Ben Folds & The Contemporary Youth Orchestra

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well i think maybe tonight rock this hall probably works it's not as easy to do what these people are talking about is it was a kid i was doing a a live album solo piano and a kid in chicago immortalized himself on tape by screaming rock this bioch which i i said i don't know that song so i made one up called that and then it's become every just about every night i play a show someone says that and it's become sort of my it's my test can i do a completely improvised new song nothing like the one before every single time someone says that let me see what i can do let's try it this way there's so many people on stage it's going to be difficult so let's just start i'm going to teach how can we do this let's do pits on cello and this is uh concert d a f yes take your time and pick it out keep that loud and proud now double basses uh go you keep that keep that up yeah the lowest d you got which is probably the open string one two great uh let's see um bassoons let's do something low on the bassoons just give us a a fifth that would be a concert d and a concert a and just go uh uh slur up to him do a little pirate sound check it out okay keep that up um okay um let's get a flute uh and uh oboe together flew to nobo together put the flute an octave above the oboe and make it like this i'm sorry forget that okay no that sucks no okay i'm gonna find it keep working that it starts on concert e e e f and then down to a and g that's good perfect keep doing that okay now snare drum give us a marching beat timpani tuned to a d and an a and give us a little bit of this you're gonna you guessed it okay violas open a string to an octave above play this rhythm marimba double that ace remember his isla phone whatever we got second violins an octave up from that no yeah same octave okay clarinets clarinets and saxophones anyone else that is a d and an f right over middle c okay violins first brass concert d or concert f higher or concert a higher you're gonna go this just split it up you know how to do it your horn players do this tuba anyone who's not playing just make something up tubular bells chimes just give us one d this is really it's like gravity in this note take your time do it when you feel it here we go let's bring something else in bring the clarinets in nice nearly 20 years ago young liza grossman started an article but it wasn't unknown there's a bunch of kids who would have thought they'd be rocking this rocking this rocking this bring the whole band in we're gonna rock this hall rock you gotta be pretty creative we might employ a thing called dynamics it's where you get really really loud shut up get really really soft you can't really really laugh then you end the song here you go can you believe they can do that
Channel: Angelo LaMarco
Views: 70,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xMs3XoRM1LM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 04 2014
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