Benefits Britain Series 1 Episode 9

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we brits own more than 20 million pests they are my kids they only get the best and many of us will do anything for them but how do you manage a house full of animals when you're living on benefits i've got five dogs seven cats 10 chickens meet the people who put their pets first even when it comes to their cash cats about 400 pounds each 100 pound a month to feed all carnivores got it got it you're on a cuddle i'm gonna cover mommy the woman who shares her council home with 32 animals and still wants more my plans are to obviously get you more dogs definitely that's it the couple who could be facing a choice between losing their pets and losing their home we're in the rears of over 1 200 pounds and the man with 24 animals who says he prefers pets to people they're my life they're my children they're my i have to do everything for them and i i get so much enjoyment out of them [Music] sheffield in yorkshire 33 year old dog mad billy hey come on guys has been on benefits all her adult life [Music] oh i have had no choice but to be dependent on benefits since the day i become independent which was 15 years old i was living in a hostel when i got to my teenage years i just become really rebellious my parents call me the devil child so yeah 18 years i've been slowly working my way out of benefits billy currently claims 5400 pounds a year and tops this up with earnings from part-time work i get my rent paid for because i only get a certain amount of money a week and i get work in tax credit it's not loads in the sense it's it's as much as full-time work but it does mean that i have a little bit of spare income afterwards but obviously i choose to spend it on animals billy is animal obsessed her pets are here i've got a bag there i've got seven cats all together and everywhere chickens i've got ten throw in a goose ducks and ferrets and it adds up to 32 pets sharing billy's one bedroom council home looking after so many pets whilst on benefits isn't easy so it's about a hundred pound a month to feed all carnivores it's about eight pound a month to feed up uh herbivores which is all poultry can i reckon about 150 quid a month if it weren't for pets i i could be buying nice clothes i could have a nice car going on a nice holidays probably have better living conditions you know i mean more um back garden be done up nice but then but i won't be happier i really won't be happy billy says she's desperate to get off benefits so she started a part-time dog training business literally it's like having a human baby having a business baby you you're restless you're sweaty you're flaky you're forgetful you panic you get stressed but it's just part and parcel of running your own business but there's a problem with billy's business she's too good at her job i've lost count on the amount of people that have helped from a dog training business the thing is is they don't need me as a regular on my dog training business they employ me once twice at a push never anybody's employing me three times with a dog training they don't need me anymore billy knows it's going to be a long haul even though it's six seven years later i'm still struggling to get off benefits but this is what happens when you set up a business on fresh air basically it's going to be a long haul it's going to be a process and it's had some tears but this is how it works this is the world over rugby in the midlands come on baby home to 51 year old gary i would say kim's a bigger animal other than me yeah and his 31 year old wife kim kim's ideal job would be to work with animals i would be like a zookeeper or owner or something like that the couple and their pets live in a newly built housing association flat which is paid for by benefits the couple see their five pets as much more than just caged animals we haven't got any kid together so basically we like our kids yeah so our in a way they are our kids there's the love bird called zorro when i saw the black mask it just reminded me of uh the character zavo kimbo a bearded dragon is alright yeah i just need you to check his back passage he's sleepy head you're on a cuddle and a couple of mummy jesse their one-year-old russian hamster jesse is my favorite one from little mix that's why i called her that [Music] and two tv loving miniature parrots yeah the blue one is called bubbles and the green one is called kiwi i'm not checking on the spice clips because i've put that one before they don't really interact with that we've noticed that the pirates have watched the jeremy carl show before they were with us yeah kim and gary have been on benefits for four years and currently claim 900 pounds a month in joint universal credit we've been on it since we've been together since 2012 yeah i've been on joints and we've been together nearly nearly four years we've been on it yeah five years ago kim was diagnosed with epilepsy which she says means she can't work since i've had my epilepsy i've not been able to work so i've tried working before and i end up having a massive seizure inside the shop and it's caused me to stopped working the picturesque village of chattelworth in rural berkshire come on 46 year old paul lives here with his 24 pets paul's been on benefits for nearly 20 years tallyworth is a very quiet area not much when he goes on get a lot of dog walkers in the summer a lot of people on horses which if you're on benefits yeah you get people look down at you no i've never talked about it to anyone just keep it to myself not sort of thing when you go around bragging about definitely not before paul escaped to the country 14 years ago he lived in busy reading now home for paul and his pets is a quiet three-bedroom council house what are you two doing this is roxy and that's missy come on chickies i have about 20 chickens started