benefits britain life on the dole s01e02

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benefits Britain has never been bigger today more people than ever depend on the welfare state got big television got me games consoles you know why shouldn't we have them cuz some it's an easy way of life I am NOT getting off of benefit that is just as simple as that for others it's a struggle to make ends meet 6p don't think that's going to work well girl it's supersize families that post some of the biggest challenges it's my triceps as we're children as I have some people choose to have one I chose to have eight and all those kids are paid for by British taxpayers I know the system he's got to pay for it no matter what because if they make it so easy big benefits families need big homes that's one of the largest welfare bills I ever write your six bedroom council house sorry in kisses 26 but some think this is no laughing matter we called every name under the Sun when Mena's with old strangers and everything ah my kids is not Minister don't leave as Britain tightens its belt what's life really like for super-sized families living on benefits meet Peter Rolf 64 and dad to what could be Britain's biggest benefits family of at 14 boys and 12 gills with 15 women 6 7 and let me start again let me start again it really is difficult to keep track when you've had 26 kids with so many different women and Teresa's the latest Trisha some average aqui hello Kelly wherever she's gone love relief Ananda mother I'm Anthony Teresa's 46 she's only a few years older than Peters first kid and she's always popping in adding to the mix Roseanne here stats Marianne who were missing from Ross Ross this is Roseanne's boyfriend brats hello he's a nurse and he guessed he's a nurse weekends there's 15 21 people in this house taking imagine his manic they sleep everywhere I mean you got a ceiling sleep and they sleep stop in town they sleep everywhere but that's always don't take out the baby over 20 years of unemployment single dad Peter and the Rolf's have rates in benefits topping half a million quid government shake we will not pay for your child care so therefore you will stay home I think the benefit systems at fault are not the parents and now his kids are having kids of their own that's Lee Ann who's 17 shed twins so that welfare bill is only going to get bigger Peter lives on the Isle of Wight he's been increasing its population for four decades so he clearly has a way with the ladies you have women that like you they become pregnant and things aren't some of them I believe got pregnant purpose Eva I'm virile like me royal oh they just fall pregnant quickly I don't know but when it gets down to business Peter has to admit that is not entirely in control standing have no conscience what that's one of my sales while Peters been playing the field in Ipswich there's a mum and dad of another huge benefits family who have only ever had eyes for each other no babies my lover and also my best friend good for quite a bit be honest don't be me I'll be revenge after 20 years together Tim Fisk Amanda ball have had 14 kids that was starlight she's older smell like to say to Jaden he's playing and he's my nightmare you're my devil child and the only thing that's grown as big as their family is their benefits bill that's irrelevant how many children I have it's my choice to have as many children as I know I am happy being a mum a boy he loved me oh hey yeah he loved me oh love me if I had it my way now all the more you know I'm gonna be old that ah don't you wag dad Oh y-yeah i SPECT manging one another one mummy don't tolerate that like is what you sit and then you come back tell me in a minute when you're sorry no you know you don't everything's and children and you go to bed at night I don't know happens a lot that's where we have all time no we share bit of all romance you know but that romance comes at a cost mom dad and the eleven kids that still live at home share a council house with just three bedrooms but while space is tight their budget isn't Tim and Mandy don't get job seekers but their life on the dole takes in benefits equivalent to an 80 grand a year job I mean what is the problem we rely on families don't bother no one by need support that's why we have a social services system surely we're in told to live anywhere as well as anyone elses more than 1.3 million UK families get some sort of out of work benefits most have just one or two kids but very few have as many as Murray Bakken a single mom from Birmingham with seven girls and one boy we have 212 Leah who is 11 we have Latoya who is 8 Joshua's 7 and leash a 5 Makayla 3 Amelia 2 and Olivia six months in your hand Maurice 32 her eight kids are all under 13 and all have the same dad people know me by the amount of children I'm a tattoos a lot of people spot that tattoo and wonder what it means what is the reason for all the numbers and I just let them know that other seats the diverse of all my children so you've got obviously the old you stand to the youngest tier 23rd to the 801 Lea 12 the 11th though too and we struggle now don't ask me the full baths we have Joshua tear the toy there we got one on the back that one I can't show the rest but eight might not be enough Murray wouldn't mind having yet another tattoo I am addicted to pregnancy I'm addicted to birth and feed him that I'm addicted to that she's happy baby that's why I could quite easily do it again go girl put it up there that's it good girl and if Murray does have