being 5 booktubers for a day (editor's cut)

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hello welcome back to my channel yes welcome back to my channel you're gonna see my face pop up quite a few times in this video i think i also put it in the title but uh this is the editor's cut of this vlog this vlog in a word uh sucks and i'm hoping that by editing some clips in of me while i edit this video it'll make it more exciting now is that actually going to be more exciting i guess time will tell but uh you're going to see my little face in the corner of this video and i'm going to pop up whenever i have something to add something of interest to say so let's get into it if you clicked on the title of this video yes i am going to be different booktubers today i came up with this video idea about a week ago when i picked up a book from barnes noble on the recommendation of a fellow booktuber here not even a recommendation i just keep seeing this person talk about this book over and over and over again and i was like you know what i'm gonna pick it up and then i thought about how many things and how many people i like and admire and want to be on booktube i don't know like where the connection was made there between a book and then like being booktubers but i just decided that i'm going to be different booktubers for a day and not just like one booktuber but multiple different booktubers taking things that i admire about them and um doing those things well admire i mean i'm gonna be like making food from one of these people and um i don't know that i like admire the fact that they make food although i don't make food so i guess i do admire that i guess i'm trying to like justify this video there's no justification i just wanted to hang out with you guys and be different booktubers and that's what we're doing today first up i'm gonna be myself and by that i mean i'm gonna show you guys how i do my hair i just i don't know i've been doing my hair and makeup more often because i am considering doing my own hair and makeup for my wedding so i am trying to just kind of like tune up my skills i've been so lazy in the past oh god i don't know five years with my hair and makeup i used to really do hair and makeup in high school and i just like haven't for a while i want to get back into it so that way like you know skills are built and i can be better at like you know doing eye makeup and stuff if i decide to do it for my wedding i'm gonna do my hair for you guys today i was gonna do my makeup but i was a little hangry and the idea of trying to do that on camera didn't sound great so i'm gonna do my hair instead hopefully you guys like it and honestly i think my hair is the more impressive feet between hair and makeup because this is my natural hair and trying to like work with this and make it into what you guys see on a daily basis is a challenge so i'm gonna show you guys how i transform this into the curls that you guys see every day and i'm gonna talk to you guys a little bit about like wedding stuff and like life stuff yes i am going to talk to you guys about wedding and life stuff i did want to add though that i am going to be talking quite a bit about body image so if that's something that is triggering at all to you i would recommend skipping this part of the video there's going to be i think time stamps i'm going to put time stamps in the video yes yes i will have time stamps so click to the next time stamp if you don't want to hear any talks about that i'm not talking about weight loss or anything specifically um nothing about like food just just generally talking about my wedding dress shopping experience how that made me feel about my body that sort of thing so if that is triggering skip ahead if not if you want to hear my honest thoughts about wedding dress shopping feel free to keep watching while i do it so let's get into it i'm going to turn up my brightness just a little bit so you can see better it is raining today which is really putting a damper on some of my plans to be other booktubers because some of the booktubers i watch are a little outdoorsy and i was going to get outdoorsy today but i guess i'm not because it's raining and i think that's probably for the best anyway the first thing that i do with my hair is i brush it and i part it while i brush okay so i like a middle part you can do it however you want um it's not gonna affect the technique at all so i just like roughly kind of try to find a middle part for myself i don't like a super clean part i just feel like it's a little too i don't know severe almost i just kind of i like it casual that's what we're going with looking good okay so i'm just gonna brush it while i talk so i don't know i just feel like i have so much to tell you guys and i don't know how much anyone's gonna care about any of this because i feel like viewers of my channel the majority of them don't really care about my life stuff which is totally fine um but i know some of you do care so i'm just gonna i am going to use my channel as i see fit and i'm gonna talk to you guys about what's been going on so last weekend saturday i found my wedding dress and i'm not gonna lie the whole experience was a little bit nerve-wracking and i was like very scared going into it but it turned out to be really really lovely i think i went in with this idea that i was going to really like a lot of the dresses but i wasn't going to like how i looked in any of the dresses because a lot of the dress styles that i like are very tight fitting and close to the body and i was like i'm going to try these on i'm going to like the dress and then i'm going to have this idea in my head that i need to lose a bunch of weight to like look good in this dress which is so stupid like honestly so stupid but you know how our head tells us lies quite often um so i was just really scared going into the whole thing but i really feel like i came away from that experience with almost this