SMALL ITEMS That Always Sell For 10X PROFIT Or More!

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my my my folks how to how you do it's old rusty I'm just in my uh pickup truck here and I'm heading out to uh some uh antique stores and a couple of thrift stores and I have a good feeling about it I hope I can find something good today um we're going to go out I'm not going to bore you with me walking around looking at a bunch of junk but whatever I find I'm going to bring back to the warehouse I'm going to lay it on out we're going to take a look at it uh together and I'll tell you what I think what how I'm going to to list it and all of that this is just a tried andrue General reseller video if you like that kind of thing stay in here we've also got some exciting new things a podcast can you believe it our sister Channel what sold uh has uh has been doing real well with my brother and so we decided to make a podcast version that's right the what sold podcast and it's out now episode one and we have a YouTube version of that podcast so that you can actually see that as well I'll put the link in the description the links to all of our channels and all of our eBay stores are in the about section of this and all of our other channels check them out let me get out here and grab some cool stuff and then let's get to [Music] it [Music] [Music] here is everything that I got while I was out sourcing today I went out with my brother uh he was going to look at uh postcards and stuff for the Postcard Planet channel that we have a little plug there he does such a great job uh but while he was poking around there with the postcards I was looking at other stuff and this is what I end up with today I want to show you that and then also some other jewelry and things that um have come in the last week uh but uh he threw these in here just so we can see a few of the postcards that he got um right here you got a real photo postcard of this uh this person here this uh gentleman and he's holding up these old snow uh like um shoe type things I don't think that these are for skiing I think this is just for you know marching through the snow but you can see snow all over the trees and then uh and you got a little a puppy dog here sitting and looking up at him but I I agree I think that this was worth it $4 it's an unusual scene and for real photo postcards uh if you want to get good values out of them you want something that's a little unique here's another cool one if you look up close you got this woman sitting on another woman's lap uh you got these ladies dressed up ones in overalls here with a fake beard on and you got these other ladies all dressed up they got their pale they got their shovel I don't know what this is about um but it's a cool postcard again $5 uh for this one and uh you know this is probably A5 or $20 card based on just the uniqueness of the scene and then he he went out on a limb and bought this one I think the reason it says Long Island by night and uh I mean this is not at all what Long Island looks like now could you imagine just just a little old lighthouse out there just a couple of of houses that's not much more than that oh my goodness right I mean at one point in time it was like that but this is 1907 you can see that we' got an undivided back here so all you have is the address and the person that goes to Big American flag um cancellation over this uh 1 cent stamp it's a uh we come across these from time to time but not it's not a very common stamp and so um those are just a handful that he grabbed I bought this knife um I buy knives I buy cut cone knives I buy various ones not all the time and and I spin up for this one it's very good condition it's actually serrated and has the tape on there to protect you but uh the it's like a a chef brand it's high carbon steel it's a Germany and it says a mercer tool corpse so if you look up chef knife Mercer you're going to find a variety of these that are in used condition still selling in the upper 20s to $40 range and it's got this little uh Mark here I'm going to see if I can remove this little gold tone kind of color I don't know why that's there doesn't affect its usability but it's a nice knife sometimes you can come across really good high quality um Cutlery like Cutco knives and some other things um some ones that are designed to be um used by shifts really high quality steel uh that that don't need to be sharpened all that often and so when I come across decent ones that have you know various High sale you know resale values I'll buy those um kind of popping over here something completely different I was excited I paid $7 for these and what you're looking at here folks um this is just an a random box but you're looking at dice that came from Las Vegas casinos we got the Sahara Tahoe Casino the dunes at Las Vegas and Thunderbird now if any of these happen to be coming from um casinos that are no longer around they've shut down these will be more desirable and more um will make more money off of those two Reds and greens I'm not going to sell these as a lot I'm actually going to pull them out and sell them two at a time in pairs I paid $7 for this I wouldn't be surprised if I could get5 to $20 for each pair unless of course I find that they're real common but I think I could still get at least $10 a pair for these so I spent $7 I think $30 is a minimum that I'm going to make off of that I was excited to find it you don't find them that often and these are in really actually really good condition I talk a lot about the fact that I find gold and silver jewelry a lot among costume jewelry and there's some great examples here I'm going to show you today so this right here is actually a costume piece however it's distinctly different than the other costume pieces because it's quite old this is check glass an amber colored uh Czech glass pieces here from from Czechoslovakia um