Believers Passover Seder

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[Music] [Music] hello we exceeded Abraham Torah class are with you as we all go through this challenging time of the Cova 19 virus and we recognize that even though our governments have ordered us to stay at home we still want to and we can obey God's commandment to observe is appointed times and we can do this in our own homes now Passover is almost upon us and I know that many of you are wondering how to celebrate Passover at home in a biblically oriented way so we're posting a 1 hour long video of the believers Passover Seder that we do at seed of Abraham fellowship each year now you can use it as just a model from which to create your own Passover service or perhaps you might prefer to gather your family together and simply play the video as you follow along with it step by step and I take you through the Seder now remember beginning with Passover and for seven days after you are to eat nothing with leaven in it I urge you to obey God's commandment on this because it is a direct biblical command and it's something we can all do rather easily now the things you're gonna need for this Passover Seder are a bottle of red wine or perhaps grape juice a box of matzah and get that at your local supermarket a seder plate if you don't have one any dinner sized plate can be substituted in separate piles around the plate you're gonna place a lamb shank bone a couple of branches of parsley a tablespoon or so of horseradish and a small amount of horror chefs now Haro chef is a little more than just a diced up apple with some honey and perhaps some raisins or nuts added to make it sweet and tasty if you want to you can find recipes online on how to make it you'll also need a bowl of salted water get a large cloth table napkin if you have a three compartment matzah bag please also use it by placing one piece of matzah in each compartment now if you don't have one order one from Holy Land marketplace com if there's time if you can't get it in time get one and use it next year and finally have your Bible hand well the Lord bless you and keep you be wise and be safe Happy Passover or in Hebrew hi Sameach Pesach Passover Passover is the first part of a three-part series of springtime biblical feasts Passover that we're celebrating tonight is just a one-day feast that it's immediately followed by the feast of matzah unleavened bread that begins it's sundown tonight and then that is followed by the feast of firstfruits now Passover is the festival of redemption it's always in the spring it's on the fourteenth day of the Hebrew month of Aviv sometimes called Nissan and Aviv means spring appropriately enough now what can be confusing about Passover is that the Passover meal is not eaten on Passover it is eaten as the first meal of the next day and what did I just tell you the next day was the first day of unleavened bread see the Passover Seder together with the Passover meal centered around a sacrifice then roasted yearling lamb the lamb was killed and prepared on the fourteenth of the month which is Passover but it wasn't eaten until the 15th which is the first day of the festival of matzah now remember that the biblical day begins at sunset so the Passover meal is eaten now what we in the Western culture would call dinner time after dark in the biblical economy then what we call dinner is their first meal of a new day even though it's eaten of course at night time just after sunset now the reason it was done this way is because that's how it was done in Egypt the lamb was selected on the 10th day of Aviv again also called Nisan and then on the 14th the lamb was slaughtered and roasted over a fire or in an oven now the Lambs blood was smeared on the doorpost of the of the homes you see the poster banner behind me here the lambs blood was smeared on the doorposts of the homes of the Hebrews and then once the sunset and the night began again this is the start of a new day the lamb along with the rest of the meal was eaten so the first thing to understand now this is where your charts come into play is the so called Last Supper that we read about in the Gospels was not the traditional Passover meal it was not part of a Passover Seder that fact is self-evident because Yeshua was executed on the cross on Passover day long after he had eaten that meal and he died around 3:00 in the afternoon at around the same time the slaughter of the Lambs began on the temple grounds so clearly Christ couldn't have had a Passover Seder the night before the lamb which is the centerpiece of any Passover meal was ritually killed and prepared that makes sense on that particular Passover day Yeshua was already dead and in the tomb before the Jews began to eat their Passover Seder so what was the Last Supper it was called Last Supper not because it's the last me Christ would eat which is kind of what the credit the Christian tradition would imply that was his last supper no rather Last Supper is actually the name of a special meal that began as a Galilean tradition the night before the Passover meal it seems that many Jews from Judea adopted this Galilean tradition and also begin practicing the Last Supper tradition now you shew in all of his disciples where were they from that's right they were all Galileans all right who had journeyed from their homes in the Galilee to Jerusalem according to the demands of the law of Moses in order to be present at the temple for Passover and matzo unleavened bread now the event was originally given the name Last Supper because after eating it then the Jews would fast for the next 24 hours until they ate the official Passover meal the