Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Treasure Hunt | Kids Videos

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today's adventure starts at the great pirates you're not on the best pirate ask any pirate who's the best pirate it's me hi hello Ben and Holly and hello me ramblin rose meet an old shipmate of mine captain squid that's your service we were just talking about who's the best pirate what makes the best pirate it's the pirate who's cleverest and hiding their treasure my treasures hidden the cleverest this is my treasure map but only I can read and understand it a child could read it is it buried next to the elf tree yes my treasure map is better than that oh that does look difficult The Treasures deep underwater yet in plain sight guarded by a mermaid and a golden sea monster with scales shining bright hmm well best be off I've got some pirate stuff to get on with ah good to see captain squid and you too captain Redbeard oh look captain squid forgot his map run after him and give it back no it's too late he's gone let's not be hasty tell you what I'll keep his maps safe until he gets back are you going to hunt for captain squids treasure oh no that would be against pirates honor what's pirates honor a pirate's must never go looking for another pirate's treasure anyway the maps too complicated for red beards watch I could follow this map in my sleep I'll prove it but what about pirate sauna yes the thing is pirates don't really have much honor they're pirates after all and anyway I only want to check that and squids treasure is hidden safely and that can we come to well I can always use more crew cast off having fun being an elf pirate is all about [Music] the map says we pass a tree with a huge wheel silly trees don't have wills yes Holly it must be that's the old tire that the big children swing on Oh big children that sounds a bit dangerous I'm not afraid of danger pirates laugh in the face of danger that's the end of the water the next bits on land you mean we have to get out of war you're not ready Nightingale well most treasure you'll find is on the land there's not that much in the sea you put water in the big children's playground now we look out for the Giants palace Lucy's our friend she's a big girl are you sure the treasure would be the children's school this here map says the treasures inside how can we get in the door shots and the handles miles up a new era I want to use magic that's right ourselves don't normally like magic but when there's treasure involved I thought you were just going to make the door open but a flying boats is much better it's quiet no sign of any big people but so the big children will be handsome let's get a move on the treasure is found by the sign of the Acorn that's Lucy's car this is ridiculous how compiler treasure being a children's classroom what does the map say now but I don't need no map when treasure is this close I can smell it we pirates of a nose for treasure now we're all going to walk the plank starting with me this is silly how can the treasure be here it's supposed to be deep underwater for one thing there be the water but that's a fish tank remember captain squid said the treasure is guarded by a mermaid that's a little statue and a golden sea monster that's just a goldfish and there be captain squids treasure in in plain sight it's a plastic toy all fish tanks have that sort of thing huh it's not real treasure there's only one way to find out we'll have to dive for it who's going diving good luck me plucky little kid what am i doing deep-sea diving in a goldfish bowl look for the treasure chest oh it's just a plastic toy I don't even think it happens it's real treasure captain squid said I never find his treasure I'd like to see his face now repaired fancy meeting you here Oh captain squid when I set sail I found my treasure mat was missing was it really so I came back I was worried some rascal might try and steal my treasure yes yes that would be very bad if someone tried to steal your treasure I've got the treasure mr. Red Bear why you double-crossing old sea dog I can explain that shrek shirring with a smile on its face it's all right captain squid I found your map on the ground Blackbeard was worried about your treasure so we came to make sure it was safe yes that's right just check it overnight oh well that's that's different but you must admit it was a good hiding place wasn't it oh very good a children's fish tank best hiding place ever oh but now you will know where it is I better hide again if you could all close your eyes thank you okay you can look now where have you hidden the treasure somewhere in the world well it can't be that far away you were only gone for a second no one will ever ever find it it's guarded by a ferocious beast [Music] school starting alright acorn class settle down Lucy could you please feed fluffy the hamster yes miss cookie oh look what I found it's the toy pirate chest from the fish tank how on earth did it get him Fluffy's cage maybe a pirate put it there we just put it back shall