Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom | King Thistle Is Not Well 1 Hour Compilation | Kids Cartoons

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look a slug holly perhaps you could do the asking this time you might have to shout a little though because slugs cannot hear very well why is that nanny because they have no ears can't we just take some slime from the ground you can't go around collecting someone else's slime without asking them first it's not polite hello mr slug louder hello uh my daddy the king isn't well we need some of your slime to make his medicine can we collect some in this jar please [Music] i think that means yes thank you ever so much well done holly let's check our list a dew drop here nanny plum [Music] last of all we need a frog burp hmm this could be tricky [Music] there's a frog oh good morning mr frog would you be so good as to burp into this jar please try and relax that's it oh we haven't got all day to make babies burp you rub their backs okay i'll rub the frogs back i can hear something back to the kitchen [Music] princess holly and king thistle hey hi here are the finalists your majesty this is a tomato ah very uh big and this is strawberry also very big and uh red now i have to make another speech ah well done everybody for growing this um stuff it all looks uh very big now without further ado i judge that the winner is the tomato [Music] or perhaps the strawberry no no the tomato daddy they keep using magic yes this happens every time why don't we just see which one tastes the best what a good idea let's taste them tea it can be our lunch first the main course the tomato [Music] delicious now for pudding the strawberry scrumptious yum yum they're both so very tasty they both win so where's the trophy [Music] hope i'm not too late your majesty no you're just in time well done jolly good show [Music] children repeat after me magic basket please jelly jelly but not a lot magic basket please jelly jelly but not a lot hooray oh they're a bit small they are quite little aren't they yes we'll need more okay let's try this basket basket more more more basketball phew for a moment there i thought we were going to have another jelly flood jelly flag jelly flower [Music] [Music] try a stronger spell i could use the stock magic spell but that's only for royal emergencies i declare this a royal emergency thunder and lightning north wind blow magic spells away you go [Music] it worked hooray nanny where's our food sorry i had to stop all the magic and that included our magic picnic that's strange my food is still here that's because it wasn't made by magic and luckily i've enough for everyone finished yes now let's see if all that soap got that stain out oh daddy's crown is a bit bent and his shoes are all soggy oh dear were the king's clothes always this small they've shrunk nanny plum are the king's clothes clean that's mummy uh nearly ready your majesty nanny what are we going to do maybe when the clothes are dry they'll go back to their normal size yes ben i'll just do a simple spell to dry them but the taylor said you shouldn't use magic oh i'll only use a teeny tiny gentle little spell [Music] um [Music] [Music] quick give me the king's new clothes our guests will be here any minute where are the clothes nanny plum and what's that smell we washed daddy's clothes but they shrunk and then nanny burnt them with magic my goodness daddy will have to wear his old clothes then i suppose but we cleaned that is old clothes too what you mean he has no clothes to wear uh yes hello where are my clothes nearly ready darling i'm all clean now nanny will bring you your clothes in a moment and i smell lovely nanny call the elf taylor ah too late that's king and queen marigold where are we going to the kitchen we can use nellycam's cauldron to make the ice cream oh are you going to make the ice cream with magic of course i am but holly your spells don't always work out quite right making ice cream is easy peasy watch africa do africa ice cream for everyone all day long see it worked wow ice creams for everyone thank you i'll be back with more oh that's quite a lot will it stop soon i think i told you to make ice cream all day long oh dear [Music] we'll soon be home yes and it's good to see that the kingdom isn't flooded with frogs or jelly or anything yes holly must be behaving herself there's too many ice creams make it stop holly make it stop stop stop stop for you that's better hi where's our ice cream [Applause] [Music] what's that nice giants are coming quick let's hide it's only lucy the little girl we met at the farm and her dad's with her it's so pretty here yes dad it's a shame we've got to dig it all up dig it all up why to make room for the cows cows in the meadow they're ginormous the cows can graze in this meadow oh we just need to flatten these mole hills that's not a molehill that's gaston's house don't worry gaston you can come and live with me in the little castle i'll put the cow shed over there oh no the cow shed will be right on top of my little castle don't worry holly you and gaston can come and stay with me in the great elf tree and i'll put the cow manure over by those trees oh that's where