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start my presentation by looking at a quick backdrop of the genetic bioweapons industry and i think the world first became aware of the fact that there was a such such a bioweapons industry when uh a gentleman by the name of dr leonard horowitz published a book called emerging viruses in 1996 emerging viruses aids and ebola natural or intentional that was the title of the book and in this academic treatise and he's a virologist and a vacciologist he proved that aids and ebola are manufactured uh viruses uh engineered in a laboratory his academic treaties had stood the test of time it has never been refuted and and we know that uh the way academics stand and fall is on being presented and refuted this has never been refuted and the genetic bioweapons industry is the most covert industry on planet earth but it exists i would like to go further by saying that um william cohen the former u.s secretary of state in 1997 cohen referred to the concept of an ethnic bioweapon as a possible risk in 1998 some biological weapon experts considered such a genetic weapon plausible and you know when they say that it means they've already produced it and they're stockpiling it and waiting to use it and that research was being done on how certain substances can influence human genes that was 1998. 10 years later in 2008 the us government congressional committee uh uh sat under the under under the title under the label genetics and other human modification technologies a new kind of arms raised people a new kind of arms race is happening and and somebody said and in that committee said there are attempts to manipulate human genetics in ways that would horrify us and so that was 2008. let me go a little further and go beyond william cohen and we want to introduce you to somebody called dr francis boyle very very significant gentleman i think we have a photo of dr boyle that we could put up dr francis boyle is an international law expert he's also an expert on uh genetic bioweapons and he was a gentleman who framed the anti-terrorism act it's called the bio weapons anti-terrorism act of bwata it was framed in 1989 signed into law in 1990 by president george w bush with unanimous approval from the u.s senate and the u.s congress and so uh if there is a genetic bioweapons anti-terrorism act it means obviously there must be a genetic by weapons industry and i want you to know people that on this earth 22 nations on planet earth have what we call bsl4 labs a bsl4 lab means biosafety level 4. biosafety level four is the highest level of biosafety and in these labs they make pathogens deadly pathogens uh i also want you to know that 16 nations on planet earth stockpile genetic bioweapons 60 nations stockpile they have them in the armory there's a new arms race going on and i want to give you a quote from dr francis boyle dr francis boyle the framer of the anti-terrorism act says this uh international law expert bioweapons expert sars kovitu is an offensive biological warfare agent made in a lab and engineered with gain of function properties he said that in february 2020 i have i have quoted this in my in a documentary i did it's on youtube called watchman what of the night part one where i i spelled this out very clearly and he's he has come to the conclusion and this is gonna shock you amen uh put on your seat belts this is gonna shock you he has come to the conclusion that sars ko v2 is a tripartite chimera and it is composed of one sars the original size uh but and he says sars is already weaponized and then that sars virus was enhanced by gain of function properties and step three they were all then uh genetically recombined with an hiv virus that's the virus that causes aids so a tripartite chimera if you think i am kidding i have some notes here that i could refer to and they i call them smoking gun one two and three francis boyle quoting from an article called antiviral research february 10 2020 uh written by three french scientists and one canadian scientist from montreal said the wuhan the wuhan coronavirus genetic analysis may provide a gain of function to 2019 novel coronavirus so the wuhan coronavirus genetic analysis may provide a gain of function to 2019 novel coronavirus for efficient spreading in human population compared to other beta corona viruses he says that is a smoking gun it was genetically engineered for efficient spreading in human population wow that's recorded gain of function if you don't know what gainer function means gain of function means genetically engineered to be more lethal more virulent more infectious and to mutate or adapt more readily with slight increases in immune selection pressure from the population it's also called accelerated viral evolution and uh i saw dr gill referred to that in his campaign about uh and he used the the colloquial parents just so viruses don't just so jump from animal to human uh smoking gun number two unc and that's the university of north carolina don't be surprised the university of north carolina labs at chapel hill uh brought a team together to do an experiment and part of the north carolina university team was they were joined by a gentleman from china called dr zheng li shi dr zheng li shi he