Benefits Britain: Life on the dole (Episode 1)

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[Music] benefits Britain has never been bigger today more people than ever before depend on the welfare state I am not getting off of benefits that is just as simple as that for some it's a way of life yeah going to Cuba I me dream I've got a big television I've got me games consoles you know why shouldn't we have them for others it's nothing more than a poverty trap 6p don't think that's going to work but the system is changing get a job or we your money you ain't no jobs the bedroom tax part of the government's new plan to make us all skin slashing payments we're going to get done the first time my life I have to actually pay rent and other tough welfare reforms all mean it's getting harder than ever to live off the state imagine what's going through in your head can't B but what do you do if you live in a place where jobs are few and far between everything is shut everything is dead there's nothing you can do around it and finding work is an uphill battle foreigners are doing it maybe a pound a pound 50 cheaper why don't they give me a job so I can earn money for myself so I don't have to live in poverty Great Yarmouth a Seaside town where the local population relies heavily on tourism for jobs but out of season this is a benefit hot spot with one in five adults signing on we put the [ __ ] out with your daughter me Teenage mum Le owner 3-month-old baby Porsha and unemployed dad Lee since Porsha's birth they've been able to claim 300 quid a fortnite in benefits but that's just been slash by nearly half without any explanation can you imagine what's going through my head B CU you tell you know something no stop stressing I'll stop stressing when you understand what's going on there this morning they've got an emergency appointment down at the job center to sort their claim but they're running late we're pushing it by and that could land them in more trouble don't worry about give this how you do if it didn't look like such a [ __ ] hole anyway I would clean it up a lot more if they don't get a move on Le and Leona could lose even more benefits under strict new job center rules anyone arriving late from appointment risks having their payments cut or stopped altogether what we're going down the other way a skanky a port is going to get bubbled everywhere in benefits Britain sanctioning is on the eyes that's it [Applause] B since new rules were introduced in 2012 over a million people have had their money stopped either for a few refusing to work quitting a job or signing on late what time's that appointment 102 10 minutes ago we're going to get done mad but today look is on their side this morning the job center is also running [Music] late it's close come on in we got to be quick cuz look at all these people we need to get in and we need to get his money Lee and Leona aren't the only ones in yarma battling the new super strict benefit system the toilets R A with it 20-year-old Jordan is still smarting from his latest running with a job center I got sanctions here so I kind of hate this building now giving the choice I'll never set foot in here again but kind of don't have that luxury of choosing to be honest so this or nothing Jordan's benefits have been half to just 34 quid a week after after the job center found out he hadn't shown up for a government work program a company rang up the job center and told him I never showed up there was a whole two weeks period where I didn't even ring them and let them know I w't come in the last one I can agree with they told me that uh I've been sanctioned I was like ah it's one of them things that you never think could happen to you Jordan will be under sanction for the next two months and with no real job prospects he'll have to rely on his flatmates Daniel and Luke oh we said ever since I come to yth my brain cells have slowly run out the side of my ears when I sleep trouble is they're living off benefits too so everyone is skined meals for the next few days will consist of toast or sandwiches when I was a little kid I imagined I'd be a professional footballer by now I thought I'd be on like quarter of a million pound a week pay other people to go do my shopping for me going to grab it but Jordan's got a plan so b instead of looking for work he's applying for a job center loan a grand and a half that's roughly six month dull money the long oh no the account loans are supposed to be available for people in extreme need through no fault of their own but sanctioned Jordan still thinks he's in with a chance you can ask for it if you need help with rent in advance or removal expenses to secure fresh accommodation don't need that traveling expenses were in the UK I don't need that Improvement maintenance and security of the home don't need that that's a land L problem they're not exactly the easiest thing to fill out but thankfully Ai and the Xbox aren't nearly so taxing I got 200 I'm