Ben Shapiro: Win or lose, Trump endangers future of conservatism | Larry King Now | Ora.TV

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last week Steven Bannon was named as the CEO of Donald Trump's presidential campaign Bannon is the chairman of Breitbart news and he along with Trump's new campaign chairwoman Kelly and Conway have the heavy burden of turning the fortunes of trump's unconventional campaign which is lagging behind Hillary Clinton and key swing states and nationally someone who knows Steve Banyan pretty well worked with him at Breitbart is Dan Shapiro conservative political commentator syndicated columnist former editor at large at Breitbart news best-selling author he joins me on set thank you for being with us sure all right what do you make of this cyber thing do you think it should be discussed well I mean I think obviously cybersecurity is a major concern given the number of high-level hacks that we've seen and I don't see why that shouldn't be on the table why does hacking seem like an everyday thing now well acting is easy how modern is all technology well I mean I think that the government has done a pretty poor job of constructing the sorts of barriers that are necessary in order to protect our our information and why that is is is anybody's guess but obviously we need you better okay Ben it's been a while since we talked what yeah everything changes every day here exactly what you take on the current lay of the presidential campaign I mean obviously Donald Trump has a really uphill battle the the map the electoral map never favored Republicans I mean Mitt Romney could've won Florida Virginia and Ohio and still lost the election so Trump basically has to win Pennsylvania or he has to win Wisconsin and New Hampshire and Iowa and and Nevada and and I don't see a path there for him you know realistically speaking unless some major news breaks and things radically change can he pivot well I mean what we're about to find out he's trying to pivot I have my suspicions that if he sees the polls are not going well he doesn't seem like the type of man to stick to the script if things tend not to go well you are a supporter of his Orange no you're not yeah well well being with Breitbart news I would have thought that you would be an ardent that's one of the reasons I quit yeah they are supporters own oh well they are they're not only supporters they're Trump Pravda they're basically the official outlet for the Trump campaign so you are a conservative who is troubled yes deeply try Mina the reason I left Breitbart in the first place back in March was because of the Michelle fields incident when when Breitbart essentially decided it was more important to to kiss up to Donald Trump than it was to defend their own reporter so do you deduce who did you support in the primary that Chris and Cruz says vote your conscience yeah you don't say that but I would vote my conscience regardless what Cruz said I don't take my cues from Ted Cruz who were you hold for I have no plans to vote at the top of the ticket right now I'll vote down down take it although for Republican congressional candidates in senatorial Canada some also in California so my vote doesn't matter so that's one of the sad things it is a popular vote aye what's wrong with a popular man I mean the only real problem with the popular vote is that theoretically you could have liked somebody really bad but I mean given given the nature of our electoral choices this point I don't see how much worse it could get maybe we've got the most corrupt woman in the history of American politics on one side and Donald Trump on the other so I mean you know and nobody stopped him during the primary processes so I highly doubt the Electoral College would provide much of a barrier when you said she's the most corrupt woman won that haven't been many women running for president right they narrows it down somewhat but she is deeply corrupt yes in what area you mean that every area no time for me to name one where she's not I mean I think she was a bad senator I don't think that she did much as a senator I mean she she never named on any major legislation since I'm hard italicum Republican lawmakers three or four senators told me she was great to work with yeah but he makes no difference to me whether she was great to work with I care about the legislation she's got her name on she doesn't have any with her name on it so you know it's hard for me to judge her legislative accomplishment you think Trump can gain anything that his new move toward minority voters um look I'm glad that I'm glad that any Republican is doing that because I think it's long overdue I think that Trump is not always the best messenger even though I agree with some of his messaging Donald Trump's new campaign CEO is Steven Bannon chairman of Breitbart news you know him you work with him what should we know about him elaborate for me Benny well I mean I will say that Steve is a volatile personality I don't know many people who have dealt with Steve in any situation who haven't ended up on the wrong end Steve man and screaming tirade you might mean everybody and literally everybody I know who's ever dealt with bandit has ended up on the wrong side of that but you know his persona matters less to me then then the sort of political the political sensibility that he brings to to the campaign and you know I was worried before about the Breitbart moved from what was an edgy but mainstream conservative site into basically a Trump fan girl site and I think that the Trump basically hired a mirror as his CEO his campaign CEO which is a made-up position anyway but I think that the bannin is very much like Trump in a lot of ways but probably smarter but he's never run a campaign no no no no no how do you think he'll do I think that he's gonna I don't think Steve's job is drawing a campaign I think Steve's job is to be the Trump whisperer I think that he's gonna he's gonna be a mirrored Trump he has a history of sort of latching on to conservative celebrity politicians from Sarah Palin to Andrew Breitbart to Dick Morris to to now Trump and then riding the horse until it collapses beneath him and then moving on to the next one if he's the advisor Trump's not gonna pivot well I think that does agree with everything Trump has been saying I think that he does but I think that what Steve has a Steve is good at one