BEING ORIGINAL - Terrible Writing Advice

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I discovered this channel recently. I love writing and have been doing it for most of my life. And I can confirm that the terrible advice presented on this channel is 100 percent valid. 😊

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JackFisherBooks 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2023 🗫︎ replies

wow good

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Flashy-Birthday-7562 📅︎︎ Mar 02 2023 🗫︎ replies
foreign [Music] there is nothing new Under the Sun but I will come up with an original story even if it takes me until the heat death of the universe to do it ah being original the Holy Grail of riders and terrible riding advice is here to Aid them on their quest to come up with original stories in fact I have my own very original story see a character goes on an Epic Journey after discovering they are chosen by a mysterious higher power on their Adventure they visit strange in amazing locations meet a variety of wild characters some of whom ate the protagonist and eventually the protagonist saves the world oh and the bad guys are an evil empire run by a dark lord-like character original story do not steal oh wait that one already exists well crap there goes my first idea to be truly original don't worry though I'm sure other aspiring writers will fare better after watching my video on being original creating a truly original concept is in fact super easy especially if a writer possesses the spark of creative genius in fact if a writer doesn't turn out page upon page of riveting originality then they are not a good writer at all in fact they are a hack the worst thing a writer can be I mean you know other than poor if a writer struggles with coming up with original ideas then that Rider should obviously panic and spiral into a creative crisis before retreating into a fortress made of their own ego because being a writer is all about being an original creative genius that sneers down upon the simple plebeians and their asinine taste and does so effortlessly it's good for even amateur Riders to start with extremely high expectations as to how easy it is to be truly original such lofty Ambitions certainly don't set up new riders for failure by giving them unrealistic expectations of just how difficult true originality is it's also very important that originality be stressed as the mark of a true writer as opposed to understanding the fundamentals of writing a story because audiences love stories that are super original especially in terms of being an unstructured mess that's impossible to follow but hey they can't complain because no one's done that but before true originality can never backfire by being too alien for conventional audiences we all know that originality always translates into sales while Sammy Drake never finds any success this is why formulaic romance novels are Infamous for not selling well but true originality could never hurt her work's chance at being popular no matter how weird Niche and unpalatable it is for mainstream audiences that's why I've revised my super original story idea see it's about a person from the normal world one day they find a special world that's hidden from normal people circumstances force them into exploring this special world where they learn the truth about the mysterious circumstances of their birth and family and then they have to save the Special World from a dark corrupting Force original story do not steal oh wait that one already exists too ah well that's okay there are only like seven basic plots anyways overcoming the monster Rags to Riches the quest Voyage in return comedy tragedy and rebirth I mean depending on which system the writer wants to reference there's also the hero's journey and the 3x track sure Hollywood loves abusing both of those don't forget the rule of three or five tax pyramid in fact this list could go on forever story structures work kind of like religious Dogma in that the writer should adhere to them zealously remember original thinking can only occur inside this tightly shut and meticulously labeled box it's the same with genre conventions once the writer has restricted their perspective to Encompass only the narrow definitions of genre and story structure only then can true originality be obtained a writer can then simply tweak one single aspect of story structure in genre before loudly declaring that they have single-handedly performed a feat of unparalleled originality this perspective is only possible if a writer is willfully ignorant of any creative accomplishments outside the last couple of months at most besides it's not like dogmatic adherence to genre conventions and story structure can strangle the life from a story much less its originality that won't happen to me because I have an all-new original story idea okay hear me out it's a Mythic Journey but with like rabbits original story do not deal oh wait that one already exists and animated adaptations have traumatized children the world over I'll have to think of something even more strange and obscure well maybe what's really needed is to cultivate ideas for a story a common issue I've read in a lot of amateur fiction is when a story has only a small handful of ideas that are stretched too thin across too large a story The End Result is something you can do a sandwich that's all bread another common issue is when New Riders lump every idea they have into the story they just keep throwing in more and more until the whole thing is