we guarded by a ferocious beast indeed back where it belongs never mind captain squid I think that's the best hiding place for it anyway but you all know where it is now we won't tell anyone you swear yes on pirates honor but fat bit you said pirates don't really have any honor yes yes Thank You Holly we'll talk about this more later but for now put your hands on your hearts and say pirates honor pirates all aboard press me off before we're spotted yes all the best Pirates have won these days now let's start the class pirate ship ah-ha-ha yes children now settle down please hi Holly hi Ben what are you doing here tell you later such a little Kingdom here we come baby got away with that aye it were great adventure and that's what being elf pirates is all about having adventures [Music] today's adventure starts at the little castle what a lovely day for a royal ferry picnic nanny plum get the magic picnic basket ready uh I can't your majesty why not the magic picnic basket has disappeared you mean you lost it things don't just disappear whoa where's my chair gone I can't find my wand there one piano to deliver to the king then are you ready coming dad come on then we've got this piano to deliver to the little castle I don't want to be late that's right then elves are never late Oh where's my yarn Ben you must look after your things a good elf never loses their things Oh where's my piano God what's happening [Music] boy that's our TV why are the ants taking all our stuff I don't know [Music] outrageous nanny pom do something okay probably to the queen ant queen ants is she pretty like mommy does she have lovely dresses and a sparkly crown no the queen ant is a different sort of queen we're taking it down to the Queen and nanny I command you to have a word with this queen ant what word would that be your majesty ah tell her to stop taking our stuff I would Your Majesty but I can't speak and it's one of the more difficult insect languages along with centipede what we need is someone who can speak and good lady birds can speak and so Gaston can be your aunt's translator down you go Danny and I go to yes but stay close to nanny plum so she can keep you safe I'll go too to keep nanny plum safe and I'll go to to keep mr. elf safe yeah these tunnels could go very deep you know [Music] howdy-doo they go to the center of the earth I hope not my feet it's hard enough already [Music] this way it would be very easy to get lost in these tunnels it's a maze I hardly remember how to be out don't worry I know how to get through mazes you take every first turning down and every third turning up and that gets you through any maze oh it's a dead end or is it every second turn to the left oh are we lost mr. elf what's that sound that's lucky they can show us where the Queen antes - Don say take us to your leader what did they say Gaston says the ants will give us a lift cool [Music] this must be where the queen ant lives yes she's big isn't she hmm Gaston can you translate for us please greetings your aunt nurse I am nanny plum and I'm hi I'm a pretty fairy princess I'm mr. elf I'm mrs. elf and I'm Ben elf and you've got my horn and there's my one there's the Kings piano and our TV and my magic picnic basket Gaston asked if we can have our stuff back I think that means no why won't you let us have our stuff back nanny oh goodness knows what do you want all this stuff for she says it's for eating even though it tastes horrible why is she eating it if it tastes horrible this isn't food you know queen aunt says they used to collect food left over from big people's picnics but the big people haven't had a picnic for ages well so the ants have to eat any old rubbish they can find that's not rubbish it's a fine musical instrument I'm delivering it to the king it's not good to eat musical instruments yes ban she's obviously very stupid don't translate that when I said you were very stupid I mind you are very clever she doesn't seem very pleased if you want food I can make some with my magic eat make basket she likes sweet things what kind of sweet things Oh chilli oh I could do jelly careful nanny plum we don't want a jelly flood don't worry I know what I'm doing magic basket please jelly jelly but not a lot one more no problem careful nanny plum Oh mr. elf stop fussing jelly jelly a little bit more mommy oh Jenny goodness me Oh be healthy I just have to make a lot more [Applause] [Music] [Applause] daddy is showing us the way I can hear something what's that what are they shouting Jerry fat watts Jerry fudge [Music] and the ants have got all the jelly bacony channels taken a bit about bashing I'm glad that's not my piano actually your majesty it is your piano I was just delivering it to you oh it's okay daddy it sounds lovely as long as you only play tunes with high notes [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom
Views: 2,501,561
Rating: 3.8245533 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: BvL20bPotjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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