thing and that is he will say to Trump and he's you know that's kind of his terminology and everything the Trump is saying is genius let's just craft it a little bit this way I think right now he's working close with Kellyanne Conway who's more of a professional political operative and so she's having obviously some sway but I also would imagine and this is speculation but I would imagine that that if things start to go poorly in the polls or continue to go poorly in the polls we're not long from the moment when Trump gets angry and Bannon says it's Kelly on Conway's fault I was here the whole time telling you that you needed to be more you does it still puzzle you how Trump got this nomination it obviously it does to a certain extent just because if I weren't puzzled by than I would have predicted it but I didn't I think that there are a bunch of forces that drove it and you know those forces are still in play I think that a lot of it is driven by a feeling of Rage Against the Republican establishment that made big promises about stopping Obamacare and executive amnesty and then didn't do anything of the sort a lot of it's driven by this kind of nationalism without ideological roots without without kind of constitutionally philosophical roots it's a nationalism that's almost reactionary to to the exception the President Obama doesn't like the country very much wants to weaken the country and here comes Trump and he says I'm gonna make the country strong and great again then people sort of resonate to that and then finally I think that it's it's a reaction to you know there's sort of the anti-establishment there's the the aunt there's the the pro America sentiment and then finally there's the the sort of anti elite movement that Trump tries to represent Trump water to deport every illegal immigrant is what he said yes now he's saying that he wants to deport only the criminals and he'll sort of case-by-case and Obama's done a good job and so did george w bush he praised obama the other day and he'll only he'll do it better yes what did you make it ask I think that Donald Trump is always telling the truth in the moment that he's telling it meaning that I don't think the Trump thought about his immigration position six months ago I don't think he thinks about a much now I think that you know you can see the the answer from people I'm friends of like Hannah Coulter you know and he basically had to take away I think that pretty soon if Trump continues to pivot and who just came out with a new book called in Trump we trust you're gonna have to take away her belt in their shoelaces but a lot of people who sort of bought into the the Trump harshness and immigration position and they were saying that Marco Rubio is a weakling on immigration and Ted Cruz who is much stronger on immigration than Trump had ever been was a weakling on immigration and now of course Trump flips and everybody says oh well you know that's just Trump well okay fine I mean if you're willing to not hold his feet to the fire I guess that's alright but will a lot of people leave him if he no I don't think so I don't think so i think the one true thing that Trump has said and continues to be true is that he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and he would not lose a large base of his support and that's explainable how III think that there's a personal loyalty that people feel to Trump a lot of that is is driven by the opposition to Trump so the fact that people oppose him so strongly it makes people feel it makes people double down on Trump like there's no such thing as a tepid Trump supporter there very few of them anyway they're they're a group of people who sort of say I'll hold my nose and vote for him cuz he's better than Hillary which is a position I don't take but with which I sympathize because I think Hillary's are terrible obviously but I think that most of the people who support Trump or at least a large swath of the people who openly support Trump it's very difficult to suffer a cognitive dissonance and so they've bought fully into him this health issue is kind of funny on both sides Trump accuses Hillary of being in bad health she's kidding with Jimmy Kimmel as her take his pulse take her pulse Trump has a doctor who's a urologist who issues a statement that his help is fantastic which I've never heard a doctor say that he's the healthiest person ever to run for president I mean I think doctor would say that I mean first of all Trump urologist would say that because I assume he's the doctor most important to Trump look the whole thing the whole thing is to me I don't understand the angle I mean I honestly don't understand the political angle like who's out there who thinks okay if we say that Hillary Clinton is unhealthy all the Hillary supporters you can go oh my god she's gonna die in office and voting for Trump like there's not again and you know ben Carson was on TV the were the official worst campaign surrogate in America that was on TV the other day saying that the Trump should release his complete medical records I mean honestly I think they both should release their complete medical records just because I think would be fun thank you releases income tax of course why not what about the part of the media like Breitbart Drudge and Fox News who tend to demonize Hillary the New York Post every day I mean doesn't that get easier from another side wearing already know because in the reason I say no is because there's also a half of the media more significantly more than half of the media that's working to cover for her every day so I mean it's it's hard to answer that question using her are they the New York Times doesn't phrase one page story they said they soft-pedal her corruption I mean they act as those kind of within the normal ambit of corruption as opposed to what it is which is a pretty outstanding example of continuous corruption and the cleanse has been corrupt for 20 years I mean everybody knows this this is not a big shock to anybody but that foundation has helped so many people got a 5 star rating found I have a foundation I know how hard a fart star star rating is do you know how many people they have helped how many children maybe their their charity that gives grants to other charities and I'm sure they've helped a lot of people they're also a pass-through Corporation for the acquaintance they give direct okay