happy with myself back at the job center teenage M owner is still trying to sort out her missing money I'm sorry but we just just sat there for the last half hour filling out a piece of paper that don't really mean no nothing Leona appears to have fallen foul of new job center regulations her benefits have been stopped for not filling in the right forms until that's resolved the got to make baby Porsche's 9 quid a week benefits stretch three ways which a fair because her money was supposed to be going on a brand new bugy today so we're going to have to go somewhere and get a second hand one for teenage mum Le owna this is the latest in a long run of problems with the job center I was pregnant first time when I first went in I was like 8 weeks gone tried to sign on they W deal with me cuz I was 17 tried to get some sort of money they would deal with me I didn't have nowhere to live didn't have no money coming in and to their knowledge I were a pregnant bird that didn't have no nobody giving her any money or nothing she's going to have it easier than I did I'm going to make sure that she's going to have a lovely lovely lovely life and if things go bad then I'll make it better for her but a better life doesn't look as if it's coming anytime soon dad Lee has only had one job in the last 6 years and he's your face yeah I'm nicking one and until this crisis is sorted the family will have to manage on less than 13 quid a day freezing out there Bo [Music] 20-year-old Jordan has been sanctioned by the job center his dull money has been half to just 34 quid a week he hasn't applied for any jobs but he has asked the job center for A500 quid loan look to me yeah cuz I got put sanction didn't I life is definitely not what I thought it would be I had dreams of going abroad enjoying myself having fun calling up my makes one weekend we're going to go for a pokka knite now I have to plan like 3 months ahead and make sure that I've saved enough money for A10 game of poker with two months to go until his sanction is lifted super skint Jordan's got less than a five or a day to live off there's a shop down here they so cheap Pags they didn't have any of our normal ones to get these ones they're cheap [ __ ] and they taste horrible but I'd rather spend 22 80 on a pack of [ __ ] from there then packet a [ __ ] from a shop or something he may be able to get dodgy half price facts but Jordan's benefit lifestyle is beginning to lose its appeal I'm fed up a living on benefits I don't want to be sat here with a bottle of Sida every day drinking myself to death skin I'd rather die than sit on a bench drinking scud for the rest of my life I do look at some people and think a it's probably not his fault he's that way sort of thing but some people choose that life and I don't want to live like that I need a job I need to start paying more attention to [Music] life with 11% of under 25s in the town unemployed being young in Great Yarmouth is no joke and 21-year-old Thomas's past hasn't made things any easier for him unfortunately I have got a criminal pass and I do find it difficult to to get a job because of it I want a job and and I'll will do anything to get a job that might be hard to come by because Thomas has been to prison four times already but with a large dog a fiance and a four-month old baby to feed he's getting creative with his CV to hide the gaps in his work history in a town like this it is it is basically doggy dog and that everyone is going for the same job so you need to make sure that you stand out from the rest and Little White Lies every now and then don't hurt I mean sort of like employers don't want to see massive gaps in unemployment and that so speak to your previous employer just say to them look would you mind if I just said on my CV if I can extend the employment 9 out of 10 they're like yeah that's absolutely fine um make sure you've got good references references that are going to back you up if you can't get that get a friend to do it with no job to go to Thomas spends a lot of time indoors training his husky bolt woohoo kill it kill it kill it it's there you can get it I'm actually quite surprised he hasn't ripped it apart say hello say hello say hello give a kiss good boy enough despite his child care skills Thomas wants to get out of the house and find seasonal work but right now the family is getting by on 145 quid a week in benefits life on benefits is basically the lowest somebody can get we have to beg and borrow we are basically up the up [ __ ] streak without a [Music] paddle it's two months to go till the summer season starts in Great Yarmouth with not enough jobs to go around one in five adults will be stuck on the Dole until the tourists return this is 30-year-old Dean last season he was lucky enough to get a job making pizzas in a caravan Park oh I was going to make some banana cake since then he's got by on 135 quid a week in job Seekers and housing benefit m is this self or normal flower self that's self