cats, questions, and vampire huntin' barbie | summerween day 3 & 4

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hello welcome back to my channel i hope you all are having a good sunday i am going to do a little bit of laundry right now that's kind of all i've been doing all day it is 5 22 p.m i am gonna fold some towels while i answer the questions that you left on my last vlog and then we can get into what i've been reading because i have been reading today even if i haven't really been doing a great job at updating the first question that i got asked was how tall are you really which that's a fantastic question if you don't follow me on instagram i jokingly said that i was 411 which a lot of people seemed to believe even though it's quite obviously a joke i am five six i'm not 411 not that there's anything wrong with make 411. do you prefer some genres on audio compared to physical lately and just kind of where i'm at in my life audiobooks are kind of just my preferred medium for all genres but i would say my favorite genre to listen to on audio typically is thrillers i just feel like they're nice and eerie when i get to listen to someone kind of tell me the story it's kind of like a ghost story you know i also like romance quite a bit on audiobook especially you know a good traditionally published romance i would say the only genre that i'm more reluctant to pick up on audio would be fantasy because i like to see the names that you know fantasy authors come up with on paper for me it's just easier to imagine things whenever i am reading physically for fantasy but other than that i mean i'll listen to pretty much anything on audio and i do sometimes listen to fantasy on audio it's just there's some reluctance there and i think that might be part of the reason i don't pick up as much fantasy as i'd like because if i start a fantasy audio book and it's just like i'm not able to comprehend it i'm probably not gonna pick up the physical copy i'm just gonna move on to a different audiobook so that was a long answer but thrillers are my favorite genre to listen to on audio someone asked what my dream travel destination is and honestly i cannot think of one off the top of my head i feel like i'm at this place in my life where i would love to travel but it's just not the right time uh we have pets to worry about and while you can obviously like board your dog for a little while it's just not something that we like to do for long periods of time so at this like stage of my life travel is not something that i'm really doing a whole lot of so i haven't given a lot of thought to like what destination i would ideally like to to visit i feel like i do get a lot of um detox though for the swiss locales just like beautiful places in switzerland so like maybe switzerland but yeah i don't think i have like a dream travel destination ideally i would like to travel all over but at this point in my life that's just not something that i'm like dying to do which i feel like is kind of a ghost to say but honestly my everyday life is something that i'm excited about i like where i currently live so i don't have this like desire to travel i'm an old lady okay someone said do you have a dog which i thought was funny since i did actually talk about having a dog in my last video but yes i do have a dog he is not often in videos because he is often with hayden if you didn't know nugget is my older larger cat and i got him in college when hayden and i did not live together and hayden got dingo our dog or i guess his dog technically when we didn't live together so we really consider like dingo his pet nugget mine i mean we take care of them as if they were communal but he's often with hayden because hayden's who he's most comfortable with he loves hayden yes i have a dog that was a long way of saying i have a dog have you picked a wedding cake yet and if so what flavor we have not picked a wedding cake flavor i think hayden is petitioning hard for carrot cake because he's a big carrot cake fan i don't really have a preference i don't love cake if i had my way i would do something like cookies or like ice cream cause i'm not a big cake gal but i'm sure we'll we'll get to that once we do i think it's honestly like one of the next things on the wedding agenda i don't really have much to tell y'all in the way of wedding planning last weekend my bridal party came to town and we tried on dresses i say we they tried on dresses so i've kind of gotten that figured out and i will say the color scheme that i'm going with is not at all what i thought i was gonna go with so that kind of took me by surprise and i think i'm gonna keep that a secret until like the day of but yeah i was i'm super happy with that that was fun and i'm glad i got to see my gals but that's kind of all i've done in the way of wedding planning lately got a lot of stuff done very early on and now i'm just kind of chilling which is nice but like cake and like kind of the accessory items are going to be the things i do next so if i have anything fun to show y'all i will and i will let you know what cake flavor we pick once we get to that and then someone asked lastly which is perfect because i'm on my last towel to fold if i have any indigenous book recommendations