the elf tree is what's manure cow poo oh maybe i won't stay at the great elf tree thanks anyway ben i'd better start building the fence lucy lucy oh hello ben hello holly your dad is putting his cows right where we live yes isn't it terrible you have to tell him to stop okay i'll tell him that all some fairies live here no no big people must never know we live here but i'm a big person and i know you're special what can we do then let's ask the wise old elf today we are learning about wonderful things in nature like fluffy our hamster who knows what kind of animal fluffy is a hamster yes but what sort of animal is a hamster oh he's a mammal is he a mammal yes well done lucy its proper name is mesocriquitous auratus its proper name is mesocriquitous auratus goodness i think we'll just stick with fluffy oh no gaston smelt the bananas he likes bananas gaston here boy stop come back nature is all around us like this pretty little insect does anyone know what she's called gaston and he's a boy very funny lucy is it a ladybird yes or you could call her a ladybug and what does she eat gaston likes pies and spaghetti bolognese pies and spaghetti bolognese no ladybirds eat things like green flies let's keep the ladybird in this jar i know gaston's trapped we'll let her go later i hope gaston will be all right don't worry i'll get him out of the jar but you'll be seen it's all right ben i'll be very careful miss cookie there's a fairy walking across my desk a fairy let's have a look nanny the teacher's coming pretend to be a toy oh yes i'm a toy oh a little fairy godmother whose toy is this um it's mine do you remember what our rule is no toys in class that's right i'll pop the dolly in my drawer and you can have it back at the end of the lesson all right yes miss cookie don't worry ben i'll be very careful polly now i'm big sorry ben it was an accident we can't play together like this okay i'll make myself big too [Applause] great now we're both big who's that big people are coming shall we hide i don't think we can we're too big what shall we do oh no it's just lucy hello lucy hello who are you lucy it's us ben and holly oh yes but you're so big i made us big with a spell wow that's great i'm here with my friends katie and yasmin [Music] do you want to meet them but big people aren't meant to know about little people like us but i know about you you're special don't worry you look just like big people they'll never know okay but we mustn't tell them any of our elf and fairy secrets hello these are my friends ben and holly i'm yasmin and i'm katie i like your fairy outfit thanks where do you live in a fairy castle you live in a fairy castle holly uh i mean i live in a house where do you live ben i live in a tree a tree i mean a block of flats we call it the tree i live in a block of flats too but we call it a block of flats look at all the lovely party food there's the birthday cake gaston's gonna eat the cake no gaston bad lady bird [Music] that's for later come on everyone party time let's get started with a bit of a boogie no barnaby come back musical statues when the music stops everyone freezes [Music] katie you moved i nearly stepped on this toy look oh i'll just pop the toy over here with the rest of the toys what are you doing barnaby sorry lucy's mom barnaby we're supposed to stay here but i love to boogie now lucy's dad is going to do some magic oh tricks i love magic it won't be real magic just magic tricks what a magic tricks you'll see hello and welcome to the magic show you see that's a magic trick it's a trick wand that was really good my dad's been practicing oh one of the stars is moving maybe it's a shooting star oh i can see it too it's going to crash into the ground [Music] wow that sounded close let's take a look this is where the shooting star landed it's made a huge hole incredible look at all the smoke it must be very hot let's climb down and get a closer look no we'll have to come back tomorrow with its cool down [Music] morning time [Music] holly breakfast no time daddy a shooting star crashed into the meadow last night morning time ben don't you want your break first later mom i'm off to see the shooting star [Music] hi ben hi holly wow what made that hole a shooting star it fell out of the sky excellent so what does this shooting star thingy look like we're just about to find out your majesty lower the claw it's got windows is it a spaceship it's a flying saucer the top's opening don't panic yet but this might be an alien invasion bleep bloop ah alien invasion alien invasion everyone please panic quick into the houses close the windows and doors oh did i just see little windows in the toasters all right gather round children yes miss cookie here are some toadstools tick toadstools off on your lists miss cookie the toasters have little windows in them uh no lucy that was close yes but i think we got away with it next on the list is an oak tree let's go and find one oh no they're heading towards the great health tree we have to get there first big people big people coming this way ah big people big people everyone into the tree here they come close the shutters good it looks like a normal tree oh look a little person ah here we are