following evening I remember let's say again the Passover meal was not eaten on Passover day rather the next day which is the first day of the festival of matzah now the first and original Passover in Egypt that was the actual event when after God had visited 10 plagues upon the Egyptians Israel is finally freed to leave to follow their God into the wilderness and every Passover since then has been a historical commemoration of that original event that decimated God's enemies but liberated God's people now for the Israelites then this commemoration of Passover is all about remembering how the God of Israel redeemed them from slavery to their evil taskmaster however for believers in the Lord and Savior Yeshua Jew or Gentile it is a commemoration of Yeshua's death on the cross as our Passover it is his blood painted on the doorpost of our lives that God sees and God acknowledges as righteousness for us because of what Christ did you see when it's our time to stand in judgment before God and by the way let me remind you everybody will stand in judgment just the wicked all will stand in judgment before God but when it's our time and when what we really deserve is eternal death for our sins he's gonna instead see the blood of the Lamb he's gonna see that as smeared upon us an eternal deaths gonna pass over us and we'll be giving it to be given eternal life 1st Corinthians 5 6 through 8 says this your boasting is not good do you not know that a little bit of leaven leavens the whole lump cleanse out the old leaven that you may be a new lump as you really are unleavened for Christ our Passover lamb has been sacrificed let us therefore celebrate the festival not with the old leaven the leaven of malice and evil but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth so in this passage Paul is instructing believers in Christ not on whether as believers we ought to continue celebrating Passover but rather in what attitude we should celebrate it so fellow believers Paul certainly expects all followers of Yeshua Jesus Christ to continue celebrating Passover as I'm gonna explain to you later we're also going to see Paul use the metaphor of leavening in this passage biblically leavening is symbolic of sin now Christ says Paul is our Passover and so he he is what we are celebrating with our Passover Seder this evening a Passover Seder that gives us the opportunity to relive that special pass over 2,000 years ago when our Lord and Savior went to the cross on our account and so redeemed us from the eternal death that our sin and evil has earned us now before me you see four cups four glasses these blue glasses filled with wine each one of these has a special meaning and purpose the first cup is called the Kaddish it is the cup of sanctification it is the cup of holiness and God is so holy so as his worshippers were to emulate him we're to be holy further since God is holy we are to worship Him and glorify Him as the author of holiness the Gospel of Luke says this and Yeshua took the cup and when he had given thanks he said take this and divide it among yourselves for I tell you that from now on I will not drink of the fruit of the vine wine until the kingdom of God comes by your heads please we thank you Father for the holy and blessed vine of your servant David that you made known to us through your son Yeshua yours is the glory for ever and ever ahmein so when we drink of the first cup of wine together it is so we might sanctify this Seder everyone take your cup remember we're gonna take four sips out of this Cup everyone take your cup and I'm gonna pronounce a blessing over the wine and then afterwards you can drink blessed are you O Lord our God King of the universe who creates the fruit of the vine please take a sip and put your cup down you know holiness that may be god's key attribute here's what king david had to say about the holiness of God as I read to you Psalm 103 bless Adonai my soul everything in me bless His Holy Name bless I don't I my soul and forget none of his benefits he forgives all of your offences he heals all of your diseases he redeems your life from the pit he surrounds you with grace and compassion he content you with good as long as you live so that your youth is renewed like in Eagles adonai brings vindication and justice to all who are oppressed he made his ways known to Moses his mighty deeds to the people of Israel I deny is merciful and compassionate slow to anger rich in grace he will not always accuse he will not always keep his anger he has he has not treated us as our sins deserve nor paid us back for our offenses because his mercy towards those who fear Him is as far above earth as heaven he has removed our sins from us as far as the east is from the west and just as a father has compassion on his children I don't I has compassion on those who fear Him he understands how we are made he remembers that we are just dust yes you beings days are like grass he sprouts like a flower in the countryside but when the wind sweeps over it's gone and its place knows it no more but the mercy about an eye on those who fear him is from eternity past to Eternity future and his righteousness extends to his children's children provided they keep his covenant and they remembered to follow his precepts I don't I has established his throne in heaven his kingly power rules everything bless I don't I you angels of his you mighty warriors who obey his word who carry out his orders bless adonai all his troops who serve Him and do what he wants bless adonai all his works in every place where he rules bless auto nigh my soul in that a wonderful Psalm the next stage of our believers Seder is called the carpus and