raising that's not good enough why what you want banana cake you can't use you can't use self be mom with no work Dean's mostly around at mom Donna's she works part-time but also gets benefits and they really like a moan they've only just literally properly sorted my money at middle of January as it as to stand there I'm like 250 in a re yeah but your landlord's all right a he well no no no no Mom he's not he's he's been on my case you got realize in two weeks time I'm nearly 500 in the rear but I can't do nothing he convict me but if he evicts me I just walk into housing benefit I just stop my housing benefit did you know that your housing benefit is always a month behind Mom Mom I got the okay you think how the benefits months Beyond I know because when I let me finish you're only a month behind until they pay you and then you're Square no because mine's not Square Dean I got my letter so how comes how comes I am still how comes I didn't get that one more fortnite's money if you're saying we're a month behind yeah but then once it starts running over at the end do you get paid fortnit all monthly what do you mean your money when it gets paid into do you get do you get paid monthly do monthly right end of conversation with two different Kettler fishes Dean's desperate to come off benefit and hopes he'll get his job back at the Caravan Park when the season starts up but it's not just local competition is up against 9,000 migrant workers arrived in the area last year all competing for contract jobs and Dean has a lot to say about who should be first in the job queue go for our our jobs speak our language don't respect the interpretat do it all for you say you got the Portuguese you got polish you got the slaan then you got the Turkish then you got the Nigerians so I would say in Yarmouth you got about 12 different races easily in Yarmouth well that's not right this is the sort of Road you go down here and half people that standing outside shops don't speak a word of English Polish Polish calf just there I'm not too sure but that's Portuguese that's a Nigerian haircut that's Polish behind there we got the convenience score store there that's it's everywhere while Dean is hoping to work the summer season things aren't so promising for Le and Leona we know what makes Porsche Porsha happy they're still living off baby Porsche's 90 quid a week child benefit there you go look look we're going to give her morals we're going to make her have morals we are cuz Mommy got my R stay we Haven been shopping for me and Lee yet she she's kushed she's got her milk and app his her wives so she's sorted for the next few weeks we're going to be eating frozen veg and chips for a fortnite with no work on the horizon Lee found other things to keep him busy I've been looking all the sites and everything and sent off quite a few CVS just nothing I do anything I pick up dog [ __ ] to put food in my cooked belly me I'll do anything I have to [ __ ] pimp out my body to survive I I have to be a pimp [Applause] I Lee isn't interested in seasonal work at the Holiday Parks he wants a job in a garage trouble is he hasn't got any qualifications I know my wear around a car mechanically I know I wear around a bike mechanically but you need all your certificates and [ __ ] like that to get into another job like that and I'm not I'm not a school person I i' tried College lasted 6 weeks I can't do college I can't [ __ ] I hate it I'm not very good while the wait for their benefits to come through Lee's hoping to sell his new toy to raise some much needed [Music] cash you okay you right Le I broke [Music] it when the summer season finally arrives competition for work will be fierce only one in three people will come off the Dole leaving the rest to join the ranks of the long-term unemployed people like benefits veterans Tracy and Gwen goldfish will have a goldfish if you want a fish tank I mind the fish tank Tracy was living on her own but because she had a spare room she was hit by the bedroom tax and that cut her housing benefit so it no longer covered her rent now she's moved and set up home with best mate Gwen and their new rent is fully covered by benefits cuz dry house in here you know Gwen go on then your turn anyway I'm always making all you cheeky s do you want to get up be with a roller she's got some nerve in she eh I thought social house and you had it for life not now you don't because now they just kick you out and that's how we ended up being here wen't it the bedroom tax has affected up to a thousand households in Great Yarmouth but pensioners with spare rooms are exempt something Gwen and Tracy find difficult to swallow what makes it worse is um pensioners could stop in their houses yeah that I don't think is fair because why do pensioners get so much more Privileges and get a lot more money than everybody else trac's been our benefits for most of the past 25 years but she doesn't think retired people deserve any extra help I mean at the end of the