and you got these uh sort of gold tone but more like brass color uh uh beads along with it and then look at this really old clasp this just a copper uh or kind of brass and copper here this kind of barrel type of a of a thing here you can pull it down well I can't hardly hold it with one finger one hand and do it but you can see that opens up like that when you see these clasps These are fairly on fairly older jewelry okay decades and decades old this piece cost me $10 but I think that this is a75 to $100 piece of jewelry um because uh it is vintage and it's in really good condition considering its age so that's a costume piece of course we're going to jump up here to something that sort of totes the line between costume and fine is this bangle bracelet now unfortunately the chain here has a long since broken off and been removed but this is if you open her up here you push on that and this opens up and you look down inside you're going to come across this right here inside and I've got upside down of course I do of course um right here you can see it just says -20 10K MB now I don't know what the MB stands for maybe the initials of the person maybe the maker but is actually 12th 10 karat so this is what would be considered a gold filled piece so it's a base alloy inside but it has uh solid gold um 10 karat solid gold ort of that on the outside of it it's quite nice looking this is something you can usually get $4 $50 out of I might sell it with other gold filled pieces I might sell it by itself also these are antique cuff links they're made of mother of pearl they're they're scratched into they're etched and this is also a gold fill piece though you might not know it by looking at it because so much of it has worn off over use and over time but you can still see sort of the hint of that gold filling there on the inside these also only cost me $3 actually it cost me a dollar and a half it was uh $3 in the tray but it was 50% off a jewelry day golly I love 50% off a jewelry day don't you so a buck and a half those because I got a pair here they'll sell pretty well so a few more things that I picked up here is this chain and you can see it's gold tone very pretty what you wouldn't expect by just looking at it is that it's not gold it's actually sterling silver and you can see on the clasp here not right inside the little claw but also on these two pieces of metal here that are holding it together it says 925 Italy okay so this is made in Italy 925 denotes that it's sterling silver it has some other metal it may be gold over sterling silver most likely because you can see with my gold rings very similar in color and then there's a few other pieces of jewelry here this nice little set of earrings come on let's see here look at these hearts with some little rinestones some beautiful little blue rhinestones in here and if you flip them over of course it's a brush gold look if you flip them over you'll see that on the back nothing but if you pop this puppy up come on now there we go and then we take a closer look underneath look what we see it says wi which is a pretty good costume jewelry brand there are lots of collectors for those on the inside here too it has a patent number which is common for for jewelry of this era but they're very nice I paid $3 for these I expect to make somewhere between $15 and $20 for for that little set of earrings right there and then look at this I bought an a vintage ladies uh Elgen watch you can see right there Elgen yep and uh the price tag of course they like to hide the back of uh the case and that's usually where you can see if it's got any sort of gold fill in or what sometimes also on the bottom of the clasp down here on the uh where it where it cinches around your wrist if I can pull it up here and see what it says it says yeah looks like it says GF there doesn't it so it's gold filled I would expect that part of this is also gold fill but let's pull off that price tag and take a look okay now that we have this price tag off we can zoom in here and you'll see that it says 10K rgp rolled gold plate so it has rolled gold it's a a thin layer of gold on the outside of it $3 I can sell these like today this for today for $10 very easily if I wanted to very easily uh but I can probably get closer to $15 to $20 if I wait a little bit here was something hanging out with the costume jewelry these are genuine pearls okay and they got kind of this wire can you know set up here between them and then we have this little charm which if you're looking at quick you don't see anything but at the very top there 925 also on the bar here someplace I believe or on this hook it also has a stamp someplace that says 925 so sterling silver it's definitely heavily tarnished um but people who like charm stuff uh and again these are $3 pieces uh that have value because of brand names or because um that they have uh some you know precious metals silver or gold let's move over to here now this was cool uh I come across these from time to time this is an old uh it's just a a pin uh a push pin but it is H it says a a k this is like a um a sority I believe uh pin it's got some little pearls in there and this also on the back if you flip her over on the back it says one10 10K so you know 10% of this is 10 karat solid gold okay I paid a $150 for that because it was in the $3 train it was half off here's another one this ISS deal uh fizer genetics okay and you got a little lab created emerald in the back and then on the back of this one as well if we pull this pen off the back and we take a closer look there it is 1110th 10K GF gold fi so it's gold fill it's got a a you know a semi-precious gemstone in there a small one and then these earrings kind of a two-tone gold more of a coppery gold color in the center and more yellow gold on the outside and on the back come on and zoom in for me 10K and there's no GF there's no 1110th 12 12th these