like completely different mindset shift and i don't know if that was because the people who were helping me were just like so nice and that's their job but after i tried on all these dresses i just felt great i didn't think about my body the entire time really that i was trying things on beyond like wow i really like the way my body looks on this i just never felt bad the entire time and that was pretty enlightening and honestly after i like found my dress and i came home i was just thinking about how stupid it is that i have been so concerned about what my body looks like for so long i was actually watching tick tocks recently i should tell you guys what i'm doing while i'm doing it i'm straightening the front pieces and the top pieces of my hair to like lay flatter so that way it looks a little bit more smooth like i blew it dry because i didn't blow dry obviously last night back to what i was saying i have recently seen on tick tock and it was something that i personally really related to girls talking about second puberty and how your body changes so much after high school and after you know the first time you go through puberty and no one really talks about it and i really feel like i have been so obsessed in my 20s with trying to get back to the way that i looked in high school which is so stupid like who cares what your body looks like period but also like why do i need to look like i did when i was 18. um but i was just obsessed for so long and felt so just bad and like there was no reason why i shouldn't look like that anymore because like you know i had gone through puberty and then i i stayed looking the same way all of high school or whatever and i was just so upset at the fact that like my body had changed and i think i really took a lot of that with me for like all of my 20s and i let that color a my opinion of myself and like how i you know liked myself and then b i let it affect like fun stuff i genuinely had nightmares the days leading up to my wedding dress dry on because i was like this is going to suck i am going to like all these dresses and then i'm just not going to like the way i look in any of them and it's going to be terrible and it wasn't it was fine it was genuinely fine i had a fine time i felt pretty i looked good in the dresses i think that i liked and i picked one that i felt awesome in and it was really good experience and i don't really know if there's a lesson to be taken from this or why i'm telling you guys this but just be less hard on yourself i guess anyway i found a dress and it's beautiful i posted on my instagram stories some of the dresses i tried on and they were also beautiful and so fun and it's interesting the ones that you guys ended up liking because they looked so good in pictures but in real life a lot of them like just weren't great there was one dress in particular that was like an off-the-shoulder like really romantic dress it did not look that great in person it wasn't like a body thing it wasn't like i felt gross in it but it just the way the fabric draped was just not as beautiful as the other ones so yeah it's interesting to see like what you guys liked and what i am going to be wearing there was one dress too that you guys really liked and you almost had me second guessing my choice because it was the dress that i had almost picked and so many of you replied like why didn't you get this one and i was a little bit like why didn't i get that one but the dress i got oh my god guys it's so pretty and it was so much cheaper than i thought it was going to be two 10 out of 10 honestly love my dress so excited for you guys to see it i'm trying to remember like what else oh we haven't talked about other wedding stuff so i feel like in the last vlog i told you guys that i was looking at florals and i finally made a choice on flowers i'm so excited so i ended up going with kind of like a very classic kind of style in terms of you know white roses white ranunculus white hydrangeas lots of greenery very like romantic shapes and stuff like that so like slightly slightly not traditional but like kind of traditional but the altarpiece i picked dreamy i might i'll like flash a picture of my inspiration right here on kind of what i was going for i really wanted like a floral arch that was the one thing that i wanted for my wedding didn't care about the food didn't really care about my gels like decor wise but i wanted a floral arch so i showed them this picture and the place i went with came back to me with a really really good quote for this it's gonna make me look something like this i'm so excited and i hope it turns out the way that this picture looks i mean it's probably not gonna be quite that full but i am very excited about the florals i've always been really into florals and stuff and i knew that that was something that i wanted to invest maybe a little bit more money on back to the hair a little bit as you can see it's starting to get a little bit more tamed on top i normally don't blow dry my hair day to day i wash my hair for reference about every three to four days i style my hair one day and then it lasts that entire time i have medium hair that's fine and it's really heavy and it is hard to curl so i use a one inch curling iron and i just use a flat iron to kind of smooth the tops of my hair because i have naturally like wavy curly hair i don't want to blow dry it and then have to style it so this is just easier for me and it usually takes a lot less time than what i'm talking to you guys but this is what we're doing pay special attention to the back otherwise it's gonna look a little funny but i guess if i were doing like a special event i would probably blow dry my hair before i did this and then this would cut down on the straightening time starting to look a little better and then we're just gonna curl the ends it's like very very simple um okay now to the curling part i have a hot tools one inch curling iron the extra long barrel