Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom | Daisy and Poppy | Cartoons For Kids

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foreign [Music] hi Ben coming out to play Holly sorry Fleur I can't come out to play why not uh Daisy and pop here with me so we have to play in the courtyard ah they're so sweet and Echo they're not sweet do you want Tom I wand it's glittery isn't it no Flur kitty cat meow ah see your friends have brought a little kitten along meow uh that's Fleur she gave Daisy her wand I see runaway kitten come back Flur and which poor friend was turned into this insect no mummy that's gust on the ladybird he's meant to be like that oh yeah of course hello Gaston now children the twins are only little so please play Gently yes and the twins must stay in the courtyard yes Mommy have fun wow your little sisters are something else I know there are Menace so keep hold of your wand Fleur but they're so sweet and Echo I'm sure they didn't mean to turn me into a kitten meow meow so what game shall we play how bounce hide and seek ers and books about how things work wow a bucket there are books about music books about animals oh chickens that's interesting books about vegetables oh yes I like vegetables especially peas you can find out any answer if you look in the right book ah here we are a book on Stars is this going to have the answer let's see is everybody comfortable yes on clear nights we can see the stars twinkling in the sky the light we see from each star is Tiny the the tiniest little spot of light we can only see it because the sky is so dark black the night skies pure Blackness yes it is Holly but when the morning comes and the sun rises the sky gets brighter and the Stars disappear but mummy where do the stars go they don't go anywhere what they're still shining in the sky we just can't see them anymore because the sky is so bright it's obvious I knew that and when the sun goes down and the sky gets darker we can see the stars again When the Sun Goes of course so daddy where does the sun go well it ah Wise Old elf oh these books should answer that question your majesty sorry to keep you waiting oh that's fantastic really really well the jacket feels a bit soggy actually it looks wonderful feel fresh and exciting we were just saying how important it is to think carefully about what you wear oh I don't think I think at all [Music] oh I said oh what's that yes I was worried that might happen tricky things magic clothes hey Daddy you've got a lemon on your head there's nothing to do with me my wife chose it that is amazing awesome I've never seen anything like it absolutely genius self-transforming clothes I ever thought of that and you say that you don't think about what to wear you know more about fashion than we ever could where do I will get your inspiration from ah well uh no tell me have you ever considered a teaching fashion oh ah Danny plum could you make us something for dinner please of course your majesty I can make you anything you like as long as you don't want carrots tomatoes or lemons now to our first event running look there's Ben on your marks get set go [Music] Ben come on Ben oh Ben can't hear me will soon sort that out may I thank you try this Princess Holly [Music] what ah I've got very sensitive ears [Music] [Applause] is the winner I know Ben's come last oh dear elves can be very touchy about this sort of thing what did you do that for I was trying to help you win I was winning it was your shouting that made me lose sorry Ben not to worry maybe there's some other little game you can have a go at will all competitors please get ready for the next event the high jump you're very good at jumping Ben you'll easily win I hope so I hope so too there's nothing worse than a grumpy elf the first competitor is Lizzy elf [Applause] do you want more no problem careful Nanny Plum oh Mr elf stop fussing jelly jelly a little bit more money they all want jelly Goodness Me the hell day I just have to make a lot more [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the jelly is showing us the way out Flash I can hear something what's that what are they shouting Jerry fad what Jerry fudge [Music] I've got my horn back I got my ones back and the ants have got all the jelly they can eat piano's taken a bit of a bashing I'm glad that's not my piano actually your majesty it is your piano I was just delivering it to you oh it's okay Daddy it sounds lovely as long as you only play Tunes with high notes [Music] yeah dinner time [Music] dinner time the bells the Bells now I need to adjust the clock do you be not dinner time and how does nanny Plum know it's dinner time her tummy rumbles what you mean I've been setting the great elf clock to a fairies Tommy Rumble yes okay [Applause] [Music] oh the tummy does seem to be amazingly accurate it is dinner time bye Ben see you tomorrow Holly [Music] and the beautiful princess lived happily ever after end time to sleep Holly but Daddy the owl hasn't heated yet there's the owl now be as Dragon Age [Music] pilly Ever After the end time to sleep Ben but Mom the clock hasn't chimed yet oh it's chiming now good night Holly [Music] good night Ben [Music] this is Mission Control the what's going on up there Nanny Plum opened the door and is now Lost in Space oh dear that's a shame well never mind on with a mission no we have to rescue nanny pop oh I suppose we must excuse nanny all right you're all tied to this rope so