and i do have one that is perfectly fitting for this particular readathon the only good indians by stephen graham jones i read that last year for a readathon and i loved it i gave it five stars it's a horror novel it is spooky it deals with a lot of different things colonization intergenerational trauma but it's also kind of just a traditional horror novel with those elements included so you're just you're scared you're spooked the entire time it is very gory and if harm coming to animals stresses you out i maybe you wouldn't recommend this book but if you're looking for like just a good creepy spooky gory horror novel i think this is a great one those are all of the questions that i'm gonna answer i'm gonna briefly tell y'all what i have been reading over the past day so i did get farther into sharp objects by gillian flynn and wow it's giving me big true detective vibes if you have watched that show which i actually do recommend at least the first season it was pretty good it's just so gritty and descriptive and you really feel like you're in this small missouri town that our heroine has to go back to so i think i told you all in the last vlog that our heroine she's actually a reporter and she is living and working in chicago but she is tasked with going back to her hometown to cover the disappearance and murder of two young girls who have had their teeth completely ripped out when their bodies are found another murder happens when she is in town and we are faced not only with these murders but with our heroine having to live with her mother who she has a strained relationship with living with her half-sister who is kind of a brat but also seems kind of creepy and also dealing with some of the psychological issues that our heroine has so major triggers for self-harm i feel like you could maybe see that from the cover of this book but definitely major triggers for that but wow this book is a lot i don't know where it's going i don't we haven't gotten many hints as to who the culprit might be for these murders but so far i'm definitely intrigued i'm like i don't know if i said 30 in but it's pretty good so far and then i'm also about 30 into the death of mrs westaway this one i feel like i have more mixed feelings about it is an entertaining novel but it's also very slow moving and i feel like 100 or 200 pages could have been cut out of this perhaps we had a lot of introduction into our heroine who is tarot card reader her mother has passed away and she's just kind of trying to make ends meet she's in debt to someone until one day she gets a letter that she has a grandmother who's passed away and that she should come and hear the reading of the will and she's like this is not my grandmother but like okay because she's thinking maybe i can pretend to be the granddaughter and maybe i can actually get some money out of this so that is what she does she ends up going to this ancestral home where grandmother westaway lives she is just trying to figure out why she was asked to come because she's like there's no way that we're related given the timelines given how everything works out like there's no way that we're related so it's interesting to see how things are unfolding and also i think the family dynamics are going to come into play because she has i think three uncles like if she were actually related to mrs westway she has three uncles who are kind of upset that she is there and i'm gonna put a spoiler warning right here so i can tell you what's happened but they're upset that she has been bequeathed this entire estate all of the grandsons and i think uncles were given ten thousand dollars each and she has been given this estate which is probably worth more than ten thousand dollars so they're upset at this and i'm curious to see how that's gonna work out if she's gonna have to like duke it out among these people she can have to prove her identity that's where i'm at thanks for asking me questions i'm glad i got to answer some of them just to kind of spice up the vlog a little bit my plans for tonight are just to finish these two books i have about 70 of both to read but i think i have enough time to complete both which would be awesome and i'm hoping to grab some dinner and honestly just take it really easy both of the boys are um sleeping on my bed right here i don't know if it's gonna focus and are clearly super comfortable so i just i'm probably gonna grab some food eat some food come back and just hang out with the boys maybe do a little time lapse of me playing with them they've been super needy lately and i think it's because i haven't had as much of an opportunity to play with them during the day so maybe i'll get to do that tonight with them and show you that as well but i hope y'all are having a fantastic sunday it's raining as here but it's it's otherwise been quite nice so i'll update you all when i get back from dinner and um then we can get reading [Music] happy monday i really thought i'd get to update y'all yesterday but fireworks happened so i can however update you this morning i think i'm just gonna make this a day three day four vlog instead of just like a one day vlog i think that'll be that'll be nicer because i have some other plans that i'll tell you about in a