because i always pretty much have long hair my curling technique is pretty basic i feel like i don't do anything particularly special for me it's all about practice obviously i have been curling my hair since 8th grade this whole look that you see almost every day takes me about 10 minutes typically and it's all about the technique of how you twirl the barrel it's not like it's difficult but it definitely takes time to easily and seamlessly do this i think if you're used to a curling wand this will be a little bit of a learning curve but it's pretty easy and with slight tweaks of the technique you can get so many different looks like sometimes i like to do really like tight hollywood style curls today i'm just gonna go for like kind of a basic in between not too wavy not too curly and like i said this will last me as long as i want really but i usually you know wash my hair every three or four days so so this is what it looks like on the second day i mean it's like pretty much the same a little less volume at the top but like really cares and it's got a more of a wavy texture now that it's been a little while i've also like brushed through the curls so they're like very touchable so yes this can last if you you know master the technique and use the appropriate products for your hair texture starting at the beginning just grabbing a section of hair about yay big it doesn't really matter the bigger the section obviously the looser kind of the wave or curl pattern will look i just kind of go all the way up i know some people will leave out the bottom of their curl sometimes i will do that if i'm going for wavy but if i'm doing my classic curl look i keep that bottom piece in and i usually put it in at the bottom and then i just consistently twirl and kind of loosen the clip a little bit as i do that it's like really quite easy i feel like and i like this better than a curling wand i feel like curling wands take me longer like if i were in a rush i wouldn't use a curling wand that would take forever and this like you know just twirling it and loosening the clip as you do it it's literally the easiest thing in the world after you get the hang of it yeah you can just do it so much quicker i genuinely don't understand how people use curling wands i feel like i should have thrown that in as i was speaking as to why i feel like it's so difficult like how the do you not burn your fingers maybe i'm just like very not skilled but i like that i can just honestly one-handed use a barrel for curling iron whereas i feel like it's a more involved process to like hold the curling iron and like wrap your hair around it and it also just gets a different style of curl it's pretty but it's not as classic i guess and i prefer a more classic look so like i could grab maybe like four sections of hair on each side if i were going like really really quick and it would look pretty good i like to do smaller sections day to day mostly because i want my curls to last as long as possible like i said i have really fine heavy hair and i can lose some of that curl as the days go on so i do try to like make it kind of tight and ringletty the first couple of days but honestly this has served me pretty well i don't know i've been doing my hair the same way for god i don't even know how many how many years is that 13 years i've been doing my hair the same way for 13 years it took me way too long to figure out the math on that kind of embarrassing maybe i should learn some new skills but i've just always preferred my hair um curled rather than straight i tend to have i don't know kind of like an oval slash long-ish face and i just feel like having the weight of the curls around my face is more flattering to me than having straight hair so this is my go-to and it just looks good over the days for me having fine hair that kind of sticks to my head if i do straight it'll look good for a day and then the next few days it's just like sitting right here super low on the head it's just not it's not cute so we do curled hair and this is it i feel like this is so boring but this is how i do my hair after i'm finished let all of my curls cool i'll just like kind of walk around put clothes on do whatever hey buddy and uh once my curls are cool i go through it with this finishing spray so i'm gonna go ahead and finish up all my curls and then i will kind of fluff them and put this in and show you guys that okay so my hair is completely curled and cooled i took that opportunity to put on some jewelry i put on my engagement ring my favorite necklace i wear this all the time let me see if i can get close up for you guys it is this like little pendant that i got from la boutique by julia on etsy she's super sweet so the necklace comes like shiny with all these little micro puffy diamonds but she reached out to me and she asked if i would like one on the other side and she would do it for free because i've purchased from her so many times so that was super sweet i honestly would recommend if you're looking for any fine jewelry etsy is the way to go because everybody's so sweet and responsive at least the places i like to shop i'll leave some links down in the description if you're looking for fine jewelry places i like to shop love boutique by julia is probably my favorite right up there with furcos i always talk about virgos because i have like ninety percent of my jewelry from them so let me take my julia and virgos and then my hoops that i wear almost every day are the large hoops from a jury these are amazing they're also solid gold um these are solid gold very big fan plated jewelry i guess my skin's just really acidic plated jewelry does not last on me it kind of turns brassy but anyway these are awesome too super lightweight and they stay in my ears really well so highly recommend anyway let me go ahead and show you how i you know do the rest of my hair slightly better angle for you so i just kind of comb through my curls you can brush them if