you won't drift away are you ready ready hold on hold on to what oh no we can't reach Nanny Plum Mr elf the Rope isn't long enough oh no lost in space that I never even went to the toilet here's your lasso Ben thanks Dad keeps I'm going through this lasso around your waist not you rescued Nanny plum oh thank you Ben thank you everyone for rescuing me let that be a lesson to you Nanny Plum no more opening doors I was just having a look around well please don't look around this is a serious mission elf honor is at stake well I'm very sorry I won't touch anything again fairies honor good now everybody strap themselves in our next stop is the moon oh good the sooner we get there the sooner we can have our picnic for the last time nanny Plum there will be no picnic on the moon this Adventure Continues in our next episode picnic on the moon you can open your eyes now [Music] said no birthday party it's not a birthday party darling it's just a surprise party oh well then I suppose happy birth I mean congratulations your majesty on being such an excellent King well done oh thank you I know for the giant firework is a carrot I love fireworks and now your majesty the elf band will sing a special song in your honor Old King Sizzle is a very old King and is one year older today [Music] happy birthday uh of course the song isn't actually about you it's about a different King your majesty I came far away from here whose birthday it is today in that case it was a very nice song [Applause] [Music] Lucy could you get Bessie to stand up please I'm sorry cows never get up when it's raining [Music] uh daddy Plum you may now use magic if you wish I didn't think you liked magic just get me out if you're sure I'm sure cow [Music] now what was I saying the last thing you said was uh that's the sound you made when the cow sat on you thank you strawberry back on the bus let's go indoors but I can't I have to get all the animals into the barn first pranks can help but what about Jesse and the chickens maybe I could try a Magic Kingdom into the barn oh no it's too wet for my one to work it's it's working look it's not magic it's Gaston he's copying next to sheepdog [Music] Gaston's a sheep Lady Bird thanks for all your help here take some milk with you oh okay [Music] I hear the sound of excited little ones and something else we must not enter honestly what a lot of fuss about a terrible Magical Force of unimaginable power all handle this good luck Me Brave little pumpkin to the rescue here be the toddlers me you're safe now my plum pudding I've seen many a terrible things at sea but nothing nothing as bad as what I saw in fact room that's why we tend to keep the door locked good the party's over rather well I thought but what about the jelly we haven't had magic jelly yet all right Nanny but please don't make too much this time I take jelly that that's good the party must be almost over oh raspberry have you had a nice time yes mummy chocolate say thank you for having me thank you it was a pleasure goodbye nettle no help me again it's Raspberry's birthday next we here you've got a children's entertainer who's good with toddlers yes here he is the great wizardo and I am wonderful see you all at Raspberry's party then ah I love Autumn it's a Pity I missed Acorn day I say an acorn how Charming your majesty throw the acorn away a talking squirrel throw the acorn away your majesty ah Wise Old elf where did you come from the acorn your majesty it's dangerous nonsense how can an acorn be dangerous this lovely Acorn isn't dangerous two acorns it must be my lucky day [Music] was that supposed to happen well not exactly but the castle is a great place to store acorns for the winter what happened where am I happy Acorn day daddy you didn't miss it after all oh how am I going to get rid of all these acorns uh you will need this Squirrel costume what how does that work you wear the costume and the squirrels copy you I see okay on with the costume Nanny off you go chop chop hey [Applause] Nanny I'm hungry me too no problem these leftover potatoes carrots onions peas and cheese have made a lovely soup [Music] um this scheme is delicious of course but will there be anything else to follow yes it's very filling I could eat a tiny something more I could eat a lot lot more [Music] rocks that lovely smell it's coming from the kitchen this is delicious Nanny it's the best ice here what's this it's just the children's supper it smells very nice it's only some soup I made from The Leftovers it's not very modern you wouldn't like it could I try just a little bit with a taste is their tasty can I try some too and me and me [Music] oh yes so feeling oh marvelous nanny I have an announcement to make nanny Plum is indeed the best cook in the whole world thank you very much now what would everyone like for pudding something modern or my treacle pudding [Music] then Holly Lucy you're supposed to be asleep I'm too excited about Christmas what are you doing here we're delivering your Christmas presents whoa do elves and fairies get presents as well no but tonight we have the elf and fairy Feast there's lovely music and lanterns and the trees that sounds nice it's beautiful we better go Santa's waiting on your roof oh my roof cool Merry Christmas Lucy Merry Christmas oh there you are there wasn't a little snack down there oh Santa was that yes yes the mince pie delicious and this drink even better we can't start the elf and fairy Feast until the