day I know you shouldn't have to but if if a pensioner is cold they can always cover themselves up with a blanket or a quilt or something you know that that just make me so angry and then when you hear them say we fought in the War you bloody well don't fight in the war unless you're nearly bleeding 100 I'm not saying don't go and have a game of bingo good luck to them he gets them out but to be there all the time and then to say that they can't afford to put I think that's heating on or that's why they they don't use no electric cuz they're at the bingo all the time a [Music] they 20-year-old jobless Jordan is still under sanction and he's now been living off his flatmates benefits for a month we're running out of [ __ ] we're running out of food we're on the like the last pound of the gas and electric if the lights suddenly go off that's like the electric gone the job center are due to pay flatmate Daniel's benefit money into his bank account at midnight but right now the lads are down to their last pennies 23 P next door's got 847 we've got 23p there's not enough there I've only counted a pound and there's not even enough there oh look there a tener in my lamp I got my lamp went in then is a tener I was saving this for gas but seeing as Daniel gets paid in a couple of hours he can buy a gas it's nearly midnight and the lads are off to collect Daniel's benefits from the cash point hopefully Dan W get stopped by the police this time M yeah I know always seems to happen yeah it's just us is it on the way they decide to Splash Jordan's last tener on yarm's finest kebabs yeah that's the last of the money until I get paid until he gets paid then yeah without a penny to their name everyone is depending on Daniel's 130 quid benefits [Applause] payment that's disappointing supposed to get food for me and Jordan to last till Jordan gets paid on 6p don't think that's going to work but hey I got a pound off Dove Shore women [Applause] yay in great yarma the summer season is still 6 weeks away but the holiday Parks have just started their annual recruitment drives offering a glimmer of hope to the town's jobless it's 6:30 in the morning and Jordan is already up Fed Up of being skimped he's got himself a job interview for bar work at a caravan Park but being up this early is her first uh I got to be there at 9: let say4 2 and it's now [ __ ] 700 in the morning this is some horrible [ __ ] I don't like this sort of [ __ ] time it's horrible I've never actually had an interview so I have no idea what I'm expecting here oh you the Holiday Park is 7 miles away so Jordan's left early to catch the owly bus to make sure he's on time there go great now I got to walk to [ __ ] y we got an hour and 20 minutes to get there now and it still looks 7 miles down a [ __ ] [Music] Road 21y Old Exar criminal Thomas is also up early disturbed by an unwelcome [Music] visitor by Monday I will be moving items for furniture public right he needs to get that pa okay thank you was that the bayith man by any chance yes which letter has he giv me this time Maron all right well luckily cuz you ain't got no stuff it's all sign over to me yeah £525 for something that wasn't even my poxy fault the bayts are after him for unpaid car tax but Thomas thinks he's got the upper hand um I've been refused entry or unable to contact you at the address and I believe that you are willfully trying to avoid payment of this account you should be aware that there exists a power under section 4 a of the magistrates Court Act of 1980 to enable us to enter your property by force using locksmith where were acquired yeah good luck mate I've signed everything over to jod I technically owe nothing in this flat apart from my clothes and if he wants to try and get 500 nicker for my clothes he'll be lucky to get 10 P at a charity [Music] shop right Keys lighter CV right love you you love you too behave yourself Thomas might think he's ahead of the bayts but now he faces a more difficult challenge to beg a seasonal job come the summer right see you in a bit you go to prison they're like yeah we can do this for you we can do that for you they send you out they put you on the benefits and no one's going to give you a job so you back to square one and unless you're lucky enough to fall on your feet and find a job and that you're screwed you're just going to be stuck in that cycle of prism benefits prism benefits prism [Music] benefits 5 weeks after resubmitting their claim to get their full benefits back Dad Lee and teenage mum Le owner have yet to receive their doll money so they're still making due with baby Porsche's 90 quid a week everybody thinks that if you're a teenager you have a baby you're doing it for benefits in a council house I want a family you're all right it weren't planned but she's one of the best things I've ever had in my life they might not have received any cash but the job center has sent them a letter so this come this morning us been titled to £675 a week so instead