most foundations give to other charities they don't they do direct to the people and they also well not the people of Haiti but they also they also happen to you know featherbed for the Clintons I mean that's that's just the nature of it I assume they do some good work otherwise they couldn't call themselves a charity I mean Don you're gonna run a scamp you have to have a they do a lot of good work Donald Trump only talks to Fox News why Fox News is preaching to the choir Hillary Clinton won't even do a press conference why I mean it's universal she doesn't talk to anybody but I mean that look Donald Trump first of all he takes questions from the audience and then gives answers that sometimes make people shudder and cringe including me but he's taking significant more questions than Hillary at this point then do you think anybody is undecided I think there are I think there are very few people who are undecided at this point I mean it's the most polarizing election that every election seems to be increasingly polarizing this one is absolutely polarized I don't think there's a big undecided vote I think that well input it differently I think they're a bunch of people who may be undecided just because they're so disgusted with both candidates I don't think that the I think that it used to be that they're a bunch of people who are sort of drawn to both candidates okay is that Obama is it Romney I see the merits of both now I mean when a major party candidate like Trump and some national polling is receiving one third of the vote and Hillary for the life of her cannot break 50% in a poll I mean she said like one poll where she had 50 percent that means 20 percent of the American public is sitting around going who are these people and why are they running 55 percent like like Obama No yeah there's approval ratings are sky-high we'll help her certainly he's not gonna hurt her no Ann Coulter you mentioned her early she said that if Hillary Clinton is elected president well no Republican would ever win another national election well I mean I think that with every Democratic victory it becomes more difficult for Republicans to win just because the point that Ann's making is the demographics of the country continue to change thanks to immigration you're getting more people who become citizens who tend to vote Democrat and and there's accuracy to that that's that's not entirely false but the Republicans threw that away didn't they what immigrants used to vote Republican a lot well it depends on the nature of the immigrants so there is a difference with immigrants right while Cuban immigrants were coming from a communist hellhole and they were escaping to a free place I mean that's not the same thing as they look at the Pew polls on Hispanic voters now Hispanic voters first second generation Hispanic voters are voting an excess of 80% Democrat will trump hurt conservatism if he Lou as badly they said go what it did but Nixon got elected for you I mean I think that he's already her conservatism pretty badly my concern is that in one of the reasons I'm not voting for him is because I'm concerned that he hurts conservatism if he wins if he wins really because that because then you see this whole group of people who sort of follow him position into position based on loyalty to party and loyalty to loyalty to him personally if he that's that's a serious concern to me if he loses I think that he hurts conservatism less in some ways because there's been a repudiation of some of the things that he believes and says what about the thought that he plans profitably a third Empire a media empire using people like Roger Ailes and Steven and others and to form a profit-making endeavor another network you could always get another network on cable yeah it's it's pause the Internet it's not implausible I think that's probably you know that's that's the way Steve place anyway the game that the Bandon plays tends to be a win win he doesn't like to play win lose game so if he if he enters this race and Trump wins he's the chief of staff in the White House and I'm being audited by the IRS if he if he loses then then I assume that Bannon has some further plans with Trump I mean he had further plans of Palin I wonder who my friend George HW Bush is gonna vote for he's gotten very close friendly with Clinton yeah he is very tight with the Clintons I'm not yeah again I'm not the biggest fan of the bushes but yeah you know George W Bush I think also said that he may be the last Republican elected president yeah I mean look the electoral map is as I said it's very difficult for Republicans in general most of the electoral votes reside in extremely blue states Democrats have upward of 170 guaranteed electoral votes going into any election because of New York and California and Massachusetts Republicans are running from behind in every election which means that they better run a pretty stellar campaign ben shapiro fears the most of a hilary election well i mean what are you fear okay well what among other things what I fear and I don't think the Trump is a guarantor against this I fear that she's going to stack the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court will start making rulings adverse to Liberty I feared that she's going to dramatically increase taxes I fear a regulatory state that is going to be incredibly burdensome on business I fear that she is going to attempt to violate religious liberty in very serious ways on behalf of constituencies that that she feels are important to her I fear continued polarization along along sexual and racial lines because that's politically beneficial to her and there are a lot of things if here I think she's gonna be a terrible president Thank You Ben and next time try to be forthright next time you come back twice how is the problem so hard to draw him out every time you see it what does he mean
Channel: Larry King
Views: 100,310
Rating: 4.1371236 out of 5
Keywords: shapiro, trump, larry king now, ora tv, win, donald trump, trump news, larry king interview, clinton foundation, larry, clinton news, ben shapiro, dnc hack, ny times hack, ora tv network, jim himes, ora, larry king, ben, endangers, hillary clinton, larry king exclusive, future, conservatism, lose, cyber security,, king
Id: IO9NphhNg6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2016
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