are solid 10 karat gold so U you know uh we're looking at probably my guess is in the four to five grams for those um and 10 Kats going to be in the 20 some dollars uh a gram so you know this pair of errings is probably $1 $120 okay and gold weight and then these were fun I found this pair here uh in a case at a thrift store they had at one time uh a better a higher price on them they kept bringing them down a pair and finally finally they had them down to $10 for the pair and if you look on the bottom on the back you'll see that it says Empire Sterling weighted 43 so it's sterling silver okay 925 but there's some kind of like a substance probably almost like a concrete or something that they put in the base of this to weight it down to keep it he make it heavier so it's not solid not the whole thing is not full of silver the outside's all silver and there's something inside this is still easily worth more than $10 as a pair um I might get 30 40 bucks for those okay and then I got these even though I don't know what they are exactly I just thought they were interesting would you look at these old little uh glass vials I have no idea why it makes this color what's going on if this had ink in it at one time or if this is just the look of the glass but you can see it's kind of frosted on the top here these would have held either a glass stopper probably a glass stopper or po possibly a cork stopper they definitely had something in them at one time they're oddly shaped they're misshaping uh but they got this really strange kind of iridescent kind of look to them uh very cool um a dollar a piece so I'll probably throw those up together I don't know even what I'll ask but um they're just cool looking and I knew I could I could sell them for more than that last thing up here that I bought today is this set of pearls it's a double strand necklace these are genuine pearls okay and um on the end here you'll see there's this beautiful CL asasp gold color of course the gold color doesn't mean that it is gold but it is uh so it's a beautiful little thing and what you do is you just looking on the outside of it you're not going to necessarily know it's gold and so sometimes people see these and they just see a clasp they might even look close like this and be like oh I don't see any marks must be costume right must be a costume piece because most people folks most most your average person does not know how to tell the difference between genuine and imitation pearls okay they just don't know how and there is no quick and easy hack to learn how so that's not what this is about but I want to show you that if you push in here and then you pop this out so that you can open up the clasp this piece that goes on in inside if you look on the back Tada there is where the 14k Mark is folks that is how you know that it's it's made out of solid gold see it right there oh goodness gracious hold it up there we go 14k t t is probably just the you know initials for uh the artist or the the manufacturer of that piece but it is solid gold and that uh it makes you know and when you see something that's solid gold like the likelihood that it's genuine pearls that you're looking at is very high they don't put nice gold on uh just you know crudy old costume or cheap pieces and so this is great it's a beautiful thing I'm going to put it on a little stand in order to photograph it I'm going to make sure that I note that it's got a gold clasp I'm going to make sure that I photograph all that I'm put up with a variety of other um necklaces and bracelets that I have that are genuine pearls that have feature either silver or gold these things folks are out there it's mix in with the costume pieces because people do not know what to look for now I want to show you this I bought this I wonder if they took the tag off of it I guess they did this was 50 folks 50 cents and it just said bag of broken jewelry pieces now I just looked real quick I saw a little you know an old kind of um clasp here and some things and I thought you know what even if there's nothing valuable in here there may be some components I can use to restore repair something and so I might look like an idiot here showing you this because I might it might not be worth 50 cents but you know what it's 50 cents folks it's 50 cents it's not a big deal I could throw this in with the jewelry jar you know and and just kind of wash my hands with it but I wanted to open this up and we're just going to see what's in here and see if there's anything specifically that I could sell um I don't want these to fall you never know folks I have a there is a very high incidence and things like this where I come across stuff that is usable that is something I can sell that is um you know worth something um and so let's just look so I mean even this tiny little jar it's like tiny little jar right I don't see a lid but like it's glass okay somebody might pay me 50 cents for that not that I'm you know out here selling things for 50 cents at a time but you know what I'm saying okay so this is uh I don't even know what that is that's trash most of this trash probably going to be trash there's some little here's a little um you know be and you know sometimes these are are silver plated some they could be solid silver I need to take a look um I want to zoom in here so you can see a little bit better okay so we got some little beads right some little gold colored beads this and that here is something that broke off of something uh of a necklace or something but it doesn't look like uh it's made of gold or silver so I'm going to just put that back um down here that's probably trash but look at this we got some other little pieces a little chain now I don't see a clasp well there's a end of a clasp right but like what is this right I don't see anything could that be gold it's possible I mean I I'll need to scratch test it and see uh it might be