you can tell an oak tree by the shape of the leaves do oat trees have little people living in them what of course not tick oak tree on your lists everyone oak tree [Music] phew that was close you're telling me right next on the list is insects this way children uh oh they're heading straight for the little castle we have to get there first wait for me [Music] daddy daddy big people are coming big people quick close the shutters [Music] good oh hello king thistle i see you tried my slug jam ah yes could you turn me back into myself please don't you like being a slug it's delightful i just feel a bit uh sticky oh very well ah that's better this is witch can you stop us dancing of course and can you magic my hair back to normal my pleasure and would you mind taking all this stuff back i don't want it what throwing out all those old things made me realize i needed a proper spring clean anyone want a magic sauce pen now what do we do all this stuff is too dangerous to just leave lying around hmm this is king's work gosh what have you done to your house what do you mean i really liked it how you had it before much more witchy oh this lamp would look really good here that's where i had it this slug jam would look nice here that's where it's always lived the carpet here and the mirror here just where i had them you really have got good taste mrs witch that's why you've got such a nice little house oh thank you you're a lovely man oh well you know i do my best goodbye mrs witch goodbye everyone thanks for all your help daddy did you really think that mrs witch's house was nicer with all that stuff in it no it was a big smelly mess no time to waste begin the harvest everyone right now picking blackberries is one of the most dangerous jobs for an elf why because elves are quite small and blackberry bushes are covered in big thorns and the best berries are very high up oh i can't reach it let me help that's tasty [Music] hello nice to see you well it's not nice to see you oh that's a shame normally i'm very popular are you uh no everyone hates me well i'm not surprised you've eaten our strawberries and our apples and now you're eating our blackberries too oh dear i'm terribly sorry i didn't realize they were yours delicious stop it stop it stop eating everything i can't help it sorry he's really good at picking blackberries yes the thorns don't bother me i have a thick skin why don't we ask to know if he'll pick blackberries for us clever holly then we can still have a harvest and i'll harvest dance harvest dance oh i like dancing can i come no i'll type that as a yes what time does it start mr nime you can come to the dance if you pick some blackberries for us it's a deal we'd like this truck filled up with blackberries thank you no problem one blackberry coming up oh it's a nice one delicious not in your mouth in the truck keep it going hello i want to speak to the boss is he hang on a minute hi lads just pop down a second okay right you were saying i want to speak to the boss i'm the boss do you have an appointment he doesn't need one he's the king a king doesn't make appointments not even at the hairdressers uh daddy doesn't have any hair he's bald well that's not our fault look we want to complain about the noise what noise the noise from the mine oh i can't hear anything that noise now look i'm the king and i'm commanding you to stop all the digging yeah the thing is though you're only king above the ground just to the top soil below that i'm the boss but we can't stop digging anyway that's what we do we won't stop until we found gold and diamonds and gems i've got an idea nanny plum can magic you up some golden diamonds and gems good thinking holly there we go problem solved now kindly stop digging but i can magic up that stuff eh where's the funny that you have to dig for it now if you don't mind some of us have work to do come on lads let's get digging well that could have gotten better let's go away and come up with another plan so if no one wants this treasure can i have it yes yes take it i can hear footsteps someone's coming [Applause] [Music] here he comes let's start the music [Music] get out of the way we're waiting for a very important person oh yes who's that then king leopold that's me you you're king leopold are you an actual king oh yes where's your crown i keep it under me hat but why have you never told us before oh i don't like to go on about it don't like to go on about it you sent us this flowery letter asking for a feast yes well if i just drop in i find people usually send me away but if i send a letter as king leopold i get a bit more of a welcome and a dinner it works the first time anyway can i have this boy uh yes i suppose so very nice i know a fact about boys do you want to hear it no i'll take that as a yes toys are never found in the wild though you have to be made by someone all that effort and king leopold turns out to be the gnome yes it's an outrage oh he's still a king and you've all been making such a fuss about a very important person coming daddy is right yes we should still welcome king leopold i haven't been in a witch competition for years what happens in a witch competition there's a spell contest broomstick