off with just four and i've went on from there already come on [Music] chester romeo come on but having so many pets doesn't come cheap missy cost me 250 pounds and roxy was a hundred pound the cat's about 400 pounds each big expense in one go they're not aware of me they're just a pure pedigree with so many extra mouths to feed paul spends around 50 pounds of his thousand pounds a month benefit claim on the animals the money i get i don't i don't go out and have luxury time i don't i don't drink i don't smoke i don't go out and eating fancy restaurants or nothing like that they're my life they're my children they're my i have to do everything for them and i i get so much enjoyment out of them they give me so much back and i just love it so much yeah while paul spends his days caring for his animals he says he's on fit to work i've been in benefits about 20 years because of mental health issues and problems to prove he's entitled to his benefits paul's had a long battle with the dole office benefits i receive is i get load dis disability living allowance and i also receive esa's support group but i've had to fight and attend appeals for these benefits because they they stopped the benefits and i've had to get support and evidence for my deep gp and other professionals to get all my benefits back it's okay you know saying oh i'm lazy i could be doing this and doing that but mentally i just can't can't cope but can't do things my last working paid job was at john lewis and oxford street london last time i worked there it was august 1997. coming up the debts are piling up for kim and gary and they could be faced with a heartbreaking decision selling the pets would be a very very last resort can billy's dog training skills butts help her escape a life on benefit and she'd like to look at it she's allowed to sniff it she's not allowed to eat it and paul explains just how much he gets from his pets if i'd if i didn't have any pets i would just wouldn't do nothing just stay in bed you just don't do nothing [Music] in rugby bird lovers kim and gary receive 900 pounds in joint universal credit a month four okay then i'll get one both are out of work but the couple fill their time looking after their pets today's job cleaning out their two miniature parrots what if they don't come out the bottom they'll be all right one at a time i can't do with that well one sheet at a time i can't go they're all stuck together come on [Music] what do you want for dinner chicken bacon potatoes we'll have do you need more help to do the potatoes to open the potatoes up yeah you can do if don't keep yourself in the tin at night over the last 10 years gary struggled to hold down full-time work due to a stomach complaint he had to leave his last job at a local discount store after just eight weeks well at the moment i'm off work sick and i've had gastroenteritis and i've been really really poorly doctor organized a camera investigation i've had that done i'm just waiting for the results so i'm a bit worried about that because i want to go back to work you all like that yep but the debts are piling up the couple owe more than 2 000 pounds have i got that temperature right i can't see what happened being off sick has left me left us really really well in a bad way so we've only got third or what we normally get we've been struggling oh it's left us in things like winter ears and stuff like that kim and gary's biggest expense is the two-bedroom housing association flat they share with their pets the rent is 500 pounds a month and right now they can't afford it we're in the rears of over 1 200 odd pounds in rent areas but they're hoping a benefits payout will come to the rescue we went to an appeal for personal independent payment and thankfully kim has been awarded it so the money when we get it we'll be able to pay our renters off so therefore it means we won't lose our flat they're they're done actually you know you can do sure yeah so i'll just shut them the new payment would be backdated so it could be thousands of pounds some people if they had that many say oh let's go on a holiday or something well let's go and splash but we don't like that don't drop them on the floor i'm not going to i'm not like you while kim and gary wait for the money to come through their food supplies are running low we've had some veggies but we've got any we had a pack of frozen veg were you set up the other night worst thing about to be on benefits is you can't really afford to go on holiday to like escape nests me and gary trying to save what but it's just too difficult for us in sheffield it's also dinner time but for dog lover billy the pets always come first 32 animal mouths to feed and there's not a can of dog food in sight i feed my dogs raw chicken basically it's a lot of controversy people argue about it quite a lot but my beliefs are that the best thing for your dog is what neighbors meant to have them eat which is basically raw meat raw bones uh fats for energy not carbohydrates like humans do then i top it up with chicken hearts only cost me 3 pounds 30 a day to feed all my carnivores which is 5 dogs 7 cats and 4 favorites billy is determined to make a success of her fledgling dog training business and get off benefits for the first time in her adult life meal times are a chance to practice her training skills what i do is i try and put them down in a certain order of dogs which is how i want their high rocket to be so i want best at the top because she's old and she's struggling bless her and then second is i want bonnie third one without order is i want this one because she can't open her mouth properly and the the i want in charge is him is down first and then hers goes down last because she's really naughty and she needs to know that the other dogs are in charge time to see if billy's feeding technique has worked i'm gonna let her finish