you're going for an even wavier look but i personally just like to kind of finger comb them and then put in the straight texturizing spray and then like the following days to refresh my hair i will brush it out with a regular hair brush kind of judge it and then i will sometimes put dry shampoo at the roots if i'm greasy or if it's really looking limp at the bottom then i will add some more texturizing spray i used to use a lot of hairspray but i just feel like it doesn't last over the days as well and it just kind of leaves your hair feeling a little stiff so if i'm not doing anything super strenuous i'm not going outside or late to an event texturizing spray is the way to go if i'm going to be in humidity obviously hairspray is it but this stuff's awesome i use the dry bar triple sec three in one texturizing spray again for fine hair it's really hard to find products that will not weigh the hair down and still make everything like stay i know a lot of people like the ori aura bag texturizing spray and also the kristin s i've tried both and i think they're okay they just kind of weigh my hair down this doesn't and you can get it at ulta it's not cheap but it lasts a long time it smells amazing yeah that's pretty much it but let me go ahead and show you how i i always hold my hair up while i do this it is very very strongly scented so if you don't like scented things maybe this won't be the product for you but like you could skip perfume because this stuff smells really really good i think it comes in two cents i have the lush scent but the blank scent is pretty good as well okay so that is it this is my big texas hair this is how i get it super easy super breezy it takes some practice i think if you don't normally curl your hair but it's really really easy and not not fussy right i don't put a lot of product in my hair either i have one leave-in product that i put in my hair before i do anything and that's it i'm gonna do it while my hair sweat i'll put a picture of it right here and a link in the description for that one as well if you have fine hair like i do it's good like keeps your ends soft without weighing it down so anyway that's that let's go ahead and hop in the car so we can go and be a booktuber so let's go did anyone else get tired watching that because i sure as did [Music] okay so obviously first up we have olivia from olivia reads latte as i'm picking up a drink that's actually not a latte i love olivia i love livia's channel i love everything she makes i feel like she does the best lifestyle vlogs there's just something so infectious about her personality and her energy and today i decided to get one of her favorite drinks so i told her i was doing this video and i asked her like hey what should i get from starbucks so she told me that she would normally get an iced caramel macchiato which is what i got kind of terrified of this to be honest because i don't drink coffee and i am very scared of sippy lids but i decided that i would do it just for her she said if she was feeling really bold she would get it upside down i think is what she said with an extra shot i am not that bold so i didn't decide to do that but this actually looks really really good i know i'm gonna hate it which is really sad because i i really don't like coffee but i'm gonna give her a little taste test and we can try her i also got an impossible breakfast sandwich i usually get the sauce dragon cheddar but they were out so i don't know we're gonna try this pretend meat and see if it's any good too it was it was not good i honestly i don't know fake meat is such a strange thing right i think for fake meat it was decent but it just doesn't fill me with that delicious full greasy feeling that i'm craving when i get a breakfast sandwich i was really missing my sausage egg and cheddar i ended up just taking off the little like fake meat patty and eating the egg cheese and like weird little bread thing instead tomorrow no tuesday i'll have my regular olivia fix though and have my starbucks in the morning it's been like a routine of mine lately i will go get starbucks on tuesdays i don't know what it is my brain is just like tuesday means starbucks and then i get home and olivia has posted her weekly vlog so i like my little routine it's been really good it tastes like coffee yeah um i feel like for a coffee drink it's pretty good don't know if it's a fave but like it's it's fun it's fun i think i can kind of get down with it i did because i'm smart and like know myself uh get my normal drink from starbucks which is a tall hot nonfat try sometimes i'll get a bigger size usually not though because i usually get food with it and like that's a lot to consume but beyond just getting starbucks i'm just gonna like live that olivia lifestyle today for this you know beginning part of the day i'm gonna do some journaling when i get home i don't know if i'll film that but i want to do some journaling slash planning in my planner kind of set up my day if you will and before i do that though i got starbucks like on my way to a place i'm gonna go to target and heb i need to go to agb for ingredients for something i'm making later tonight with hayden making he's making it i'm gonna go live when i make it i also wanna just go to target cause there's a couple things i need to pick up but mostly i just wanna look at books and i feel like that's a very olivia thing to do when i think of maximalists on booktube she definitely comes to mind in like the best possible way i just love her energy i love that she is just always treating herself to books and whenever i'm feeling like i want to treat myself i just think of her so that's what i'm going to do i'll probably do like a little haul after i get stuff and that'll be my olivia portion of today but i'm going to drink a little bit more of this surprisingly it's kind of like growing on me the more that like it sits in my mouth that sounds so gross but i will be back once i have bought