nothing it's not terribly heavy so it probably isn't but we'll see and we got this a little push pin type thing not find anything terribly valuable yet a little bead what is this here this is the back of an erring and sometimes these can be made of gold or silver I can't quite see I'll need to get my Loop out but you know these things right here these things I need to look closer at these in a moment oh here's something okay so so we got a couple of little horseshoe looks like a little um these were uh like little charms almost probably from an old bracelet back in the early 1900s late 18 well in the 1800s you know they used and they see them on postcards a lot they used um horseshoes to to to mean good luck now a couple of these might sell uh put as charms but what I was really trying to uh uh pull out here here's a little bead that could be made of gold um is this piece right here look at this look at this it's a broken little piece of a chain here but I can tell based on the side here that little thing it looks like there's some W and some markings on it and so I'm going to need to get my Loop out and take a closer look well folks as I suspected this might be gold uh I got out my scratch test here and you can see I've scratched both of them I've already put the 10 karat gold liquid on there and it is holding okay so this is it this chain that doesn't have a clasp on one side the quote unquote broken jewelry bag for 50 cents has at least a 10 karat gold chain in it now we're going to go over here and put some 14k on and see what happens let me drop a little drip here okay it doesn't hold it doesn't hold for the 14 so this is somewhere between 9 and 10 karat most likely but you know what else I found in this this is really weird so these are the pieces right here I got these cool little uh things I think they're probably gold filled okay we got this that I a minute ago I said I I was interested in I looked in the loop it says 12th 12K so this has got gold filled but just this portion I took this off because this part is actually magnetic so we're going to get rid of that that has no value this I can use to repair Old necklaces okay and then this little chain in here turned out to be sterling silver so I I have a chain and this is not even broken folks this could be clipped onto that it's like a sterling silver bracelet so we got sterling silver we got 10 karat gold we got gold filled a piece that I can use and then and these little uh charms and then look at this right here what in the world are these I'll tell you what they look like is little gold nuggets like they put in little um in fact you know what I don't even have to tell you I'm just going to show you I happen to have one right now for sale in one of our eBay stores look at this it's a gold fill necklace and a gold fill locket and on the inside of it is little gold pieces it's like somebody broke one of these and they dropped the little specimens in the bag now I don't know if these are actually gold or not but I'm going to do the test I mean I got my scratch plate right here why not I want to try it out hey folks I did it I had to take these I had to grab grab a little piece I had to be as delicate as possible but you can see I did get three good scratches here here and here uh on this plate and so what we're going to do now is we're going to take our 10 14 and 18 karat gold and we're going to see now if it if on the very first one the 10 eats it who knows what this stuff is but it's not gold but if it is these gold chunks it should hold all the way up to the 18 you would think so we're going to start off here and we're going to take a look and see here okay nothing here's the 14 nothing all right here's the [Music] 18 I can't I cannot even believe that this is the most ridicul this is one of the most ridiculous UL things that I've ever found in a bag that I was not expecting is solid gold nuggets are you kidding me but just to kind of like back up here let's back up a second out of this 50 Cent bag I got two gold fill charms that are old 12 karat gold fill clasp a clasp I can reuse a sterling silver bracelet a 10 karat gold necklace chain and solid gold little specimens my goodness not too bad for 50 cents what do you guys think still holding so that you're you're finding out probably on your own that there's a common theme with a lot of the stuff that I've shown and talked about and that is the fact that these are small items folks small items are good for a number of reasons number one is I can store you know in the warehouse in just one room I can store a lot of items in a small amount of space this tub is entirely full of paper ephemera okay uh these right up here are full of bags of jewelry and things that have already been listed and that um you know I'm going to try to sell over time down here we've got a tub full of toys um you know action figures and things like that you got some postcard albums here um and we've got all kinds of of stuff like this that are small you can store hundreds if not thousands of items in a small amount of space right over here for example I've got a bunch of postcards this drawer is full of postcards down here guess what postcards I've got thousands in this one little drawer set up here it's really great for storage number two is that to ship an item costs usually $4 or less if it can fit in a bubble mailer uh or a small container and it only weighs five or 6 oun or less which most jewelry and postcards and things do it's very cheap the cost of the packing materials a little bubble mailer a little cardboard mailer things like that only cost you a few cents per item and so your cost on the shipping is low but what I'm showing you here is just stuff that has been accumulating over like the last maybe let's say two months and these are separated out because this stuff here is all sterling silver jewelry and items that I have found uh that