it is represented by that parsley you see on your table now while I'm talking about it I want each person to take a little small sprig of it okay start doing that now and hold it in your fingers just a little little piece of it not much you know something about like that now the green color of the parsley represents life and life is the entire point of redemption redemption is God creating life from the dead this is why redemption and resurrection are organically connected while in Egypt Israel grew abundantly in life especially under the guidance of Joseph for Oh at least a century after his death they continued to but later on a wicked Pharaoh who had forgotten all about Joseph and how he had saved Egypt from a famine that's pharaoh grew jealous he grew very insecurities prolific Hebrews and so he enslaved them nearly overnight their joy and peaceful lives turned into tears of hopelessness their bitter tears of slavery are represented by the small little container of salted water that's on YouTube do you see it there's a couple of them very small little container of salted water and the reason that the salt and water is important is because our tears are salty to the taste now for believers of course the parsley represents new life both on earth and later on in heaven this new life that our Savior gives to us the salty water helps us to remember the tears that we have shed as sinners guilty without hope before we knew him and submitted to Him blessed are you O Lord God King of the universe who creates the fruit of the ground please dip your parsley into your little bit of salty water and eat it now next is what is called the yotz yotz this is going to involve the matzo that's on your table now noticed how the matzo on your table is Pierceton striped and since matzah is unleavened bread we have a beautiful symbol that can be equated to Yeshua's unleavened body a body that was not racked with sin but this sinless man was beaten beyond recognition he was mocked eventually pierced with a spear to ensure his death as he hung attached via nails to the cruel and inhumane Roman execution stake Yeshua's beating and piercing for our sake was prophesied by Isaiah hundreds of years before he was born in Isaiah 53 4 and 5 surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we esteemed him stricken smitten by God afflicted but he was pierced for our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace with His stripes we are healed now comes the most meaningful part of the Seder ceremony I have with me what's called a matzah bag and this right here it's beautiful bag and it consists of three compartments inside of it and it's got an upper a middle and a lower compartment each compartment you have to take my word for it has one piece of matzah in it and the rabbi's very interestingly are not clear among themselves all right as to why this three compartment bag is used and their Seder they're not sure some think it is because of a Jewish tradition that it was begun by the prophet Daniel up in Babylon that the exiled Jews should pray three times a day towards Jerusalem and they took it from that those three compartments but for believers in Yeshua the symbolism of the three part bag is unmistakable it represents the tripart nature of God that is at the same time one asad perfect unity perfect unity the middle matzo representing the son of God Christ so now I'm gonna take the middle piece of matzah out of this three-part bag this represents Christ for us tonight I'm going to break it and the smaller of the two pieces is going to be placed back into that middle compartment and the matzah bag and then this larger piece is going to be placed into a linen napkin and then and then it gets hidden see for us this linen napkin represents the burial garment the Yeshua wore he wore this as he was laid into that tomb and then when we hide the matzah it is symbolic of Christ being buried and hidden in that tomb away from view and I want to read for you John 19:31 through 2018 it was preparation day the Judean didn't want the bodies to remain on the stake on Shabbat since it was an especially important Shabbat so they asked Pilate to have the legs broken and the bodies removed well the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first man who had been put on a stake beside you schewe and then the legs of the other one but when they got to you schewe and they saw that he was already dead they did not break his legs however one of the soldiers stabbed his side with a spear and at once blood and water flowed out the who saw it has testified about it and his testimony is true and he knows that he tells the truth so you too can trust for these things happened in order for to fulfill this passage of the Tanakh of the Old Testament not one of his bones will be broken and again another passage says they will look at him whom they have pierced after this Joseph of Rahman Taim who was a disciple of yeshua but a secret one out of fear of the Judeans asked pilate if he could have issue his body and Pilate gave him consent so Joseph came and took the body away also Nick Daman Nicodemus who had first had gone to see Yeshua by night came with some seventy pounds of spices a mixture of myrrh and aloes they took your shoe his body and wrapped it up in linen sheets with the spices in keeping with Judean burial practice in the vicinity of where he had been executed was a garden and in the garden was a new tomb in which no one had ever been buried so because it was preparation day for the Judean because the tomb was close by that's where they buried Yeshua well early on the first day of the week while it was still dark Mariam from Magdala