riding and jam making well your jam smells quite nice see i've lost my touch which jam is supposed to be horrible don't worry we'll help you make it horrible what if you put in some snail slime snail slime yes that could do it and some worm poo yes that would make it taste awful you see you can win now let's tackle the broomstick riding i haven't ridden my broom in years it's forgotten all its training [Music] oh dear let's try spells mrs witch you did the fastest spells in the west right mrs witch turn these cans into frogs i'm trying but i can't do it i'm afraid she's past it past it she can't even turn a can into a frog she might have been good at magic once but now she's a bit of a husband has been i'll show you mrs witch you turned nanny into a frog that's because nanny got me annoyed oh if you can do magic like that in the competition you'll be fine so just remember to get cross with wendy witch but she's so friendly and nice it's your only chance to win okay i'll try to be cross you watch them wander off into the night yes oh all right cowboys let's round up the chickens chickens come back remember no sudden loud noises we don't want to chicken stampede oh right you aren't exactly quiet yourself ha elves are good at being quiet [Applause] [Music] what does that mean no idea but they say it in all the cowboy films the chickens are heading straight for the fairy village [Music] ah which way did the chickens go they went that away yes that's what they say in cowboy films as well they went that away ah it's so lovely to wake up to the song of a little bird good grief what are those chickens doing here you said you wanted a chicken daddy i didn't expect you to take me seriously you're the king of course we take you seriously what are they doing to my flower garden eating it your majesty if you are going to keep chickens you have to say goodbye to flower gardens but you can have eggs for breakfast every day and you won't have any problems waking up [Music] oh you can smell breakfast from here hello quick your majesty tell your gnome that there's a breakfast tree on big hill [Music] they say that breakfast don't grow on trees but boy boy a tree with eggs bacon sausages and toast the most beautiful thing i've ever seen look they're about to meet and run a hundred miles from each other ugh a gnome what are you doing here i could ask you the same question go on then what are you doing here i like breakfast would you like to know why no i'll take that as a yes it's because i like fried eggs and sausages and bacon and pancakes and you've eaten it all well if you didn't talk so much you could do some eating right i'm going a hundred miles away from you i'm going a thousand miles away from you it worked they've both left the little kingdom what a brilliant plan well done nanny plum thank you king thistle and it was my idea your majesty no it wasn't i thought of getting them together i magiked up the breakfast tray let's just say elf cleverness and fairy magic has saved the day yay she loves me she loves me not she loves me she loves me now she loves me the gnome's still here we thought you'd uh gone far away can i visit your houses of course would you like to see inside the great elf tree or the little castle or come to my house where is your house strawberry me and violet live in the fairy village oh i'd love to see the fairy village okay follow me [Music] here we are the fairy village wow do you all live inside toadstools yes we used to live inside mushrooms but the big people kept picking them no one eats toadstools but there's no door to get in yes there is it's a magic door you have to tap three times and spin around and say open sesame see hello everyone hello hello daddy my dad's the fairy mayor yes and you're here just in time for the meeting what meeting emergency meeting emergency meeting as your mayor i have called an emergency meeting because there are big people in the two meadow one little girl and a dog having a picnic now as you all know the big people are dangerous i'll say they stepped on my granddad and they ate my house so we must be very careful and if anyone sees any big people [Music] i've seen a big person what where who me i'm a big person ah a big person [Music] don't worry lucy it's not your fault you're a big person you're a little person now anyway good old gaston my best friend help gaston we're stuck gaston run and get [Music] there all nice and clean again oh oh no gaston out out what's that ben and holly and king and queen thistle are mr mrs elf all stuck in the old mine you say oh then there's no time to lose lead the way gaston hello nanny plum thank goodness you're here we're trapped hang on i'll just magic the door open oh it doesn't work no because the door is sealed with dwarf magic you have to answer a question what question an aeroplane is flying at 180 miles per hour how strong will the wind have to be to slight speed by 15 that's just gobbledygook nanny magic upper spade and diggers out [Music] this will take ages i know gaston can dig us out yes gaston's brilliant at digging gaston old friend figures out uh he wants you to say please oh please gaston [Music] [Applause] thank you gaston the dragon's egg is hatching my