either were marked as sterling silver or were not and I just uh discovered uh based on looking at the backs um or the clasps and they would be marked at as such here's a nice little sterling silver ring uh with a little beautiful little um Pearl on the top of it it's quite heavy for its size probably a size six or so this one says Israel on it 925 um some tarnish you know I don't usually polish up pieces like this because uh people a lot of times like them to stay in the state that they're in for collectors and such here's a really Unique Piece um you see these kind of clear rhinestone necklaces all the time but usually they're made of Base Metals but this one is not this one is made of sterling silver it says it up on the clasp and so items like this are awesome sometimes you find even ornaments or different things in that are made of silver this one's quite obvious Christmas uh Reen Barton sterling silver 1996 it's just a Christmas ornament um or it could be like a pendant for a necklace right and then over here not un like uh the piece I showed you earlier here I put this in with other pieces these are all gold filled pieces anything from little stick pins like this one to brooches pins like this it's kind of wrapped up with some necklaces here but you know they're beautiful pieces these are definitely from like late 1800s to early 1900s and some cases even a little bit newer than that but um often times on the back of them you're going to see where it says and this one actually says it on the pen itself in this case with a pendant or things like that it will say it here where my thumbnail is it's good to carry a loop or a magnifying glass with you so that you can look for these marks when you're out because sometimes they're hard look at this is just jumbled up mess but this stuff um I'm going to sell this as a lot usually for gold field items I get about a dollar per gram so if this is 200 grams I would be looking to get about $200 for that sterling silver is more like 75% of the gram weight so if it's 100 gram I'm going to make about $75 if it's just scrap now a lot of this stuff is usable wearable jewelry so I can sell these things individually a lot of stuff I do sell individually unless um it is common or there's just a lot out there and I want them to buy mine I may put it in or if it's broken or damaged something like that other items that I come across and that I I usually buy to sell if I get a chance depending on the price our books uh again they can come in small sizes but even if they're in larger sizes you get to ship them with medium maale rates which are a cheaper rate uh in shipping than uh other types of similar items of same sizes and weights these books both the the the Common Thread here as you can see they're very rough very old looking and uh they are old uh one of these is from 178 89 the other one was from 1769 so these are you know pre 1800s books you can see similarities here two different types of books from two different people I'm sure this one's the American selection of it says it looks like it says leens but it lessons in reading and WR and speaking calculated to improve the minds and refine the taste of the youth and then this one over here is The Spectator in in eight volumes and you can see right here it says to the right Honorable Charles Lord Halifax and along the side here you have people who have written in uh ink almost like calligraphy type look this is back when they used like a quill you know pen and ink in like a Inkwell uh writing Peggy Peggy Peggy someone Mrs Peggy lake or something like that interesting um you know not the greatest condition based on the way it's been stored and again on the back cover and stuff you see this really awesome writing on here both of these I paid less than $10 for at uh thrift stores they didn't realize but when I'm out looking when I see leatherbound books like this are falling apart I'm I'm usually expecting these are going to be from say the mid 1800s and earlier these two in the 1700s I got a collection of maybe eight or 10 different books from the 1700s I just haven't listed them yet I don't know uh when I will there's no reason I'm holding back I just haven't done it yet but things like this have good value people collect these even in these conditions uh because they're so dog on old I mean 1760s um you know that we're looking at over 200 years old here uh you know approaching 250 well over 250 years old uh books and so it's just amazing the paper also in these is quite different it's it's a thicker type of a paper um like right on here you can see it's like got definitely a different type of a texture it's not that stark white um and the pages are are curved at the ends very different than the way books are made today and you have to look up these Roman numerals to find out what the date is because the date is in Roman numerals um really cool stuff I love finding these keep a lookout these are out around you at different places I'm not doing anything magical to find these I'm just looking out I just know when I see leatherbound books I take a close look at them if they're a good price research it on eBay or on Google and you might be surprised at the values these can bring even in bad condition rusty rusty rusty to rusty rusty rusty to rusty rusty rusty to Rusty s
Channel: Rusty The Reseller
Views: 10,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Resell, reseller, reselling, ebay reseller, full-time reseller, ebay tips, ebay selling, reseller tips, reseller guide, reseller advice, reseller how to, vintage, thrifting, garage sale, yard sale, estate sale, antique store, goodwill haul, pawn shop, sourcing, make money on ebay, work for yourself, rusty how to, be your own boss, work from home, rusty the reseller, make money, make money online
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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