anybody dying with me yet but yeah this time this is my feature wall which i i do for myself you know it's given me a little project to do over the last few months please ignore the ladies panties i don't wear them i bought them just trying to call it my bachelor pad you know pretending that i've had a conquest with my age you don't have conquests carl suffers from a respiratory problem that restricts his airways so he gave up his job as a taxi driver and went on benefits to be honest i can't knock the benefit system you know it's um they're good to me they give me the amount of money that i need due to his health carl receives personal independence payments on top of his employment support and housing allowance in total he gets 1 300 pounds a month in benefits i'd have to probably earn 500 pounds a week you know in a job after paying tax and national insurance contributions you know to be on the same sort of money despite his medical problems carl admits that a large chunk of his benefit money goes on unhealthy habits i'll be honest spend a lot of my benefits on alcohol and socializing and yes if you do look in the fridge there's uh one or two cans in there there's also some healthy stuff like cheese chicken blue pack but uh yeah i do tend to drink a bit too i do try and moderate it because when you're on a limited income you know you have to be a little bit careful [Music] while carl is determined to use the doll to fund his dream life some people say they just get by on their benefits and one of them is 33 year old single dad cray [Music] brooklyn come on it's time to go let's go to eight come on he lives in a two-bedroom house in bradford with his seven-year-old son brooklyn well yeah craig separated from brooklyn's mom two years ago and now looks after him full-time due to circumstances i had to give up full-time employment and go on the benefits but i'm a bit better off like this as a single parent craig receives 1 000 pounds a month from the state it's less than he used to earn when he was working but he has no regrets i think it's one of the probably the best things i could have done we spend more or less every single day together he's thriving at school he loves just being with me it's just me and him he's a proper daddy's little boy lord of toys he's got all different types of earth guns so they don't they don't go without asian have to miss out on his childhood orange youth because the financial situation i mean um end of day it's not his fault since leaving full-time employment craig is now getting used to living on benefits and with a son to raise he's determined to make it work somehow being a dad's my number one priority at salah wants a bit of brooklyn i don't want to i'm not bothered about anything else it doesn't matter if we've got 10 pound or a thousand pound as long as we bought a fat pm i don't care although making ends meet is sometimes hard for craig he believes even if he went back to work he wouldn't be any better off if i were working a normal job of minimum wage i'd probably still be struggling because i'd have child care to pay for morning and night i'd have to pay my rent and everything like that i'd probably have a little bit more money but i don't think it'd be much more so i'd still be struggling probably coming up suzanne's celebrity lifestyle means another extravagant purchase inside the shed i'm going to have a jacuzzi the way i see it yes i can afford it craig has an unexpected dent in his finances i've taken 80 pound out hopefully i won't have to spend that much but that's roughly what i've got to play with and carl takes some flack for his benefits lifestyle for us [Music] on the isle of sheppy ex-cabbie carl has been out of work for over a year but living on benefits gives him the freedom to spend his days how he wants off down to the pub now um probably spend three or four hours there you know having a social drink with a few friends uh more often than not they buy me beer but i do get me around him occasionally you know it's only fair carl goes to the pub almost every day but he says he's doing it to improve his health and fitness the advantage of being on benefits is that i do have time to go out and socialize it's good for me the doctors have told me to get out you know it all helps towards the fitness and the elf you know and the movement is i've got to do [Music] although carl only moved to the isle of sheppy eight months ago being a regular at his favorite pub means he's already got to know the locals carl's benefits are equivalent to a pre-tax salary of eighteen thousand pounds a year three grand more than someone working full-time on minimum wage drinks on you tonight no i haven't been paid that much let me go together and you get about 1300 quid a month what so much for getting benefits yeah they're choking i wonder why you're out every [Music] after a couple of soft drinks carl's mates are heading back to work but he plans to spend the rest of the day and his benefits at the pub so a couple of hard working lads there and i'll be out with them again tonight so they do rid me a little bit about being on benefits but it wouldn't you know it's uh i'd say they probably get out two or three times a week i'll get out