dad says dragons are dangerous wild animals and they breathe fire oh i'm scared let's run away [Music] isn't it cute hello oh it's so sweet gaston be nice to the baby dragon bad ladybird what shall we call it how about cuddles no he should be called fang yeah fang i like snuggle bunny fire claw what about dave dave the dragon yay dave that's your new name dave has got really big paws that shows he'll grow much bigger what do you want gaston oh all right fetch the stick [Music] wow aren't you clever dave he wants his tummy tickled oh how cute dave's the best pet in the world ever [Music] where's gaston gone oh i don't know oh well it doesn't matter we've got dave [Music] princess holly home time oh i've got to go now bye oh look at that statue hmm some kind of ancient god i suppose we must be getting close to the lost city look at this crazy orange plant ah yes the proper name is heliconia jack winnie eye and this one's called chrysanthemum locanza mum how did you know that it's on the label oh how odd this statue's labeled two and this one this plant's got a price on it 4.99 that's good something very strange is going on here yes some madman has gone through the jungle labeling everything ah it's raining it's not rain it's a big person with a watering can this isn't the jungle this is a garden center gaston's brought us to the wrong place poor redbeard is hundreds of miles away in the real jungle oh and we're stuck in a garden center hello hello are you nearly here uh we're a bit far from the jungle oh yes whereabouts right now we're in a garden center in a pot of daffodils daffodils oh yes i can see you what i'm inside look through the doors hello i thought you said you'd gone to the jungle it is a jungle in here come and see oh this is ridiculous oh well i suppose we'd better rescue him anyway elf rescue hello nanny plum here i'm stuck by the lay stuck you say hang on we'll be right there elf rescue our goal what seems to be the problem my legs are tired can i have a lift home what nanny plum the elf rescue service is for emergencies only keep your hair on can you give me a lift or not this is the way to travel tea biscuits and a great view dad can i have a go at flying no ben you're not a grown-up it's not fair grown-ups have all the fun we want to rescue people you're just going to have to wait till you're older [Music] thank you alf rescue and don't waste our time again charming the wise old elf is right nanny plum elf rescue is only for emergencies oh whatever cool you got rescued by elf rescue i wish we could rescue people too yes it's just the silly grown-ups won't let us [Music] elf rescue ah thank goodness we need your help alfresco what's the problem a big cow is stuck in some brambles we'll be right there calling all units cows stuck in brambles i'm not called the wise one for nothing um but if the rope's down here how are we going to climb out don't worry the wise one will have thought of that he'll have a brilliant plan ah oh uh this is a bit embarrassing i am so the wise one pulled the rope down but forgot that we need to climb up it to get out yes that's about it no worries we'll just fly out but but us elves can't fly oh okay i'll magic the road to the top [Music] come on everyone let's go [Music] why's odell aren't you climbing up i am not climbing up a magic rope see yourself you can live down there forever okay okay i'll climb up the magic rope hello everyone oh hello mrs fatheringgill what are you doing here i came as quick as i could when i heard susan was in trouble susan who's susan susan the ladybug oh there you are that's gaston oh he won't answer if you call him susan susan i've brought you something to eat poor susan who would look after you if i didn't hmm i've got a feeling susan would manage just fine [Music] look barry's found the mermaids [Music] they sing so beautifully wow a mermaid palace this must be where oceana lives diving suits on everybody [Music] nice barry uh we're friends of your brother yes they're with me [Music] hello hello mermaids we're looking for oceana she's over there being sad oceana we brought your mirror back oh thank you so much but why is it so tiny we had to shrink it down to fit in the submarine don't worry the spell will wear off soon it'll grow big again there you go my mirror thank you all so much you're very welcome well it's been uh very interesting meeting you mermaids but we must be getting back now bye oceana bye everyone bye buddy [Music] um you know how the mirror suddenly got big again but that happened to me and my dad yep and the fun bit is you don't know when which means we should get a move on we don't want them to grow big in the submarine we must get to land full speed ahead almost there almost there trying to grow too much hmm it says take these stairs down to the center of the earth at the bottom you'll see dinosaurs does it really say dinosaurs no i made that bit up but there will be dinosaurs you'll see are we nearly there yet no holly we have to go past the roots of the plants the drains the giant spider caves it's a long way to the center of the earth so how many steps do we have to go down 48 million trillion thousand oh no my feet are tied already that's why i got