went to the tomb and saw the stone had been removed from the tomb so she came running to shamone caifa Simon Peter and the other disciples the other disciple the one Yeshua loved and said to them they've taken the Lord out of the tomb we don't know where they put him then caifa and the other disciple started for the tomb and they both ran but the other disciple outran caifa and reached the tomb first and stooping down he saw the linen burial sheet lying there but he didn't go in then following him Shimon caifa arrived entered the tomb and saw the burial sheets lying there also the cloth that had placed around his head lying not with the sheets but in a separate place and still folded up then the other disciple who had arrived at the tomb first also went in he saw on he trusted they had not yet come to understand that the Tanakh teaches it the Messiah has to rise from the dead so the disciples returned home but Miriam stood outside crying and as she cried she bent down and peered into the tomb when she saw two angels in white sitting where the body of Ushu had been one at the head one at the feet and why are you crying they asked her well they took my lord she said to them I don't know where they put him and as she said this she turned around and saw you she was standing there but she didn't know what he was and Yeshua said to her lady why are you crying whom you're looking for now thinking he was just the gardener she said to him sir if you're the one who carried him away just tell me where you put him I'll go and get him myself and Yeshua said to her Miriam turning she cried out to him in Hebrew Rabbani that's teacher stop holding on to me as she was said to her I haven't gone back to the Father but go to my brothers and tell them I am going back to my father and your father to my god into your God Miriam of Magdala went to the disciples with the news that she had seen the Lord and that he had told her this so the next portion now of the Seder is called the Maajid now the maggie'd means storyteller you see because it's at this point in the Seder that the of a standard Jewish Sayre that the story of the exodus from Egypt is retold rather appropriate I'd say so I'm gonna do that now I'm gonna read to you from Exodus chapter 12 starting in verse 21 this is the story of the exodus that Moses called for the leaders of Israel and said select and take lambs for your family and sudden slaughter the Passover lamb take a bunch of hyssop leaves and dip it in the blood which is in the basin and smear it on the two sides and top of the doorframe then none of use to go out the door of his house until morning for other and I will pass through to kill the Egyptians but when he sees the blood at the top and the two sides odd and I will pass over the door and he will not allow the slaughterer to enter your house and kill you you are to observe this as a law you and your descendants forever now when you come to the land which ad and I will give you as he's promised you are to observe this ceremony and when your children ask you what do you mean by this ceremony say it is the sacrifice of our own eyes Passover because Aden I passed over the houses of the people of Israel in Egypt when he killed the Egyptians but he spared our house the people of Israel out their heads and they worshipped and then the people of Israel went and did his ad and I had ordered Moses and Aaron this is what they did at midnight ad and I killed all the firstborn in the land of Egypt from the firstborn of Pharaoh sitting on his throne to the firstborn of the prisoner in the dungeon and all the firstborn of the livestock Pharaoh got up in the night he always servants all the Egyptians there was horrendous wailing in Egypt there wasn't a single house without someone dead in it he summoned Moses and Aaron by night and said up leave my people both you and the people of Israel go serve a denies you said take both your flocks and your herds as you said just get out of here but bless me to the Egyptians press to send the people out of the land quickly because they said otherwise we'll all be dead and the people took their dough before it had become leavened and they wrapped their kneading bowls in their clothes on their shoulders the people of Israel had done what Moses had said they had asked the Egyptians to give them silver and gold jewelry and clothing and I had made the Egyptian so favorably disposed towards the people that they had let them have whatever they requested thus they plundered the Egyptians the people of Israel traveled from ramasees to Sukkot some 600,000 men on foot not counting children a mixed crowd also went up with them as well as livestock in large numbers both flocks and herds they baked matzah loaves from the dough that they had brought out of Egypt since it was unleavened because they had been driven out of Egypt without time to prepare supplies for themselves the time the people of Israel lived in Egypt was 430 years at the end of 430 years to the day all the divisions about and I left the land of Egypt this was a night when I don't I kept vigil to bring them out of the land of Egypt then this same night continues to be a night when I had a night keeps vigil for all the people of Israel throughout all their generations I don't I said to Moses and Aaron this is the regulation for the Passover lamb no foreigner is to eat of it but if anyone has a slave he bought for money when you circumcised him he made neither a traveler or a hired servant may eat of it it's to be eaten in one house you're not to take any of the meat outside the house you're not to break any of its bones the whole community of Israel is to keep it now if a foreigner