child number nine it'll rely on benefit just like all the others a lot of people i do think that i do see me as just trash really lazy useless just producing babies for money well they never are my way of stuff not some people sighs just sterilizing mother if ipads for a lil not allowed to have anymore what is it human rights that you can do that always it obviously this is my choice I've got sick code all these babies up then I hear which dad does pay a hundred quid a week towards the kids but it's the taxpayer that doles out the lion's share almost two thousand two hundred pounds every month my life is our lives so what else you want to do no matter how many children I have unloaded system always going to pay for it no matter what because they make it so easy but when it comes to finding a house big enough for your super-sized family now that is a whole different ballgame big families on benefits need big houses how much that org ban and on the Isle of Wight father of 26 Peter Rolfe and his super-sized family are finding their three bed council house more than a bit of a squeeze that's my bed my bed is there which is the sofa bed this used to be my room until Leanne had the babies in this room does for for Peter's house really is bursting at the seams this is Rosie oh my god stay in that room this is Maryanne and carry-ons room Kelly goes in there with Mary Ann they've got no room to do anything I wouldn't sleep basically and this is Antony's room do I this is Antony's bed up here and Jack and Nathan sleeps in there and he turned that alarm off please most of the kids don't never home what does a revolving door of nearest and dearest sometimes 18 of them under just one roof so Peter wants a bigger house paid for by benefits what I would like is a house with four bedrooms big enough to accommodate the children so you got a room with two children in but room to do their homework to put your own bits of personal stuff down so they can move in it Liv can you help me clean up our soul for ages Peters been pleading with the council to give him a bigger house and he's still waiting I'll see much in the council when you've been waiting nine years is it what's the point of waiting on using I'll wait another night I'll be dead before I even think about giving me an ounce they were to give me hours of coughing oh we'll pay for that they paid for that name one night boating ipswich the fists and their super-sized family have managed to sort out their overcrowding Tim Mandy and the eleven kids who still live at home already get more than a grand a week in benefits and now they're going to get a whole lot of extra living space thrown into the bargain the council's agreed to knock through to next door they'll get double the space but it won't cost them a penny that's going to be a seven-bedroom just kind of sinks big thumbs up one-bedroom Dane and there's going to be a wet room come off that but they're going to put two new bathrooms in so one more make deal with that and just extend up through the rooms it's wrecking the council will for Cal 60-gram for the work but while it goes on life is going to be a bit more of a squeeze the children still got their bedrooms upstairs but we've got lower dining table in the living room Oh cougar have a rush we've seen a tumble dryer in my living and I've got a cook on a little to me cook off the 12 rollers so the Fisk's are finally getting the home they want but some people are rarely happy those around the center really over the port labor moved is following the 10 start his work and to be honest with newborn Bayou it's bit mark Jenna I am looking for toes to be done but it's just to crack the up far with wallets been done but despite the moans the Fisk family should consider themselves lucky because there are 5 million people on waiting this for a council property and the biggest demand by far is the large family homes and that's seriously bad news for Birmingham single mom Marie Bakken and her eight kids they're crammed into a three bed Council semi but they want the welfare state to provide somewhere bigger to live right this is the toy room who slash everything else it's very rare I come in this room I prefer to be in there watching the telly so the telly takes over everything completely come on then hope you go good girl this why Caban Jagannathan may and the three youngest - you're all free Roldan go we sleep in this room I usually sleep at the top cause I be and then Emilia and Michaela down the bottom there this sees Lea's room the second oldest lose Rouge she prefers her own space she just can't take all the noise which is a shine so there's four in here there okay you like it out here okay Josh you're okay aren't you yeah they love it they do but they just don't know when to go to sleep I'll be happy with a five bedroom house I think I can split the kids up into obviously picture in each room I think split them up hopefully they can get into some kind of routine these here I instead of being in my room all the time new defied bedroom house knife but until then Marie and the kids will remain officially overcrowded like more than a million other households in the UK it's just that Marie's is a bit more overcrowded the most shut up big families on benefits can often find themselves hitting the headlines and with 26 kids it's not surprising that Peter Rolf has made the papers once or twice with his demand for a bigger house paid for by benefits it says here beckalus farmer who has 18 children by 10 women say she is human rights