first so if she goes to eat she's really slow so she goes sweet and then this one's really slow as well so then she goes to eat i'm gonna let him eat you eat sid does that feed lulu because she's really naughty weird food so i'll hold it out to her and she'd like to look at it she's allowed to sniff it she's not allowed to eat it no that's the thing and i'll go okay and she can chew it but she can't snatch it from me then i'll drop and then she'll get rewarded where your chicken are good okay take and that's how i feed lulu go on in on your beds down come on [Music] in berkshire [Music] animal lover paul is starting his day with a brew the house i live in is a three bedroom property but it's it's a very small free bedroom property paul moved to this council home five years ago but with two dogs two cats and 20 chickens it's a bit of a squeeze this is the kitchen dining room that's my jukebox which is knack but it's broken basically the dogs had knocked it over and the top of it um broke off so that's the end of that they chewed the dining room table they chewed the chairs so that's why the dogs get shut out the back now living room uh go on the internet and watch television that's where the catch is it's just basically a dump room in there and the cats get fed in there it was handy for the cat litter tray did you get on my george michael's stuff i've got loads of it well it's a study officially despite having extra rooms in his house paul doesn't have to pay the bedroom tax after i moved here the bedroom tax came in i started i was paying it i was on facebook and there was a lovely woman on there and um she's she she's asked me some questions about this my situation and i said well i said i've got two two spare bedrooms and i said i've got no no bed in them he said well you shouldn't be paying bedroom tax because you know it's not physically a bedroom so somebody came out to inspect a couple weeks later i received letters to say that i was exempt from the bedroom tax and i i received a full money of all the money what i had paid it was about fourteen hundred pounds i went out and bought a new cooker got a new fridge and i bought a cat he's not he's not a big house it's tiny house [Music] road's quite busy today and eddie stokes bar like that's another one we can see you are only lying and our favorite one of our favorites in rugby kim and gary still haven't received kim's benefits back payment without it the couple and their five pets could be facing eviction this is kimbo alberta dragon i mean he's easy to maintain eat sleeps and poops and sheds yeah he's due he's due to be fed on friday of this week so we've got to go and get some he'll go he'll get his mealworms the couple are two thousand pounds in debt but it's not just their pets they choose to spend their benefits cash on i'm a big eddie stobart fan i've got a lot the uh eddie so mark models trucks and basically anything to do with eddie stobart most of the models about 1.99 well they start off from 199 upwards it can be an expensive hobby yeah when we go out and about if we see any any stubborn trucks we wave to the drivers if they're stationed we go over and say can i have a picture talk about the truck we've got favorite drivers i haven't yet met any of them in person but that would be a dream totally gonna meet some of those drivers ideally as well if it was ever possible to actually go on a delivery with one of those divers be absolutely fantastic in sheffield only after her dogs have eaten it's dinner time for billy i can't decide what i want for tea while she waits for her dog training business to take off billy has learned to economize i'm i'm really savvy at buying food i've literally know when something's a bargain on top of me if i go to the jewish section in the shop i can sort of go now that's not a good price i go yeah we'll get loads of them um when we're having a dehydrator as well when it comes to your perishable foods like fruits um and meat if needs be i can just stick it in there dry it all out i'll show you some what i made earlier these are some bananas i bought the other week they were going for 10p a kilogram so i was like buy some of them bought eight kilograms tonight billy is planning an unusually healthy dinner oh tikka masala i thought i'd run out of them i've decided to try and get some vegetables in me is that broccoli wheat now i don't normally like broccoli and i have to really force myself to eat it but obviously i need it from a fibre day being on benefits for 18 years means billy's used to cooking on a shoestring i've struggled with being on benefits since because i was since i was 15 years old when i'm 15 years old i was shoved into a hostel then when i got my own flat when i was 16 i wanted to go to college and i got money from the job center social security so i decided to go to college but you didn't get any extra money to go to college so i was like why am i paying extra money to do this when i can just stay at home and do nothing i really don't like broccoli i want to just lever these insults voila oh let's eat finally in berkshire beautiful aren't ya paul suffers from anxiety and depression but he believes his pets are essential for his mental well-being they are my kids they only get the best you're spoiled aren't you if i if i didn't have any any pets i would just wouldn't do nothing you just stay in bed just you just don't do nothing you've got to have a a meaning in life to do things [Music] his illness doesn't just mean paul claims benefits it also stops him leaving the house he keeps himself busy looking after his animals i've owned chickens for five years since i've been here i just felt they're just very f therapeutic paul feeds his chickens daily and mucks them out twice a week cost of feeding chickens about six pound a week paul reaps the rewards yeah there's quite a few eggs in here two four