staying with you wants to observe a denies Passover all of his males must be circumcised then he may take part and observe it he will be like a citizen of the land but no uncircumcised person is to eat it the same teaching is to apply equally to citizen and to foreigner living among you all of the people of Israel did just as ad and I had ordered mo an errand and on that very day Aden I brought the people of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their divisions I'm now gonna dip my finger it's not for you to do just me and put ten drops of wine on the seder plate again this is not for you to do the ten drops is going to represent the ten divine plagues that God visited upon Egypt to force the Pharaoh to let his people go not gonna read to you from Psalm 117 and 118 praise Adonai all you nations worship Him all of you peoples for His grace has overcome us ah denies truth continues forever give thanks to odd and I for he is good for His grace continues forever now let Israel say his grace continues forever now let the house of Aaron say continues forever now let those who fear out and I say his grace continues forever from my being hemmed in I called on God and he answered and he gave me more room and without and I on my side I fear nothing what can human beings do to me without and I on my side as my help I look with triumph at those who hate me it's better to take refuge and not an eye than to trust in human beings better to take refuge in adonai than to put ones trust in Princes the nation's all surrounded me and in the name of that and I I cut them down they surrounded me on every side and in the name of out and I I cut them down they surrounded me like bees but they were extinguished as quickly as a fire and thorns in the name of ad and I I cut them down you pushed me hard to make me fall but ad and I help me God is my strength in my song he has become my salvation the sound of rejoicing and victory is heard in the tents of the righteous ah denies right hands powerfully a denies right hand is raised in triumph I deny his right hand struck powerfully I will not die no I will live and I will proclaim the great deeds of God God disciplined me severely but he did not hand me over to death we're now going to bless this second cup of wine and drink now this cup represents God's deliverance of his people so take your cup and your hand don't drink of it yet hold it before you as I pronounce the blessing his traditional blessing blessed are you O Lord our God King of the universe who creates the fruit of the vine please take a sip of your wine and set the cup back down now as I speak to you I want each person to break off a little piece of matzah and hold it in your fingers okay one of the primary elements of the Seder is the matzah why because it represents the absence of sin leavening is the biblical symbol for sin but in the original Passover as the Israelites hurriedly prepared to leave Egypt in the morning God commanded Israel to pack only unleavened bread for their journey out of Egypt for a very practical reason there was no time to make normal leavened bread and give it a few hours to rise before baking it now as believers weird to understand that as we undertake our journey with Christ as our new master that we are not to enter into it slowly we are to take firm hold of that deliverance that he has given to us and we should be hurried in a big hurry to leave the leavening to leave our sin behind us as we flee our evil task master Satan and we are not to take that old sin with us when we enter our new life with him so I'm gonna now pronounce this blessing over the matzah blessed are you O Lord our God King of the universe who brings forth bread from the earth eat that piece of matzah you now hold now another important element that you see on your seder plate is called bitter herbs now traditionally it's horseradish and that is what is on your plate so I want you to take another small piece of matzah as I speak about the bitter herbs put a small amount of it on there I recommend the small amount so that the choking is reduced so hold the matzah now with the horseradish on it between your fingers till I instruct you to eat it don't do it yet I'll know if you do because I'll hear the coughing start I'm gonna give you a second here to do it I know it takes a minute don't eat it yet wait wait okay I guess you're all loaded right all right okay this bitter herbs speaks of the bitterness of the bondage that Israel suffered under the wicked Pharaoh while in Egypt but for us it also speaks of the bitterness of sin that had enslaved us although in our Redemption by Yeshua we have left that bitterness behind just as Israel left their bitterness behind but we should never forget o believers hear me we should never forget how that enslavement to sin felt lest we go back to those familiar and tempting sinful ways it's awful easy to do I will now pronounce the blessing over the bitter herbs blessed are you O Lord our God King of the universe who has sanctified us with the blood of the Lamb and he has commanded us to eat bitter herbs eat the matzah now with the bitter herbs pretty good I don't hear any choking yet okay now I want you each to take two not one but two pieces of matzah oh I don't know something like about this size you know maybe like half a soda cracker all right but two pieces and now you're going to put some Caro Sheff on one piece and make a sandwich of it that's that beautiful mixture you see believe me it's the opposite of horseradish this is some great tasting sweet stuff so put put some on there don't be afraid by the way they heap it on there you're gonna wish you had if you didn't