second but first let me tell y'all about the book that i finished which is the death of mrs westaway this one really kept me intrigued the entire time and i think that's why i focused on finishing this one last night i think i'm gonna read it like three stars i will say i did see the ending coming pretty early on in the book but it was still an intriguing read and i do feel like it was a fairly satisfying conclusion this one didn't piss me off like the turn of the key did i liked that book it's funny i think i gave that book like four stars when i initially read it and then it's one of those books that in hindsight just like didn't really 100 work for me and i think this book maybe having some time away from it i'll have the opposite reaction like i might enjoy it more in hindsight i don't want to like spoil this one more than i already have but it was just like a mistaken identity situation and i don't feel like there were enough twists throughout the story for it to be truly amazing but again i think the writing style made it at least a fun read for the most part so not upset about it glad that i read it wish it were a little shorter but other than that an enjoyable read and i am 75 into sharp objects by gillian flynn this one i think the writing is slightly better i like that it's definitely a more abbreviated book in comparison to the death of mrs westaway i mean they're completely different stories but i do think that there's enough similarities in terms of like the grit with which they're written i mean they're definitely like spooky atmospheric reads is sharp objects oh god i don't even know what to say about it right so our heroine camille that's her name i actually remember the name of a character this time amazing camille is really grappling with living with her mom and her half-sister and seeing the relationship unfold between the half-sister and camille is very interesting i think i know where the story is going i also kind of unfortunately got spoiled for this book and the spoilers do match up with kind of where i think the story is going and i don't know that i like it i don't know that i'm going to like the ending of this book unless there's like a twist that i don't see coming it's like the writing's good but at the 75 mark not a lot has happened we're getting people dying or i guess young girls dying we're getting their teeth ripped out but that's about it we just have this woman trying to report on this story i like a lot of moving parts of my thrillers which i know is kind of a lot to ask for to have like constant twists going on but i need more than just oh this is atmospheric you know i want something more so that's where i'm at i'm going to tell you though today is going to be an interesting day i got a book off of hold for my library much sooner than i thought i was going to which means i need to start this video that i am so excited to start today i don't want to not do summerween i'm going to continue to do the vlogs for it but i'm going to combine three and four and then five and six together and um they're not gonna be like all day vlogs which i mean they haven't been up until this point anyway right because i start filming usually at like five or six but i just thought i'd keep you abreast of the situation but today i have to start the midnight library that's not the book i got off of hold but that's the first book that i have to read for this other video that i'm doing and i'm curious to see how that one is i know that it's apparently pretty depressing and i feel like all the stuff i've been reading today has been heavy so we'll see oh i might start in on something that i found on libby though i was like okay i want something summer-ish summer wean-ish halloween-ish but not necessarily a thriller and i found this book called rest in pieces barbie the vampire hunter book one sounds fantastic the reviews are pretty good for it i think it's just like a paranormal new adult romance story so maybe i will start that today after i finish um sharp objects but i don't know i'm just i'm not in the mood for anything like super super dark i just feel like i've been reading dark thing after dark thing and i think that will be a good palette cleanser because i still want to read some other thrillers i have the broken girls which i want to read at some point over the next few days i've been putting it off but like i want to read that one too and i need to finish the diviners so let's read something fun and kind of zesty for the rest of today but that's where i'm at i loved it y'all kind of as my day goes on but that's where we're at so i'm not saying that i take back everything that i've said previously about this book but holy uh it was pretty it was pretty good i think that miss gillian flynn has an impeccable way with taking a twist you kind of see coming and saying hey that's not even half of it truly phenomenal and i don't know why i expected anything less from her maybe it's because this book was a debut but i was like ah i don't know if it's gonna be gone girl i didn't love dark places like no it was phenomenal so honestly 10 out of 10 would recommend when comparing this one to that ruth aware book the death of mrs westaway i feel like this one did something that i so appreciate