six eight ten twelve fourteen eggs not much of an egg man anymore too many of them i prefer cadbury's cream egg to to one of these his benefits now cover the day-to-day cost of keeping all the animals but 46 year old paul had to ask his parents for the 500 quid to buy his chickens and everything to keep them my parents did all the um set up for me so i didn't have to work i didn't have any of that expense to have to pay out on the wire and the and the post was 200 pound chicken coop itself was another 200 pound um the automatic door door closer was 80 pounds and you got the cost of all the chickens i've been very lucky with having help from my parents a lot of people haven't got that anyway balls come on i wonder what would happen if we let them out with gary off sick and the threat of eviction looming he and kim are avoiding thinking about their problems by spending time with their pets the last time we let them out it's got to be at least a couple of weeks ago at least a month for two or so weeks wasn't he thinks there's another bird on there because see yourself in the mirror they're really entertaining you can watch someone you know especially when there's nothing on tv here for hours watching them yeah a lot of the benefits people think if you're on benefits you shouldn't have pets pets are luxury they're not a necessity but why not kim and gary could clear some of their debt but they say the decision would be too heartbreaking telling the pets would be a very very last resort and you know a lot they're like they are a family just because they're not got legs like we've got and they can't talk like we can they're still they're still family we were gonna sell the bearded dragon because of the many situations that we had problems with but as it was we decided not to so for now the couple are staying in debt and kimbo is staying in the family apart from his pets one of gary's other passions is his motor yes my car is my pride and joy but if i look after it it looks after me but as well as being behind with their rent gary can't afford to run his car either i missed one insurance premium and basically because of that the insurance company have cancelled my policy until i renew it so tomorrow hopefully all being well i'll be able to get it in screenshot the insurance reinstated and i'll be able to get driving again gary bought the car less than a year ago for 200 pounds and he claims its value for money being on benefit it doesn't really help you much with transport costs and when you pay on bus fare and such like me as well put in petrol job done for now every time i do this it rains coming up it's the moment of truth for kim and gary i won't believe it until it's actually checked it go and billy's big plan goes up again this is the beginning of the rest of my life yeah i mean hopefully things will be on the way up from here i forgot break [Music] in south yorkshire billy's up bright and early i don't have a normal cup of tea i have a slice of lemon and hot water she's about to start her first job of the day gets on my poo clothes mucking out her flock of ducks and chickens i get the newspapers for free and the people that give me for free i drop them a few eggs off every once in a while as a thank you six newspapers for the ducks billy's benefit budget doesn't quite stretch to buying her animals bedding the dogs don't seem to mind that it's not sword or store hay and it gives them something to read at night there you go duckies unfortunately there's no eggs in there today but it's the end of the world oh the chickens love some eggs hey chickens oh we've got one egg two eggs three awesome so it looks like we've got a cracked egg here yeah which is always disheartening so you just think to yourself i could have had that for breakfast billy says she's desperate to get off benefits i started to get business so much um and then as soon as i got 45 pounds a week i just didn't bother standing on a job center no more even though i was only on 45 pounds a week i just couldn't cope with good at job center technically they should have been topping me up an extra 30 pound plus 5 pounds spending money i didn't want it i just wanted to get clean out of that place all crop dogs waiting to go back in this is all they ever do they come out they pee they go back to bed if only we all had that pipe dream hey guys [Music] in berkshire paul's been claiming benefits for nearly 20 years good girl there you go every so often he has no choice but to leave the safety of his rural retreat and head into town i just find the anxiety of going shopping now is just an absolute nightmare because you don't you can't just walk into a supermarket these days you have to fight and find everything because they keep moving stuff around and by this stage i'm absolutely exhausted being surrounded by crowds of people at the supermarket can set off his anxiety i only go when i need to get milk and i and sugar that's that's all i need to get really but with his supplies running low today paul has to face a trip to the shops paul passes the village where he used to live but just driving by is a painful reminder that country life isn't always idyllic when he lived here he was the victim of an unprovoked attack i had to move because one day i was out walking my dog and he approached me from behind and attacked me because i'm gay and didn't do my mental health any good and it caused me a lot of anxiety and more terror attacks he made my he turned my life upside down and made it hell for me in the end i just i just upped and left paul reaches the supermarket ready to confront the people and the parking limineck park anywhere no blooming light these days and he makes sure it takes no longer than necessary straight in and straight out and i've got i still got the free coffee local paper um milk a few dog treats i've got mama's birthday card for tomorrow my