of us being on 240 every two weeks we'll be on 312 with more benefits money finally on the way there's light at the end of the tunnel for Le and Leona and Porsha their little princess tell them if Princess K and Prince William are watching I'm going to marry your son she is she's going to marry him she's going to marry Prince George and she going to be princess [ __ ] the real family man [ __ ] them she's going to be a real princess what have they ever done for us yes but if pora gets in charge then we'll have some influence because we're a mommy and daddy being what we're her mommy and daddy so we'll have some influence we have influence or not M she's going to be you a bright intelligent young girl mate and she ain't going to be not like none of these [ __ ] hood rats as walk around at [ __ ] 14 15 being [ __ ] pregnant [ __ ] that happened to her M I'm telling you now Le owner will be allowed to stay on benefits until Porsche is five but the job center is on Le's back to find work there could be as many as 3,000 tourism jobs around the corner but Lee says there's nothing for him there people like me out there that want to work and can't work mean nothing around nothing at all around tried looking I'm out every morning looking for work come there's nothing just [ __ ] honest to God it's [ __ ] up here despite missing the boss Jordan has finally arrived at the Caravan Park it's a big recruitment day and he's starting to feel the pressure this will be his first proper job interview I'm [ __ ] it now cuz I'm seeing all these people drive in there in like suits and [ __ ] and there's me and tracky bottoms in a [ __ ] t-shirt right time to go in with not enough jobs to go around first impressions are vital something Jordan seems to have overlooked so are you Rec coming to me then for a bar job what qualities do you think you can bring to this job ra uh so I'm trying to think of the words now I was smart I was polite I was never rude or anything same thing um do you enjoy working as part of the team yeah teamwork skills yeah yeah I don't I don't quite know the wordp can you explain to me then what you think great customer service is uh being polite to the customers showing you know what you're doing um dressing appropriately getting orders correct things like that really you got any questions for me um I've got a list of questions I was going to ask at home it was a long walk up here from gston and I seem to forgot every single question lovely to meet you you're welcome thank you see you later see you later thank you cheers [ __ ] know [ __ ] well I've never been so stressed in my [Music] life that was that was something else to be honest with you I don't think I've got it if I get the call back from him I'll definitely come in a smart clothes Jordan's not the only one looking for work Dean is hoping to strike it lucky and secure another stretch in the Pizza Kitchen but getting any sort of work in Great Yarmouth is never easy and Dean thinks he knows why about 8 years ago there was loads of agencies work but now they've all took the foreigners on cuz the Foreigner foreigners are doing it to maybe a pound a pound 50 cheaper they should have shut the floodgates years ago 90% of them are all foreign workers no one wants to turn the foreigners down cuz then the foreigners will play the racist card as they always do yeah give it 10 15 years there going to be a civil war while Dean hacked off by the influx of Migrant workers half a mile down the road Trace is preoccupied with something else altogether having finished decorating her benefits house she's turned her attention to the state of the street you come over here it's even worse see nothing but rubbish just all thrown behind the bins mattresses left down they just don't bother to clean nothing up no more it's just a mess there's no pride in Yarmouth no more you go beyond the seafront and that's horrendous holiday makers are going to wander off the sea front into the back roads and I bet you they get a shock when they do Tracy's been receiving various benefits most of her adult life including some she really wasn't entitle to they reckon I ow £23,000 I got a letter to decided to go to the job center for an interview so I went to the job center not really thinking anything of it and then that's when they told me that I'd been defrauding them I tried that did actually go to court I ended up in Crown Court in I switch over it they said that I didn't inform them that my circumstances had changed and I did on at least three occasions I just thought well I must still be in en titled to it I tried to find get phone records to prove that I'd phoned them and obviously after that M of time you couldn't get them so I really I had no choice but to plead guilty and I got 3 month suspended sentence community service and a year on probation I remember the day I went to court and I was so convinced I was going to prison I even took a bag with me with like clothes and toilet didn't I I was