others are back well where are they hello everyone we're back Father Christmas gave us a lift on his sleigh thank you Father Christmas would you like to stay for our elf and fairy Feast no time I'm afraid I have to deliver presents to all the children of the world how many deliveries have you done so far one well good luck thank you Merry Christmas [Music] good now we're all here Christmas can begin think Nanny Blum can turn herself back again she can't pick up her wand oh what a shame now for your homework that's Nanny Plum we can't leave her as a frog can't we oh I suppose not uh which fairy wants to turn her back again all right Holly do your best um I'm not sure what spell to use I'm sure Nanny Plum would want you to just have a go anyway okay I'll try this um [Music] it works oh thank you Holly oops sorry Nanny you did very well Holly but you shook your wand a bit too hard abracadberry frogs a fairy hey you see children it's all in the wand control yes fascinating mistress Palam but if we might return to Nature class for them yes children what Mr old elf is trying to say is that that brings today's nature class to a close that was the bestest ever nature class thank you strawberry it was excellently cool thank you Barnaby so from now on Nanny Plum and the wise old elf always teach us nature class together uh all right oh if you insist s terrible signal Wise Old elf did you know what time it is I didn't call to ask you the time we're in a big house and the window's closed I need some Elves to rescue us I see how many elves do you need all of them we came in through the window but now it's shot there it's open thanks Lucy it was nice meeting you Lucy but we weren't supposed to wake you it's okay I'll pretend to be asleep bye bye hmm I see you wait the little girl up we didn't mean any oh it's okay they always wake up to the rescue [Music] Now where's this window that needs opening you just came through it but that's an open window yes we've done it ourselves we don't need you anymore sorry sorry you've just dragged every elf in the Kingdom from their beds can you be quiet of course I can elves are very good at being quiet and where ills this is why elves can't be tooth fairies you're too noisy all right Lucy we heard a noise it's okay she's asleep not now you bye Lucy see you again bye Ben and Holly um can we have a lift I'm a bit too tired to fly purpleboard [Music] hi Holly that was the last delivery now we can play you might have finished Ben but I'm still working Holly it's time for your speech hello you all look very nice starting today Johnny good show Johnny good show [Music] what happens now now comes the hard bit we have to sit still and not fall asleep in honor of your majesty we will now do a dance [Music] how awful [Music] even worse [Music] very good very good come on Daddy Let's Dance what but I oh all right could you play something a little bit more modern righto [Music] I like your work Daddy it's fun oh you're right Holly King's work is fun thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] I could use the stock magic spell but that's only for Royal emergencies I declare this a royal emergency thunder and lightning North winds blow magic spells away you go oh it worked hooray Nanny where's our food sorry I had to stop all the magic and that included our magic picnic that strange food is still here that's because it wasn't made by Magic and luckily I've enough for everyone thank you Ben but Nanny you said fairies don't eat ill food uh yes thank you for reminding me Princess Holly we can have a nice time without a picnic let's sit and enjoy the view [Music] I'm a bit hungry oh me too [Music] I don't believe I've ever eaten elf food before would you like to try some King thistle oh thank you Ben yum yum our food is delicious it really is Nanny Plum you must try some no very well your majesty seeing as it's a royal command and here's another Royal command when you have a fairy picnic always take an elf laughs this is where we decide what the toys will look like don't you just make it up as you go along oh no no no no the toys are designed to the very last detailed nothing is left to chance gosh it seems like a lot of hard work to me we pride ourselves on our thoroughness this is where we choose the colors that's Father Christmas now for example if I wanted to I could change the color of the doll's dress from red to blue blue dress the elf Factory would then know to paint the doll stress blue but Farmers wants a dress red of course he does Princess Holly that was just an example It's All Aboard next stop the elf Factory oh we don't have to go down again do we yes Nanny the factory is deep down in the roots of the tree how deep down very deep um All Aboard we're not going down very much just do wait olly next stop level 99 hold tight [Music] level 99 the elf Factory and the glimp Machine the what the gloop machine I couldn't have done a better job myself oh look a pretty bridge I can see you've certainly been working hard gnome yes your kingliness so when will it be safe for you to leave oh well oh you don't think it ever will be your royalness what I might have to stay here forever but what about my golf I won't get in your way but you are in my way oh custard and pickles I can't play golf with all this stuff around I know we can play Crazy Golf yes Crazy Golf this crazy golf is much better than the other kind yes you to teach you how to play Crazy Golf it's it's fun oh