twice as much as them but hey oh that's life i'm not gonna change for anyone i'm not in worcester 48 year old ex-cleaner suzanne has been living off benefits since giving up work due to a heart condition after achieving notoriety attempting to claim a 33 million pound lottery jackpot suzanne's fallen for fame and the millionaire lifestyle today she's splashing out on a garden makeover [Music] inside the shed i'm going to have an inflatable jacuzzi suzanne receives around 20 000 pounds a year from the state and she says that being on benefits shouldn't stop her from having what she wants including a new jacuzzi i get the same amount of money really in effect to what i was near enough when i was working so the way i see it yes i can afford it and yes i've got the money in my account i could just go and buy one for 500 pounds if i wanted but i think that's me being a bit selling because i've got to be realistic i've still got to have money to live so i think that's where you've got to draw a line so i think realistically i think maybe up to about 350 but i think that's my maximum what i've allowed because hence i still need a tumble drive obviously as well with over a third of her monthly benefits going towards her plan suzanne's transforming her garden shed into a luxury spa fit for a celebrity and all inside is going to be um probably nine mil plywood all around and then i'm going to have lights all around and then i've got one of those little disco ball things right here as well i think i'm mad but just takes time doesn't it and i want it there and then i want it now so it's too much of it while suzanne is planning her luxury lifestyle on benefits in bradford 33 year old craig is struggling to make ends meet he's been unemployed for almost two years after giving up work to become a full-time dad to his son brooklyn what are you playing paul are you winning craig previously worked as a demolition labourer and the long hours meant he didn't have much time to spend with his son i had to be up at early hours in the morning and stuff like at five six o'clock so there were long dares and tiring desks sometimes you won't get in home until seven o'clock at night so every time you've got showered and had some tea and got yourself sorted out we know the time to go back to bed even though craig says he is better off on benefits at the moment he has bigger plans for brooklyn i want him to do a lot better than what i'm doing i don't want him to follow the same road as such you know i want him to have a good education i don't want to pressure him too much but i do want him to have a stable job where hopefully not ain't going to end up like i am and whatever ended up on benefits and stuff like that craig receives around one thousand pounds a month in various benefits he says that budgeting is vital to make sure they have everything they need when i go on my big shop i can spend about uh 50 to 60 pound but and that'll last me like um three weeks and then when i do my essential shop um i spend about 20 to 25 pounds on that just like to get enough stuff to get in the field a week so i can afford my big shot we fairly well i won't say we've got we go without or anything we've always got food in the streets in his favor in his cupboards i will get some luxury stuff like i'll i will get him his favorite ice cream and stuff like that and his biscuits and that we don't go without being a full-time dad means craig has the time to make home-cooked meals and takes pride in providing brooklyn with a well-balanced diet brooklyn likes his pizzas and burgers and kids teas and stuff but i try to give him a variety of stuff not the same stuff and that make sure he gets his vegetables and stuff like that you didn't [Music] with a large chunk of his benefits funding his regular trips to the pub carl is eagerly awaiting his next payment logging and please give me the good news yes 200 went in on monday and 220 today that's right and hopefully 330 going in next week yes finger shopping we'll have a point carl spent most of his life working as a city center cab driver but since going on benefits he spends all his time and money living a life of leisure by the sea i first moved down here in the mid 90s with my wife and unfortunately when she passed away i moved away and i came here last year for a short break for a weekend and met a few old friends and really enjoyed it and i decided i'm going to stay and i've been here for the last eight months and hopefully i'm going to see my days out in this glorious little place the sun shining nice cool breeze everything's absolutely wonderful it is i love life the isle of sheppy not only gives karl his dream lifestyle it also saves him a few quid the cost of living is nothing like london or anywhere like that you know i mean local shops are reasonably priced to get some good offers there um price of the beer is fantastic you couldn't wish to live anywhere better it's absolutely marvelous carl is left with around 160 pounds a week after bills and now with only himself to feed at home he can't wait to spend his money [Music] payday oh here we go right hundred pound don't want to go mad right let's get spending get the important stuff first snickers four for a pound