it is delicious it's like dessert okay nice healthy helping everybody get some on there this is some sweet tasty stuff so you now have a matzo sandwich now this ha rochette as it's called is a mixture of apples and honey mm-hmm it represents the mortar used in the bricks that Israel needed to do all the construction work that they were forced to do in Egypt now one would think that the mortar would represent something negative so it ought to taste bitter but on a deeper level what is being celebrated is that God and His mercy and grace transformed a symbol of their bitter bondage into the sweetness of their deliverance as the Lord constructed a new and redeemed people from a fallen and an oppressed people go ahead and eat it now that's kind of nice too worse that horseradish down with in there okay now the most impart most important part of a believers Passover Seder must be the afikomen because it relates to the Messiah's body the afikomen is that piece of matzah that I said represents Yeshua's sinless body that was placed into place into the tomb when I told you has represented by that piece of matzah I put in the linen napkin all right and then I hid it now in Jewish homes the afikomen was typically all wrapped up and hidden by an adult and then children you were sent to find it and when a child would find it it would then be brought to the person that I was officiating the seder usually a father or a grandfather and he would give the child some money for it representing buying back the matzah demson requires a price to be paid now interesting way avi Coleman is not a Hebrew word it's Greek its meaning is really amazing now think about this this has been a part of traditional Jewish satyrs for centuries avi Coleman literally means I have come so it makes all makes it all the more appropriate that in a Seder ceremony a price would be paid because redemption demands a price and Christ was the price paid as our ransom the typical redemption price to buy back a firstborn son at the 31st day of the incidents life as a half a shekel but the cost that God required for our Redemption well that was the most sought costly sacrifice ever made the price was the death of God's only begotten son Yeshua so the afikomen is hidden away then it's found the redemption price is paid the matzah is unwrapped from its linen napkin and the matzah name is I have come our Lord has come and all the world must hear that the Messiah has come because you know what there's not going to be another one he came the first time to save the world from sinners saved the world of sinners rather not from but save us the next time he comes it's gonna be to condemn the world of sinners the time allotted for salvation is going to be brought to an end so I want you to think about that for a minute there is a time limit I want you to think about that as we get ready to drink this third cup interestingly this third cup is called the cup of redemption I want you to pick it up and hold the cup before you don't drink it yeah I provide blessing over it blessed are you O Lord our God King of the universe who creates the fruit of the vine now take a drink but leave enough for that final sip okay I'm gonna read the remainder now to you of psalm 118 and then move to Psalm 136 so this is psalm 118 starting at verse 19 and I'll finish the psalm open the gates of righteousness for me I will enter them and thank God this is the gate of Adonai the righteous can enter it I'm thanking you because you answered me you became my salvation the very rock that the builders rejected he has become the cornerstone this has come from Adonai and in our eyes it's amazing this is the day out and I has made a day for us to rejoice and be glad oh please Otto nice save us please out and I rescue us blessed is he who comes in the name of Otto and I we bless you from the house of Adonai Adonai is God and he gives us light join in the pilgrim festival with branches all the way to the horns of the altar you are my god and I thank you you are my god and I exalt you give thanks to Adonai for he is good for his grace continues forever Psalm 136 give thanks to ad and I for he is good for His grace continues forever give thanks to the God of gods for His grace continues forever give thanks to the Lord of lords for His grace continues forever to him who alone has done great wonders for His grace continues forever to him who skillfully made the heavens his grace continues forever to him who spread out the earth on the water his grace continues forever to him who made the great lights his grace continues forever the Sun to rule the day his grace continues forever the moon and the stars to rule the night his grace continues forever to him who struck down Egypt's firstborn his grace continues forever brought Israel out from among them his grace continues forever with a mighty hand with an outstretched arm his grace continues forever to him who split apart the sea of tzuf His grace continues forever and made Israel cross right through it his grace continues forever he swept Pharaoh and his army into the sea of tzuf His grace continues forever to him who led his people through the desert his grace continues forever to him who struck down great gangs his grace continues forever yes he slaughtered powerful kings his grace continues forever sit home king of the amorite His grace continues forever olga king of Bashan his grace continues forever then he gave their land as a heritage for his grace continues forever to be possessed by Israel his servant His grace continues forever who remembers us whenever we're brought low his grace continues forever he rescues us from our enemies his grace continues