In rehearsal: Simon Rattle conducts 6 Berlin school orchestras
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Channel: Berliner Philharmoniker
Views: 3,728,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Classical, Berliner Philharmoniker, Berlin Philharmonic, Berlin Phil, BPO, Orchestra, Orchester
Id: dP4kXJ92Qh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2013
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
This teaches me so much about orchestral preformance I would have never known damn that's cool
"professional conductor" oh, just one of the most famous conductors in history
I feel like I can have some sort of insight on this video
I had the opportunity to travel the country and play with Symphony Orchestras while I was in high school, and have had the opportunity to perform under professional conductors like this one in the video. The charisma, and the patience that this conductor shows to the student is excellent when learning how to tackle a piece that is difficult. These student will learn much more, and enjoy the piece much much more when they are able to perform this, because they are under the guidance of someone who won't berate them, and just want them to improve the piece with their own abilities. That being said, there is still a level of ability these conductors expect out of the kids, but the thing that sets them apart from just a normal conductor or teacher, is the ability to take what the kids already have, and make it better.
I've had conductors that would just yell and yell (especially at the Percussion section that I played in) and would conclude rehearsal being drenched in sweat. Personally, I felt that the orchestra always sounded better when you had conductors that seemed to enjoy the presence of teaching students, and was very outwardly passionate in what they did. Its hard to put into words, but its conductors like the one in this video that have always been the ones that have been more enjoyable and have had more success than others ones in the past.
Ugly but perfect
Can you imagine just browsing through r/videos and all of a sudden see people from your school from two years below you? Half a decade after leaving school? Not being from the US?
I didn't even look at the title. This is so weird.
I feel that it is a requirement to have such crazy hair to be a conductor.
That's a shit load of French Horns!
To be honest it's not that much of a difference, surprisingly. I think they forgot most of the directions along the way
Why does he occasionally switch to English? Is this common?