okay what do I do just hit ball through the little Windmill and into the hole [Music] this is fun oh goodness look how high the sea is Ben Holly leave the castle now we can't leave the sea Holly you can fly to the shore okay it's too windy to fly oh Holly maybe it's time to do a little magic yeah I'll just where's my wand and oh where's my one it's your wand Holly who are you but what if it falls in the sea don't worry Holly Mrs elf is very good at throwing things and I'm great at catching okay don't worry once then we'll catch you ready Ben yes Mom one two three four [Music] [Applause] thanks Ben now for the magicing bit [Music] but then it on dry land [Music] hooray thank you it's so nice to have you back ones I knew Ben would catch you thanks Holly and I knew you could magic us the safety yes the rescue was a perfect mix of very magic and elf skill here's the elf skills here's toy where's our ice cream [Applause] [Music] I did try to stop it nanny but it got worse well thank goodness the king and queen aren't here to see all this mess [Music] it's the king and queen hooray it's very nice of you all to welcome us home like this may I be the first to say how pleased we are to see you back again your majesties while you were away yes yes I'm a bit tired so if you'll excuse me ah stop uh maybe you should go for a little walk your majesty I've just got a bit of tidying up to do inside thank you Nanny Plum but all I want to do now is have a nice bath [Music] ah ice cream I'm sorry Daddy it's all my fault I tried to be a good Queen and make everybody happy but it's a lot harder than you'd think yes Holly I know it is especially with elves elves are never happy him we are happy when we are busy elves like being busy in that case I command you to go back to work at once and your first job will be to clean up all this ice cream [Music] now let's mix all the ingredients Blackberry sugar lemon do you drop slug slime and finally frog burp and now the magic words sugar and spice blood clot glug burp of a frog slime of a slug that's going to taste horrible no Ben remember it's a potion to rub on the feet not to drink nobody would drink this foreign [Music] that is bad [Music] I did taste disgusting daddy you shouldn't have drunk it you should have rubbed it on your feet what I wonder what will happen now let's see what the book says uh blah blah blah oh dear what is it silly me it's not a recipe for cold medicine after all it's a cure for baldness but I must say your majesty long hair really does Sue you Nanny plum I think my cold is gone oh I seem to have caught the king's gold oh poor Nanny Plum now I'm going to take personal charge of getting you better can we help too of course you can [Music] thank you Nanny Ben found my wands that's very nice but you really shouldn't have lost it in the first place yes Nanny Plum now Ben I understand we have you to thank for finding Holly's wand it was nothing really I think a reward is in order I hear you want a new Magic Hat um yes it can be my thank you to Ben no please don't bother stay very still Ben and Holly wave the wand gently yes Nanny plum abracadette magic Ben a hat wow it worked it's all down to one's control and it's a nice cowboy hat Ben thanks for finding my wand sorry I didn't believe your plan would work and I'm sorry I didn't trust your magic cat spell I know the Magic Hat has turned Ben blue how do I look um I think your old hat suits you better me too abracades ah a cocoon yes daddy Betty caterpillar is inside it and when she comes out she'll be able to fly because she'll be what ah actually caterpillars don't normally change into birds do they change into frogs um not frogs either but what will she oh she looks the same [Music] I've got wings wow she's a butterfly Betty butterfly [Music] look they're all flying together she looks really happy let's join them [Music] now everyone can fly I can't fly uh Ben I thought elves were rather good at using ladybirds to fly that's right elves can fly on ladybirds and I'm oh [Music] thanks Gaston giddy up giddy up oh I meant take a look through the attic door oh another map the x is at the river let's go wait for me oh we're back where we started where is the treasure uncle what the riddle say um up and down and side to side it's inside this thing I really hide the ship goes up and down and it goes side to side yes the ship so that's where the treasure is that's right you worked it out here it is me hearties thanks for your help in Finding Me Treasure but we're back where we started and the treasure was here all the time but didn't we have fun I certainly enjoyed it I suppose it was fun in a way fun is what it's all about when you're an elf pirate and I'm an elf and now I must return to the distant Waters goodbye [Music] Barnaby love voice domain sale polly way anchor scrub the dicks Jesus tonight let's get the ship underway when I grow up I want to be a pirate me too and me and me
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 1,898,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #benandholly, #benandhollycartoon, #littlekingdom, ben, ben and holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben holly, ben holly little kingdom, cartoon, holly, holly and ben, little kingdom, nanny plum, princess holly
Id: 9opcAbW6REc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 49sec (2809 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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