forever he provides food for every living creature His grace continues forever o give thanks to the God of heaven perhaps the most famous story in the Bible that prefigures the death of Christ is The Binding of Isaac in Genesis chapter 22 now in this story Abraham is asked by God to sacrifice the life of his own son Isaac who interestingly is about the same age as Yeshua when he went to the cross the similarities between the binding of isaac and Yeshua's crucifixion are dramatic and meaningful they were intended to be so I'm going to read that story to you from Genesis 22 now these things God tested Abraham and he said said to him Abraham and he answered Here I am he said now I want you to take your son your only son whom you love eat suck Isaac and go to the land of Moriah and now there you to offer him as a burnt offering on a mountain that I'll point out to you well Abraham got up early in the morning he saddled his donkey took two of his young men with him together would sit with it suck his son and he cut the wood for the burnt offering and departed and went towards the place God had told him about and on the third day Abraham raised his eyes and he saw the place off in the distance and Abraham said to his young men now you stay here with the donkey I and the boy will go there and worship and then return to you Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering he laid it upon Isaac his son and then he took in his hand the fire and the knife and they both went on together now Isaac spoke to Abraham his father my father he answered Here I am my son he said well I see the fire in the wood where's the lamb for a burnt offering and Abraham replied God will provide himself the lamb for a burnt offering my son and they both went on together well they came to the place God had told him about neighbor ham built the altar there and he set the wood in order and he bounded suck his son he laid him on the altar on the wood and then Abraham put out his hand and took the knife to kill a son but the angel about and I called him out of even out of heaven Abraham Abraham they answered Here I am he said don't you lay a hand on the boy don't do anything to him for now I know that you are a man who fears God because you have not withheld your son your only son from me Abraham raised his eyes and he looked and there behind him was a ram caught in the bushes by its horns neighbour ham he took the RAM and he offered it up as a burnt offering in place of his son Abraham called the place Aden I Yura God sees as it is said to this day on the mountain Aden is seen the angel about and I called to Abraham a second time out of heaven and he said I have sworn by myself says that and I that because you've done this because you have not withheld your son your only Son I will most certainly bless you I will most certainly increase your descendants to as many as there are stars in the sky are grains of sand on the seashore your descendants will possess the cities of their enemies and by your descendants all the nations of the earth will be blessed because you obeyed my order so Abraham returned to his young men they got up and they went together to Beersheba Abraham settled in Beersheba and afterwards Abraham was told Milka to has borne children to your brother in the Lutz's firstborn boozes brother come well the father of Aram tested has appealed - Eden laughs and bet 12 and bet the well fathered rifka and these eight milk abort and Nahor Abraham's brother his concubine whose name was Rael ma more children also Teva come to hush and makka you know we can't help but notice the ram in the thicket can we God instructed Abraham that this ram was to be a substitute for Isaac and Isaac it even carried the wood that would be used for his own sacrificial death just as Yeshua carried that wooden execution device upon his back for his own death both did it willingly but when Yeshua arrived Golgotha bearing the instrument of his death on his torn eating back unlike for Isaac no substitute was miraculously provided for him there would be no ram caught by his horns in a thicket for Christ that's because Yeshua was the RAM he was the substitute he was the substitute for us so his father allowed his son's death to occur for our sake so now it's time to partake of that fourth cup that symbolizes the God kept his word his son was sent he was executed and in so doing we are redeemed this is the fourth cup that brings this Passover Seder to a close because there's no more that needs to be done Yeshua's deaf is the one and only act that's needed to atone for us how appropriate then that the Apostle John says that Yeshua's final utterance was it is finished no truer words have ever been spoken so please pick up and hold the cup before you don't drink it yet I'm going to offer a blessing blessed are you O Lord our God King of the universe who creates the fruit of the vine and who brings us salvation through his own matchless mercy and grace as followers of Christ worshippers of the God of Israel some believers in God's eternal word with this final sip we have obeyed the father's commandment to remember to honor the Passover and to especially to honor our Passover lamb it is finished [Music]
Channel: Torah Class
Views: 10,050
Rating: 4.9633026 out of 5
Keywords: Yeshua, Jesus, God, Seed of Abraham, Christ, Tom Bradford, Bible, Bible Study, Son of God, Hebrew Roots, Christian, Christianity, Jews, Hebrew Heritage, Passover, Torah Class, Believers Seder, Pesach, Moses
Id: mZd6v4E_u0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 22sec (3862 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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