some stuff probably some books but i'll give you a whole target haul in a little bit [Music] so [Music] i can't imagine if i stayed back what would happen if i never found you those times were hard and all i did was resent you oh no i don't want to go i'm back to where my hope [Music] is okay so i'm back from target and i thought i could do a little haul for you guys i ended up actually getting a book that i know olivia has recommended on her channel before so i felt like it was very fitting all came full circle as you guys just saw i actually ended up doing a little bit of planning and journaling i am honestly loving my hobonichi cousin so much i'm hoping to do like a january through march flip through and kind of talk about my planning process and or my youtube planning process so if you're interested in seeing that it's probably going to be next wednesday yes that will be posted on wednesday i can't decide though if i want to do just like a march or january through march flip through and then do the kind of youtube planning process separately i mean i plan for youtube like with my weekly planning so i could definitely include it but if you guys want like a whole video on how i come up with ideas and how i kind of like plan things in general for youtube let me know and i'm like more than willing to make a separate video on that but i don't know if that'll be like too boring and like too in-depth for people um but yeah i'm gonna be posting more planner stuff don't worry but i had a fun time doing that and it felt very just like olivia like to have that you know time lapse with some music going on so i'm glad i got that done and you guys saw what we're gonna be doing for the rest of the day maybe i don't know how in focus it was haven't edited clips yet but let me do a quick target haul for you guys i ended up not going to heb thank god i love heb i do but i don't like going i hate going to the grocery store so being able to pick stuff up at target is ideal so i was able to get the ingredients for the recipe that we're making tonight but let me let me do my target health the first thing that i got was the push and i know that katie from the channel katie coulson really likes this book so i thought i would pick it up um i have it on hold for my library but it says it's going to be like eight weeks and i didn't want to wait that long and the topics and like themes seem like something i'd like i think this is about motherhood like our heroine doesn't really like her first born child and her child doesn't like her and there's like some some drama there and it's like thrillery it kind of sounds like baby teeth a little bit i'm excited to have this one next i picked one up just like for me and it is a signed first edition of concrete rose by angie thomas i don't know when i'll get to this i think i want to do a white contemporary vlog maybe soon i don't know it'll probably be like really low-key if i do it but um excited to read this one and this is one that i know that olivia has read and it is amari in the night brothers and it is a middle grade book the cover is just gorgeous i don't know that much about this one i think her brother goes missing or something and she's trying to kind of figure out what happened to him and there's like magical powers at a magical school and it just sounds like something i would really enjoy i've been collecting some middle grades again over the past like few months and i think i might do a vlog soon because i just i want to get in like a middle grade mood or oh oh i was just thinking maybe i could be a couple of middle grade reading booktubers for the next version of this if i decide to do it will i decide to do it probably not this didn't go as planned i don't think this is like the worst thing that i filmed but it's absolutely up there gavin and lexi have always like got me super excited about middle grade i have a few of their recommendations on my shelves already so maybe that could be a fun one i feel like it'd be really cozy i'd get a lot of snacks together because i know lexi likes to snack while she reads so anyway thinking of maybe doing that but those are the three books i got i also got some like random bits and bobs for my little beauty journey if you will i got this lipstick in romantic rose by maybelline it's kind of like a mauvy pinkish color oh can i do the beauty guru shot let's see if it works there we go okay so maybe i'll try that out after i like show you guys the stuff i bought and then i also got this lip gloss that was super pretty um i'm really sad because they're discontinuing my favorite lip gloss formula from colourpop and they're doing kind of a thicker formula now which i don't really like i'm not a huge fan of sticky lip glosses um and i wanted something kind of more peachy pink most of the stuff that i wear day to day is like very orange also my face is looking super pale maybe i'll turn this down a little bit it's just constant adjustment today with the sun okay um but it is the maybelline lifter gloss in number six wreath like it's playing with the plastic bag anyway this is pretty i feel like these might go together i'm going to try them on in a second but i also got um tweezerman lash assist i wanted a tool to help me apply lashes and then i got some duo lash glue oh my god guys i tried to apply lashes yesterday with some really old lash glue and it just like never got tacky it smelled horrible and i kind of messed up my eye look so that was fun now i have like two tools to help me actually get my lashes on well i'm trying to get good at them so that again if i want to do my makeup for my wedding everything is good so let's try these lip products on real quick though because i'm kind of excited to see what they look like now if like any of this is going to be true to color but i'm going to use my phone camera as my mirror okay actually like kind of a pretty color i feel like it's more of a pink than it is like a mauve which i