i'll spoil myself something really nutritious pot noodle oh big one giant one and of course the most important meal of the day [Music] there we go and just to spoil myself for today i'm going to have a mint magnum and can i have 20 uh usual cigarettes please with 25 quid gone on the shopping carl still has 135 pounds for the rest of the week i had to get a few groceries in you know a few necessities still got money i think it's about time i went to the cake shop and really spoiled myself and had a cake as well as my ice cream one fresh cream cake home for the eating love love it while carl spends his money as he likes craig and brooklyn aren't as fortunate [Music] craig has to carefully balance his weekly budget but today there's an emergency i've been paired to death so brooklyn's in some day needed some new journals because somehow decided to rip part of the bottom off these last night today i got a 144 pound so hopefully i'm going to be able to get to brooklyn some trainers i can't really say i'll watch i'm going to spend because it is a necessity so as long as i can get enough food and things in like whatever is left i'll probably more or less go i'll go and brooklyn's trainers surviving on 12 grand a year benefits any unplanned purchases can be a big dent in the finances but craig is keen to make sure that brooklyn doesn't go without i've took in 80 pounds hopefully i won't have to spend that much but that's roughly what i've got to play with and then the rest of the money i've got is spoken for for food and gas and electric and things like that it's a lot of money for each trainer than that but hopefully it should last him the rest of this term now up until six week holidays and then i'll be able to put money away each week until he's due back at school and then getting everything new again for beginning a new school term craig's withdrawn over a week's jobseekers allowance for the trainers but when it comes to brooklyn there's no expense spared this is my first job seat because of this month so it's going to be another two week now until i get job seekers so i'm going to have to budget now for the next fortnight on the other little bits and bouts of money that i do get but apart from that we should be all right since being on benefits craig has become an expert at budgeting brooklyn has his trainers and craig has some cash left over i've gotten these today they're all black like you need for school and everything um do do a 40 pound you like them you're not gonna ruin the maya i don't know we'll see about that one [Music] coming up carl is feeling flush and finds a new way to spend his benefits i got it yesterday her name's lulu and uh it's a new challenge i'm looking forward to she's gonna be my little baby girl craig is told to look for work or he'll have his payments stopped you have to agree to how much job searching you're going to do and if you don't stick to it though will stop you when you are flag it up and suzanne spends her benefits in pursuit of fame i was really tense at first so it was knowing how to learn to relax and how to pose really [Music] in worcester after being labeled as the lotto grand by the press suzanne has got the fame bug today she's been asked to appear on a local radio station for a tell-all interview i've arrived at the black country radio station to obviously let the general public know you know to all the listeners out there to how this has all come about to what's happened to how it's affected my life so i'm hoping so much that this radio show will change things for me i really do good morning sunny good morning let's have a look how you doing don't be nervous right you're listening to monica price in the morning here on black country radio and joining me now is suzanne hintze good morning suzanne good morning good morning right so sunny can i call you sunny that's what you're yes you can so sunny now you've become quite famous um you've become known as the lottery grand i mean how does it feel now you are in the public eye sonny well how has that changed your life well this is something obviously i'd need the public to know it's not something i've chose or wanted it happened to me one minute i was just this normal girl living where i am in worcester and then all of a sudden i'm walking into a celebrity lifestyle but what the public need to realize and i'm sure anybody else would have done the same i am doing only you know positive out of a negative situation because nobody really knows what i've been through so what's the future for you sonny well you know i'm just enjoying every moment of it and whatever is offered to me which so far has only been good um i'm just enjoying and going with the flow really because you just don't know whatever next interview over suzanne hopes it will finally help her move on from being the lotto gran you know i really really enjoyed it it's the best thing i've done throughout all of this because i feel such a relief of what it's like a weight's been lifted and i think the further i go in this and maybe have more in i'm hoping other people will want to speak to me now on the isle of sheppy carl has been receiving disability benefits for 15 months because of a serious lung condition he's