was from the wuhan institute of virology and the chinese academy of sciences and in fact wuhan gave a grant to the university of north carolina so that scientists could be involved in this in this experiment they imported sars cells size viruses from fought from the fort dietrich labs and for those of you who know geopolitics and covert geopolitics very necessary for any bible prophecy teacher or any pastor in this day to know amen for dietrich before the trick labs are the us's the us's main bsl4 labs where they research stockpile and test genetic bioweapons and so so this team given a grant uh by china uh we're working on on increasing the pathogenicity of the size samples that they got from fort detrick smoking gun number three uh research at the australian animal health lab was funded by the chinese ministry of science and technology along with the the other two i mentioned the wuhan institute and the academy of sciences from china and the experimental goal was to coalesce the initial weaponized sars virus enhance it with gain of function properties and then coalesce it genetically to an hiv virus even therefore forming the tripartite chimera and so i'm listening to you where these experiments took place let me go a little further smoking down number four indian scientists did an analysis on the sars cop2virus and they said they definitely found elements of the hiv virus in the genomic sequencing so this was confirmed by a team from india and let me mention to you that uh hiv is a retrovirus retroviruses use mrna to inject their stuff into the cell and uh when the n m rna is injected into the cell there is something called retro integration that takes place and that means that the the mrna is converted back into dna and then it it coalesces with the chromosomal dna of the host uh so so retroviruses like hiv carry an enzyme called reverse transcriptase which changes mrna back into dna so it can coalesce with the the the genes in your nucleus this means that when they said it's an mrna vaccine and they said it will it will only go to the ribosomes and form proteins that's not true even if it will be reconverted today to dna and affect your human genome wow so francis boyle says this the most dangerous biological weapon ever released on the public is sars covetous wow now let me go to smoking gun away number five smoking gun five smoking gun number five fauci's emails wow [Music] fauci's emails say this uh well first of all we must know fawcey's vacillations when when he was called when recently he was called to testify to the us congressional committee and this is all on video record he said no u.s taxpayers did not fund the laboratory then he said yes u.s taxpayers did fund the the laboratory but it was a sub grant then he said we funded it but there was no gain of function research then he said we did fund it uh there was gainer function research but it was but it was a sound scientific decision then he said it would have been negligent not to fund it so he kept he kept vacillating back and forth and i said this is all on record let me go further to another one of our cheese emails this is from dr christian anderson and i'm proving to you that sars is that that stars kov2 is a genetic bioweapon dr christian anderson in an email a secret email that was unlisted when fauci's emails were exposed he said the unusual features of the virus make up a really small part of the genome so no one has to look re so one has to look really closely at the sequence to see that some features look engineered wow smoking gun number six further this is the same guy dr christian anderson writing an animator dr fauci further i should mention that after discussions with eddie bob and mike his fellow biologists we all find the genome inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory this is what dr gill was referring to the way a virus normally evolves this virus didn't look like that so they found number one the virus looked engineered and it was inc it looked inconsistent with evolutionary theory wow so beloved uh this this states very clearly that uh that sasko v2 is a genetic bioweapon and uh let's go to charles lagoon charles leiber was a is the head of biology and the head of chemical biology at harvard university he was and this guy used to train graduate chinese students yes that's him up on the screen um he's a chain trained graduate chinese students in his lab he's a microbiologist of the highest note and he has received over 15 million dollars in defense contracts from the united states government to do just that create create genetic bioweapons two of his two of his students were arrested at the logan international airport in december 2019 smuggling 21 vials of sensitive biological material to wuhan china when charles leiber himself was arrested by the fbi on january 20th 2020 for espionage with china he was their consultant and actually was a hands-on builder of the bsl4 lab in wuhan china china has won the luke's bsl4 lab it was built by charles leiber through his consultancy he was paid 150 million u.s dollars to do that and had a salary of 50 000 years a month from china amen and so it has become very clear that sasko v2 is not a kung fu virus or a chinese virus as some people say it was it