actually kind of like okay this lighting is so bad i honestly don't know what's better at this point dark or light but in my phone camera it's looking really pretty i don't think i applied this super well but i could see that for a wedding that's fine and romantic rose seems like a nice color name okay let's try the gloss um the one i have from them is kind of a shimmery gloss so i'm curious to see kind of what a creamier gloss is like i hope it's not like a thick formula i guess we can give her a go oh okay um it is a little thicker than their regular formula and it's really pretty but i think it's a little too peachy for what i want it kind of they changed the color of the lipstick but i mean like it's not a bad combo it's definitely serving me like bridal okay let me see if i can get a better better look for you guys i never wear pink lipstick so i'm kind of into this is this cute okay so now that we have been olivia for the morning let's move on to the booktuber who actually kind of started this idea in the first place katie from the channel katie coulson i don't know what it is about this book i have no interest in it but i saw it at barnes noble and i was like katie likes this i'm picking it up her personality again similar to olivia infectious her energy though is so high octane in like the best possible way i absolutely love watching her videos whenever i'm feeling a little bit blah because her personality is just top notch so i decided to pick up the strange case of alchemist daughter this is one of her favorite books she says she doesn't have favorite books and yet she talks about this one a lot so i am picking this one up because i know it's one that she likes and she said to pick up the audiobook version so i actually did get it from my library and i'm going to listen to the audio and read this kind of as i go about my day and i'll probably update you guys with like typical reading vlog clips as you know time goes on don't get too excited you know we'll switch to a couple other booktubers in a little bit but i don't know how far i want to get in this today i don't want to kind of speed through this i want to really take my time with it so i don't know i'm not setting a super ambitious like reading goal with this but i looked at you guys once i'm like 100 pages 25 into with this book okay so i'm only 30 into the strange case of the alchemist's daughter and i'm enjoying it i am listening to it on audio i haven't picked up the book at all kind of stupid of me to like buy it when you know i'm listening to it on audio but i feel like i heard someone say that they didn't enjoy it on on audiobook and i can't remember if it was kayla or someone else but i know katie recommended it specifically on audio and anyway i'm enjoying that experience there are like random asides kind of by the characters i guess so it is like a traditional narrative style i guess in that like it's told linearly but along the way it's almost like you are reading a manuscript that someone is writing because they have like notes in the margins almost and you have some of the characters saying like hey it didn't happen like that things like that it's not actually that confusing to have those spliced in with the audiobook mostly because the voices of everybody are so different and um i'm liking it it's good i don't really know what to say our main character i literally don't even remember her name which is shitty because i've been listening to this for a while is the daughter of jekyll and she ends up coming across the daughter of hyde and they have to kind of like team up to figure out where the senior hide is and like if he's still around because apparently he murders people so that's kind of like what we're doing and along the way we're finding other monstrous girls who have like been created right now we are meeting i think beatrice is her name and she has been poisoned or like she is poison she's been around poison so long that now she is poisonous and um that's kind of fun i respect it that would be a really cool trait to have but i have got to be 100 with you guys i normally do not drink as much caffeine as i did today i had an entire chai latte and then like half of that uh coffee i am so tired i don't know how people do it like the crash was too much for me and i just kind of want to take a nap but i can't because it's like i have no idea where my phone is it is 6 30 and i need to hop on instagram to do a live at seven so i really need to like pump up the energy here and i feel bad because i wanted to get farther in this book i'm thinking maybe i'll do that after lunch lunch oh my god after dinner i think i'll try to do that after dinner like in between the time where i have dinner and do the other activity that i'm trying to do i think we all know who i'm going to be imitating next it is kayla from books and lola i am going to be trying to recreate her asparagus pasta because i noticed that she actually posted a link to the recipe on her instagram she was like answering questions so i decided to just like take that and now i'm gonna run with it and make hayden make it for us while i go live on instagram which i feel like is a very kayla thing to do asparagus pasta with instagram live i i don't know also maybe i should say it pasta since that's how she says it but i'm gonna do that and i'm gonna try to get some like footage of that i don't know how much i'm gonna show you guys us making it since i'm going to be doing that on the ig live but i definitely will show you guys the taste test because i just want to know if this is any good i'm not a huge asparagus fan just for warning you i'm not a huge asparagus fan but she just hypes this pasta up and it makes it seem interesting so i'm gonna give it a go it is a vegan recipe but i might add some dairy we shall see i don't have any nutritional yeast and i think it calls for that so there's a lot of rambling going on i am gonna go i'll be back once i make the asparagus