have been violated I never said that all 18 kids by 10 really sorry in kisses 22 and it's not just his house story that's given Peter a bit of a chuckle this is what makes me well in here it's me asking for no extra rooms council leader could get 37 percent to pay Roy's ways he told to that when I'm not entitled to a bigger bedroom he didn't do anything to deserve what he's getting his now increases council and all he's doing is getting money for nothing what makes him think he's worth that money the headline writers have also targeted berming and single mom Marie and she and may sera think they went well over the top I'm just a mom not a scrounger it's all benefits I can't live on 500 pound a week benefits sighs mama fight he said I would just do a nice one on your own because we will send you the picture after to remember yeah I feel it's a corset daughter she was tricked she was tricked into into that definitely kids are how sorrowful honest to god and they were upset when it went went you know rigid yeah there were terribly upset there's lots of comments on the Birmingham the mayor website if you can't feed them don't breed them I think it was the one Lord about the kids having you 9 par 5 let mall burn at stake she looks like a dirty heroin addict I have no issues with big family just get off your ass and pay for them then if it should be capped at 4 children I have 7 children and my husband works long hours to support you should see was crazy Barney it's like I was a murderer or summat yes benefits is terrible in Ipswich the Fisk's are in a much happier mood worked not their home through into next door is progressing nicely giving Tim and Mandy time to sort out a more personal matter they're off to register baby number 14 and when you have so many kids you have to pick names that are easy to remember so they all do yeah they all do with peace and tranquility you know I wanted to Lara which I thought was going the Alpha was really nice and what was everyone hilarya and Salaria there the last time we were here they registered son moopheus names you check online though yeah and if he does not even come up there's none no and and then I've googled italic and it's a very well is so rare zone well it's saying there's no meaning to it when you google it love it you know I'm a little warm looking for and they've been just as imaginative with their new six week old daughter double-barrel oh yeah I don't hear how do you spell that Lee SOT I oh yeah and then tii you want a full certificate changed to Mandy so I wanna know you might want it next time lovely bingo boy in Birmingham single mom of eight Marie Bakken has also got something to sort out she's back on her mission for a bigger benefits home and today she has a message for the Housing Association you can't live in that house anymore they can barely move Ooka barely breathe we need we need a bigger house please just move us now hoping our class is urgent because I am what for / really I've cried it once a year tenants can ask for a new home to rent but things don't look very hopeful yeah I'm in a three bedroom at the moment it's the trance yeah anyway we only have five and five dollar dream properties and they're all tend to drive okay that's the application you've got 28 days to return to us thank you bye mama we didn't say yes we got five bedroom light for ya you got these for that ball I don't think he's gonna be as easy as I thought it's gonna be to going a far better in property what housing isn't the only battle faced by big families living off benefits the government's brought in a cap on welfare payments that's affected around 40,000 UK households and the rolls are one of them trying to do a roof a roof keep that stirred start a quick stir it father of 26 Peter says the cat makes it harder to make ends meet especially when you have such a big family when the cat came in we lost at least 200 pound a week it meant that some of my children couldn't have a new pair of shoes couldn't have a new pair of school trouser couldn't have stuff but other children get oh ye Playstations Xboxes means none of my children got never Adam never Adam that's because we can't afford them so now Peter only gets the cap limit that's still 500 quid a week oh there are plenty of mouths to feed meaning you'll be quiet a second I'm doing something down where we up with dinner we've got a lot lova to to go and that's it let's eat chips tonight Peter juniors been on chef duties yet again everybody in this house do you do we do and yet I still get burning anything who does the most in this house me second most me me you just keep your stuff room go out and stay out yes you do but we're not gonna get into a discussion topic oil is a simple man I'm not saying that you cannot work you sell from home yourself make up a cleaning business or something you do anything to get money I don't I clean it yes afternoon I do it well you're good at it that's why I have limits right well that's the end of it and don't discuss you now yeah okay thank you but with little chance of a job dad has a plan to deal with the benefits cap shortfall he's trying to claim a disability allowance which will bring in hundreds more in benefits every week but in Ipswich benefits are far from the minds of Tim and Mandy well because their new home is turning out to be more than controversial I've had French saying they're gonna petrol bombers and murder my family quite discuss to move it to be honest there are few families on benefits that are bigger than the Rolf's