just a mess of ideas with no cohesion the end result is something akin to a sandwich that's all meat and what little bread there is is soaked in mustard how can a rider balance quantity of ideas with idea quality the answer to this difficult question is actually rather easy don't bother the creative genius required for avant-garde originality is above such Petty Trifles when a writer is original all ideas are good ideas the real Pitfall is overthinking things like keeping a note of interesting ideas that can be later used to flesh out a story then taking those ideas and selecting ones that synergize well with each other or the story's tone theme and or symbolism that is all unneeded because the only litmus testing idea needs before it's thrown into the story is that the ideas seem cool this will never backfire ideas that seem cool at the moment will always stay cool no matter how much time passes Riders should never express doubt that an idea might actually be really stupid once the sheen wears off and they find themselves in front of an unamused audience it's not like I've experienced that a few times as a dungeon master as I was forced to stare down a table of bewildered and frustrated players and that was when I was lucky and they weren't just laughing at my incompetence don't worry why did you think that was a good idea is a question that true original thinkers will never hear never give ideas time to cool time is a great litmus test for if an idea will truly fit into a story but creative Geniuses are exempt from paying its toll there is no need to look at an idea and think what does this add to the story remember that ideas are not cheap for True create creative Geniuses in their special case every idea is golden and above scrutiny as such any idea a writer has should be considered a sacred cow and worth approximately all the money writers should never share their ideas because someone might steal them that's just how precious they are this story idea is so great that everyone is after it because this story is perfect at least in my head never mind that the worst story in the world is still infinitely better than the best story in my head because at least the worst story actually exists in the real world am I conflating my sense of self-worth with what basically amounts to daydreaming is the true test of skill in storytelling not the quality of ideas themselves but how well a writer utilizes their ideas in the story most certainly not that would make me an egotistical blow hard Desperately Seeking validation rather than a creative Trailblazer that I truly am better to focus on how great my ideas are rather than how they work in context of the story because ideas are what writers should focus on while ignoring the basic skills that act as a foundation for storytelling this most definitely isn't because of my creative genius narrative might fall apart if I scrutinize it so better to emphasize idea quality rather than actually knowing how to write originality is best used to dismiss the whole experience thing Geniuses don't need experience to be good at things and neither do I nor that they need to worry about how a good idea implemented poorly usually makes it no longer a good idea is the true Acumen of a writer's skill to take old cliches and present them in a way that makes them compelling again no it's to write a thousand new ideas no one has ever seen before for bragging rights like my new idea see it's set on a space hospital that treats aliens that's an idea that I'm sure no one has explored original story do not steal oh wait I think there's more than one of those now drat I should have some kind of illegal way to stop people from taking my great ideas that's why I'm going to trademark and copyright my ideas even broad ones that huge corporations can't defend in court I'm sure it will work out for me even though I have only a fraction of Mega resources and hey I can make the rest of the writing Community mad at me while I'm at it with Petty litigation again I can't stress this enough the ideas themselves are what makes the story good not actual good writing I can just scrimp on that part this is the best attitude to have while ignoring that the Beating Heart of a story isn't something that's so easy to classify and put a label on that what makes a great story isn't simply good ideas but a culmination stories are the sum of their parts working in tandem not the largely subjective value of their ideas but that's just stupid talk from someone without any true original ideas under their belt unlike me take for example my new story idea let's see it's about a bunch of characters with interconnected stories and like there's this malevolent entity that attacks them when they are at their emotional low point and like he uses a bit baseball bat or something ha there original story do not steal surely there's nothing out there like that oh wait that one already exists too as an anime actually I'm pretty sure anime has covered just about every weird off the wall story premise which is bad because there won't be any originality left for me because originality is the single most important thing in writing unless something is 100 original then it has no creative value there could only be the one best version of anything something is either the best most original version or it should just go and die somewhere is out of the way I guess there is no room for multiple Works in any genre and any writers who don't exist at the absolute Apex are all hacks remember that all writing is a zero-sum game