been a heavy smoker for most of his life i've smelled since i was about 12 13 years of age you know it's uh as a kid trying to impress your friends i'm up to 30 40 cigarettes a day now you know so um i really need to pack in and get some help with it you know i know i'm stupid for me to carry on and it's not helping me voice either yes and so i think missing in korea is absolutely knackered with the heavy drinking and smoking taking its toll carl's finally realized he needs to make big changes yeah that's the smoking cessation referral yes he shows you i am going to go to the doctors i'm going to make an appointment it is happening and i'm going to be a non-smoker hopefully in the next few days or maybe a week or two whatever whenever they give me the date i'll go make the appointment and the new car [Music] in bradford that craig is living off benefits so that he can raise his son full time i will do it for just short of a year it'll be here in august it's not a massive house but it's ideal for me in brooklyn the two-bedroom house is privately rented and costs 400 pounds a month this is brooklyn's room um it's really fairly small but it does block him for what he needs he's got his xbox and his telly and stuff so he's i think he's happy with what he's got in his room craig's rent is paid for by housing benefits it's just one of the reasons he says he's better off not working if i got a job the public stopped paying my rent um i'd have to pay it myself and everything so i'd probably still be struggling even if if i were working having been unemployed for almost two years craig has been told by the job centre he has to constantly look for work to keep his job seekers allowance you have to agree to how much job searching you're going to deal with and if you don't stick to it the world's looking at where and either stop your money or flag it up obviously you don't want to be sat on here constantly because you have got other things to do and things like that so i just spend an hour every other day just having a look and applying for jobs and hoping i get something out of it even though he says he'd love a job with the hours he's able to work and the cost of child care there aren't many options they'll save some jobs on here which i think yes i'd love to do that but then when you look further into the application what they require and things like that it's it's from them jobs that you know you're never going to be able to do because it's have a lot of work you know where a lot of long hours and things like that but craig hopes one day he'll finally come off benefits i will probably be on him for a bit longer but eventually i will want to get off him and go out and get back to work and things like that and be able to give brooklyn a bit of a better life but this moment of time i am better off meanwhile in worcester someone who's not looking for work is suzanne she has become notorious as lotto gran the woman who tried to claim 33 million pounds she hadn't won today she's using her benefits to fund her path to fame by getting some promotional photos taken and she's planning to pose in her underwear i'm a bit nervous as you probably can see but feeling quite excited about it as well the underwear i'm modeling is actually from a really sort of posh laundry shop i just want to get there now and just do it eight months ago suzanne was working as a cleaner but was signed off sick so she now has time to work at being a celebrity being on this benefit well it gives me 24 hours of free time really whereas obviously if this would be happening to me while i was taking my job i think it would be a totally different scenario i wouldn't have really as much free time to give into this and i think it would become very very tiring hence why i suppose celebrities out there that this is the only thing they you know this is what they do for the photo shoot suzanne has blacked some posh underwear from a local shop but she isn't being paid for modelling it in fact she's paying for the shoot out of her benefits it's coming out of my pocket i'm having to pay for it which i don't mind because it's something what will hopefully create a better profile for myself so for that i think you know 100 pounds is definitely worth that because you know at the end of the day who knows what will become a bit although she's still on benefits suzanne feels that being known as the lotto gran dramatically changed her life for the better to me this is all like as if as if i'm in a dream because i was just this normal woman living in worcester and now it's slowly becoming more and more like living like a celebrity lifestyle in her quest for fame suzanne recently hired herself an agent called barry he's turned up today to show her the ropes just get into place here so that you don't have to sit there you can use the chair in the front where you want what john's going to do for now we're doing some focusing and you'll start to get warm under the light so so you're a bit nervous don't be nervous because you'll just you'll get more comfortable over the next half hour and we'll probably take two or three other pictures but we only need four or five all right [Music] i was really tense at first so it was knowing how