was due to anglo-asian complicity even liver's involvement actually goes much deeper than i mentioned in but that's not for this paper i will skip at this point i have i have talked extensively about vaccine types and mass mass vaccination at the time of uh a pandemic but i'm just gonna hit on one thing quickly before i go to my final point yes i want you to understand that um the vaccine types that are on the market pfizer moderna astrazeneca and johnson johnson are all genetic vaccines they are mrna and viral vector vaccines that will affect your human genome they are not normal amen the normal vaccines that i got when i was a child and my children got when i was an adult women are attenuated or inactivated virus vaccines and these vaccines are new technology never before been deployed in the human population they are tools of gene therapy or frankenstein frankenstein technology as some people call it even a mystery concoction even and they are not normal therefore don't and i hear doctors on television conflating the two types of vaccines they're tours of gene therapy if sasko vito is a bio weapon then the code of the spike protein for stars will be to inject it into you you're having a bio weapon injected into you and the spike protein i won't go into the the scientific details right now but the spike protein is pathogenic and it will just it will damage you uh dr sukhov bagley says it's a thrombogen the vaccine is a thrombogenic vaccine and he warns of neural venal thrombosis and he warns of the decimation of the human population uh vaccination at the time of high at a time of high infectious pressure that means at the time uh thank you at the time when they when they there is the pandemic is at the site that that causes a few words of phenomenon known to all virologists i heard a virologist on television tv six news last night mentioned this and uh called viral immune escape and in a nutshell viral immune escape is this when you put a virus under pressure through a mass vaccination program the vac the vaccine-induced antibodies will stand up against the coven-19 virus and and fight it and so the virus is on the run once a virus gets on the run remember this virus is a it's a virus that is specially uh it has gain of function properties yes you put it under pressure it changes it shifts it changes its cloak it looks different amen it becomes a variant and and the variant cannot be stopped by the vaccine-induced antibodies vaccine and juice antibodies also shut down your innate immune system so the vaccinated have vaccine and juice antibodies that cannot stop a variant and then they also shut down your innate immune system so variants can come straight through and infect those who are vaccinated that is viral immune escape and that says that the vaccinated are defenseless against variants this is no longer a pandemic of covert 19. so ask for v2 this is a pandemic of variance amen and there is something called recombination listen to me carefully why aren't our virologists telling us this even uh recombination means that a vaccinated host can be infected by more than one variant at one time oh big deal delta variant is in trinidad you heard that it meant well uh dr peter mccullough says uh they don't have enough letters in the greek alphabet to name the variance amen in fact there are over a hundred variants already floating around all over the globe some some put it as 185. if a vaccinated host is infected uh co-infected by more than one variant the variants when they get inside they have a little party and they mix and they change dna and they camouflage and they they mix their dna recombinant dna technology takes place and it produces a super variant and if super variants are produced nothing can stop them and already they are saying that the i think the latest variant come out is it's vaccine resistant well this is just the beginning dr dr good vandenbosch warns he said if we do not immediately stop mass vaccination campaigns all around the world the world will experience an international catastrophe of mass mortality i didn't say that he did the vaccinated are a threat to us all however amen we must we we must treat the vaccinated kindly amen with with great empathy amen with prayer amen and and and with humanity and love amen thank you my brother amen so so no discrimination against the vaccinated that's right amen so yes yes amen so let me just close by saying this uh let me mention also antibody dependent enhancement which is an autoimmune situation that help that also uh surface services during mass vaccination and i'm gonna just take you back and uh uh do a kind of uh add on to some of the things that bishop gill said i'm gonna this section is called follow the money and it's gonna be quick the pharmaceutical industry benefited from a law the resurgence of a law called the dtc law direct to consumer law that was put that became very prevalent in 1997 it allowed pharmaceutical companies to to to advertise prescription drugs directly through mass media to the to their customers and consumers this changed the game because it meant that the pharmaceutical industry could pour millions and millions of dollars into the media and uh therefore they effectively own the media and control the