stop it leave it leave it Peters and I love white dad with 26 kids so it's not surprising with every now and again one of them gets into a spot of bother this is a fine there's no phone number to avoid further enforcement action you are advised of it what Heikal enforcement officer this morning Peters received a demand for four hundred quid from the bailiffs watch it for and it's his 18 year old daughter Roseanne who's the culprit weld you in mm annoyed I saw I'm just talking to her now she's a minor she will be in it she was 13 the first time alone about this is when I got a thing through the thing saying that I owed this money I might okay mate right Joe wait lately the bailiff will be round later and he's after a fine that Roseann was given five years ago as a parent you have to pay their points but Peter thinks he's already paid out or rather his benefits half this is we have been asked to take money off your painting credit for fines and pay it directed at all alike legislate school so they can't argue there it is it black a more you the important thing about this is you've got to pay this money and then dispute you afterwards you can't produce this to the baited it's not interesting at all he's interested in doing is rooking the poor people how money but Peters benefits won't stretch far enough to pay the whole fine it'd probably take the dogs so he hopes he can borrow the rest from as Anne's boyfriend Ross or need of a Ross 197 75 and he's got to come up with a - by 4:00 o'clock tell him I'll get to under quick he said nothing dude Henri stop being a twat Birmingham single mom Marie bookin is also having a few problems bought for her it's the headache of getting or eight kids up in time for the school run we are a little bit like two guys I can't motivate shootin lights Lee stare at o'clock my three-year-old should be in a nursery barnak Breakfast Club but with stealth Susan in bed with five in primary school and two in nursery mornings can be chaotic Josh that's awesome shop me yeah Oh Kayla any us newsy they take over the whole of the bed me yeah we're gonna have to write these up y'all really likes oh oh wait why Kate mom okay what fired okay no problem like a do you ball yeah on school days friend Sarah is left holding the baby while Maury JAL's three different school rooms she should've been in half an hour ago I wasn't showing to get everybody where the need to be on time the schedule needs to run like clockwork get up - just stand up oh just come on we have to go get up up Josh Josh we've got to go come on God come on Josh what properly please Josh walk properly it's just getting them to sleep they just don't want to sleep I think I'll put a guide to tie like this nothing wrong he's perfectly fine after nights about 12 so it's definitely not a problem on the Isle of Wight dad of 26 Peter Rolf is in trouble with the bailiffs there after 400 quid because daughter Roseanne has an old unpaid fine faded sermon wanna take all this stuff that's my MA oh yeah there's new law they are physically not allowed to keep that doorway they can only come in it's locally but luckily today they won't need strong-arm tactics 400 pound I just had to borrow doubt over my son-in-law nightmare and with the bailiff at the door it's time to cough up wanna put there just come in or just let me go and borrow troops and ramps some silver bit shiny area just this part has been paid all my fines are taken out of my benefit things it might narrow one sides once you've got all that information to it you know if I make an error they don't refund Eugene chain 2011 by Pam well I'll go see if I'm concentrating on I don't know yet I want a minute wait a minute wait a minute that's will change doesn't giant you get another one thought I love when you make sure that yeah well yeah yeah wise mix on off my lack of a biscuit yeah there's no be no people paying the bailiff has not to hole in Peters pocket so the extra benefit to get if his disability claim is agreed can't come through soon enough in Birmingham single mom of eight Murray is taking the next step toward a bigger home and she's drafted in her pal Sarah to help with a mountain of paperwork just to get on the housing list please provide details of all the people who you want to live with you I know I need flat kids does I need what one two three four five I was fine enough for two in one supposed I could do any small riding okay Sarah works part-time but also gets benefits what's Cristiano I think first is it like t allele so I didn't know that and she thinks the government clamp down on benefit should go even further we go to Castle Square don't we Murray and there's people sitting there on the benches now if they've got a ability to lift a cannon larger to the mouth the guy ability to go to work and the government's making it too easy for them people you know if they got them cleaning picking litter up off the street for their money for their Jobseeker's Allowance in a lot of them would get jobs because I wouldn't want to walk the streets but she's also aware that a big family can be a benefit goldmine there is people out there having children come in it aren't no yeah there is families out there are no reasons maybe not what eight kids still means plenty of benefits myself personally I don't think I'll struggle on benefits I get enough money for me and my children to feed clothe gas electric pipe or rents so there's more than enough fair more than enough in Ipswich Tim Fisk has been slated for having had 14 kids on benefits and