to learn to relax and how to pose really i think i've worn it well i think i've seen myself just since i'm quite proud of myself really [Music] i think the whole experience is really good hopefully fingers crossed something will you know somebody will see it say well you know she looks quite nice [Music] while suzanne has spent a hundred pounds on her photo shoot on the isle of sheppy carl has forked out almost half of this month's benefits on a brand new housemate i got it yesterday her name's lulu and uh she's gonna be my little baby girl it's gonna be an expensive uh friend to have but um i'm because i'm not working and when i can take her out for walks hopefully she'll get me a bit fitter with the non-smoking and the exercise and um it's a new challenge i'm looking forward to i'm sure she's going to be a wonderful friend with lulu likely to cost around fifteen hundred pounds a year in upkeep carl is planning to cover the cost by giving up the but if he doesn't quit he hopes his benefits will still stretch [Music] i'll probably spend about um 30 35 pound a week on cigarettes and tobacco you know so um once i pack in keeping the dog i'll be offset by me not smoking obviously and i think i can look after a dog for about 30 35 pound a week so it's another incentive to give up smoking it just gives me that push that off you know it's uh and i do like to have a bit of companionship in the flat and now i've got it i'm you know i'm over the moon weaver look at this oh beautiful sunny day out in the big wide world look at this beautiful carl spent 440 pounds to buy lulu as well as 70 pounds on toys and necessities but he's not finished yet i want some really nice trick puppy treats how about some uh like a real bone oh and to chew spray yeah just to keep her off the uh chair legs so i'll need a red collar nice soft red one for yeah please can i have a look at that red dye monty one full of sunday vest yeah yeah i've gotta get her a bit of bling well i know but they're worth it then they are you're worth it could be doing an advert for l'oreal bye thank you bye hi lulu come on say bye i spent another 30 quid today 70 quid yesterday 400. buying you wow over 500 pound already you've cost me but you're worth every penny you are and i'm sure everybody loves you and they will do yeah come on then let's go home yeah come on yes i know come on then let's go home [Music] coming up craig summoned to the job centre about his commitment to finding work i mean i come down here it's a big effect on the lifestyle but obviously with the circumstances i need to do this carl's smoking habit brings his finances and his health to breaking points [Music] and that's why i want a packing smoking and suzanne's dream hot tub has been installed but it's not quite living up to expectations temperature's not quite up to where it should be and the bubble's not working at the moment you know i'm gonna have it working soon i'm sure [Music] on the isle of sheppy carl and his new housemate lulu are getting used to living together come on then come on girl come on pleasure after already spending over 500 pounds on his new puppy karl is hoping to offset the cost by giving up his 40 a day smoking habit most of my money goes on smoking and drinking but i'm trying one thing at a time quit smoking get a little bit healthier have the incentive then to go on and either control or abstain altogether from the booze the reasons carl had to stop work and go on benefits worried about his health so after several failed attempts to quit the he's finally decided to get some help i've got an appointment to see the smoking cessation nurse so he's going to advise me what to take what to do and apparently give me a date as to when i'm going to stop smoking after 43 years as a smoker his decision to quit is starting to hit home the change in my life coming up it is finally becoming real now i've been thinking about it for a few months um i haven't been bothered to do it in the past but now i've got to do it you know it's uh it's a bit worrying what i'm doing for the sake of the dog and my own health of course you know i mean it's uh we'll all benefit from it hopefully carl is entitled to six weeks worth of free nhs prescriptions to help him give up i just have a look what they've gave me for my stopping smoking 60 nicotine strips mint flavoured wow looking forward to them i do love mints nicorettes inhaler nicotine oh that's the cigarettes i've got something to do with my hands all the time apparently that helps you back in smoking as well because one of the biggest things is psychological not doing anything with your hands and with his future health in the balance carl is hopeful that this is the push he needs i'm really determined this time i want to give up and obviously it's going to save me a fortune as well you know it's uh i'll be spending on the dog and maybe a few other little luxuries for myself instead of struggling week to week no don't really in bradford today single dad craig has to make his fortnightly visit to the dole office to find out if he's done enough job searching to get his benefits i'm going to tighten under there but it's a bit awkward today because i've got brooklyn because he's um he's not at