convinced that I weren't coming home again and the kids want have come in there and I wouldn't let them come that was horrible sorry back at Le and Leona's there's been a new addition to the family this this little friend here this hello say hello this is mar he's lovely he does smell his trunks but he's lovely and I like him that's another ma feed yeah but that's all right I like him we were going to have another baby So eventually we'll just have a m you now about time then then when when we eventually have another baby we're going to we'll be working so we'll be able to feed all of us Leona's benefits are fin been reinstated but the last few weeks without cash have left them in debt and now it's payback time your debts every month uh council tax mobile phone contracts court fines wer if I give them £30 a month all of them then it'll come to 300 I mean if we found a job then we' be cusher if I could find a babysitter that'll look after Porsche for a 10 or a week I'd be I'd be buzzing I'd be able to work but nobody out there is stupid enough to look after a porot for the tener a week even with half her benefits going on repayments and standing orders Leona has no regrets about choosing motherhood over a job I love being a mom I do I love being a mom she's a bit stressful at times but she's a little p a she she's tiny you don't like little tiny people at 18 I still wanted there were still things I'd not done that I wanted to do before having kids but I cann't wait well everybody else is waking up with a hangover but I'm waking up with sick on my shoulder or a poopy nappy and it don't sound like fun to everybody else but it [Music] is Dean waits to hear whether he's got his old job back he's hold up with mum Donna who's convinced retail development is the answer to all Yarmouth unemployment problems we have got a massive what used to be the co-op why not turn it into a primar it'll give the locals jobs but they won't be seasonal jobs because they'll be all year round you don't need [ __ ] free floors to the size of that no you don't no you don't no you don't no you don't look in they we want Prime up yeah so we can get our clothes yeah okay fair enough yeah well you don't need to be as big as bloody norwi and compete because we don't why not cuz we don't why not cuz we don't that would be an ideal place too big they'd be spending far too much money in that and they' be losing money cuz it will be too big too vly big you need to H hold on a minute you say it's too yarely big that's not as big as what the pride Mark is is in orage oh my God oh my God right right how many people are in Yarmouth how many people would you say live in the Yarmouth area just the Yarmouth just just y don't y let's just say 7 8,000 yeah yeah would you would you agree with that yeah yeah how many Norwich you think our [ __ ] youths are going to go in there and buy the stuff no they ain't our youth shoplift in all the shops you're going to get all the you going in there with their pram sticking their [ __ ] clothes under let me finish let me finish sticking their clothes under the prams and all stuff it's not going to work skin and sanctioned Jordan is also waiting to hear back from his very first job interview I [ __ ] all doing made him thinking about it to honest until I get a phone call off him I just can't be asked to talk about it makes it's just getting more and more [ __ ] wound up Jordan was worried that his appearance on the day might have let him down particularly his tattoos that's one that's two and that's the half there isn't anymore for years that's [ __ ] all piss off my uncle's a prick for making me do it as you can see it turned out rather [ __ ] and horrible and he thought it'd be a good idea I says yeah you can do it as long as you do it small I thought he was going to do it about this big there no he does it all the way down my arm one I'm pissed out my face what an [ __ ] and it didn't even come out properly but it's more important than ever that Jordan starts bringing in the cash his mate Luke won't be able to bail him out for too much longer as he'll soon get a benefit's house all of his own with his new girlfriend Jordan's sister my woman ain't back till Thursday your woman is my sister hey your girlfriend either less I'm with your sister except the fact that we are don't call my sister your woman she is my woman Luke's life is about to change dramatically cuz in a few months he'll be a daddy took care of me while I was drunk had a New Year's Eve party she texted me saying she needed no help her because she didn't know anyone that was here and then I met her then we had sex and then we made a baby and now we got a very strong relationship you have sex three four different places in the flat where where was the one that I was pissed off about your bedroom where abouts in my bedroom on your bed exactly can't take take on the Wardrobe sweating over my sister Dirty Bastard Jordan's life could be changing too but only if the call