Being Recognised While At Work, And Radio Voices

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-Hi, I'm Matt. -And I'm Tom. -And this is the Park Bench. -Yes! [both simultaneously] -And we're still in this studio kinda street thing -Weird youtube hybrid, yes. -It's very pretty in person. -It is. -It's bloody ugly on camera. -I don't know what it looks like on camera, the camera is over there. They can see, I can't see It's not like we have a camera operator over there, is it? Ah well, that spiralled already. -I got vicious. Oh ok, looked at your watch trying to see how much time's elapsed. You didn't look at it at the bloody start! Ahem. -So, we're still in my week of early shifts so I'm not really with it but let's see if I can start a conversation. -Are you with it? -No I'm not. Uhm. Coming out, as a YouTuber. -I'm not clickbaiting this title with "coming out", I'm not doing that -No, that would be wrong. Let's clickbait it with something else, then everyone'll be really disappointed Recently, a lot more of my colleagues at work at my day job have found out that I am a Youtuber. -Are you though? Do we count as that? -Now the reason I'm reasonably sure I counts as that now, apart from the fact we're sat here in YouTube filming a thing, which is a reasonable reason, is: It's got to that part of the year again where I'm getting recognized in public. -Wait, do you like molt or something like ... do you have winter plumage that camouflages you? -I'm thinking it's a summer winter thing. -Right... -If it's winter people are outside less and it's dark so it's harder to see who's coming towards you. -That's fair, I guess you're kind of bundled up with coat and hood and everything Yeah, I've got a hoodie on so I haven't got ... I'm not quite as obvious. -Annnd ... School holidays at the moment. -Yeah, ok. -There's a lot more school holidays in summer -Yeah. -So what's happened a few times recently is I've been out and about with a radio show ... -Yep. -... carrying a load of kit to a place to do a broadcast from a place. -Yes. -On the way I have been spotted and one of you lovely people have come up and said "Hello". -Now let's be honest, Matt is not the least camouflaged of people -I have the big hair, I have the big stature and I'm generally carrying some kind of big antenna -Yes. -Uhm. -I'm gonna sidetrack us briefly. -Yeah, go for it. I once had to carry a big television antenna through campus back at York ... -Ok. -... and I actually got to use the joke ... Someone came up to me and said: "Tom, where are you going with that?" And so I said: "I've just been to a wedding, ceremony was terrible, but the reception was excellent!" And I just walked off, and I just five seconds later heard this just shout of profanity directed at me from behind. That is the joke equivalent of walking away from an explosion ... -Yeah! -...without turning around. -Yes, it was! -I wanna go into a room now, do a pun and then walk out, and then half an hour later they'll realize You were recognized, you were carrying big equipment. -So, we said hi, got a selfie, carried on. Then the two people I was with went: "What ... just happened?" -Mhm. -And ... I explained. I said I'm a YouTuber, sorry. That happens every so often now Now, in the past ... -Yeah. -... the reaction was normally on the end of: "Oh, you do that kind of thing." And now it's a: "Oh, are you famous?" It seems to have switched from a small-time thing to a big-time thing. -Yeah, in the public ... -... the public perspective, the public perception appears to have shifted. -Particularly in your industry. -Yeah, in media as well it's being regarded as a big thing. -Yes, which is strange because being recognized is still strange for both of us. Hello to the person at Cologne Airport, Flo I think his name was, who came up and said hi yesterday and then we awkwardly sat in the same gate departure lounge while just kinda on our own computers just going: "Ha, yeah. Hi." Cause, like, the first minute it's fine and then it's: "I need to carry on with work here." When I was working in a broadcast from a school yesterday and a couple of people of the kids were giving us: "Are you the guy from Tom's videos?" -Yeah, cause being recognized is still really strange. -Yeah -Like, it real life and the internet colliding is an odd thing and always has been. And I'm old enough to remember when those were two very separate things. -Yeah. -And never the twain shall meet. -I don't mind it. -No! -As we've said before, I'd much rather it if you do recognize me, rather than just ogling then come up and say "Hi!", if you want a selfie just ask to for one and then ... less awkward for everyone involved. -Yeah, it's best if you don't suddenly shout our names out of nowhere across because I kind of assume that I'm about to be served papers or something. Like, I just assume that's bad news. -But the thing I find weird is I work with radio personalities. -Yeah. I've been with radio personalities before and I've been the one that's recognized. -Because ... -No one knows what a radio personality looks like half the time, unless they've got a load of visual stuff. -Yeah, and they're usually, and I remember this from being a kid, quite disappointing. -Well if ... -You hear these people with these fantastic radio voices, particular where I was growing up, you you'd hear someone whose job, I hope this doesn't burn out the mic but their job was to ... Really? I was gonna talk quite low. They were going to talk like this very close to a microphone. So you get all the resonance, and then you see it's just some bloke who looks like he's down the shops. It's like yeah, that's not ... -That's the thing with radio people when you're listening to them if they don't have videos associated with them or if they haven't gone into radio from TV, then you picture them. Maybe even continuity announcers. The voice-over guy from X-Factor, a lot of the time people won't have seen him but they'll have heard him every week. And they'll have come up with what he looks like and then you see what he looks like and it's not what you imagine, like, when people do film adaptations of books. -Yeah. -That's: "Oh, I imagined them, they would look completely different!" -You you will have noticed a slight white flash jump cut there because I told a story that in hindsight ... probably shouldn't have given people ideas about. -So that thing you didn't hear him say cause we didn't include it don't do it. -It's like the old "Don't stick beans up you nose." thing, which ... -Why would you even have to tell someone that? -You don't, but if you tell someone "don't stick beans up your nose" ... if you tell a little kid "don't stick beans up your nose" now the idea is in there. -That's the thing, I want to know why you shouldn't stick beans up your nose -Right, yeah, don't stick beans up your nose that's good advice for life. -There's probably a video of someone doing it, that might work. Where were we? -We were talking about radio voices being recognized. -Yes! Uhm ... Like, try and wrap this up somehow People at work that I don't regularly hang out with/work with are now beginning to find out I do this. -Yes. -And it's weird when they're the people that are on air and I'm the one is being said hi to. -Yeah, because they're used to being the famous one, they're used to ... -Well, not becessarily being recognized but it's just, you know, a funny ... -You're one of the techies. And as for me, like that ... there are a lot of of friends I know who just, like, ... and I'm very comfortable with ... they don't watch the videos. It's just ... it's a completely sep... it's still: "Real life - the internet", cause to me the two are still a little bit seperate. -So hello to anyone that I work with, if you're watching this, I'll see you on Monday [Outro Boom] -Hi, I'm Matt. -And I'm Tom. -And this is ... the chair being moved. -Hi! -Hi! We're waiting for you to finish cause it's a bit distracting to be fair.
Channel: Matt and Tom
Views: 134,028
Rating: 4.9751339 out of 5
Keywords: matt gray, mattg, mattgray, unnamedculprit, tomscott, tom scott, matt and tom, park bench, recognised, spotted, radio, continuity announcer
Id: ZIuU6jlpC24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2017
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