in thrillers and i feel like this is what separates an okay thriller from a really really good one and that is making the whodunit obviously interesting and unexpected but making the reason for the person to have done the thing make it really strong feel like in the death of mrs westaway i didn't necessarily know exactly who the culprit was going to be but i knew that the reason behind what they did wasn't going to be very convincing and at the end of the story i was really just like i guess if we're just going to say that men are shitty and don't want to take responsibility and that's going to be the only reason that we have behind this i don't know it just seemed a little weak i didn't really love the reason behind the whodunit in that one sharp objects the psychological reasons between why the person did it um perfect phenomenal groundbreaking i loved every second of it and i'm not going to spoil it i feel like if this is a thriller that you've had on your back list i feel like you should pick it up because it was gritty it was gruesome there were so many scenes where i was just like oh this is gross uh and then the ending came and i was like goddamn yes loved that but i do think now i am ready to carry on with something lighthearted maybe hopefully fingers crossed i have been reading the midnight library for a couple of hours now and it's been fine but like it's not what i would consider an upbeat book i am very excited though like i said earlier about this video that i'm working on i think it's going to be like really fun i need something uplifting so let's read barbie silly's vampires or whatever this book is called i'm going to keep you all posted i don't think i'm going to finish this tonight just because i want to get this edited and uploaded in a timely fashion but i will definitely give you at least one update on this paranormal romance goodness i'm choosing to ignore the interrogation lighting and i'm hoping you're willing to do that too also my laptop's making a weird noise anyway i have gotten 20 into miss barbie the vampire slayer oh sorry vampire hunter rest in pieces by lucinda dark honestly it's a good time i wasn't expecting much from this because of the cover which i feel like is pretty unfair since i think not i think i do know that covers are indicative of trends in general especially genre specific trends and it seems to me that a lot of these like reverse harem polyamorous vampire hunter e academia type stories that are very popular on k.u tend to have the same covers okay so i'm not going to judge this book based on its cover but i did i did kind of judge the book before i read it but the writing is really solid it's giving me like vampire academy vibes maybe uh the writing is not i don't want to say as sophisticated because i don't know that rochelle mead is sophisticated although i do love love her books anyway this is good the writing's good i think it's a fun story our heroine barbie her parents were murdered by vampires i think her brother was as well and she has been living in a group home for a few years but she is uprooted when they find like next of kin someone who's willing to take her in they're rich they seem to want to have her around and i think they have a son and now she's going to this like little preppy academy and we don't know much about the school yet or kind of the dynamic there but i'm sure it's mostly going to be this kind of like new adult i think i was saying that it was a reverse harem on goodreads story though we haven't really gotten there because she's focusing right now on kind of retelling us what happened to her family parents were trying to train her and her brother to like fight vampires but they never really materialized the vampires that is until one fateful night when they murder her entire family and now barbie has taken it upon herself to avenge her family's death but she also has to go to school and be a senior in high school so that's where we're at it's fun barbie the vampire hunter it's fun she's blonde obviously i don't know where the story's going i don't know if this is going to be quality like literature or you know amazing storytelling but i'm having a good time and that's all that really matters i think however i'm gonna go to sleep because i'm kind of tired uh it's only nine o'clock i feel like that's very much old lady energy but those fireworks kept me up last night so i will see y'all bright and early in a day or two i'm gonna do a combined vlog for days five and six so you're probably not gonna see me again until wednesday but if you have been watching all these vlogs up until this point i love you so much thank you so much for watching i know my daily vlogs are not the most exciting especially compared to all of the other lovely people that are daily vlogging for this amazing readathon but i've had fun doing it and i'm trying to kind of train myself or get accustomed to daily vlogging since i'm planning on doing a lot of that in december i love y'all so much thanks so much for watching and until wednesday [Music]
Channel: chandler ainsley
Views: 11,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6vbjpg8z_LA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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