frankly he's really fed up that's got nothing to do with anyone we're rugged support while kids are not if I need support that's why we have a social services system Julie and to make matters worse their dream of a new bigger home at the taxpayers expense has become a bit of a nightmare some of the locals are far from happy this morn the funny layers come to mr. and mrs. benefit and it says good morning John your chimneys gone smoke won't puff anymore you went to bed with a sleep behaved and famed you had an extra front door from frame bedroom tax I mean I don't know whether to take that threatening all serious because on the social network I've had French saying they're gonna petrol bombers and murder my family my god ooh and they wrote mine's gonna be writing things like that and put their picture up there I mean I'll take that serious I really do so seriously that he set up his own surveillance system I think that put cameras up because we were getting verbal abuse person on the corner when it happened with cable though I'll get your me Keith hey sage we don't want you to leave out the 34 convenience well cameras here who's taking that me Tim's even kitted out Mandy and the kids with hidden cameras to record any aggro on the school room on the street mode verbal abuse people shape making about cars pull up right it will spin off fingers up a Mandy we're gonna agree to take the house and put out with the crap it's for the kids they need this place they want their friends around and at Lane they can't have anyone where are you gonna be dictated no one in the life's gonna be dictating the told only kids you can it that's not right WAIS pissed me off so much with all the crap people keep wrote in the making out you know what I'll have another one and when they're not throughs finished they might even have enough space hello is Peter male control on the Isle of Wight Peter Rolfe a man whose father 26 kids with 15 different woman is still after that bigger benefits home they can be a four-bedroom house with bigger rooms that will alleviate the problem and is still after extra disability benefits myself I can sleep downstairs and so I can't get upstairs much at the moment disability would also mean the cap holding down his benefits would be lifted you see there Nathan I want to sit there Nathan and that would bring back the cash the government benefit reforms took away I'll get just under five hundred pound a week and for the benefit camp I was having about seven eight hundred pounds approximately a week which allowed you to live comfortably it's a major drop and it affected astray away instantly because what happens is they didn't drop the points of food the price of food was going up so at the end of the day you got a little worried and you got a juggle everything you can all right bye I love you boy but in Birmingham um of eight Murray has found ways to cope with the benefits cap she goes the extra mile if there's a sniff of a bargain slightly the best fits all that are there 1578 and that one yeah who's got a five we have a bathtub here you go you're gone he goes refining bowl and it's chamber lunching and then what died everything is sad for Murray's 500 a week has to feed a lot of mouths gotta get some I think we got no I don't need no more but at the end of the day Murray at least isn't kicking off a stink well it's going come on come on you get that paid that amount and money up shall get paid that for my children and myself so I know exactly where my money needs to go it needs to go on food gas electric rent is a big one in folk five meets washing powder Lucky's I think it's enough money I don't see reason why people do complain because if they do obviously their money's going somewhere else and they're not spending their money how they should be spending it maybe they're spending it on expensive food expensive I don't know expensive things officer can't fit your needs when you're on benefits in Ipswich the Fisk family is also finding life relatively comfortable and now workers are about to knock through the dividing wall to create their new seven bed home they're gonna do is basically not one wall in outside they knock this through that side and they're gonna just seal this up so hopefully Thursday this should be able to eradicate access through internet which won't be too bad then it's chaos at every turn but the oldest child still at home Daniel has found a bit of peace this is a garden that's big ish and then whilst next door finished they're gonna be even bigger I'm looking for getting my own bed in a wet room and a game room get some wearable because we're chickens and ducks some no bigger pool some more trampoline the Fisk's benefits aren't capped they get 53 grand a year and there's enough left over for the odd luxury give the fish cool flakes to breakfast and bread during the day so they have breakfast and lunch for the for the big coin there that's what that is like 300 quid just won hundreds and hundreds of COI but they're going to even more quick cut cover there soon daniel has a disability so the new house will be specially adapted for him Daniel needed a wet room a wet room they so comfy fitting in here because the footbrake because the make the paper was in here they offered that support for Daniel I mean who's gonna turn Dave support for any of you children you're not higher so which we was told we need a bigger house I'm not saying I deserve days I've not pushed the cou I've done no different do any normal person would have done I've waited