pasta you said we had pasta i thought we had like pasta i mean this is enough pasta this is enough pasta to feed like four people okay okay so hayden has the ingredients all ready to go and he is going to be doing the cooking of the asparagus pasta i obviously am not because i have no cooking skills but i'm just going to time lapse through this and once we are at the end i'm going to do a little taste test so i'm going to do that and then i'm going to hop on the instagram live and you guys can i guess see that happen too [Music] just for today let's take the long way home [Music] but i need a new [Music] okay so the quality in here is terrible but i didn't want to like get my big ass ring light up here because my eyes they hurt they hurt from the live show but i had such a good time i went live for like two hours and i got to talk to you guys which was so fun and encouraged me to make more live shows in the future i mean it wasn't even like a live show really i just went live on instagram but i felt very kayla-esque and it was really fun to do that i made asparagus pasta that was really good i don't think i got any footage of me taste testing it because i tried to save my instagram live but it just didn't work sadly instagram has something against me i guess but um that was really good it was thicker than i expected but very delicious and um coincidentally caleb was also making asparagus pasta tonight so it felt very like on brand on par just all around coincidentally great so i had a good time it was fun being you kayla for a little bit and uh yeah has encouraged me to go live more often more on the asparagus pasta i'm gonna insert some pictures right here of what it should look like ours was um much gloopier but the overall result was quite good we ended up substituting the almond milk i think that's what they call for uh with just regular skim milk which i feel like texturally is very similar and instead of nutritional yeast we ended up using a fuckload of parmesan and it was quite good so i'd recommend this it's a very mild flavor profile i mean we put i think everything that it called for and like salted it and peppered it to our taste but if you're looking for something that's got like a really bold flavor profile this probably isn't it but it was good it's quite good and i'm really sad that i didn't get like footage of us taste testing it i tried i tried so hard to download that instagram live but sadly it didn't work so anyway and it was also fun having hayden included in it but i wish i had more footage from that i'm sorry i'm sorry but now we can move on to the next activity that we're gonna do i thought i was gonna have more time to read the strange case the alchemist's daughter sadly that was not the case i will be updating you guys probably in like another vlog or um in a wrap up for like my official thoughts on that now we can move on to the last activity for my last two booktubers who i adore and we're going to be watching anime so both reagan and starla are constantly watching anime on instagram or at least i see them watching it like they'll put stories and i'm always just like that could be me except i don't watch anime so i reached out to starla and i asked them like what their favorite anime is they gave me a lot of good recommendations based on like what they thought i would like they specifically recommended me fruitsbasket clonad i actually don't have to say that c-l-a-n-n-a-d and uran high school host club also yuri on ice which is one that i had already watched a couple of episodes of they were also saying rent a girlfriend is one that they want to watch so if you need some good anime recommendations there you go but um she also gave me like her top recommendation for anime wow i cannot talk today guys i am my brain is right after that live but they told me to watch demonstr and that's what mean hey don't get to watch i'm gonna update you guys a little bit as i do it unless you know my thoughts and feelings i've never actually watched anime before i tried yuri on ice a few years ago but i never got through the whole thing i think i only watched like two episodes i feel like i'm kind of a virgin in this regard so it's gonna be fun and i'm curious to see what hayden's thoughts are too so anyway i'm gonna do that and i will update you guys as i do it okay so we have watched how many episodes four episodes of demon slayer yeah dingo's trying to get comfortable on the couch after his surgery i am enjoying it i don't know if i have like any really bold or interesting things to say about it mostly because like i don't know what i would say about anime because like i haven't really watched much of it besides like a couple of episodes of yuri on ice back in the day i don't know i know you've watched more than i have right like what have you watched honestly not a whole lot i mean this one's really good this one's a lot gorier than other ones yeah i will say i wasn't expecting that although i feel like i should have just like with the name demonstrator it's weird because it's like gorier than i thought it would be but it's also not as like dark as i thought it would be at the same time i mean it's definitely dark but it's got a lot of humor that i wasn't expecting and i feel like some of the humor is maybe not intentional but like i've laughed a few times i definitely can see why starla enjoys this one it definitely like has her vibe to it i don't know if that makes sense but i can understand why they like this one whenever i think starla i think of like really good fantasy books and really really good science fiction not a lot of like romance in stories so i feel like this is a very startled choice if that makes sense i don't know just just the essence demonstrator has the essence of starla in it also i should point out uh in these clips hayden's face looks about this wide and i think that's because i'm using a wide-angle lens and he's like in the edge of the frame that's not