total day was seven pound five pence and most that was my birthday card in rugby kim and gary are anxiously waiting to see if kim's received her backdated benefits if they don't pay off the rent they owe the couple and their animals could be evicted from their flat today i'm going to be checking my account and see how much i've got and so that i can pay the rent to ears as soon as we know there's money in there i won't believe it kim's actually checked it for kim and gary it's the moment of truth yes we've been paid my benefit has been paid in got over three grand in there that's a big i'd say that's a huge weight off my shoulder what about you gary personally that's a big weight off my shoulders we know now we won't lose our home and everything like that that's a major major i feel like all christmases come at once it's better than christmas actually yeah with a lump sum of over three thousand pounds of benefits now in their bank account they clear their unpaid rent i wouldn't you could help me i would like to pay um arrears off of 1 500 please all right thank you bye paid paid and that puts us now to 158 pounds 78 in credit well we can credit rent arrears paid gary's next priority is to get his car back on the road yeah i'm married and that means forking out more money on insurance 521 pound on one pence for the year oh then so i can get in i can get in the car and go and drive it now can i boy brilliant yes i mean three minutes ago okay the couple's cash has only just hit their account but within minutes they've already spent over 200 pounds and they're making plans to spend some of the rest on a holiday that's a good sigh for you [Music] in sheffield billy is cleaning up after her animals [Music] it's very hard to keep a house clean with dogs and cats you think kids are bad dogs and cats are even worse you know what's worse than dogs and cats dogs and cats and kids billy's dog training business isn't making enough cash but her constant cleaning has given her an idea i outlet do a love cleaning i didn't even realize how much i liked until i got animals before i got animals i didn't do no cleaning i didn't do nothing then i've got animals and i'll just be like oh my god look at all this mess i need to make a i need to start doing a proper job because i got ashamed of it and then when i got the sensation of being proud of the work i'm doing i'll just be like yeah i i really want to get into this and that's what got me setting up my second business really billy's managed to get 40 customers for her cleaning business i know it could have been better but i didn't have the financial gain to start off with in the first place so to say that i've done this from nothing i think i'm doing all right and she's already making big plans i'll only double my clientele base i can become a limited company which means i'll be benefit free uh i'll be paying tax i'll i'll i mean i'll be like a non-human being but i'll be in charge of me on business go on move so she can get around more easily and take on more clients billy also wants to pass her driving test but the last time she had a lesson was more than 10 years ago i feel absolutely terrible i've got i just feel nauseous sick but i've got to focus on what i'm doing this for i'm doing this so that i've got transport for me and my dogs and i've got transport on the business and then i can take on more customers and just be self-reliant to save on the cost of an instructor billy's asked mate delhi to give her a lesson at a local off-road driving center are you sure you really want me to sit on your knee there's two seconds i'm sure this is some sort of chat up line sort of money the plan is she wants me to get used to the biting point i think i can learn to do it okay fine but ow it's not going to work at that it will it won't it will trust me it won't no it's not going to work but not going to wear it exactly [Laughter] my ass is too fat right with deli's driving technique not going to plan the pair adopt a more traditional approach testing right need to turn the key all right put your seatbelt on i'm absolutely nervous lift this one up lift it up go go go go go go nice stop got a break i can't believe i'm driving this isn't all right you can help her cool yeah with her driving lesson as success billy's feeling more confident about her future me and the dogs can go places so this is the beginning of the rest of my life yeah i mean hopefully things will be on the way up from here in rugby with their renter ears paid off kim and gary can finally afford to stock up on food for their pets now we're going to get some mealworms for kimbo our beardy dragon despite having five extra mouths to feed kim and gary claim their pets are good value for money what we've just bought from the pet store is some mealworms for the bearded dragon each tour was a 2.50 which isn't too bad because that will last our bearded dragon for a fair fair time some people might say it's a luxury of impactful benefit but it's not really a luxury because some people who can't have kids of their own for one reason or another then pets i like i like their babies people who say having pets as a luxury then in my opinion they aren't kim and gary are spending their benefits cash feeding their pets but they don't waste the chance to get some food for themselves for free got issued with a food bank though it should help us out with our food with our food and i've been off sickness for well since november last year so i've been struggling a little bit so this uh food voucher will be able to help out because of that they're off to a local food bank i told them about my sickness and everything and that would really really help and then they just told us to get a few extra stuff as well that's on the table in there as well loads of mince pies crisps poison there they just wanted rid of them some kind of italian stuff