and I'm sure they had a childhood problems and they wanted a larger property and got offered I'm sure they would have took it straight away things are also looking bright on the Isle of Wight a decision on Peters disability claim is just around the corner and daughter Azam has broken the Rolf mold she's got herself a job as a waitress the only one that works in my family nobody else does I don't want to be on the dole that's really proud he said he's really proud and that use happy that I've stuck to it even though I hate it and everyone else has said like well done to me in that I think they're actually not gonna be a bomb in benefits Britain there are 1.7 million households waiting for somewhere new to live your breakfast what do all Italia and Birmingham single mummery bookin and her eight kids are taking the next step to move from their three-bedroom semi into something bigger by today the Housing Association have just carried out an inspection though classed it is a pass so now I'm on the no on the transfer waiting list still 12 to 18 months waiting list so I will be here for a long time yet so still it just to buy it going really that all right let's get your sack three shoes come out now and when the move finally happens Murray hopes it'll start a new chapter in her life five months time would be nice to be in another property for all the kids to be settled in a routine obviously all kids out of my bed babying carts how it should be and I think working I could sit or even training just something just prove everybody wrong that obviously I'm able-bodied I have got a brain in there somewhere I want to put back into the system obviously go to work put my taxes in yeah that's right I want to be in the connect but on the Isle of Wight job prospects aren't looking nearly so good rasam the only member of the huge role household who did have a job has chucked it in everyone's judged me for it but um I just hated it I honestly did all the people there would talk down to me as though I didn't I and it just really frustrated me I think I'd prefer to just like work a simple nine till following no split shifts nothing like that just simple and easy that squeeze is not that easy is it Jude quit your job after three ships three ships yes it was it was high but today Rose and dad Peter Rolfe is focusing his attention on another of his 26 kids because it's daughter Kelly's birthday so chaos because Kelly's got a little party and 12 year old Nathan showing off skills that could easily get him a job when he's a bit older ready six well I'm doing his cheese and pineapple we got and I've got chickens and that book these are sausage rolls and bacon don't know what they're called and and with making egg Mayo it's the cake I did all the necks and that she did the icing and then I did the stars and edges the family's benefits haven't just stretched to a birthday banquet they've also paid for a party with a bouncy castle it's everything you'd expect from a decent dad in the early days I probably wasn't a good thing no I don't don't dispute that but I didn't realize how important it was until now why Odin in Mexico I would challenge anybody to come and do why do the jewel come and do it you all British hold me but come and do what I do you can go on getting the bigger better benefits home that he wants well that's one thing Peter hasn't been able to pull off yet in Ipswich the fists and the eleven kids who still live with mum and dad also have a reason to celebrate their homes been not through to next-door and thanks to the welfare state they finally got their controversial new house we were quite happy living in a three-bedroom house with our children it was a case of that approached us so everyone's got a beef with anyone it's the council they need to take it up with not off it is seven bedrooms but the fists can't see what all the fuss is about look at that age it's just a free bedroom house with a mall knock through in the middle that's nothing look at the state in the garden there's nothing special about that aims at a fish church mansion that's what they call it the fish church like a mansion at the end of the day it's just a council house and there's a final twist in the benefits tale for father of 26 Peter Rolfe his demands for a bigger house may still be unanswered but the benefits office has delivered some good news this is me new mobility scooter it's got this little worn on it but I ain't very loud Peters disability has been agreed so the benefits caps been lifted and he's got a flash scooter that's a light on the front that's a like that's it stop speeds about 6 miles an hour think Peter may not have the new home he wants but now with about three hundred pounds a week topping up their total to eight hundred the family is definitely quids in next time on benefits Brittany oh I your car they've actually stopped my money it's official yeah gonna Cuba Oh Madrid no one should have to do that for a job I am NOT getting off and benefit that is just as simple as that I'll explain things checking in for a visit this week as the Hotel inspector returns here on Channel five catch that new Wednesday at 9:00 and after an almighty non bond last night has the dust settled in the Big Brother house no not one is a shot twister come stay tuned for more drama coming up next
Channel: wynterhdrama
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Length: 45min 16sec (2716 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 01 2014
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