normally what his face looks like god god i'm so tired i don't even know what to say at this point thanks for watching this vlog i feel like i should have something better to say what do you have anything good i don't think i have anything we have pasta and oreos on our face peppy's scratching we've got dingle on the couch oh my god you can't even see him but he has slumped i don't i don't know if i told you guys in this vlog but he had acl surgery honestly this is probably the only thing that he's ever wanted is for us to like let him up on the couch he normally doesn't he's not allowed to get on here because his hair gets everywhere but he's got his little scuba suit on so he doesn't like you know get at his incision site but honestly like the yeah the thing what is it called this scuba suit thing is called the shed defender so people apparently people get it just to like make sure that their pet doesn't shed as much in the house i guess it's doing it but yeah no i actually like oh now i'm getting a little bit of energy back i am enjoying it and i actually think that i would probably finish this even though i'm like horrible at watching tv shows like i think i would actually want to like know what happens i don't think we said what the show is about will you kind of explain it because i'm bad at that um it's about a kid whose uh entire family is killed by demons and his sisters turned into a demon and now he is training to become a demon hunter yeah and hopefully at some point find a way to either like save his sister or like help her help her right now she's in a coma and i think it's because she hasn't been able to like kill anyone yeah she hasn't been able to feed so they say demon i mean they're basically like vampires but like they grow if they the more humans they eat yeah i don't know it's pretty good i like the lore i think it's interesting the way that they try to like splice it into the story but i am liking the animation style too especially like the fight scenes i think are really cool and at the beginning when there was a lot of snow i liked watching the snowfall i don't know i just thought it was cool oh man if you like anime fight scenes what nothing like there's there's just a lot of animes yeah we've had fight heavy fight scenes so yeah i'm liking this um i guess maybe give us recommendations in the comments like different animes i'm not sure that like this is gonna be a new thing for me i mean not that i don't enjoy this it's just like i don't really watch tv but i'm having a good time and um i don't know maybe i'll keep you guys posted on like instagram or something on how i'm enjoying it as we continue watching but i think that is it for me i'm sorry this vlog wasn't longer and or more exciting but we have had a very long week what with um getting this boy surgery and like other stuff that's gone on this weekend oh carl we're exhausted and it's only like 10 30. so we're gonna go to sleep thanks for watching love you guys so much i have more stuff coming next weekend obviously but uh until next time ma'am it is until next sunday now okay we've changed our outro so i don't know what you are doing but i thought i would give you guys some final updates before i go i still have the strange case of alchemist daughter right here i'm planning on trying to finish this today i think um just because i don't want to just lingering since it's not really for a specific video but i will maybe post like a mini review or something on goodreads and then talk about this probably in my wrap up the lip combo i actually ended up really liking and it wore really well throughout the day i feel like it looked really cute and i think i wear this on my live show i liked it i like them better separately i think like i would probably put more of a shimmery gloss on top of this lipstick and then just use this on its own i'm wearing the gloss on its own today and i think it looks pretty cute and then the anime i quite enjoyed and i actually am thinking about it now that i'm watching this back and i think i might try to watch some more tonight with hayden which is kind of a big deal since i'm not really an anime girl or tv girl but i like that the episodes are really short and i feel like it's something that i can commit to because it really makes me focus a lot of the time i'll put on like a tv show in the background and then i'll like play a game on my phone or just be on instagram or you know what i mean like bad bad bad attention span but you can't really do that with anime because if you want to know what's going on you have to read the screen so i don't know i'll probably watch some more of that tonight and keep you guys posted on instagram for sure on that but that truly is it if you stayed this long and watched this entire video thank you god bless because this is just not executed in the way that i wanted it to be and i don't think i talk about that too much i mean i usually like will apologize if i think of videos shitty when i post it but i don't think i ever really truly talk about videos that fail or videos that don't go as planned i had really anticipated this being something that was going to be like really grand but the weather was shitty i couldn't go on a hike i was going to go on a hike like kayla does and just generally like read more and just have more to say and you know be more high energy that just didn't happen and that's okay but um will i do this again uh time will time will tell i think i might need a redo i guess we'll see but anyway thanks so much for watching i really do love you guys so so much i had such a good time going live on saturday that i think i'm going to do it again today on sunday but uh until next sunday you
Channel: chandler ainsley
Views: 24,200
Rating: 4.9302325 out of 5
Id: iRK00jnTxn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 12sec (2412 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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