school he's on school all he did so it takes a day out with something that i could have spent doing with him but instead now we have to go outside on the antec winner craig has been on benefits for two years but he still finds the routines difficult having to come down here it's a big effect on my lifestyle i've never wanted to do this but obviously with the circumstances i need to do this for me in brooklyn to be able to survive although he's a full-time dad being on jobseeker's allowance means he has to be available for work he also has to prove he's been trying to find a job or he'll lose his money we're okay today um just started looking at what i'd been doing over the last couple weeks job search wise and stuff she just had a little scan re-booked me for my next signing on there in a couple of weeks so now we can get home and we can spend most of there doing whatever brooklyn wants to do because he's on holiday so we'll probably end up going to a park or something like that and enjoying enjoying rest it there together craig's payments are safe for the next fortnight brooklyn living week to week means he can't plan long term but he's happy he gets more time to be a dad well with that getting all this time we brooklyn makes up for a lot of time and miss hollywood working i think he enjoys it more as well because he gets to see more and he gets to spend more time with me and everything didn't get it before she does oh you know i got it although life on benefits can have its advantages craig is hopeful that one day things will change eventually when i do get a job in i i get financially stable again and that i want to check brooklyn to places that he asked to go and he's wanting to go on holiday and that he wants to go on a plane and stuff like that so eventually we'll be able to do that for now it's just a matter of enjoying the time we've got together and just managing the best we can with what one person who isn't worried about finances is suzanne as her dream of transforming her garden shared into a luxury jacuzzi room has finally become a reality i'm just creating the finishing touches on my amazing hot tub if something doesn't look right or it doesn't you know i take it back off and i'll redo it again like i've done a couple of times with this hence why it's taken me so long um because it's just got to be perfect and then inside i've sort of kept that as a feature wall because it's got fishes and dolphins on etc so now i have actually got underwater lights to go in as well as well as surrounding lights so you know i think it'll look really really nice suzanne had intended to spend 350 pounds to build her dream jacuzzi room but after splashing out on a few extras it ended up costing more i got to be honest all in all it was round about i'd say about 550 pounds in the end which i think is a bargain suzanne believes that being on benefits shouldn't mean changing her spending habits working or being on benefits doesn't make no difference you know it's my money the end of the day so i should be entitled to spending how i please and how i like yeah it's not as warm as it should be at the moment the temperature is only 23 so it's not as warm but it's nice so the temperature is not quite up to though it should be and the bubble's not working at the moment so it still doesn't feel like a proper hot tub but i know it will do you know i'm gonna have it working soon i'm sure and there we have my sign despite the hot tub not quite working suzanne hopes it's the next step to getting her celebrity lifestyle everybody's got their own tastes dislikes likes this is what i like this is what i wanted i've paid for it out of my money whoever doesn't like it tough lumps i like it that's the main thing isn't it it's what i wanted so i got it if i want something i will get it whether it takes time or not you know and i am really really happy so cheers [Music] since filming ended craig has dreams of taking brooklyn on his first ever plane journey to visit his family in america my dad works but he lives in america so eventually i will take him to see his granddad because he's only ever met him once since he's been born but i will get him over there eventually suzanne continues to use her benefits to fund her bid for a celebrity lifestyle i'm going to the nail bar to treat myself to have my nails redone you know that's the least i can afford to do really and it makes me feel better as a person so and carl still hasn't quit the but he's determined to give it another go you know it's uh the fresh air getting into my lungs enjoying it i'm going to keep plodding on and i'll i think i'm going to enjoy myself now and have an ice cream hopefully i have to do the soft ones if not a mint magnum my favorite okay [Music] next thursday night we meet a lady who's desperately seeking stardom on benefits next though bear is rubbing a few people up the wrong way and someone's about to crack yet the niceties are well and truly over in celebrity big brother [Music]
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Views: 438,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 1sec (2701 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2022
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