and there can be only one all a rider need do is redefine an entire genre or create an entirely new one effortlessly or face Collective scoring from all Society with forever known as a failure hack wannabe for all eternity no pressure just relax and write what you want to write while keeping an eye out for revision and being aware of the conventions tropes cliches and potential pitfalls of your chosen genre impossible how will I be known as the single greatest creative person in history then but what if a rider realizes that they are indeed a hack and are not cape capable of being original well fear not just make something unoriginal and then just pass it off as original most people won't notice the difference and those who do will be shattered down by Legions of zealous fans who reflexively types slurs in the comments when someone utters the words media literacy and if that doesn't work out then don't worry a true writer stands alone because everything is a monolith that comes from nowhere storytelling isn't an evolutionary process where each new iteration is built upon what came before all the way back to the dawn of Storytelling instead let creative anxiety and a clawing need for validation drive a Rider's quest for originality rather than a genuine desire to explore interesting Concepts I must continue my quest to be original even though it's all been done sorry it's all been done all of it except for my new idea of course see I'll give people sarcastically bad writing advice no one has ever done that before original story do not steal oh wait that already is an entire book maybe I should just stop worrying about being original Let It Go write what you love love what you write love it enough to want to improve it it doesn't have to up in the very foundations of Storytelling to be creatively worthwhile while but no it is critical that every Rider want to be the freaking Magellan of creatives even if they have to eat the rigging besides if a writer isn't original then the riding police will show up and take the riding license away then they will be forever doomed to a life of making Sonic recolors I've always hated chaos the muelling and competent masses would never understand what it takes to rule from the Shadows every puppet stream can be manipulated by only the lightest Touch of my fingers three steps ahead of me check again because it's already Checkmate the willful blindness of the masses is my shield because everything is going all according to plan what are you whining about now are you still convinced I'm going to screw this up oh I'm not worried about things that have already happened you look like an edge Lord whatever Mr tactical listen just try not to fluff too much during the debate I control every major power from the Shadows but there are some PR disasters that even I can't fix good evening live for Federation Star atorium I welcome you to the Federation presidential debate the first candidate is former General Chainsaw the war Monger party nominee how hard can politics be and the other candidate the nominee for the green party inner greed greetings everyone I am greed and greed is good oh no he's fully animated for too long as the Federation suffered under the incompetent fumbling of its military industrial complex its wealth squandered on pointless Planet building exercises billions lost in bombing Stone aged blue furries on Backwater Worlds the wasteful proxy war with space communist and for what and what does the federation's bloated military ever brought them other than budget deficits but I have brought you something this video sponsor curiositystream curiosity stream is a subscription streaming service with thousands of documentaries and non-fiction titles titles like The Secret World of Lego or new series like alien takeover that explore the biology of a single invasive species each episode I do enjoy explorations of ecology of course you like invasive species greed oh my dear General if only you were capable of recognizing the irony of you making that statement I keep saying those blue cat people needed some democracy and freedom just like the mineral wolf they were sitting on needed to be freed well I suppose if that doesn't interest you then you could always go back to watching World War II documentaries I recommend the Apocalypse series they even colorize the footage and it's got a pretty good soundtrack curiosity's dream is even teamed up with nebula a streaming service built by a host of educational creators here on YouTube featuring original content free from the Yoke of YouTube and its restrictions why you don't even have to choose between them dwa fans can sign up at TWA and get 26 off curiosity streams annual subscription for less than 15 a year that's 14.79 using the code TWA to get both curiosity stream and free nebula access including ad free TWA videos signing up helps you directly support the TWA expanded universe what you got going on Backstage password required uh password one what idiot makes his password password one apply animation rig uh sure so this is how he's animating himself now it's all mine oh thank you
Channel: Terrible Writing Advice
Views: 166,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Terrible Writing Advice, writing, Bad advice, Novel, Novel writing, Writing a book, book, J.P. Beaubien, J.P.Beaubien, Terrible, JPBeaubien, JP Beaubien, writing original stories, being original, coming up with story ideas
Id: kjnf6W9uPOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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