from the Caravan Park is good news hello stressed out cuz i' been waiting kind of been waiting for this phone call since like 9:00 this morning i' stressing out in case I don't get it in great yarma the holiday season is just [Applause] beginning 30-year-old Dean has secured another stint at the Caravan Park after months on the doll he's finally out of his mother's hair right Mom I'm off I'm off bye lers during the season Dean will work anything up to 100 hours a week because he knows that come the winter he'll be be back on the do again I hate being out of work don't like it I just get bored so easily I'd rather be in work rather be doing doing work then just sitting on my ass cuz that is what I do there is nothing in y if you go out there and look for stuff but there's nothing there so you end up you end up being in a rut just sitting on your ass been here 3 years it's same cycle year after year I'll be back in here next year most probably same cycle if it's not my fault the only job I can find is seasonal but if I was somewhere else in the city or something I'd be in full-time job I don't know I would it's just where I am but while Dean Knuckles down to a hardworking holiday season Lee is still looking for a job Lee was doing a 30day 30-day work trial which he overturned and now he's just helping his mates for free just getting at at house and looking for jobs uh he goes and helps one of his mates once or twice a week buy him his breakfast buy him pack of [ __ ] even though they're still skin Porsha's Mom and Dad have managed to sort out some of their problems oh we had a big old argument and then we just got everything that and sort it from the other way it's less stressful it's calmer it's better on her a lot better on her cuz she don't have to deal with her other parents arguing with each other 24/7 because of stuff that's really halfly not their not in their power to sort until Lee finds paid work Leona's had to become an expert in juggling her benefits money it's easier the people make out to live benefits in my personal opinion if they hav't got drug habits drink habits or splash the money on stupid stupid stuff then it's easy I think it's easy to live on benefits it's livable it's manageable you can yeah you don't get treats and you don't get you don't get to go out and stuff but you're living you're still managing to live if I could feed fre of us a dog clothed Porter every every month get a new clothes every month get a new toys we can still manage to pay us bills and still manage to be able to smoke then I don't see why people are finding it hard to pay the rent or pay the pay for the food on benefits cuz we we we can do it all so why can't live and I can do it with a kid but a life on benefits is not the kind of future Leona dreams about Le I'd love to see him working properly I'd love it I think that's what proper families are about daddy goes to work mommy looks after the house and makes his dinner and looks after the noisy little sprogs and daddy brings him the money and then Mommy and the babies spend it yes we do money is occupying Jordan's mind too sick of being skinned he's anxiously waiting to hear whether he can finally wave goodbye to the doll [Music] que hello yep stressed out cuz i' been waiting kind of been waiting for this phone call since like 9:00 this morning I'm stressing out in case I don't get it you'd love me to join you mate I'd love love to come and join you as well all right cheers mate all right thank you cheers bye I got it I got it [ __ ] I've just realized it's messed up all the but know I got to pay rent for the first time in my life I have to actually pay rent feels good to know that I've got a job and that I ain't going to be on benefits for much longer all I want is to like do well at this job finish the season finish the job go back next year do it all again a different routine hopefully few promotions open up I'll be like yes sweet all I want is to prove that everyone out there that ever doubted me that I'm not the [ __ ] they or thought I was growing up the worst thing well now I want to go get pissed unfortunately I ain't got no [ __ ] want to do so there's been good news for Le and Leona after six years on the Dole Lee's got a job as a scaffolder but the unemployment figures in Great Yarmouth won't be going down because Jordan's quit his job and is back living on the do ler this week's parents struggling with their kids aggressive behavior my violent child is brand new Wednesday night at 9:00 next tonight on Channel 5 Kimberly and Helen are faking plans in deception HQ the L Big Brother after the [Music] break
Channel: wynterpixieharlow
Views: 1,342,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poverty, benefits, job seekers, unempoyment, welfare, children, families, babies
Id: ZVlNv9fVPmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 50sec (2690 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 29 2014
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