the dwarves to put a lift in doors opening hold tight everyone the lift does go rather fast doors closing going down [Music] here we are the center of the earth it's a huge cave it's full of trees and giant mushrooms yep that's how it was on telly well one thing that's not here dinosaurs oh see the telly is always right but now that we're here how do we find mrs fathering gill gaston can sniff mrs fulleringhill's shoes and find her brilliant ben find mrs fathering girl good boy gaston i wonder where we'll find the lost tribe lost tribe what nonsense whoa look at that a lost tribe told you what's happening why are we floating there is no gravity in space nothing to hold you down sorry i forgot to turn on the ship's gravity motor [Music] ah look at all the pretty sparkly lights behold the wondrous science of an alien race where's the toy alert we do not go to the toilet incredible being so advanced they have stopped needing to go to the toilet no toilets what have i once again you should have gone before we set off maybe there'll be toilets at the beach is there a beach on planet bong planet bong is all beach wow or beach yes it is very hot and sunny would anyone like a snack yes please this machine can make any food or drink you like can i make orange juice yes delicious can it make a jam and peanut butter and banana sandwich yes [Music] amazing can it make jelly no it can make anything in the universe but not jelly which is a shame because i like jelly jelly i can do jelly nanny what a little bit of jelly never did anyone any harm magic jelly please oh it is a bit small i would like lots of jelly okay magic jelly not the great leader of planet bong is here to celebrate this special meeting of peoples hello he's tiny yes on planet bong we get smaller as we get older hello who said that he's down there daddy oh hello hello say hello everybody the great leader is very old it is a fantastic honor for you to meet him say hello gaston gaston's eaten the great leader naughty gaston spit the great leader out terribly sorry he's not really house trained uh yes as our special guests we will now welcome you with a song put on horrible noise when are they going to start playing the tune this is our national anthem and delightful it is too [Music] cyros why do you live underground once planet bong was covered in plants everywhere was green and beautiful and the people were happy then the plants began to die out it became too hot to live on the surface so we moved underground everyone lives underground yes even the animals animals whoa oh an alien monster don't worry it is just a flopper gurgle what's blog it is a pet oh the flopper gurgle thwarts blog is so cute we are now out of earth's atmosphere we can take off our seat belts whoa i'm flying that's because there's no gravity in space i'm flapping my wings but they don't do anything yes your wings won't work in zero gravity are you sure there isn't a toilet what's through this door no don't open that door [Music] hang on what happened when you open a door in space it sucks all the air out of the rocket oh nanny plum she's floating away hello [Music] my wings don't work we can hear you through the radio nanny plum you don't need to shout just stay calm stay calm i'm floating off into deep space elf rocket this is mission control what's going on up there nanny plum opens the door and is now lost in space oh dear that's a shame well never mind on with the mission no we have to rescue nanny plum oh i suppose we must i'll rescue nanny me too all right you're all tied to this rope so you won't drift away are you ready ready we're coming nanny plan hold on hold on hold on to what oh no we can't reach nanny plum mr ralph the rope isn't long enough oh no lost in space and i never even went to the toilet here's your lasso ben thanks dad keep still i'm going to throw this lasso around your waist got you i'm a bit hungry me too time for the picnic no magic basket please magic nanny palum are you waving your magic wand around i haven't got my wand remember it wasn't allowed on your silly elf mission ah yes anyway the magic picnic basket doesn't need a one to work you just ask it for what you want magic basket please make us sandwiches with ham and cheese and now for pudding magic jelly magic jelly ah nanny plum we don't want another jelly flood oh it'll be fine nadi palam i want you to think very carefully about what you are doing whatever magic basket please jelly jelly [Music] what's she doing oh no i forgot to say not a lot that's too much [Music] [Applause] what's happening nanny plum has flooded the sea of tranquility with jelly all the maps of the moon will have to be changed the sea of tranquility is now the sea of jelly sorry sorry the aliens will be very upset but the aliens like the jelly they're eating it all up they love it i better make some more
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 5,409,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum, ben and holly king thistle, ben and holly king thistle is not well
Id: 23BrhB0pkHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 5sec (3545 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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