cereals biscuits biscuits a couple of toilet walls custard bullets things at least 15 20 pounder bag at least it's gonna help us out it's gonna make what money we have got for food it's gonna make it go further coming up paul weighs up the benefits of town versus country being on benefits and living in the side was the best move that i have i made billy's getting serious about her dog training he's the one who wrote the record on track for most weight told ever and gary waits on the results of his medical tests if it's a positive result and i'd come back then obviously that's going to be a whole new starting in mine and kim's life [Music] in berkshire unemployed paul is out walking his dogs missy and roxy i love it so quiet peaceful and village love in this part of the countryside council tenants like paul are few and far between chad's over a very wealthy woman lives in that house a lady [Music] got a lead and i met you too this is another reason why i moved here that view is priceless but paul claims that country life comes at a price well living out in the country like this i think your money goes a bit less because obviously you've got to allow for the traveling you know it costs money to go to and from so obviously it costs a bit more but on the long run it's obviously a lot better after 14 years living in the countryside paul's decided it's the best place for him and his animals even on benefits well get this in the city obviously the high population the build up uh the fresh air you bring cleaner here and the green open space i'm definitely a country person being on benefits and living in the countryside was the best move that i have i made [Music] in rugby kim and gary are busy packing away the last of their supplies from the food bank if you want to get it all in you're not going to get it all in no i'm not going to get all done with that job complete kimbo gets fed first got it he's got it he was ready for these good boy last time fed now for a few days [Music] the next issue is illness that gary has forced him out of work four months ago [Music] to the doctors now for me to get my results hopefully they'll be clear and negative and i'll be able to get back to work but it could depend on what the results are i won't know until the doctor tells me gary's had a stomach biopsy taken which he's been revealing exactly what's been causing his bloods his worst fear is that it could be cancer if it's a positive result and i can't go back to work then obviously that's going to be a whole new starting in mind and kim's life but i am really really scared to be honest scaredly unknown because this this basically is the next chapter in my life half an hour later gary has some uh news are negative they're not cancerous they're still a little bit worried about the cause they're not really short i've got either my surgeon the doctor has given me another sick note i'm not gonna get back to work not straight away uh basically but we could basically the doctor still don't still worry about it so he said we need to get this fully sorted out first i'm pretty much happy that they're all not cancerous and but at the end they would still gotta get through what the problem is try and get it resolved before a sick night runs out again [Music] in sheffield billy's feeling positive about learning to drive and expanding her business and spends every moment trying to make it work this evening she's training her dogs bonnie lulu and saran in the local park i remember when i was little i was pestering my mum and dad for dog all the time i eventually hamster billy regularly enters the dog's weight pulling competitions she has to keep her hounds in peak physical condition but with makeshift equipment right well basically these are sash weights they're out the old victorian windows they don't look very luxurious using a special harness the dogs take it in turns to pull the weights up and down the field [Music] that's it good billy says she's had to make sacrifices but they're worth it can be an expensive sport especially when i'm entering three or four dogs at a time it works out it's like 35 quid it goes when i when i did when i entered the um uk nationals it was 15 pound per dog that was 60 quid um it was really expensive but i don't go on holiday um i didn't buy proper food for a week well i don't buy proper food anyway yummy i made some serious cutbacks for a couple of months before i could like you know i mean get the money together to participate billy is particularly proud of two-year-old champion lulu she's the one who wrote the record on track for most weight pulled ever so she is very very strong it's a dog's life good mom but billy wouldn't have it any other way get you guys back get somebody to eat eh since filming ended kim and gary have a new addition to their family we've had two new revivals of crested geckos they're a breeding pair and are celebrating being debt-free with their dream holiday brought to holiday to schedule us for a week paul remains convinced that benefits are his only option if i get a downfall well i'm currently ill i've i've got no money so i'm just i'm i'm in the safety net i'm in the best place to be and billy's still building up her businesses but has gone into debt to give herself a treat tattles of zebra stripe now i've just been like stuff it i've not paid my gas filled electric bill um and i skipped a bit of rent as well to pay for it but yeah i've gone out and got myself a hotel five stars got hot goss and even hotter guests next as we stay up late with rylan and catch up on all the best of this week's action [Music] you
Channel: Jim Hunter
Views: 267,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7O5fV3aSl6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 41sec (2681 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2022
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