media the pharmaceutical industries also uh control the who as dr gill mentioned in fact six cities seven percent of the funding of the world health organization comes from the pharmaceutical industries but that's not all the pharmaceutical industries also continue control the us legislature the medical research uh journals medical research journals you can't publish nothing unless they approve even the scientific journals the medical schools where doctors are trained are controlled by the pharmaceutical industry and now they have come home to us even even onto our own shores where they have co-opted control of national governments uh public health authorities medi the medical fraternity the media the business sector and i'm sorry to say the ecclesiastical leaders as well so i want you to know that uh the elected the elite and the ecclesiastics have struck hands together and they have decided they're going to vaccinate the entire world and that's what we are that's what we are suffering from amen uh so so so we we trinidad and tobago we are not following the real science this is the real science and this real science has been suppressed and censored and when we are effectively following the dictates of the pharmaceutical companies in other words we're not following we're not following the science we follow any money amen and and i am shocked to see i i see giants in the church will fall in because you know it is a it is it is a funny thing for the state to control the medical apparatus of a nation if the state dictates to the medical apparatus what to do if they just dictate to the business owners what to do if they dictate to the churches what to do are we still in a democracy are we still in a democracy have we crossed the line and this is my last submission let me close with this this is the death graph by the way um francis boyle calls bsl for labs uh uh death factories he calls that work death science thirteen thousand u.s scientists work in that field thirteen thousand here's our death graph i wanna use as my pivotal date a day that the prime minister will remember very well tuesday the sixth of april twenty twenty one that was a day in which dr keith christopher rowling was supposed to be vaccinated but he came down uh so sad with overnight a couple 19 infection but april 6 2021 is also the day that the public mass vaccination campaign in trinidad and tobago was implemented it started i want to use that as a central point if i go back to march 2020 between march 2020 and april 6 2021 145 people died in trinidad and tobago 145. yes and uh uh then using april 6 2021 again as a as a key point from april 6 2021 to august 13th that's yesterday because i only have figures up to yesterday to august 13 2021 that's four months 1022 people have died 10 22. 10 22 people have died in four months as opposed to 145 people so when the vaccine public vaccination campaign started a death spike began and in in a few months uh 1022 people died 14 of people died before the vaccine 86 percent of the people died after the vaccine and gerd vandenbosch in his model he predicts that this was what would happen and it's happening in 90 percent of the countries all over the world amen that it means that the vaccines are causing the death spike let me start again the vaccines are causing that spike the vaccinated are the spike even which is why our public health authorities cannot release the data and the statistics to show the deaths of the vaccinated one doctor tried and i haven't seen her since on your screen that graph you see you see that spike at the end of the graph at where my where i'm sitting on the right hand side of the graph it may be opposite for you a spike the bottom of that spike the bottom of that hill is april 6 april 6 2021 from that point on the spike just keeps going up that graph has never been shown on a coveted briefing what they do is they present segmented compartmentalized graphs of different facets but they never show you this this is this is the master graph this linear graph of deaths is a master graph it's still rising people since the vaccination roll out i closed by saying this amen uh noah and his family resisted the whole world amen in standing against the evil of their day come on amen daniel daniel and meshach shadrach and abednego even stood against an empire and one come on somebody esther changed the command of a king by her faith and her prayer amen so i want to encourage all you christians out there you think you're fighting a goliath amen well david defeated goliath in my bible david defeated your life amen don't worry about the size of your opponent what bother about the size of your god god is god will prevail i optimistically submit to you prophetically submit to you that this this house this international house of cards will crumble there's going to be an international scandal and all those who are aiding and abetting it will find themselves in trouble there is still time there is still time for you to change your stance god bless you
Channel: JMRJ
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Id: ulXP4n1Mi9Q
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Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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